0102 ORDINANCE NO. 102 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE CUTTING OF STREETS, ALLEYS AND SIDEWALKS IN THE TOWN OF SOUT3LAKE, TEXAS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING CONNECTIONS TO, OR TO REPAIR OR ALTER ANY WATER OR SEWER LINES OR HOUSE OR MAIN SEWER OR WATEr-? LINES OR FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT FOR ANY OF SUCH STREET CUTTING SUBJECT TO SUCH REGULATIONS AS PROVIDED HEREIN; PROVIDING SPECIFICA- TIONS FOR BACKFILLING AND RESTORATION OF STREETS, ALLEYS AND SIDEWALKS FOLLOWING THE CUTTING THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR POSTING OF BONDS FOR PURPOSE OF IN-. DEYINIFYING TOWN AGAINST DAMAGES TO TOWN GROWING OUT OF CUTTING OF SUCH STREETS, ALLEYS AND SIDEWALKS; FURTHER PROVIDING THAT ANY PERSON, PERSONS, FIRM OR CORPORATION, WHO SHALL DIG UP OR CUT ANY STREET, ALLEY OR SIDEWALK IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, WITHOUT FIRST SECURING A PERMIT THEREFOR FROM THE TOWN SECRETARY, AND W140 FAILS AND REFUSES TO BACKFILL AND RES'T'ORE SUCH STREETS, ALLEYS AND SIDEWALKS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDED HEREIN, SHALL BE DEEMED GUILTY OF A MISDEMEANOR, AND UPON CONVICTION S IAL.L BE FINED IN ANY SUM OF NOT LESS THAN $ 5.00 AND NOT MORE THAN $100.00, EACH DAY SUCH VIOLATION EXISTS SMALL CONSTITJTE A SEPARATE AND DISTINCT OFFENSE; FURTHER PROVIDING THAT IN CASE OF WILFUL VIOLATION HEREOF, SUCH VIOLATIONS OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE AS A MISDEMEANOR STALL riOT PRECLUDE THE TOWN OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, FROM INVOKING THE CIVIL REMEDIES GIVE IT BY THE LAWS OF TAE STATE OF TEXAS, BUT SHALL BE CUMULATIVE AND SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION AS HEREINABOVE PRESCRIBED FOR SUCH VIOLATION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SOUTILLAKE, TEXAS: 1. Any person, firm or corporation desiring to open any street alley, or sidewalk for the purpose of making connections to any water or sanitary sewer syst9m or for any other purpose in the Town of Southlake, Texas;, or to alter or repair any water lines or house or main or lateral sewer lines, or for any other reason shall first, make application to the Town Secretary of Southlake, or. iris authorized representative, and receive in writing a permit to open such street, alley or sidewalk for such purpose or purposes as the terms of tie neriuit s'aall specify.. 2, (a) Before said permit is granted by the Town Secretary, the party, applying therefor shall file with tine Town Secretary a surety bond in the sum of ,1000.00, with good and sufficient surety, to be approved by the Town Secretary and City Attorney, conditioned that the said Permitee will restore all streets, alleys or sidewalks opened by s=.id Permitee to the same condition that existed previous to such opening, under the specifications hereinafter provided, and will save, indemnify and keep iarmless the Town of Southlake against all liabilities, iudg~k,ents, costs and expenses which =iay, in any way accrue against the Town in conseouence of the granting of said -permit. (b) If such Permitee does not desire to file such bond with the Town, such applicL.t=i.on anade for the cuttinE; of a street sr'Ia1 be accoT,ipani ed by a. deposit in cash -rlla.de to the Town Secretary in a sum as -fiay be recuired by the City Engineer, based upon an estimate of tine reasonasole cost of the backfilling and restor tion of the street, alley or sidewalk opened, as a guarantee twat the holder of said permit will restore tcae said street, alley or sidewalk to tae same condition that existed previous to its o )enin,- and under the s-oecificr tions aerein _orovided, 3. Upon the ex+~iration time naaed in the pers;it or sooner if the use of the streets, alleys, avenues or p-tblic grounds as provided t aerein is no longer necessary, the said Permitee s gall clear said street, alley or sidewalk, of all obstr°uctio_as. Specifications for restoring streets, alleys or sidewalks are as follows: (a) DIRT STREET OR ALLEY: Ditch shall be ,,,ell tamped in 6" layers and in case of settlement, party holding; said ;permit agrees to maintain said ditch for a reasonable length of time. (b) GRAVEL STREETS OR ALLEYS: Ditch s fall be .jell tamped in 61, layers to a point 911 below tine surface of the street, after which one (1) foot of good road gravel will be ta.~i-aed in until level with the surface of the existing street. Party ~ - 'Olding said permit agrees to maintain said cut for a reasonable .l engtji of time. (c) ASP-IALT TREATED GRAVEL STREETS: Ditch shall be taken care of as in the above paragraph and is addition the out sEaall be finished by _tandpourin- approximately ,6 of a gallon of 90-100 penetration asphalt following with a coverin; of what is ordinarily terms coat or torpedo gravel. -2- (d) PAVED STREETS: Ditch shall be flooded and filled with a good quality of backfill gravel and tamped down to a point 6" below the top of the existing concrete base and then filled with 6" of 1:6 mixture of concrete„ After four (4) days time, a surface shall be applied corresponding to the existing surface on the street„ (e) NO street, road, or thoroughfare in the Town that has been modified to conform to semi-permanent design, shall be cut or opened by Permitee, but that said Permitee shall be required to drill, core, or jack through the sub-grade at a depth to be determined by the City Engineer,, However, if such procedure is deemed impractical by reason of rock, utilities, underground construction or terraine and a cut or opening is made, all back- fill materials shall be of selected mineral aggregate and convent in proportions of 27 to 1 properly compacted and covered with a three (3) inch concrete slab sub--grade„ (f) SIDEWALKS, GUTTERS AND DRIVEWAYS: Ditch shall be flooded and filled with a good quality of backfill gravel after which a concrete surface shall be applied that meets with specifications for concrete sidewalks, gutters and driveways, as required by the Town, (g) INSPECTION: Any and all of the above work shall be done under t:ae direction of, and satisfactory to, the City Engineer, The holder of a permit shall notify the City Engineer twenty--four (24) hours prior to the time the backfill will be made and a City Inspector shall be present at the time the work is done, but this will in no way relieve the permit ianlder f roi is responsibility for maintenance due to failure of the repaired out. (h) IF such opening or excavation is not refilled and restored as herein provided andapproved by the City Engineer or his authorized representative, it stall be the duty of the City Engineer to notify such Permitee in writing to refill and restore same and provided also, that if said Permitee shall fail to refill and restore the same within three (3) days after issuance of such notice, the City Engineer shall immediately proceed to have said opening or excavation refilled and restore said street, alley or sidewalk to its vrevious condition at the cost of such Permitee and to pay for the same either out of the aforementioned cas'`l deposit, or demand payment of the cost of such restoration from said Permitee and his surety in cases where such Permite a has filed a surety bond as herein provided; further provided that in cases where a cash deposit was made, whatever amount of said deposit may remain after the -payment of said. cost of recto ,ati.on is made, shall be refunded to the said Permitee; provided that if said Permitee shall refill and restore said street or alley to its previous condition and same is approved by the City Engineers the aforemen- tioned cash deposit shall be returned to Permitee upon authorization by the said City Engineer; provided further t'fl:~t in the event any Permitee shall fail to refill and restore aiy street, alley or sidewalk, that no further permit shall be issued the said Permitee by the Town Secretary until said excavation st-1a.11 ~.ave been refilled. - 3- and restored and the cost of same aas been fully paid. 4. SAFETY OF THE PUBLIC : (a) The permit holder s hal 1 not cut or open more than one-half (1/2) of the roadway at a time in order to, maintain the flow of traffic at all times„ However, in an emergency, or with the permission of the City Engineer, the total width of roadway may be cut or opened nrovi.ded barricades are placed at the first intersection each way fro~ii the cut and suitable detour signs erected„ (b) If a out or opening is left after 6:00 P. K'. a barricade must be placed on both sides of the cut and a suitable flare or flares shall be placed in front of each barricade. Said barricades and flares to be furnished by the permit holder„ (c) It is understood that the permit Liolder shall be responsible for the safety of t o public and sina.ll be held fully liable for accidents and for damages that might be caused by said cut until same has been approved and accepted by the City Engineer, or his authorized representativq. 5• (a) Any person, persons, firm or corporation who shall dig u_> o- cut any street, alley or sidewalks in the Town of Southlake, Texas, without first having; secured a -Dermit as provided cierein, and ?rho fails and refuses to comply with the specifications in back- filling and restoration of such streets, alleys and sidewalks, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and be subject to a fine in a sum of not less faun $ 5.00 nor more tuan $ 100#00. Each day that such violation continues to exist shall be a separate and distinct offense. (b) But in case of any wilful violation of any of the terms and provisions of this ordinance, the Towz of Southlake, Texas, in addition to imposing tue penalties above provided may institute any appropriate action or proceedings in any court raving -Droper jurisdiction, to restrain, correct, or abate such violation; and the definition of any violation of the terms of this ordinance as a. misdemeanor shall not preclude the Town of Southlake from invoking the civil remedies given it by the laws of t'-e State of Texas, but shall be cumulative and subject to prosecutions as lereinabove prescribed for such violations. Z 4/ • • 'AaVasucas KAOI IOA ;. 4£5'6T in *Y .T Tsdy Jo A P 1 r sT44 multodp •PepTAosd M*t dq se uoT4eoTTgnd pee uoT4dope s4T so e4ep eii4 se4, B pupa Wo.as 4oesso pue eeso; VMS uT eq PUO ieAT4oe;;e emooeq Ttims eoulauTPso sins •6 •eou uTpao sTg4 so eOusssd el4 so emT4 arm 4e T"enoT4n4T4subouti ase ► s440d 'gone 4eg4 mom! peg q.T 3T tttuoT4n4449 ,fAileoun '4oTt * s4aed esog4 pessmd eAeq pTnoz 4T 4eg4 sesetoep £♦ems t' neo eftox eg,y •s4sav4 SuTuTumea eq4 so uOT4elledo e144 o4 eTc sUeds pu pule mOz; etgeaedesuT sT pToA so rittleT4n4T4suoouis PT�t 4aed 6114 sseTun epuuuTpso sTgq. so s;.zed 9uTuTismaa eq4 so Stene so A4TPTTeA ego 4uej. . um ou uT TTegs uoTsToop 4one tuol4oTpsTan' 4ue4edwoo so 4snoo a dq PToA pue teuoT4n4T4suooun e4 'f 'eT. eQ eo *ctp,ato sTg4 jo 4Xed .=o suoTSTAosd s etoT4.xe 'uo-t4oes ,late QrinonS •8 •Persede.x £ge.;eq Else de114 pue aq ttegs suoTsTAoad esog4 seouu4suT sp eouu4suT go tui uT •eousuTpao sTg4 ,so s.QQTs ►ead esogq. g4TA g.oTTJuoo uT ao 4Ue40TsuoouT e4e seou♦euTp.zo aoeoeuuTpam. guns ,so suo*sTAo.zd eq4 se ssjosuT a..deoxe seallyisTwo .xo 804110)0 p40 Roils due 4oe43e so TO.daa og. e4esedo 4011 TTegs Pus s4e4s s4T up oTssia4 ItuT4o.ssis exeT144nos so asap/ eq4 so seou•eulpso asug4.0 Tto so eATq.Btmnno eq 4;i4 pesetoep Aquae?+q sT pue eq TTegs eoueuTpzo SOW az •e 0uez#Tp. O sT144 3o SUOTSTAosd eq4 JO ITV 41001OJue oq. S4T.xog4nu pue sett d TTnJ 44' M 4140'010$ S4To s4T s9R u*oy .Qq4 eA..xes 04 P044Tudde S sT eeexey 'd4unoo 4uesseI, so JakouTfts Ss unoo ezi4 AsSikuT IC4To se uosxed poTJTtenb a 9UTe4e.1 u,O,I, ego se eWT4 trans .9 • ® OF • S TA TE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT I hereby certify that the above notice was published in The Grapevine Sun, a newspaper published in Grapevine, Tarrant County, Texas, in the issue of April 25, 1957. ,.,:~-F or of The rapeei un Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of May 1957. otary blic, rrant Co., Texas