ZA22-0054-SP PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE ZA22-0054 • Site Plan for Capital Grille on property described as Lot 1R, Greenway-Carroll Addition, City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and located at 1201 E. State Highway 114, Suite 100/110, Southlake, Texas. SPIN Neighborhood #8. • Current Zoning: “C-3” General Commercial District. • The purpose of this request is to seek site plan approval of exterior modifications for a 9,447 sq. ft. restaurant within an existing building in the development on 7.25 acres. Dear Property Owner, Your property has been identified as being within 300 feet of the above referenced Site Plan application. If you wish to register your opposition or support to this case, you may complete the attached Notification Response Form and either mail to the Planning & Development Services Department (address listed at the top of notice), email a copy to the project case planner (e -mail listed at the bottom of the notice) or fax a copy to the department (fax number listed at the top of the notice). You are encouraged to follow the requested action through final approval because changes are often made during the review process. Please contact the Planning Department at (817)748-8621 if you have any questions. Thank you. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 1400 Main St.; Suite 310 Southlake, TX 76092 Phone: (817)748-8621 Fax: (817)748-8077 www.cityofsouthlake.com Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, November 17, 2022 6:30 PM Town Hall Council Chambers 1400 Main Street Southlake, Texas Notification Response Form ZA22-0054: Site Plan for Capital Grille on Lot 1R, Greenway-Carroll Addition Meeting Date: June 9, 2022 at 6:30 PM Fill out: Owner: _____________________________ Address: ____________________________ City, State, Zip Code: __________________ PLEASE PROVIDE COMPLETED FORMS VIA MAIL, FAX OR HAND DELIVERY BEFORE THE START OF THE SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARING. Being the owner(s) of the property so noted above, are hereby in favor of opposed to undecided about (circle or underline one) the proposed Site Plan referenced above. Space for comments regarding your position: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________ Date: ______ Additional Signature: _______________________________ Date: ______ Printed Name(s): _____________________________________________ Must be property owner(s). Otherwise contact the Planning Department. One form per property. Phone Number (optional): ______________________________________ Direct questions and mail responses to: City of Southlake Planning & Development Services Notification Response 1400 Main St; Ste 310 Southlake, TX 76092 Phone: (817) 748-8621 Fax: (817) 748-8077 CARROLL AVE CARROLL AVE S H 1 1 4 F R STATE STSOUTH BEND TRLSOUTHCREST CT CARROL L A V E RESERVE STGRACE LNS H 1 1 4 F R GRACE LNLAKE WOOD DR DIVISION STCARROLL AVECARROLL AVESH 1 1 4 R A M P S H 1 1 4 F R W Y S H 1 1 4 F R W Y 660 680 575 700 640 605 750 756 1101 970 1050 975 1200 600 620 1000 675 625 1025 1025 754 970 600 1025 1050 1281 1221 1221 1221 1241 124112411241 1241 12011201 12011201 1201 550 685 1101 1101 1101 11011101 1101 1101 1221 601 620 620 640 640 660 660660 680 680 700700 700 600600 600 1201 1221 1241 550 550 550 1101 1101 752 620 1101 740 1101 756 671 697 1348 3 7 9 12 6 4 13 10 8 1 2 11 5 1000 SPO Map ZA22-0054 ® 0 280 560140 Feet 1201 E SH 114 Legend Address Points City Parcels Right Of Way City Limit Case Parcel(s) 200 Foot Buffer 300 Foot Buffer Parcels Within Buffer Capital Grille, Southlake, TX | Site Plan Submittal | October 3rd, 2022 5 GROUND FLOOR 100' -0" T/ PARAPET -MID 125' -0" T/ PARAPET -LOW 121' -0" T/ TOWER ROOF 138' -0" 16' - 2"42' - 4"14' - 4" FAB-1 ST-2 ST-1 RT-1 RT-1ST-2ST-1 M-2WF-1 GL-1WF-1ST-2 ST-2 M-2 ST-1FC-1M-2 ST-2ST-3 ST-2 WF-1 GL-2 (@ COPING) PROPOSED SIGNAGE 40 SF (@ CANOPY) (@ WALL CAP)(@ CANOPY) EXISTING LIGHT FIXTURES TO REMAIN, TYP. M-1 GROUND FLOOR 100' -0" T/ PARAPET -MID 125' -0" T/ PARAPET -HIGH 129' -0" T/ PARAPET -LOW 121' -0" T/ TOWER ROOF 138' -0" T/ NEW PARAPET 133' -9" 48' - 5 1/2"25' - 7 1/2"24' - 5 1/2"31' - 9 1/2" M-1 STC-1 STC-1W-1 RT-1 GL-2 ST-1 M-2 ST-3ST-2ST-2ST-2 M-2ST-1FC-1 ST-2ST-4ST-3 M-1M-1 M-2FC-1ST-1 WF-1 M-2 ST-2WF-1 ST-2M-2WF-1M-2 M-2 ST-1 STC-1 PROPOSED SIGNAGE 16SF PROPOSED SIGNAGE 123 SF EXISTING LIGHT FIXTURES TO REMAIN, TYP.(@ CANOPY) (@ CANOPY) (@ COPING) (@ COPING)(JALOUSIE) GL-1 (@ CANOPY)(@ CANOPY)(@ CANOPY) (@ COPING) (@ COPING) (@ W ALL CAP) 1/8" = 1'-0"2 NORTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"1 EAST ELEVATION 90% Masonry & Glass 96% Masonry & Glass Capital Grille, Southlake, TX | Site Plan Submittal | October 3rd, 2022 6FinishesST-1 ST-2 ST-3 ST-4 M-1 M-2 FC-1 RT-1 WF-1 GL-1 GL-2 SC-1 PT-1 FAB-1 EXISTING THIN SET STONE VENEER EXISTING LEDGE CUT STONE VENEER STONE WALL CAP (MATCH EXISTING) CERAMIC TILE WAINSCOT METAL COMPOSITE EXISTING METAL COPING & CANOPY EXISTING FIBER CEMENT SIDING EXISTING CONCRETE ROOF TILE WINDOW FILM STOREFRONT GLAZING EXISTING SPANDREL STUCCO (MATCH PT-1) PAINT SW 7006 EXTRA WHITE FABRIC AWNING GL-3 LAMINATED GLASS LOUVERS GROUND FLOOR 100' -0" T/ PARAPET -MID 125' -0" T/ PARAPET -HIGH 129' -0" T/ PARAPET -LOW 121' -0" T/ TOWER ROOF 138' -0" 14' - 4"46' - 0"26' - 0"47' - 11 1/2" GL-2 M-1 RT-1 ST-1 ST-2 WF-1 ST-2 GL-1 GL-2 GL-2 M-2 ST-1 FAB-1FAB-1FAB-1 M-2 STC-1 M-2WF-1STC-1 M-2 WF-1 ST-2 M-2 WF-1 STC-1STC-1STC-1 STC-1STC-1STC-1 M-2ST-1 PROPOSED SIGNAGE 67 SF EXISTING LIGHT FIXTURE TO REMAIN, TYP. (@ COPING) (@ COPING) (@ COPING) (@ AW NING)(@ AWNING)(@ AWNING)(@ AWNING)(@ CANOPY)(@ CANOPY) MS-1 FAB-1 (@ AW NING) 1/8" = 1'-0"1 WEST ELEVATION 87% Masonry & Glass Total Building = 92% Masonry & Glass MS-1 METAL SCREEN COVRIT PLANKWALL 7 1/2"6"1 1/2" PROVIDE DRAINAGE HOLES AT BOTTOM CAST IRON HANDRAIL MOLDING, PAINTED BLACK 1 1/2" SQ. ALUMINUM TUBE, PAINTED BLACK ALUMINUM PLATE, PAINTED BLACK 6"3' - 0"1 1/2"PLANTER BOX PLANTER BOX 1 1/2" SQ. ALUMINUM TUBE, PAINTED BLACK, TYP. 1" SQ. ALUMINUM TUBE, PAINTED BLACK, TYP. ALUMINUM PLATE, PAINTED BLACK, TYP. 3/4" = 1'-0"1 MOVEABLE RAILING DETAILS2