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Item 9A - DemonstrationSOUTHL KE PLA,"NkNG & DEVELOPMENT 5EuDE5 SIGN VARIANCE APPLICATION Demonstration Please demonstrate that the follow in conditions are applicable to the requested sign variance: That a literal enforcement of the sign regulation will create an unnecessary hardship of practical difficulty on the applicant_ Original sign arpproiml was provided by the City of Soutblnke on the attached Exhibit A_ We are now seeking the Oity's approval to increase the height of the lower sigaage types D, E, & F from T-O" to T-6" so that these match the sixes approved for Oranie Soutjxlake Phase 1 Office. This change %vould allow for co sistency in the treatment of the signage at both Office 1 and 2 buildings. That the situation causing the unnecessary hardship or practical difficulty is unique to the affected property and is not self imposed_ a. That the varian ce will not injure and will be wholly com patible with the u se and perm fitted development of adjacent properties. That the variance will be in harm ony with the spirit and purpose of the sign ordinance. 1444 -i= Street, Su to 314, SumWake, TX 7@M Phone: (817) 748-8215 Fact: (817) 743 77 Revised- Lime 2022