1996-06-27STANDING COMMITTEE MEETING June 27,1996 MINUTES Standing Committee Members Present: Cara White, Chair; Laura Miklosko, Vice Chair; Joe Mast, Secretary; Martin Schelling, Doug Fierce, David Baltimore, Jim Goggin, Karen Cienki, June Haney, Roger Hutton, John & Linda Wilder Staff Present: Shana K. Yelverton, Assistant City Manager; Billy Campbell, Director of Public Safety, Carrie Fullington, Community Services Officer Cara White called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2. Approval of 5/16/96 SPIN Standing Committee Meeting Minutes - Upon motion by David Baltimore, second by Joe Mast, the minutes were approved with the following corrections: owPage four, noting that the feedback Karen Cienki had received was actually her own observation, and not feedback from other sources, urPage four, Jan Francis' comments need to be grammatically correct, ow Page two, "she" under election process needs to be changed to "staff' and the last sentence needs to say "elections need," owPage five, "host a meeting" instead of "the meeting," and the following sentence is repetitious. Agenda Item No. 3, Administrative Comments - Cara White noted that there were several items to be discussed under this section of the agenda: ✓Council Appointments/Reappointments - The City Council made reappointments for expired terms and appointed representatives to serve in vacated positions. There are several new representatives, including Janet Murphy (#4), Darrell Faglie (0), Roger Hutton (# 11), and John & Linda Wilder (#16). Cara White welcomed the new members and noted that with these appointments, SPIN only has one vacancy due to Betty Springer's decision not to seek reappointment. This position should be filled soon. VVQcoming Development Cases - Staff provided a copy of the upcoming development case matrix. As a reminder, the schedules are subject to change depending on P&Z and City �w SPIN Standing Committee Meeting June 27,1996 Council action. Nonetheless, these should provide Standing Committee members with advance "warning" of what is coming down the pike. ✓P&Z Schedule - Cara White reminded the Standing Committee that the next Planning & Zoning Commission meeting would not be held until July 18, due to the Independence Day holiday. ✓Calendar - Cara White noted that staff had provided a copy of the July calendar in the meeting packet. ✓SPIN Report - Cara White thanked David Baltimore who had made the SPIN report during the last City Council meeting. The next report will be made by Laura Miklosko. ✓Met=ort 114 Presentation to Texas Transportation Commission - Cara White reported that all of those who rode the buses or otherwise traveled to Austin for the Commission meeting on June 18 agreed that it was a very positive experience and that the Commission appeared to be interested in the project. The City hopes to hear the outcome soon. ✓SPIN Welcome Packets - SPIN Welcome packets are being distributed to new residents as of May. The Standing Committee meeting packets contained a list, with SPIN neighborhood designations included, of the new residents. Shana Yelverton brought SPIN note cards to the meeting, and stated she would be happy to distribute the blank cards to any SPIN representative interested in writing a few personal notes to be placed in future packets. ✓ Upcoming Meetings - David Baltimore noted that July 8 would be the next City Hall Facility Planning Subcommittee meeting, with the Finance Committee meeting on July 10. This is an important project, and SPIN representatives are encouraged to get involved. ✓Citizen Participation Cards at City Council Meetings - David Baltimore raised this issue, noting that it had been discussed at the City Council Retreat. He explained that the card is intended to assist the Council in having more efficient meetings without excluding citizen participation. This would allow residents to be involved, but Council could maintain a schedule for the meetings. He also noted that there will be changes to the times the Council will be holding Executive Sessions -- essentially, the Council will begin the Executive Session earlier and plans to begin the Council meeting promptly at 7:00 p.m. They do not intend to delay the beginning of the meeting due to Executive Sessions. Laura Miklosko noted that the Council also discussed the need to establish a Library Committee to study the feasibility of a joint facility and the needs and wants of the community. Sandy LeGrand is seeking applicants. 2 SPIN Standing Committee Meeting June 27,1996 Doug Fierce asked if the Council discussed limiting their own discussion, particularly on planning and zoning issues. David Baltimore noted that it had been discussed briefly and that he was not sure there was any consensus. They did show sensitivity to the issue of late meetings, and they will be considering many alternatives. The card was just one method of dealing with the issue. Agenda Item No. 4. Public Safety Update/Community Services Officer - Cara White introduced Chief Billy Campbell and Carrie Fullington, the new Community Services Officer. The CSO position was funded through a grant, and Ms. Fullington was selected by a hiring board which included Laura Miklosko as a SPIN representative to the process. Chief Campbell and Ms. Fullington were at the Standing Committee meeting to familiarize SPIN representatives with the role of the CSO and to answer questions about the position as it relates to the SPIN program. Chief Campbell thanked the SPIN Standing Committee for inviting him to the meeting. He began by noting that Ms. Fullington's position is a police officer position. Ms. Fullington came to Southlake from the City of Dallas. Ms. Fullington's position is unique because it will work very closely with the community. He noted that she will be attempting to meet with each SPIN representative individually to discuss specifics. Carrie Fullington stated that she has never experienced such strong citizen participation. Her purpose is to take citizen needs and interests to the City. She will "round table" with SPIN representatives to discuss specific issues that are of concern to the neighborhood. She cited the example of the speed trailer, which can be used as a method of working on speeding issues. She stated that she will also be a victim advocate, working with them from the very beginning and pulling in resources when necessary. She will also be working on crime prevention issues, and will be putting together some safety information to ensure that ongoing education occurs. She stated that she hopes the SPIN representatives will fully utilize her and her position. Agenda Item No. 5. Election of Officers - Following the newly adopted election procedures, the Standing Committee elected the following officers: Chair: David Baltimore Vice Chair: Laura Miklosko Secretary: Joe Mast NOTE: The Standing Committee continued working through agenda items as ballots were tabulated. 3 SPIN Standing Committee Meeting June 27,1996 Agenda Item No. 6. SPIN Representative Vacancy Challenges - Cara White introduced the issue by pointing the Standing Committee to the cream sheet included in the packet, which outlines the problems which occur when a SPIN vacancy arises. The Executive Committee has discussed this issue, and has identified several alternatives which were outlined on the handout. This was an item that was discussed at the May meeting, but the Standing Committee wanted more time to consider it. Doug Fierce stated that training new representatives is a key element, and the Standing Committee has to have people waiting in the wings to participate. Having an alternate would be the ideal way to ensure that there are people ready to fill the position. Joe Mast used SPIN Neighborhood #14 as an example. Karen Cienki has a group of residents who are willing to participate. Cara White stated that she had set her neighborhood up the same way, and it is working well. Jim Goggin stated that he believes that when the recruitment of the Neighborhood Council occurs, SPIN representatives should identify a "second" to take over when a vacancy occurs. Joe Mast suggested that some of the other SPIN volunteers should be invited to attend Standing Committee meetings. Doug Fierce stated that each Standing Committee representative should, during the next 60 days, find someone who would be willing to serve during the interim until a permanent representative is found. Cara White raised the issue of the "floating" SPIN representative, noting that it is limited in effectiveness since the floater may not understand the neighborhood, its issues, or the residents. Jim Goggin stated that he would support Doug Fierce's suggestion. What about setting a goal of identifying a "second" by the September meeting? They could be invited to attend the Standing Committee meeting. Joe Mast supported the idea. Doug Fierce stated that this approach would provide depth to the organization, and would address the issue of "cliquishness" within SPIN. John Wilder stated that he believes that SPIN representatives should make a commitment to serve until the replacement is appointed. This will allow for a smooth transition so that new representatives can be oriented to how the program works. Joe Mast believes that SPIN ought to have annual training, such as the meeting facilitation training provided early in the program, to help new representatives feel more comfortable with their responsibilities. Agenda Item No. 7, SPIN Retreat - Cara White stated that the Executive Committee had discussed specifics of the retreat. Joe Mast has an idea of a speaker who could help facilitate the retreat. She also pointed out that there was a survey in the packet and each representative is encouraged to complete it. Joe Mast briefly discussed his idea for a facilitator. He knows of an excellent facilitator, a gentleman named Howard Pierson, that he could get for the retreat. This idea has been discussed with the Executive Committee and they are in favor of pursuing Mr. 4 SPIN Standing Committee Meeting June 27,1996 Pearson's services for the retreat. Cara White stated that she hoped that the retreat could be fun and entertaining, as well as informative. John Wilder stated that it would be nice if the consultant could come to a Standing Committee meeting. June Haney stated that she hoped it could be productive, but she would not be interested in a "bare your soul" session. She believes four hours would be appropriate. She hopes that part of the day could be spent working on specific SPIN issues. Doug Fierce thinks a half day is enough, although he could see holding these types of meetings semiannually. He believes that the retreat should include an ice breaker, which makes everyone comfortable. Laura Miklosko stated that she would like to see a small committee working through the specific issues. The Executive Committee is already working on the project, but input from the other representatives is needed. Joe Mast believes that four hours may be a little short, but that the group could select some "user friendly" hours. On another note, David Baltimore asked who had participated in Leadership Southlake. He explained its purpose. He had commented to the Chamber of Commerce that SPIN should be involved in this program because it would give SPIN representatives an opportunity to meet residents who are interested in becoming city leaders. Agenda Item No. 8, Ordinance/Articles of Organization - David Baltimore provided the Standing Committee representatives with a copy of the updated ordinance/articles with proposed changes and briefly discussed the provisions. A copy is attached. He noted that one of the changes included a senior representative, similar to the youth delegate. He stated that he would like to obtain comments, because the committee would like to take this to the City Council in July for their consideration. Joe Mast stated that he believed that David Baltimore and the committee had done an excellent job. Doug Fierce asked if staff believed there would be any issues with the City Council pertaining to these changes. Shana Yelverton stated that she believed the Council would be open to the suggestions of the Standing Committee, since they had always been interested in maintaining flexibility so that the Standing Committee representatives are able to successfully do their job. She noted that they may take issue on some of the new provisions, however, they will be willing to hear the ideas. Discussion of term limitations ensued. Upon motion by John Wilder, second by Laura Miklosko, the Standing Committee unanimously approved the ordinance/articles of incorporation as amended by the committee. The proposed changes will be considered by Council on July 16. Agenda Item No. 9. Status of Goals and Objectives - David Baltimore opened the floor for 7 SPIN Standing Committee Meeting June 27,1996 discussion of the goals and objectives. Laura Miklosko stated that she believes that the first goal of taping Standing Committee meetings should be dropped, since we really have no plans to pursue this immediately. The Standing Committee agreed. Upon motion by John Wilder, second by Laura Miklosko, the Standing Committee approved a motion to defer. Doug Fierce requested that the Chair appoint a group to work with him on a committee to develop a training manual. He has taken this on since Karen Cienki may be moving on to other obligations with the Board of Adjustment. Agenda Item No. 10.Open Forum - Shana Yelverton pointed out that the Standing Committee had not yet met with the City Council during this quarter. She wanted to get some input from the Standing Committee regarding the topics that could be discussed. David Baltimore suggested that it might be informative to have the City Council discuss their goals and objectives. Doug Fierce suggested discussing some of SPIN's goals with the Council. Shana Yelverton then pointed out that she had visited with the Mayor to discuss SPIN, and he had expressed an interest in getting more involved with the program and will be available to attend neighborhood meetings upon request. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. ATTEST: Shana Yelverton, Staff Liaison A 2 - (I "4t Joe Nfast, Secretary