1996-03-1911 SPIN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (CO? Meeting Notes - March 19, 1996 Members Present: Cara White, Chair; Laura Miklosko, Vice Chair; Joe Mast, Secretary; Shana Yelverton, Staff Liaison Cara White called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m. Agenda Item No. 2. Previous Executive Committee Activities - Shana Yelverton provided a brief presentation regarding previous Executive Committee activities. She noted that there had been three Executive Committee meetings to date. Activities of the Executive Committee have included these items: Working on the Self Evaluation Document Setting Agenda for Standing Committee Meetings Finalizing Agenda for Joint Meetings with City Council Monitoring Progress on Goals and Objectives Working on Executive Committee Goals Monitoring Citywide Calendar Brainstorming Future SPIN Projects Preparing Project Planning Forms for Selected Projects Identifying Potential Team Leaders for Selected Projects Potential ideas for future SPIN activities had been discussed as well, and the Executive Committee was made aware of these ideas. Agenda Item No. 4. SPIN Code of Conduct Issues - The Executive Committee discussed issues related to getting involved in political issues. Shana Yelverton noted that she had received several phone calls about this issue lately, and that she and Cara White had thought it might be productive to simply remind SPIN Standing Committee representatives of the provisions of the Code. Joe Mast stated that he is very aware of the role of SPIN representatives and he works hard to ensure that he does not step over any lines that have been established. Laura Miklosko stated that she believed it would be a good idea to remind new members of the provisions. Cara White suggested that, in light of the sensitivity to this issue, it might be appropriate for SPIN members to clearly articulate a disclaimer before they publicly take action on an issue as a private citizen. The Executive Committee recommended putting another copy of the code in the SPIN packets with a reminder of the election provisions. Agenda Item No. 3, Voter Registration Drive - Shana Yelverton reported on the activities undertaken by Doug Fierce to encourage residents to register to vote. The Executive Committee then discussed the confusion surrounding voting locations and suggested putting i out more information so that residents understand where to go to vote. Laura Miklosko suggested printing maps, signs, and putting information on the cable channel. Agenda Item No. 5. Municipal Complex Planning - Shana Yelverton provided the Executive Committee with a list of those who had signed up to help with the project to date. The kickoff meeting will be held on Monday, March 25 at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Center. Laura Miklosko asked if the listing could also include the SPIN neighborhood in which the volunteer resides. Agenda Item No 6 Agendas for Upcoming Meetings - Shana Yelverton made the Executive Committee aware that a Council member had inquired as to whether the joint meeting could be moved to the fourth Tuesday, since the Council had identified this as a time to meet with groups in the community. The Executive Committee was uncomfortable with moving the date of the meeting. The Executive Committee then reviewed the agendas for the March Standing Committee meeting and the joint meeting with the City Council. The committee discussed ways to get more members of the Standing Committee involved in providing input into the management of the SPIN program. Laura Miklosko stated that she hoped the Executive Committee would have input into the annual Retreat. Shana Yelverton stated that the staff had driven this process previously, due to the fact that the Executive Committee was not really functional. However, she hoped that planning for SPIN activities would become a function of the Executive Committee. Agenda Item No. 7. Candidate Profiles/ "Meet the Candidates" Production - Cara White discussed the written candidate profiles. This is a method of getting written information out to residents that wish to learn basic information about the candidates. She noted that her husband's company does this, and the employees really appreciate the information. The group agreed that this was an appropriate activity for SPIN, provided the questionnaire was completely neutral and unbiased. The Executive Committee then discussed the notion of producing a "Meet the Candidates" program for broadcast on Cablevision 25 in conjunction with the Carroll High School Broadcast Journalism class. Kevin Hugman provided a list of guidelines that should be followed in order to produce this. The Executive Committee would encourage Standing Committee members to submit questions by a certain date, and a committee would finalize the questions. Joe Mast stated that he believed it was important that the committee be a good mix of SPIN reps. Laura Miklosko agreed to serve as the Executive Committee liaison to this committee. This item will be further discussed with the full Standing Committee meeting at the March meeting. �w There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m. SPIN DEVELOPER NEIGHBORHOOD 'NIEETING AGENDA 1. SPIN Representatives tweet with developer 1 '2 hour prior to meeting. 2. SPIN Representative introduces developer A. Mention sign in sheet B. Remind those in attendzulce that they must follow through from P&Z to Second reading at City Council 3. Developer presentation must include: A. Concept- site plan information--Mth copies for handouts. B. Possible tennents for their development C. Vision of what they are trying to develop D. Time frame from breaking ground to completion E. Elevation plan --look of the buildings 4. Question and answer period S. Close meeting Guidelines: No disrespecting other area developers. Stick only to the merits of this development. Av