1997-10-30ibw CITY OF SOUTHLAKE
SPIN Standing Committee Meeting
Thursday, October 30, 1997
White's Chapel Room - Bicentennial Park
SPIN Representatives present: David Baltimore, Chair (#12); Al Morin, Vice Chair
(#10); Joe Mast, Secretary (0); Cara White, (#1), Martin Schelling (#2), Laura
Miklosko (#9), Roger Hutton (#11), Doug McKelvey (#14), Katie Holzgraefe, Youth
Staff present: Nona Whitehead, Community Services; Shelli Siemer, Community
Representatives absent: Pattie Minder (#8), Jan Francis (0), Wayne Haney (#15),
Tom Ward (#6), Darrell Faglie (#7), Barry Friedman (#13)
Guests present: Mary Georgia, SPIN #3; Erica Hayslip, SYAC
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by David Baltimore
Agenda Item No. 2. City Manager's Report
The City Manager was out of town attending a conference.
Agenda Item No. 3. Approval of the 9/24/97 Standing Committee Minutes.
Katie Holzgraefe made a motion to approve the minutes as amended by the notation that
Doug McKelvey was absent. They were seconded by Roger Hutton and approved
Agenda Item No. 4. Administrative Comments
David Baltimore called on Katie Holzgraefe to introduce her guest, Erica Hayslip, a
representative from SYAC. Joe Mast also introduced Mary Georgia who is interested
in helping with SPIN #3 and may be interested in becoming the Representative.
It was noted that Miss Holzgraefe, who has been the only Youth Representative, will
graduate this year. Katie explained that the issue of how recruitment for a Youth
Representative might occur was discussed early in the summer with David Baltimore,
Shelli Siemer, and Nona Whitehead. The possibility of SYAC serving in the
representative role was discussed at that time. Mr. Baltimore asked Katie Holzgraefe to
explain how she saw the role of SYAC filling the position of Youth Representative to
SPIN. Katie shared that this is a transitional time and that how the representation might
work best is still unclear.
Roger Hutton asked how SYAC communicates back to students as a whole. Katie said
that the SYAC meeting events were communicated through the student body liaison at
Carroll High School.
The book project (as presented at the Summit) was used as an example of how SYAC
might communicate a project to students not involved in the program through their
presence at both the high school and jr. high school level.
The consensus was that there should be youth representation, and that SYAC would
provide that representation. It will be up to SYAC to determine how that
representation will occur and they will make a recommendation back to SPIN.
David Baltimore called the calendar to the attention of the committee, noting the date of
the Executive Committee meeting and other upcoming dates. David asked all those
who helped with the summit to be present at the Executive Committee meeting.
Agenda Item No. 5. Committee Reports
Martin Schelling made a report for the Budget Process committee. Martin brought a
form that might be used to define requests for Capital Improvements. Mr. Schelling
said that he had met with Bob Whitehead to gather input for design of the form. Darrell
Faglie will also be giving input to this project. The city needs the information early in
the Spring. March was suggested as the deadline for gathering the information. There
LW was discussion about whether sewers should be a separate issue. Al Morin asked if
there could be a definition of the difference between a repair and a capital
improvement. Al Morin also suggested the form be called Public Works requests. It
was suggested that the forms be distributed after the first of the year. Martin will revise
the form to include the changes. Nona will ask Tracy Southers to see if we can do an
insert in the special edition of Southlake in Review.
Al Morin reported for the Summit Committee and reiterated that the number one goal
of positive publicity for SPIN was achieved. The event helped work toward the
mission to communicate and in that respect it was a success. Mr. Morin suggested that
a follow up meeting of key players is needed to have informal dialogue about where can
we go from here. Our task seems to include one more round of communication on the
issue. Nona Whitehead was directed to seek input from the City Manager regarding
who should be included in the follow up meeting.
Agenda Item No. 6. Self -Evaluation Discussion
Al Morin led the self evaluation portion of the meeting. The problem of joint meetings
was discussed and the inherent time constraints of the joint meeting agendas. It was felt
that the City Manager's report portion could be eliminated. Information from that
office could be communicated at the Executive Committee level, at least when the
meeting is a joint meeting
It was noted under the goal setting question that most of the major goals are in place
and that while action items might be added, the goal setting process itself no longer
needs a separate meeting.
The retreat evaluation included discussion on the best time of the year for the retreat.
The possibility of holding the retreat at an earlier time of year was discussed at length.
Roger Hutton will chair that committee. Cara White volunteered to help on the retreat
Time constraints did not allow the evaluation process to be completed. Nona
Whitehead collected the written evaluations and will tabulate the results.
Martin Schelling brought up the problem of SPIN Reps not getting enough accurate
information for making their neighborhood reports. His feeling is that half truths often
get reported as being facts.
Time constraints did not allow for neighborhood reports.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
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Joe Mast, SPIN Secretary