1997-04-24CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SPIN Standing Committee Meeting Thursday, April 24, 1997 Community Center Representatives Present: David Baltimore (#12), Chair; Joe Mast (0), Secretary; Cara White (#1), Martin Schelling (#2), Janet Murphy (#4), Tom Ward (#6), Pattie Minder (#8), Laura Miklosko, (0), Bob O'Neal for Al Morin (#10), Roger Hutton (#11), Jim Goggin (#13), Doug McKelvey (#14), Wayne Haney (#15), Linda Wilder (#16), Katie Holzgraefe, (Youth) Representatives Absent: Jan Francis (0), Darrell Faglie (#7), Al Morin (#10) Staff Present: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager; Kevin Hugman, Community Services Manager; Lou Ann Heath, Finance Director; Nona Whitehead, Administrative Secretary/SPIN Coordinator; Shelli Siemer, Community Services Coordinator; Darcy Imm, Assistant to the City Manager David Baltimore called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. `,, Agenda Item No. 2. Approval of 3/13/97 Standing Committee Meeting Minutes The minutes were corrected to include Cara White and Katie Holzgraefe in attendance. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Jim Goggin and seconded by Janet Murphy The minutes were approved unanimously. Agenda Item No. 3. City Manager's Report: Shana Yelverton made a presentation on "Southlake Today" a video production proposal for Channel 25. The proposal will be provided to City Council to request funds to develop and produce video programming as another avenue for the city to communicate with its residents in the form of featured interviews, community interest stories, and a community calendar. Shana expressed a desire for SPIN Standing Committee Members to develop a list of program topics, appear on the program as requested and develop a closing remark for the program host to use to promote SPIN. City Manager Curtis E. Hawk spoke on the upcoming budget process and asked the Standing Committee to once again participate in the process. Specifically he asked them to identify projects and needs in their neighborhoods, and develop a priority list of projects that might require funding. Community Services Manager Kevin Hugman explained the purpose and function of the new Community Services division. He introduced Community Services Coordinator Shelli Siemer and Assistant to the City Manager Darcey Imm, who each gave a brief description of their background, education and new job responsibilities. Agenda Item No. 4. Presentation on Tax Increment Financing (TIF) - Lou Ann Heath mentioned that publicity concerning the split utility billing will soon be published. The city will be divided at White Chapel to allow the work load for meter reading, data entry, and billing to be spread out as the number of meters increase. Lou Ann Heath distributed a packet of information on TIFs compiled by Jim Sabonis of First Southwest. A TIF is a zone created by a city council ordinance to construct public improvements within a defined district. The City issues the debt, pledging ad valorem tax revenues generated on the captured value within the reinvestment zone. They are created for a set time and managed by a Board, similar to the Southlake Parks Development Corporation. Mr. Hawk explained that the street boundaries on the TIF would be included as part of the zone, which would mean that funds for their maintenance can come from the TIF. Doug McKelvey asked how a TIF might affect the city's bond rating. Mr. Hawk noted that during the last rating session, both agencies responded favorably to the City's willingness to consider alternative funding mechanisms such as TIFs. Bob O'Neal questioned why the City would want to concentrate revenues generated in this area solely in the TIF, rather than spreading it throughout the community. Mr. Hawk explained that generally, only real property taxes are captured for dedication in the TIF. Personal property taxes, the 1 % sales tax, and the 1/2 cent sales tax (for parks) are allocated as they would be if there was no TIF. Martin Schelling asked how the idea would be communicated to the public, given the concerns that the TIF somehow benefits the developer. Mr. Hawk noted that the benefit realized by the developer, under Southlake's TIF scenario, would be acceleration of the project, since the public improvements could include things like a City Hall which functions essentially as an anchor tenant in the proposed TIF. Unlike some other cities, Southlake would not use its TIF as an incentive for a developer to locate his project in the city. Rather, the funds generated would be for the construction of projects the City has an interest in building, but would have to find funds elsewhere to construct. Another advantage of the TIF is that you can conceivably involve all taxing entities in the jurisdiction in the project. Lou Ann Heath said that various financial scenarios have shown that it is possible for the City to do a TIF district alone, if CISD chooses to not participate. Agenda Item No. 5. Administrative Comments - David Baltimore mentioned that the May meeting has been scheduled for May 15 and that the Executive Committee will meet on May 2, at the Administration Building. David Baltimore reminded Reps to turn in any boundary concerns and that he hopes that any recommendations for change will be in place by September. Mr. Baltimore also noted that all SPIN reports to the City Council should be given by Standing Committee members. If a Representative can not make their report, they should notify David or find a replacement from within the Standing Committee. Joe Mast reported that the Retreat was well received. W Cara White gave a report on the Special Events Committee. She has organized a booth with activities for children as part of the 40th Anniversary celebration on May 3. The theme for the booth is "Put a SPIN on Things." All Reps were encouraged to sign up for a time in the booth, to wear their SPIN shirts, and to use this opportunity to mingle and encourage participation in SPIN. Nona Whitehead mentioned that the Conversant phone system would be operational next week and that residents could now find a listing of city meetings by calling the city and pressing the number # 1. Agenda Item No. 6. Neighborhood Reports SPIN #1 - Cara White reported that the Park Board has hired a consultant to begin work on Bob Jones Park. Crews are beginning to work on the property. SPIN #2 - Martin Schelling mentioned that Maguire Thomas may be preparing to begin their development. SPIN #3 - Joe Mast said that there is continuing construction in Lonesome Dove Estates. SPIN #4 - Janet Murphy reported that Clariden school received permission to put up temporary buildings. SPIN #8 - Pattie Minder reported that CISD has an option on 37 acres of property at the rear of her subdivision on South Kimball for a Jr. High School. There are right of way and drainage issues that would seem to make development expensive. SPIN #9 - Laura said that her area has some lots in Brenwyck without adequate erosion control. She is working on that concern with Building Inspection. Laura expressed that she still has problems with her garbage service. SPIN #10 - Bob O'Neal reported that the school was approved and there is a proposed gated community off of White Chapel. SPIN #11 - Roger Hutton reported that all is well in SPIN #11. SPIN #12 - No Report SPIN #13 - Jim Goggin reported that an office building was approved on first reading on the Black Property. The city is hoping to widen the intersection at Peytonville and 1709. A rezoning case is scheduled for that corner to change zoning from C3 to 01. SPIN #14 - Doug McKelvey shared that building permits have been issued for an office complex on the Ritz property on the SW corner of Continental and White Chapel. He expressed concern over the proposed development of a gated community in SPIN #10 across AW from the Feed Store. SPIN #15 - Wayne Haney said that his neighborhood has been quiet now that the Church of Christ project is nearly finished. He expressed concern about a proposed development in the Keller School District with 1/2 acre lots, with the major concern being that the street egress onto 1709 does not line up with West Jellico. SPIN #16 - Linda Wilder reported on development across from Florence school. There have been drainage issues which are being resolved with the developer and the residents. A joint use park will be built by the City and a neighborhood meeting is being planned for May 13. Agenda Item No. 7. Open Forum -David Baltimore reiterated the request by Mr. Hawk for input for the budget process. Joe suggested that each Rep bring his or her three top issues to the next meeting. Laura requested that the old matrix be mailed out to each Rep. Janet requested that the list of unfunded items be sent also. Agenda Item No. 8. Adjournment - There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. I%W - Joe gast, SPIN Secretary ATTEST: z L4