1997-12-11CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SPIN Standing Committee Meeting Thursday, December 11, 1997 White's Chapel Room - Bicentennial Park SPIN Representatives present: David Baltimore, Chair (#12); Al Morin, Vice Chair (#10); Joe Mast, Secretary (0); Cara White (#1), Martin Schelling (#2), Jan Francis (0), Tom Ward (0), Pattie Minder (#8), Laura Miklosko (#9), Doug McKelvey (#14) Staff present: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager; Nona Whitehead, Community Services; Appointees Present: Angela George, (#1); Pam McCain, (#9W); Michael Boutte, (#9E); Bob Walker, (#16) Representatives absent: Wayne Haney (#15), Darrell Faglie (#7), Roger Hutton (#11), Barry Friedman (#13) Katie Holzgraefe, Youth Guests Present: Councilmember, Pam Muller; Doug Fierce, Liaison to the Park Board The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by David Baltimore Agenda Item No. 2. Administrative Comments David Baltimore noted that at the Tuesday, December 16, City Council Meeting, the appointments to the SPIN Standing Committee are expected to be confirmed. The January Micro Paver training class has been rescheduled for January 17 at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chamber. Chairman Baltimore also announced the date for the Land Use Plan meeting and that all SPIN vacancies have been filled. David Baltimore presented the schedule for 1998 Standing Committee meetings and the schedule for SPIN City Council Reports. The possibility of holding the Standing Committee meetings on Wednesday was discussed and the decision to adopt the second Thursday for the monthly meeting was made. Agenda Item No. 3 Approval of the 10/30/97 Standing Committee Minutes. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Al Morin, and seconded by Pattie Minder. The minutes were approved unanimously. Agenda Item No. 4. Committee Reports Al Morin gave a brief report on the Summit follow-up meeting and presented Pattie Minder, Jan Francis and Tom Ward with their appreciation gifts for helping with the Summit. Cara White reported that the Brochure Committee had not yet met. Angela George volunteered to help on the Brochure Committee. Tom Ward gave a report from the Retreat Committee. The theme of the Retreat will be How the City Works. His committee is headed by Roger Hutton The Retreat will involve both staff and council. Nona will try to get the staff commitments secured for the February 28 date. Martin Schelling gave a report on the public works survey form for budget input purposes. The survey form needs some fine tuning. Martin will have it redone with a SPIN map on the reverse. Copies of the form will be given to SPIN Reps and Liaisons for distribution. Nona will ask Kevin Hugman if the form can be put on the City's home page. David Baltimore recognized Joe Mast and Laura Miklosko and presented them with certificates of appreciation for their years of service to SPIN and the City of Southlake. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Cara White, Acting SPIN Secretary CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Joint City Council/SPIN Standing Committee Thursday, December 11, 1997 Community Center Representatives Present: David Baltimore, Chair (#12); Al Morin, Vice Chair (#10); Joe Mast, Secretary (0); Cara White (#1), Martin Schelling (#2), Jan Francis (0), Tom Ward (#6), Pattie Minder (#8), Laura Miklosko (#9), Doug McKelvey (#14) Representatives Absent: Darrell Faglie (#7), Roger Hutton (#11), Barry Friedman (#13), Wayne Haney (#15) Appointees Present: Angela George (#1), Pam McCain (#9W), Michael Boutte (#9E), Bob Walker (#16) City Council Members Present: Mayor Rick Stacy, David Harris, Gary Fawks, Pamela Muller Staff Present: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager; Bob Whitehead, Public 4w Works Director; Nona Whitehead, Community Services Coordinator The meeting was called to order by Chairman David Baltimore at 7:40 p.m. David Baltimore thanked everyone for attending Agenda Item #2, City Manager's Report: The City Manager's Report was given by Shana Yelverton. Shana reported that the Crime Control Board would be meeting to get organized next week. She noted that Martin Schelling and Pam McCain will be serving on the Board. Shana asked David Harris to give a report on the progress on the library issue. David Harris reported that the City Managers from Southlake, Colleyville and Grapevine have asked their respective City Councils to move to the next level of activity by signing a letter of intent to participate in a regional library effort. The proposed site would likely be off of Highway 26 on Pool Road. The operating staff for a regional library would be from the City of Grapevine, and the advisory board would be from all three cities. Councilman Harris mentioned that discussions have included the possibility of building branch libraries in the future. The issues involved in control of such a facility still have some things to be worked out. Shana Yelverton said the letter of intent is not yet included on the upcoming City Council agenda. Shana Yelverton asked Mayor Stacy to speak to the issue of TIF. Mayor Stacy, who was late due to a School Board meeting regarding the Reinvestment Zone proposal, said the that school board's financial advisor has changed his mind concerning the Caw advisability of participating in the proposed reinvestment zone. Mayor Stacy said that the City still believes that a TIF is in the best interest of the City, and that the financial numbers still support the TIF. The school position is very unclear as of this meeting. It is expected that CISD will vote on participation at their Monday meeting. David Baltimore asked Mayor Stacy what will happen without the school participating. The Mayor said that we will move forward without them, and without the stadium. The Town Square appears to be the best spot identified for a stadium. Town Square will go forward and it appears that the revenue that would have stayed in the community, will go to Austin for schools under the rich district rules. The Mayor shared how important SPIN is to the community. He also shared that he was at Rockenbaugh Elementary School as the first Grandfriends program member, and that a third grader's response to a question about what the Mayor does, was that the Mayor trys to make everybody happy. Mayor Stacy also shared how diverse a population he saw at the school, and how important the town square will be to helping us become a community. He said that the most frustrating thing about being Mayor is how upset people get about things that haven't happened yet, and that in that regard, SPIN should remind people that the Library issue is still a long way from having any decisions made. Agenda Item No. 3. Neighborhood Reports: SPIN #1. Cara White said that the grading and berm is finished by Bob Jones Park. The pond is nearly full and work is beginning on the ground water storage tank on T.W. King. There will also be an elevated water tank on T.W. King. Cara reported that the sewer connection to Kirkwood is finished and the road has been resurfaced. The land use plan updates affected some areas in SPIN #l. Shana Yelverton said the landscape plan will come before SPDC in January. Cara White asked about the location for communications tower. David Harris responded that all sites are being considered, but the best possibility is on the north side of the lake. David Harris mentioned that our jurisdiction only covers land in Southlake. There is nothing definate at the present about what is expected to happen. There was broad discussion about the sites for a tower, and the potential benefits of an organized effort to secure a Southlake site. SPIN #2 Martin Schellling that his neighborhood was very quiet. He said that Jim Goggin will be here during Dec 26 to say hello. Martin Schelling said that his development on Mirror is coming along. SPIN #3 Joe Mast said that there was not any news from Neighborhood #3 and that he is happy that Milan and Mary Georgia will be the new representatives for SPIN #3. A SPIN #5 Jan Francis said that she had a meeting in November relating to participation in the neighborhood sewer program. Some residents were concerned about the land use plan, and there remains concern about what will be placed in Timarron Commercial Tract II. SPIN #6 Tom Ward shared that his area has a lot of new people moving in, and many homes are being renovated. His area is heavily treed and that they are about to have their streets and sewers constructed. He expects 60 - 70 % participation. Tom mentioned that he still has concern over the mixture of commercial and residential traffic to the area. Mr. Ward mentioned that there is still concern about litter and that residents would like to have Shady turned into a cul de sac to reduce the traffic. SPIN #7 No Report SPIN #8: Pattie Minder reported that Telesupport is now on the drawing board. She said that she has met with Patrick Monahans. The residents would like a traffic survey done for the turn lane depth. There are also questions about the lighting in the Telesupport development. The Zimrod property across from Kroger was discussed with the neighborhood. Mrs. Minder said that Dennis Scifries met with the neighborhood and his plans were not satisfactory to the residents in attendance. The traffic on 1709 continues to be a problem. (, SPIN #9 Laura Miklosko said that there may be some movement with the Metroport Pool people. Laura said that the residents appreciate the flashing lights on Byron Nelson. The school district did not put them in. Laura said that the neighborhood is anxious for the striping to go down Byron Nelson, and that there seems to be confusion about the striping timetable. There is discussion going on about a YMCA on the corner of 1709 and Byron Nelson. SPIN #10 Al Morin said that Diamond Circle area of SPIN is a positive mess, because sewers are coming in and the project is on schedule. There is a lot of construction going on currently in SPIN # 10. Councilman Gary Fawks had to leave early. He thanked SPIN and said that Southlake is a better place to live because of the efforts of SPIN. He invited representatives to call him if they have any neighborhood concerns. SPIN #11 No Report SPIN #12 David Baltimore said that there is anticipation of sewers coming to Cross Timber Hills. David reported that the Public Works Department helped them send surveys to the neighborhoods regarding sewers. His neighborhood would like to have any information related to hookups or financing. kaw SPIN #13 No Report SPIN #14 Doug McKelvey said that Wilmington Court is turning dirt but that the houses still haven't been torn down. There is some question about the timetable for Continental construction. Bob Whitehead said he expects construction to begin in March or April. SPIN #15. No Report SPIN #16 Bob Walker said the he feels his neighborhood would agree with him in their desire for Southlake to not become another Plano. Doug Fierce reported that the meeting on Koality Park was postponed and that over the next few months all the neighborhood parks are coming up for master planning. Mr. Fierce urged people to watch for and attend those master planning meetings. The land for these parks has been mostly donated. Agenda Item No. 4. Open Forum: Councilmember Pam Muller noted that there is interest in the site that had been formerly intended for Southlake Commons. She also noted that Karen Cienki was with her husband who had a heart attack and is hospitalized in Michigan. Michael Boutte thanked Laura for her good service to SPIN Neighborhood #9. Pam Muller also thanked Laura Miklasko and Joe Mast for their commitment and service through SPIN. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Cara White, Acting SPIN Secretary A Attest