SPIN Standing Committee Meeting
Thursday, November 30, 1995 6:30 p.m.
Standing Committee Members Present: Rex Potter, Chair; Shelly Minton, Doug Fierce, Peter
Sporrer, Pattie Minder, Betty Springer, David Baltimore, Karen Cienki, Wayne Haney, June
Haney, and Joe Mast
Standing Committee Members Absent: Cara White, Vice Chair; Gary Fawks, Secretary; Scott
Martin, Laura Miklosko, Katie Holzgraefe, and Martin Schelling
Staff Present: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager; Kevin Hugman, Assistant to City
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Rex Potter.
Agenda Item No. 2. Approval of 10/26/95 Standing Committee Meeting Minutes -, Upon motion
by Wayne Haney, second by Doug Fierce, the minutes were approved unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments - Rex Potter led the discussion on the following
✓Report on SPIN #9. #10. #13 & #14 Joint Meeting - Rex Potter reported that
approximately 30 people attended the meeting. He believes it was very successful. He
hopes that SPIN will host more of these types of meetings. A developer was present to
discuss a potential development. He showed the site plan. The meeting was very
interactive, with much discussion. This was important because the developer sought SPIN
input prior to starting the process with the city. For information, Mr. Potter discussed the
development proposed. The development would include a 70,000 sf Tom Thumb, with
adjacent retail uses.
Joe Mast asked when this issue will be going to City Council. Mr. Potter noted that it has
not yet been submitted to the City. They are planning to submit something to the City
soon. Karen Cienki showed her plans that had been provided to the SPIN representatives.
She reported some of the concerns that people expressed, including driveways, the
intensity of the use, and the configuration of the buildings.
✓Report on Internet Project - Kevin Hugman reported on the City's efforts to use the
Internet to get information out to the residents. He noted that staff has been working on
the cable channel project and are working toward videotaping meetings, but will soon take
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SPIN Standing Committee Meeting
November 30, 1995
the project on. Staff is still exploring options. CISD is moving forward, but working with
them was too expensive for the city at this time. Mr. Hugman will be going to visit with
staff in the City of Austin, which has an extensive Internet project. The City of Southlake
may be able to get some ideas from Austin.
✓City Hall Land Acquisition - Shana Yelverton provided a brief report on the City's
contract to purchase approximately 15 acres on FM 1709 for a future municipal complex.
She referred to the "Fact Sheet" which had been sent to all SPIN members and noted that
there was not much more information available at this time, but that as progress is made
on moving toward building a facility. SPIN members would be kept up-to-date. She
provided location maps.
✓Calendar of Events/Up .oming Communi Development Cases - Ms. Yelverton provided
a calendar which showed dates of upcoming meetings and events, and also provided the
group with a matrix showing community development cases making their way through the
✓Short Term Lease Space - Rex Potter noted that the City is looking for lease space to
kw meet short term space needs. The staff is currently negotiating a lease for space with
Telesupport, in offices located on FM 1709.
✓Recruitment of SPIN #16 Representative - Rex Potter reported that a number of calls had
come in regarding SPIN #16 representation. He is planning to coordinate a meeting of the
interested parties so that they can select a representative for appointment by the City
Council. Rex Potter also noted that Shelly Minton will be moving in the spring to join her
husband in Kansas City.
Agenda Item No 4 Presentation Regarding the Master Thoroughfare Plan and Ordinance 480 O -
This item had been placed on the agenda, and Tom Elgin, Planner, was scheduled to make the
presentation. He could not make it to the meeting due to illness, so further information will be
provided in written format.
Agenda Item No. 5. Discussion of Progress on 1995-96 Goals & Objectives - Rex Potter kicked
off the discussion by saying that subsequent agendas will always include this item so that the
Standing Committee may discuss progress. This month's discussion will focus on those issues
scheduled for completion during the fourth quarter of 1995. Progress reports were as follows:
SPIN Standing Committee Meeting
November 30, 1995
✓Identify and establish communication with civic groups
< Goal One, Objective One, Action Two >
Katie Holzgraefe is serving as the team leader, and she was not present at the meeting. June
Haney reported that she and Betty Springer had turned in some ideas. Katie was going to compile
the information and make a report.
✓Assign staff - Internet recommendations
< Goal One, Objective Two, Action Four >
This has been done. Mr. Potter joked that he "harasses" Kevin Hugman about this issue. He
asked Mr. Hugman to meet with him to discuss this issue. He believes this is another aspect of
communication with the community.
✓Regularly provide minutes to City Council
< Goal One, Objective Two, Action Six >
Shana Yelverton reported that this is being done.
✓SPIN Public Relations
< Goal Two, Objective Two, Action One & Two >
Rex Potter reported that he visited with Barbara Powell about the possibility of running more
articles about SPIN. She is planning to run an article soon, and has interviewed several
individuals about the program. Mr. Potter also visited with Terry Fox with the Southlake Journal,
and she is willing to run a regular column. She has also begun calling him to find out what is
going on. The Colleyville paper is trying to get into the Southlake market, and have expressed
willingness to run articles. Mr. Potter noted that the Grapevine Sun and John Hicks cover SPIN,
but it is difficult to get articles in the paper.
Karen Cienki mentioned that the brochures are another method of getting information about SPIN
out to Southlake residents. Shana Yelverton noted that another batch of brochures had been
printed and they were available for use by SPIN members.
There was significant discussion about voter registration efforts. Shana Yelverton agreed to pull
numbers about the number of registered voters for a possible drive.
SPIN Standing Committee Meeting
November 30, 1995
✓Request SPIN participation on committees
< Goal Four, Objective One, Action Two >
This has been accomplished. Rex Potter sent a letter to the City Council, and also asked them for
this during the last joint meeting.
✓Establishing internal processes and procedures
< Goal Five, Objective One, Actions One, Two, Four >
This group has not met yet. Schedules have been difficult. Joe Mast reported that this will be
done soon.
Mr. Potter asked for any other progress reports that were available. Betty Springer reported that
she had received information from the Chamber regarding the potential of having an ad in the
Chamber directory. She will make sure that SPIN meets any deadlines that are established. Ms.
Springer noted that there are several questions to be answered prior to developing an ad. If
anyone has suggestions about this project, they should let Ms. Springer know. The booklets
should go to press in May.
Agenda Item No. 6. December Standing Committee Meeting - Rex Potter noted that the Executive
Committee had discussed the need for a December meeting. The EC had determined that it might
be better to cancel the December meeting due to holiday schedules. The Standing Committee
agreed. This means that the full Standing Committee will not meet again until January 25, 1996.
Mr. Potter also discussed the meeting schedule for 1996. Staff had been instructed to prepare a
meeting schedule on the regular Thursday meeting date, but (given space conflicts with the Board
of Adjustment) had also asked to look into alternative dates for the regular StandingCommittee
meetings. A schedule has been prepared for this option as well. The majority of the group
preferred the Thursday dates.
Doug Fierce suggested that in 1996, the Standing Committee should meet the first week in
December. This would be December 5, 1996. Kevin Hugman noted that this will be a P&Z
meeting date, but the group decided to stay with this meeting date for now.
Agenda Item No. 7. Open Forum - Karen Cienki pointed out a mistake in the Boards and
Commissions Handbook. She also noted that she has started to do some background work on the
Thoroughfare Plan, and has received input from Jackie Mayfield at CISD. He told her that 40
bus trips occur on Continental per day (54 students per bus). She also added a personal comment
tSPIN Standing Committee Meeting
November 30, 1995
regarding the signs for the Adopt a Highway programs -- she does not like the size of the signs
and believes that they do not meet the requirements of the City's sign ordinance. Discussion
ensued regarding the real estate signs that get put out during the weekends. Karen Cienki also
reported that her neighborhood council will now be meeting quarterly.
Doug Fierce will be making the next SPIN report at City Council. Betty Springer noted that the
new city municipal facility will be of interest to her neighborhood, as well as the commercial
development on the corner of White Chapel and FM 1709. She also suggested that she may wish
to organize another joint meeting to discuss the proposed City Hall site and related issues.
Joe Mast reported that sewer and Huse Homeplace are still the leading issues in the neighborhood.
He held a meeting in November and had sixteen people attend. He believes more people are
showing interest in the program and there are some positive things happening.
Agenda Item No. 8. Meeting Adjournment - There being no further business, the meeting
adjourned at 9:10 p.m.