1995-10-26CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SPIN Standing Committee Meeting Thursday, October 26, 1995 6:30 p.m. Standing Committee Members Present: Rex Potter, Chair; Cara White, Vice Chair; Betty Springer, Scott Martin, Katie Holzgraefe, June Haney, Pam Gagnon (for Karen Cienki), Laura Miklosko, David Baltimore, Martin Schelling, Joe Mast, Doug Fierce. Standing Committee Members Absent: Shelly Minton, Peter Sporrer, Pattie Minder, Gary Fawks Guests Present: John Hicks, Grapevine Sun Staff Present: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager; Kevin Hugman, Assistant to City Manager The meeting was called to order at 6:45 p.m. by Chairman Rex Potter. Agenda Item No. 2. Approval of 9/28/95 Meeting Minutes - Upon motion by David Baltimore, second by Betty Springer, the minutes were unanimously approved. Administrative Comments - Rex Potter led the discussion on the following items: ✓SPIN Reports - Mr. Potter commended the SPIN representatives for the excellent reports provided to the City Council and encouraged continued participation. The next presenters will be Shelly Minton and Doug Fierce. ✓SPIN Meetings - Mr. Potter reported that Joe Mast had to reschedule his meeting due to mailout problems. SPIN Neighborhoods #9, #10, #13 and #14 held a joint meeting last night to discuss development issues. About 20 people attended the meeting, during which Greg Last made a presentation which covered the City's Master Plan elements, development regulations, and other issues related to the City's growth. ✓Cable Access - Kevin Hugman reported that the City is close to getting the cable access program operational. The equipment had to be reordered, but he is anticipating that the bulletin boards should be running by November 1. The City and Carroll ISD will share the space, with each getting about 56 pages to use. The new program will be advertised through the City's newsletter, press releases, and other means. SPIN members were encouraged to notify their neighbors. Agenda Item No. 5. Upcoming Events/Calendar - Shana Yelverton provided the group with a list of upcoming meetings, noting that locations may be obtained by calling the City Manager's Office. She also noted that a list of upcoming development issues was on the backside of the flyer. Rex Potter then informed the group of Planning & Zoning action which had recently occurred, including the discussion of additional storage for Wal-Mart, the screening of satellite dishes, etc. Agenda Item No 3 SPIN Self Evaluation - Rex Potter identified a few typographical errors that need to be corrected. SPIN members had no further changes. Upon motion by Cara White, second by Betty Springer, the Standing Committee unanimously approved the 1995 SPIN Self Evaluation. Mr. Potter noted that he will briefly present this to the Council during the joint meeting. Agenda Item No 4 Progress on Goals & Objectives - Mr. Potter began this discussion by pointing out that during the groups discussion of the objectives, no "leader" or facilitator was assigned to make sure that progress occurs. As such, the Standing Committee discussed who should take the lead on each action plan, resulting in the following: Goal 1, Obj. 1, Action 1 - Rex Potter has sent a letter to the City Council asking them to keep SPIN in mind for ad -hoc committees. He also transmitted a copy of the goals and objectives so that they would have time to review prior to this meeting. Goal 1, Obj. 1, Action 2 - Katie Holzgraefe agreed to serve as the lead Standing Committee representative on this item. Goal 1, Obj. 2, Action 1 - Cara White will take the lead on this item. Goal 1, Obj. 2, Action 2,3 - These items will primarily be handled by staff and closely monitored by the SPIN Executive Committee. Goal 1, Obj. 2, Action 4 - Rex Potter will take this responsibility. Goal 1, Obj. 2, Action 5 - Rex Potter will take the lead on this item. Goal 1, Obj. 2, Action 6 - Shana Yelverton will take the lead on this item, and will include the minutes in the Council's packet. Goal 2, Obj. 1, Action 1 - Completed Goal 2, Obj. 1, Action 2 - Each leader will take the responsibility for making the report. This will be monitored by the Executive Committee and the full Standing Committee. 2 Goal 2, Obj. 1, Action 3 - The Executive Committee will take the lead on this item. Goal 2, Obj. 1, Action 4 - The Executive Committee will take the lead on this item. Goal 2, Obj. 2, Action 1, 2, 3 - The Executive Committee will share this responsibility. Goal 2, Obj. 2, Action 4 - Laura Miklosko will take the lead on this item. Goal 2, Obj. 2, Action 5 - Betty Springer will take the lead on this item. Goal 2, Obj. 2, Action 6 - Scott Martin will take the lead on this item. Goal 3, Obj. 1, Action 1 - This will be assigned later in the year. Goal 3, Obj. 1, Action 2 - The Executive Committee is currently charged with developing the agenda for the Standing Committee meetings. Input will be taken from any Standing Committee representative who has ideas. Goal 3, Obj. 1, Action 3 - This will be discussed at the next meeting, with the Executive Committee taking primary responsibility. Goal 3, Obj. 2, Action 1,2,3 - David Baltimore will serve as lead on this item. Goal 4, Obj. 1, Action 1, 2, 3 - The Executive Committee will take on this ongoing responsibility. Goal 4, Obj. 2, Action 1, 2 - Ongoing: each member's responsibility. Goal 5, Obj. 1, Action 1, 2, 3, 4 - Joe Mast will take the lead on these items. Goal 5, Obj. 2, Action 1, 2, 3 - The Executive Committee will take the lead on these items. Agenda Item No 6 Open Forum - Laura Miklosko reported that she had a very successful meeting to discuss development issues. Pam Gagnon reported that Southlake Hills East had a conflict with a developer successfully mediated by the city and they are very pleased. June Haney noted that she had recently held a meeting, which went fine. Katie Holzgraefe reported that the city is hiring a "youth coordinator" and she will work closely with that person to get the youth involved. She will be meeting with Shana Yelverton and Brad Bradley to discuss the progress of the youth in this program. She also noted that she works closely with the Southlake Youth Advisory Committee. Scott Martin reported that SPIN #4 is very quiet. In fact, he did not have anyone attend the meeting to discuss Maguire Thomas. Betty Springer noted that SPIN #10 is trying to 3 reorganize to ensure that there are neighborhood representatives. Cara White reported that 65 people attended a meeting in her neighborhood. This meeting was important because of the city's intent to put a public works facility on 17 acres in her neighborhood. There was considerable discussion regarding the appropriate way for the City to work with neighborhoods in instances where decisions are made in Executive Session. Rex Potter reported on his latest meeting, which about 20 people attended. Prior to that he hosted Billy Campbell, which was not well attended. Those that did attend enjoyed the presentation, but since there are no controversies in public safety, many people did not feel motivated to attend. David Baltimore noted that his neighborhood has been fairly quiet. He also noted that he has been traveling extensively, but will be changing jobs soon. Martin Schelling reported that the bulk of activity in his neighborhood had centered around the Maguire Thomas issue. Joe Mast reported that his neighborhood had become very active over sewer, and the Huse Homeplace issue. There is also interest in the repair of Ridgecrest. He noted that his previous meeting didn't work because of delays in getting the notices out. He is trying to set up another meeting. Doug Fierce reported that the sewer issue was the topic of interest in his neighborhood. He is planning a meeting between now and Thanksgiving, as well as a newsletter. The current issue is clarifying street names. They will also continue discussing the sewer. There being no further discussion, the Standing Committee adjourned its meeting at 6:50 p.m. rd JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND SPIN STANDING COMMITTEE Thursday, October 26, 1995 8:00 p.m. City Council Members Present: Mayor Gary Fickes, Pamela Muller, Michael Richarme, and Ralph Evans. Standing Committee Members Present: Rex Potter, Chair; Cara White, Vice Chair; Gary Fawks, Secretary; Betty Springer, Scott Martin, Katie Holzgraefe, June Haney, Pam Gagnon (for Karen Cienki), Laura Miklosko, David Baltimore, Martin Schelling, Joe Mast, Doug Fierce Staff Present: Curtis Hawk, City Manager; Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager; Kevin Hugman, Assistant to the City Manager Agenda Item No 1 Call To Order - The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Mayor Fickes made opening remarks, beginning by thanking the SPIN leaders for their hard work and noting that he believes that the city is benefitting greatly from the program. He stated that he appreciates the input and is amazed at how successful the program has become. He has heard good comments from other communities about what we are doing. He just doesn't believe that the group gets enough credit for the hard work done by the Standing Committee and the staff. Rex Potter remarked that SPIN is still very young and is still working on some organizational issues. What they would like to do tonight is to discuss a self evaluation and the Standing Committee's goals and objectives. Agenda Item No. 2 Discussion of 1995 SPIN Self Evaluation - Rex Potter reported that the SPIN Standing Committee members worked very hard to determine how the program is working. This Self Evaluation served as a guide for preparing the goals and objectives. The introduction includes information about how the program got started. Then the mission section discusses how the Standing. Committee worked with the ordinance and wrote their own concise statement of what they thought SPIN's mission was. Mr. Potter read the mission statement to the joint group. The next section of the report discusses goals, including the initial expectations articulated by the group and the need to set additional goals. The report also discussed procedures by which SPIN members operate, including how they get individuals involved in the program. This report identifies SPIN's need for more structure. The self -evaluation will be prepared each year. It is intended to serve as a means for continually evaluating "how are we doing?" Rex encouraged the Council members to read the document and let Standing Committee representatives know if they have comments. k, Agenda Item No 3 Discussion of 199 -96 Goals and Objectives - Mr. Potter began this (W discussion by highlighting some of the items that he addressed in his letter. He invited the council members to attend Standing Committee meetings. He also noted that SPIN wants to serve as a resource for ad -hoc committees. He then discussed each goal with the group. Goal One addresses the communication aspect of SPIN. This goal includes two objectives, including working more closely with the Council and other organizations. He noted that anytime the Council can find the time to participate in Standing Committee meetings, he believed it would be beneficial. The other action item is to identify other groups that can work with SPIN. One of the most difficult things to is to get the word out to the community. SPIN is looking at a newsletter, or taping meetings for broadcast on the cable channel. The Standing Committee will also work closely with the staff to use the Internet to provide information to the Southlake public. The City Manager's Report and press releases are other ways to get information out to the public. Additionally minutes will be provided each month to the City Council. Goal Two is to communicate SPIN successes. The goals and objectives will be monitored and an annual self -evaluation will be prepared. These items will be provided to the Council and public. The Standing Committee wants to be more aggressive in working with the media to "tell SPIN's story." Mr. Potter also discussed the use of ads and other public relations ideas. CW Goal Three is basically to continually work to educate SPIN Standing Committee members and other SPIN participants. This will take several forms including an annual retreat, training, and other ideas. Goal Four is to become more proactive in communicating critical issues to the neighborhoods. Objectives include ensuring that SPIN representatives are made aware of upcoming events, and the use of forums or other mechanisms to discuss issues with the neighborhoods. Goal Five focuses on enhancing the procedural aspects of SPIN. Developing policies and procedures and the use of the Executive Committee are a few of the methods which will be used to accomplish this goal. Mayor Fickes noted that he is very impressed with the work that has been done and how organized the program is. Southlake is unique for having the program. Michael Richarme noted that the proposed public works maintenance facility in SPIN Neighborhood #1 illustrated that SPIN can be used for a lot of good things. The first thing we should think about is getting the SPIN representative well briefed. He also believes that the approach of using several different mediums for getting information is a good one. This effort impresses him. He is looking forward to the second year of the program. G Ralph Evans stated that he is appreciative of the work done by SPIN. He remarked on the proposed public works facility and the city's need to purchase property discreetly. The Mayor then took the opportunity to discuss the Open Meetings Act and the requirements. Southlake does an excellent job of providing information in accordance with this act. There are three things that the city can discuss in Executive Session - litigation, personnel matters, and land acquisition. He discussed each of these items briefly. Unfortunately, there are some things that just cannot be discussed in open session. The Council will do its best to make the best decision, given all the facts. Betty Springer pointed out that these issues can be discussed behind closed doors, but no votes are taken except in the open. Rex Potter suggested that staff needs to be made aware of ways to handle questions that come in regarding these issues so that information does not go out incorrectly. He just believes that there has to be a way to get the information out so that citizens are not suprised by Council decisions. Michael Richarme noted that the Land Use map does not include the future municipal sites. Thus, residents need to understand why these items are not included on the map. He also noted that this issue brings to mind identifying the success by focusing on one specific issue. Clearly, SPIN representatives need to get the word out about all of the good things that are happening, and focusing on specific issues may help get the public's attention. Doug Fierce questioned whether there is public discussion on items that are identified in Executive Session. The mayor noted that in the case of land acquisition, i.e., putting a contract on property, there is not. The actual purchase of property is more specifically discussed. Rex Potter noted that there are bound to be other issues of this nature. There needs to be a way to work with the neighborhoods on these issues. The mayor noted that the city is actively working on municipal sites. Rex Potter cited the Maguire Thomas issue as an illustration of how SPIN can help get the facts out. Scott Martin said that he remembered Curtis Hawk saying that he wanted to work to avoid having the citizens panic about issues and that SPIN could help alleviate some of the fear that citizens have over these issues. Getting information out helps citizens understand. Several SPIN neighborhoods met last evening to discuss development. Rex Potter noted that people are asking questions about all kinds of issues -- they are hungry for the information. Doug Fierce suggested that the city might consider having a council member to represent some of the SPIN neighborhoods to serve as liaisons. The mayor suggested that this might work. He believes that each council member has certain interests. The committee then discussed the progress of SPIN. Betty Springer stated that she was 7 IL skeptical in the beginning, but she is thinking now that it is working the way it is supposed to. She was complimentary of the staff and appreciative of the Council's support. Michael Richarme noted that there are several issues the city will need to deal with during the next year, including a municipal site, the neighborhood sewer program, capital improvements for water, park issues (including West Beach), commercial development, and integrating the community. SPIN should be an involved partner in all of these. Rex Potter thanked the Council members for coming and for their support. The joint meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. A