SPIN Standing Committee Meeting
Thursday, August 24, 1995 6:30 p.m.
Standing Committee Members Present: Rex Potter, Chair; Cara White, Vice Chair; Gary
Fawks, Secretary; Katie Holzgraefe, Martin Schelling, Scott Martin, Wayne Haney, Peter
Sporrer, Joe Mast, Doug Fierce, and Laura Miklosko.
Guests Present: Nancy Baltimore for David Baltimore, SPIN Neighborhood #12, Donna Starling,
Meeting Facilitator.
Staff Present: Kathleen Farrell, Administrative Intern.
A brief reception preceded the meeting.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Rex Potter.
Agenda Item No. 2 Approval of July 27, 1995 Meeting Minutes
The minutes for the July 27, 1995 Standing Committee meeting were approved unanimously.
Agenda Item No.3 Administrative Comments
Chairman Rex Potter commented on the following items:
SPIN Retreat - He distributed a "thank you" letter he had written to Curtis Hawk, City
Manager for the excellent presentation city staff had made at the Retreat and all the
preparation work.
August 23 Sister Cities Dinner - Rex said he appreciated the turnout by SPIN committee
members for this event.
SPIN Reps Presentations at Council Meetings - Martin Schelling and Cara White spoke
at the last Council meeting; they did an excellent job. Martin spoke on Maguire Thomas
Partners issues and Cara spoke about where SPIN is going. Rex reminded the members
to check their schedule for the assigned dates for their presentations to Council.
Adventure Alley Project - Potter challenged each of the members to volunteer at least 4
hours of work during the construction phase (Sept. 19-24); many are doing more.
Planning & Zoning Cases - Rex mentioned two cases that may be of interest to the
members; the Village Center platting and the request from McGuire Thomas Partners for
residential, non-residential and commercial zoning which now goes to Council after
t, cycling through P&Z.
SPIN Standing Committee Meeting
August 24, 1995
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Self -Evaluation Report - The SPIN Executive Committee met last week and made some
changes to the reports presented tonight. Complete the evaluation and submit your
comments to Shana Yelverton. Shana will compile the comments and bring forward at the
next meeting for discussion.
SPIN/Council Joint Meeting - The next joint meeting will be in October. This will allow
time for the committee to complete the SPIN Goals & Objectives to present at the October
SPIN Committee's "Wish List" - Rex asked the members to think about the issues they
have presented to the Council; a "wish list" of streets, water and sewer. He said it would
be beneficial to see what the committee's recommendations are and compare with what is
actually in the budget. Rex encouraged everyone to participate in the budget process.
Rex Potter introduced the group to meeting facilitator Donna Starling. Ms. Starling thanked the
committee for allowing her the opportunity to work with them. Ms. Starling mentioned she has
done preparatory work that will move the process along and has looked through the material
provided by Shana Yelverton and she hopes the Standing Committee will expand on it tonight.
The committee needs to focus first on goals, then objectives, and move toward developing action
Ms. Starling discussed the guidelines for success with the committee. They include: everyone
should participate in the process, be tolerant and patient of others, work toward consistency, be
realistic in scope, remember that this is the beginning, do not interrupt, self police, and remember
not to be negative -- all ideas are good ideas. Ms. Starling mentioned some quotes she believed
were important. The first is, "Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than
in the one in which they sprang up." Ms. Starling believes this is important because some of the
best ideas come from an idea of another person. The second, "To escape criticism do nothing,
say nothing, be nothing," and "Nothing is more terrible than activity without insight."
Ms. Starling discussed how the mission statement is the central theme. As a first step, build what
supports the mission statement and work toward building goals. The objectives are to support the
identified goals. Goals may alter from year to year, or stay consistent-- they are the direction you
are going. Your mission results from shared values and vision that you have, which is a broad
concept. Goals, objectives and actions plans define the role of SPIN in making the vision a reality.
tw Ms. Starling reviewed the details of the mission statement. The components are two-way
communication, community/neighborhood alliance, promoting availability of citizen involvement,
SPIN Standing Committee Meeting
August 24, 1995
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facilitating coordination/sharing of ideas, leveraging human resources, ensuring community
dialogue, and including citizens in problem solving.
Ms. Starling informed the committee there were several questions to ask when thinking of
establishing goals: Who do you want to serve? What is it you want to provide through SPIN?
When do you want it to happen? Where will it be provided, why will you do this, and how will
you go about this effort?
Rex Potter asked for clarification on the question "who do you serve?" Ms. Starling clarified by
saying that the Standing Committee should be mindful of everyone that SPIN serves, the
community, public, etc. Ms. Starling opened the question to the committee. Doug Fierce said we
need to define SPIN as a whole or as individual Standing Committee representatives. Mr. Fierce
felt there was a big difference in who we serve, each SPIN representative represents a part of the
community as opposed to the Standing Committee representing the entire city. Mr. Fierce felt
the goals and objectives needed to keep both ideas in mind. Rex Potter said SPIN also serves
council, staff, developers and Realtors. Katie Holzgraefe mentioned that SPIN serves youth.
(, The committee then moved on to address the other questions. What do you want to provide
through SPIN? After discussion the committee determined they wanted to provide for the needs
of the community and personal access to the governmental process, facilitate communication,
provide information and a forum for communication. When do you want it to happen? The
committee discussed that yesterday would be a good time to make it happen. Thus, the time frame
for making things happen needs to be immediately. Where will services be provided? The
committee discussed that it is important to provide services to everyone, anytime, everywhere.
Ms. Starling why they wanted to provide information to the community. The answer was to
provide a stronger quality of life to residents. How is SPIN going to do this? Scott Martin said
SPIN would accomplish this through meetings and communication.
Ms. Starling clarified the broad areas needed to be addressed. A goal is almost always never
achieved -- it is something to work toward. The result of setting goals will be to provide a path
to steer the organization -- all Standing Committee members working in the same direction.
Ms. Starling asked the committee to begin to brainstorm on the goals they see SPIN working
toward. Scott Martin suggested citizen involvement on a continual basis. Rex Potter wants the
City to be responsive to neighborhood issues or problems. Joe Mast suggested the communication
needs to be a two-way communication. Gary Fawks said SPIN needs to find ways to improve the
channels of communication and the process that SPIN goes through to get the information out.
Scott Martin mentioned understanding other points of view would be helpful. Doug Fierce
believes we need to aid individuals in the areas by helping them understand the process. Scott
Martin believes solving individual problems is a very important part of SPIN. Ms. Starling asked
SPIN Standing Committee Meeting
August 24, 1995
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Wayne Haney why he became involved in SPIN. Mr. Haney said he became involved because
of some issues happening in his neighborhood. He felt he could not afford not to get involved.
Nancy Baltimore hopes SPIN will educate the neighborhoods on how they can get the desired
information and inform citizens how they can constructively go about getting change in the
community. She wants understanding on what you have to do to get information and how you
would go about getting it. Gary Fawks believes there is a need to fine tune the message of why
SPIN is for the community. Scott Martin believes that the neighborhood chairs need to participate
in ongoing training. Gary Fawks would like to improve the quality of overall SPIN
representation. Rex Potter believes SPIN needs to communicate to the City Council and staff the
citizens' vision of the city. Doug Fierce believes we need to communicate to the Council when
issues change-- keep them informed. Rex Potter mentioned SPIN will need to keep building on
the information they have, and ask Council to respond to their efforts so that two-way
communication can occur.
Ms. Starling asked the committee to consolidate their thoughts and come up with a few specific
goals that SPIN wants to aim for. Ms. Starling asked Martin Schelling why he became involved
c in SPIN and what was important about becoming a SPIN representative and what goals he
personally has. Mr. Schelling responded he became involved because he was the only one who
showed up to the meeting. He is still involved because he believes it is important to be aware of
what is going on in your community. Ms. Starling asked the representatives to state one goal.
The committee believes SPIN needs to improve communication between city and residents.
Scott Martin mentioned another goal. He wants to communicate the success of community
involvement. Cara White mentioned SPIN should establish an education system for new SPIN
representatives. Ms. Starling asked if there was a broad goal that would address the training
issues. Gary Fawks responded that there were two areas to address. The first, adding ongoing
training for representatives currently participating and the second to get new representatives up
to speed as soon as possible. Doug Fierce suggested training and communication of the entire
process to neighborhoods. Ms. Starling asked the representatives what goal they were actually
trying to achieve. The Standing Committee wants to improve quality of SPIN representation
through the ongoing training process. Rex Potter clarified the statement by adding getting the
information out to the citizens. Scott Martin added increased participation to this goal. Doug
Fierce said he believes SPIN has one goal and that has been said in our mission statement. If the
mission statement is taken apart you have the goals. Mr. Fierce suggested ending the discussion
on goals and begin establishing objectives.
Ms. Starling asked the committee to quantify the goals with objectives. Ms. Starling picked Goal
One and asked the committee to build objectives. Goal One is, "As issues arise, improve
communication between city and community". Laura Miklosko suggested creating a SPIN
newsletter. Rex Potter suggested creating mechanisms to create the communication. Mr. Potter
SPIN Standing Committee Meeting
iW August 24, 1995
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felt the newsletter was an action rather than a goal. The committee discussed using the Internet,
cable television, telephone tree, neighborhood newsletter, city newsletter, city manager's report
and local media. Doug Fierce reminded the committee that they were not looking in the other
direction.* All the items mentioned focus on getting information to the community and not getting
information from them. Rex Potter reminded the committee of the open forum, SPIN standing
agenda item on the City Council agenda. Mr. Potter felt SPIN representatives need to be on
special committees so information can get back to SPIN. Doug Fierce mentioned he thought the
communication SPIN has with the City Council i.e., SPIN reports, could not be developed with
the other boards and commissions. Rex Potter believes that vehicle exist at the meetings so
anyone can speak. Ms. Starling asked the committee for clarification. Do they want to provide
some form of communication -- written or verbal to other groups and do they want representatives
selected to serve on special ad -hoc committees? The committee wants to provide input and be
asked by the City Council to participate in the process.
Ms. Starling asked the committee to come up with one more objective for the first goal. The
committee mentioned that they want SPIN to become more proactive rather than reactive. Scott
Martin mentioned the Maguire Thomas presentation to SPIN and thought it to be reactive because
Maguire Thomas made their presentation to SPIN after visiting with Planning & Zoning. Martin
Schelling informed Mr. Martin, however, that he purposely set the meeting in between so Maguire
Thomas would have the benefit of P&Z's comments and SPIN could have a better understanding
of where the development is going.
Ms. Starling asked the committee what they were going to do to be more proactive. Rex Potter
suggested identifying issues that were occurring in the city. Gary Fawks suggested offering
information to the city and community. Ms. Starling asked the committee how they would know
when they did that. Scott Martin suggested issuing a report in a timely manner. Ms. Starling again
asked the committee to quantify this accomplishment. After much discussion, the committee
determined that identifying issues in advance of city action is an objective to the goal of being
proactive rather than reactive. Scott Martin added that the committee should solicit expert opinion.
This brought on the discussion of being prepared when Standing Committee members change.
Rex mentioned SPIN wants to have a transition plan in place so representation will be quality
representation for SPIN. Ms. Starling asked the committee what else would improve the quality
of SPIN representation? Rex Potter mentioned developing training for SPIN representatives.
Peter Sporrer suggested having an alternate representative. Nancy Baltimore suggested having a
retreat. Rex Potter suggested a minimum of one SPIN retreat each year. Rex Potter suggested
taking steps to ensure participation in the process. Scott Martin suggested establishing minimum
standards for commitment. The committee decided the standards for commitment are stated in
the ordinance and articles of incorporation.
SPIN Standing Committee Meeting
August 24, 1995
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The committee reviewed the goals and made sure all objectives were in line with what they wanted
SPIN to accomplish. Rex Potter said SPIN does not have procedures established. Mr. Potter
believed that SPIN needs to establish policies and procedures and establish a committee to
recommend policies and procedures to the SPIN Standing Committee. The committee suggested
extending a standing invitation to City Council to attend all SPIN meetings and gaining citizen
involvement for SPIN and show the success of citizen involvement. Rex Potter suggested an
annual self -evaluation.
Ms. Starling suggested the committee take the five established goals and revisit them to make sure
any objectives may not be missed. Ms. Starling mentioned that objectives could be added at any
time during the process. Ms. Starling informed the committee that by the end of the year they will
be able to see how much progress they made in SPIN by seeing what goals were achieved.
Rex informed the committee that they Executive Committee would meet to establish action plans
and the committee would discuss this at the September meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
1995-96 Goals & Objectives DRAFTSeptember 1995
Mission Statement: To provide a forum which fosters open and timely communication between the citizens of
Southlake and city government regarding programs, activities, and issues that affect the quality of life in the
...................... .
GOAL ONE; Improvc communication betwcen the city and community.
Action Plan
Target Date
1) Encourage Council and other
1) Extend invitation to City Council to
3rd Quarter 1995
Responsible: Executive
organizations to work closely
send representation to SPIN Standing
with SPIN.
Committee meetings.
2) Identify groups that could benefit
4th Quarter 1995
Responsible: SPIN
from SPIN, and contact to establish lines
neighborhoods #5, #10, #11
of communication.
reps, and youth delegate.
2) Identify mechanisms to
1) Establish committee to study
4th Quarter 1995
Responsible: SPIN
i�ve communication.
feasibility of a SPIN newsletter. The
neighborhoods #1, #5, #9,
committee will provide
and #14 reps.
recommendations to the full Standing
Committee for action.
1 st Quarter 1996
Begins once access channel
2) Tape SPIN Standing Committee and
available. Responsible: Full
neighborhood meetings for broadcast on
Standing Committee
public access channel.
1 st Quarter 1996
Begins once access channel
3) Utilize public access television
available. Responsible: Full
bulletin board for SPIN announcements.
Standing Committee.
4th Quarter 1995
Responsible: Exec.
4) Assign staff the task of providing
Committee will request of
recommendations regarding the use of the
staff, to be provided by 1 st
Internet for getting information out to the
quarter 1996
Responsible: Full Standing
5) Continue use of City Manager's
Report, press releases, etc. to
4th Quarter 1996
Responsible: Exec.
Committee shall begin with
6) Regularly provide minutes of SPIN
Nov. meeting minutes.
meetings to City Council.
1995-96 Goals & Objectives
September 1995 00AFT
Mission Statement: To provide a forum which fosters open and timely communication between the citizens of
Southlake and city government regarding programs, activities, and issues that affect the quality of life in the
OA)C TWO Communicate SPIN successes, "get the 'SPIN message 9ut3"
Action Plan
Target Date
1) Conduct an annual self -evaluation
1) Establish goals/objectives/
3rd Quarter 1995
Responsible: Standing
action plans.
2) Monitor progress through
Responsible: Executive
quarterly reports.
3) Prepare an annual self-
3rd Quarter 1996
Responsible: Executive
evaluation report documenting
4) Disseminate/provide report to
3rd Quarter 1996
Responsible: Full Standing
City Council and other interested
2) Strengthen public awareness of
1) Become more aggressive in the
3rd Quarter 1995
Responsible: Standing
use of press releases to
Committee Chair
communicate SPIN's success.
2) Contact the Southlake Journal
3rd Quarter 1995
Responsible: Standing
regarding establishing regular SPIN
Committee Chair
3) Utilize press to advertise
Responsible: Standing
activities, opportunities, etc.
Committee Chair
4) Develop SPIN "welcome
1st Quarter 1996
Responsible: SPIN
packet" for new residents.
neighborhood #1, #9, #15 reps,
and youth delegate.
5) Develop "ad" for Chamber of
1st Quarter 1996
Responsible: SPIN
Commerce Business and
neighborhood #3, #4, #10, and
Community Directory.
# 13 reps.
6) Develop SPIN booth for
2nd Quarter 1996
Responsible: SPIN
neighborhood #4, #6, #15, and
# 16 reps.
1995-96 Goals & Objectives
September 1995 DRAFT
Mission Statement. To provide a forum which fosters open and timely communication between the citizens of
Southlake and city government regarding programs, activities, and issues that affect the quality of life in the
C#AL THREE: Continue to improve the quality of SPIN representation.
Action Plan
Target Date
1) Provide continuing education
1) Conduct annual SPIN Retreat,
3rd Quarter 1996
Responsible: Standing
opportunities to SPIN representatives.
2) Schedule staff presentations for
Responsible: Executive
regular Standing Committee
Committee with input from full
Standing Committee,
3) Provide one formal skill
2nd Quarter 1996
Responsible: Executive
development training session for
SPIN representatives.
2) Develop an orientation program
1) Establish a training committee
3rd Quarter 1995
Responsible: SPIN
for new SPIN representatives.
for recommending training
neighborhood # 1, #5, #7, # 12,
procedures to the full Standing
# 14, and # 16 representatives,
with recommendation due in
November 1995.
2nd Quarter 1996
Responsible: Same as above.
2) Develop a training manual for
new representatives,
1 st Quarter 1996
Responsible: Same as above.
3) Establish a peer mentor program
for new representatives.
1995-96 Goals & Objectives
September 1995 ®RAFT
Mission Statement: To provide a forum which fosters open and timely communication between the citizens of
Southlake and city government regarding programs, activities, and issues that affect the quality of life in the
+GOAL FOUR. SPIN should. become mare proactive in its efforts to identify and communicate issues of
importance to the community.,
Action Plan
Target Date
1) Ensure SPIN awareness of
1) Direct staff to provide monthly
3rd Quarter 1995
Responsible: Executive
city planning efforts regarding
report on upcoming ordinance
upcoming issues.
changes/development, plan updates,
2) Request City Council to consider
3rd Quarter 1995
Responsible: Executive
SPIN representatives for service on
ad -hoc committees
3) Hold four city-wide forums to
Responsible: Executive
discuss issues of importance with
Committee with input from full
Standing Committee
2) Address specific
1) Hold quarterly meetings as
Responsible: All Standing
neighborhood issues through
required by Articles of
Committee representatives
ongoing neighborhood meetings
or other forms of
Responsible: All Standing
2) Utilize "SPIN Report" agenda
Committee representatives
item to communicate neighborhood
issues, concerns, activities, etc.
1995-96 Goals & Objectives
September 1995 DRAFT
Mission Statement. To provide a forum which fosters open and timely communication between the citizens of
Southlake and city government regarding programs, activities, and issues that affect the quality of life in the
GOALIFIVE: Enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the SPIN organization.
Action Plan
Target Date
1) Establish internal processes
1) Develop standardized format for
4th Quarter 1995
Responsible: SPIN
and procedures.
reporting upcoming city issues and
neighborhood #2, #3, #9, #11,
events to SPIN Standing
#12, and #15 representatives for
all four action items
4th Quarter 1995
2) Develop meeting procedures to
ensure maximum use of allocated
time for Standing Committee
2nd Quarter 1996
3) Develop officer election
procedures to ensure smooth
leadership transition for the SPIN
Standing Committee.
4th Quarter 1995
4) Develop a process by which
Standing Committee representatives
are replaced when necessary
(resignation, term limitations, etc.)
2) Strengthen the working
1) Continue monthly Executive
Responsible: Executive
relationship of staff with the
Committee meetings.
SPIN Executive Committee to
ensure that overall direction and
2) Provide Executive Committee
implementation os SPIN
support to appointed SPIN
programs are carried out with
committees as needed for special
staff in a support role, and the
guidance/development of the
program carried out under the
3) Where possible, the Executive
leadership of the Executive
Committee, in conjunction with
appointed committees, will inform
staff of SPIN issues and findings.