1995-03-30DRAFT CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SPIN Standing Committee Meeting Thursday, March 30, 1995 6:30 p.m. Standing Committee Members Present: Rex Potter, Chair; Karen Reynolds, Vice Chair; June Haney, Secretary; Katie Holzgraefe, Cara White, Karen Cienki, Betty Springer, Bill Salazar, . Dick Johnston, David Baltimore, Robin Jones, Martin Schelling, Joe Mast, Peter Sporrer, Scott Martin. Staff Present: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager; Kevin Hugman, Assistant to City Manager; Kathleen Farrell, Administrative Intern; Kim McAdams, Park Project Manager. Guests Present: Brad Bradley, Municipal Judge; Larry Samartin, Southlake Sister Cities. A brief reception preceded the meeting. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by meeting facilitator Brad Bradley. Agenda Item No. 2 - Approval of the January Minutes/ Review of February Meeting Summary Upon motion by David Baltimore, second by Rex Potter, the minutes for the January 26, 1995 Standing Committee meeting were approved. Standing Committee members were provided a copy of notes from the February joint meeting with the City Council. Agenda Item No. 3 - Administrative Comments Shana Yelverton announced the replacements for Standing Committee Representatives who stepped down to run for City Council. Karen Cienki replaced Carolyn Hobbs for SPIN Neighborhood # 14, and Patty. Minder replaced Pamela Muller, SPIN Neighborhood. # 8. Robin Jones will continue to serve SPIN Neighborhood # 11 in Ron Maness' absence. Shana discussed the annual meeting and asked for volunteers to help assist with. the organization. David Baltimore, SPINNeighborhood W 12 and Cara White, SPIN Neighborhood # 10 volunteered to assist. Shang asked for the group's opinion about the City Manager's Report. The group mentioned the report was very helpful but suggested it be placed around the city for public access. Also, a suggestion was made to put a notice in the city newsletter announcing the report, and where it is available. DRAFT Shana mentioned time has been set aside for SPIN reports at every City Council meeting. She then passed out a sign-up sheet for representatives to sign up for a time to speak to the Council. Kathleen Farrell passed out a notice of term expiration. Kathleen mentioned to the group that Sandy LeGrand, City Secretary mailed notices.to all representatives whose terms will expire in June. She asked the group to please contact Sandy if they are interested in serving again and if not, to offer a suggestion of someone who may be willing to take on the responsibility. Agenda Item No. 4 - Presentation from the Southlake Sister Cities Larry Samartin, Sister Cities Member, made a brief presentation about how Sister Cities serves the community. Larry mentioned students from Toyoma are visiting Southlake this week and have already visited Austin on Monday. While in Austin, the students were presented a proclamation by Representative Nancy Moffatt (R-Southlake) and took a tour of the Capitol building. The students went to school on Tuesday and had a pot luck supper held in their honor on Wednesday. Scheduled departure for the Toyoma group is Friday morning. Larry shared what a wonderful experience being involved in the Sister Cities program has been for his daughter Laura. Due to her positive experience, Laura is an Asian Studies major in college and will be going to Japan to study. taw Shana mentioned how rewarding the program has been and mentioned the Kite Festival will take place on May 6, 1995 at Fechtel Farms. Brad discussed the success of the Videolink program. The program linked students from Carroll with students from Tokyo. The students were able to communicate, by computer across the continent. Larry thanked the group and urged them to participate in and give support to the Sister Cities program. Betty Springer is hosting a student and it has been wonderful experience. Robin Jones asked how old the participating students are. Shana said ages of participating students ranged from 13 to 18. Agenda Item No 5 Discussion: Park Issue Update Kim McAdams, Park Project Manager, mentioned the Tree Sharing Program and mentioned the Parks and Recreation Division hoped to kick off the program in April. Kim also said Southlake is hoping to apply for Tree City USA. Rex Potter, SPIN # 13 mentioned that his subdivision is hoping to get trees through the Homeowner's Association. Kim McAdams then outlined the Trail System Master Plan. The plan is a forty (40) year ambitious plan that would link neighborhoods with schools. Kim explained the different types of trails and showed the group a slide show of what the different trails look like. IR .DRAFT The Trail System Master Plan will go before the Park Board and Planning and Zoning on April ((Aw 20, 1995. Robin Jones asked what areas were identified as priorities. Kim McAdams replied that priorities were not identified yet, but the idea is to get citizens to and from the schools and parks. Kim mentioned that subdivision regulations will be changed so that future development complies with the trail plan, but added that the developers are already beginning to participate. Agenda Item No. 6, Consider: Code of Conduct Shana mentioned that changes previously made were incorporated into the original draft of the code. Betty Springer wanted to know what rules -the Standing Committee was going to abide by and asked for comments from the committee. Scott Martin said he was disturbed with Section 2.5. He believed the wording regarding giving opinions is not appropriate, that as members of the Standing Committee they should be able to give advice to those who ask. Betty mentioned the purpose is to preclude people from saying, "As a SPIN Standing Committee member, I think you should...". Scott mentioned he thinks it should be reworded but he is not sure how it should be done. Betty said if there is better wording, use it. Robin Jones suggested putting "official capacity" in front. Upon motion by Robin Jones, second by Dick Johnston, the language was amended to read: "When serving in an official capacity, - Standing Committee members shall not offer any type of personal and professional opinions as an official representative of SPIN". Dick Johnston mentioned Section 1.7 should have been deleted. Upon motion by Betty Springer, second by Joe Mast, Section 1.7 was deleted. Agenda Item No. 7, Consider: Election of Chair and Vice Chair Rex Potter was elected to serve as Chair and Karen Reynolds was elected to serve as Vice Chair. Agenda Item No. 8: Open Forum Karen Cienki mentioned the problem her area had with the 9-1-1 system. Shang informed the group that Johnny Knight, Support Services Director, is aware of the problem and is working with GTE to resolve it. Carolyn Hobbs suggested it might be worth printing the possibility of problem in the next newsletter. DRAFT Bill Salazar mentioned a ditch on the corner of Continental and S. Carroll. The ditch is eroded ( and the development is not addressing it. Rex Potter mentioned a water hazard on Peytonville Road behind South Ridge Lakes. After much discussion regarding the number of concerns representatives are to bring to the May meeting, Shana Yelverton suggested creating a form and distributing it to the group. All were in favor of doing this. Karen Reynolds mentioned Adventure Alley raffle ticket drawing May 6, 1995. Dick Johnston announced the Trash Off on Saturday, April 3, 1995 from 8-12. There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.