1994-11-22CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SPIN Standing Committee Meeting Tuesday, November 22, 1994 7:00 p.m. Standing Committee Members Present: Ron Maness, Chair; Pamela Muller, Vice Chair; June Haney, Secretary; Wayne Haney, Dick Johnston, Cynda Mast, Scott Martin, David Baltimore, Betty Springer, Karen Reynolds, Carolyn Hobbs, Rex Potter (representing SPIN Neighborhood #13). Staff Present: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager; Kevin Hugman, Assistant to City Manager; Kathleen Farrell, Administrative Intern. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Ron Maness. Agenda Item No. 2 - Administrative Comments Shana Yelverton provided the group with a count of SPIN requests received by the City Manager's Office to date. The handout showed requests by type, i.e., request for speaker, information, etc. Shana then discussed the October meeting and some of the suggestions that were brought up by SPIN members. She noted that staff was trying to respond to the requests as follows: Information regarding community organizations will be provided at each meeting as requested by the Standing Committee. This month a representative from Adventure Alley had been scheduled to appear. Staff will make every effort to provide information on a number of community organizations. Develop a single source calendar of events so that Standing Committee members and citizens will be informed of meeting/event dates. Staff will make an effort to include a comprehensive calendar in the citizen newsletter. In the meantime, Shana provided a calendar to the Standing Committee which included information about meetings/events for November/December. Develop a Resource Directory of City Services so that SPIN leaders and citizens can easily identify who and where to call at City Hall when the need arises. Shana showed a sample that staff will use to develop such a resource. Use of public access television channel to televise City Council meetings, as well as other meetings. Kevin Hugman, Assistant to the City Manager is exploring options. A SPIN Standing Committee (W Minutes Page Two Finally, Shana reported that the SPIN Retreat had been videotaped, and that the tapes were available to check out. She noted that the presentation by Allen Taylor, City Attorney, had been copied and was available on a tape by itself. Anyone wishing to borrow one of the videotapes should contact the City Manager's Office. Agenda Item No. 3 - Approval of October 27, 1994 Meeting Minutes The Standing Committee unanimously approved the minutes of the October 27, 1994 SPIN Standing Committee meeting as presented. Agenda Item No. 4 - Presentation: Adventure Alley The speaker for this item was unable to attend the meeting due to an accident. This presentation will be rescheduled for a future meeting. Karen Reynolds, who is co-chairing the Donated Materials Committee for Adventure Alley, briefly discussed her committee's efforts to obtain various materials for use in park construction. Shana Yelverton pointed out that speakers can be made available for neighborhood meetings. Standing Committee representatives should notify the City Manager's Office if they are interested in inviting a speaker to a neighborhood meeting to discuss Adventure Alley. Agenda Item No. 5 - Consider: Topics for General Citizen Survey Shana Yelverton introduced Victor DeSantis and Jim Glass from the University of North Texas. She told the group that, as planned, the City was moving forward with the development of a general citizen survey of the community. Tonight's discussion would be an effort to identify topics for the survey. She noted that the consultants had a copy of the results of the Team Focus exercise and were using the data to develop questions. However, staff wanted to make sure that the Standing Committee had an opportunity to discuss the survey with the consultants prior to its development. Dr. Glass noted that the consultants had met with staff, read through Team Focus results, and were now interested in having one last opportunity to hear from SPIN leaders about topics which should be covered in the survey. The survey will be a random sample survey, with 600 respondents. He then discussed how the interviews will be conducted, and that there will need to be considerable pre -survey publicity to ensure that the citizens know the purpose of the survey and the need for their cooperation should they receive a phone call. Several Standing Committee members expressed concern about the survey, and questioned why it was necessary, given the fact that they had completed the Team Focus exercise. Shana explained that it had always been the intention of the City to do a scientific survey. The Team SPIN Standing Committee Minutes Page Three Focus exercise was the first step to identifying topics that should be covered. The survey, she explained, will be much more specific and scientific. The City will be able to make assumptions about how the community as a whole feels based on the results of the survey. Some of the topics identified included: -Recycling -Speed Limits -Maintaining Rural Atmosphere (and defining what that means) -Development Issues (pace, type, infrastructure, residential vs. commercial, taxes, etc.) -Joint Utilization Projects -Street Maintenance -Park Programs -Sewer/Drainage -Sales Tax Uses -Tree Preservation -Sign Ordinance -Lighting (infringement) -Animal Control -Code Enforcement -Crime Programs -Water Issues -City Complex -Arts -Transportation -Lake Access -Underground Utilities -SPIN Members of the Standing Committee will not actually review the document because the contents of the survey will not be revealed prior to the time it is conducted. Staff will work with the consultants to develop the final document. Agenda Item No. 6 - Articles of Incorporation Chair Ron Maness introduced the subject by reviewing information that was sent to him regarding suggested changes to SPIN's Articles of Incorporation. Karen Reynolds noted that it might be a good idea to let SPIN operate for awhile and amend the Articles at a future date. Several members of the group agreed that it would be easier to determine what changes need to be made once the group has some experience with SPIN. Upon motion by Karen Reynolds, second by Carolyn Hobbs, the SPIN Standing Committee unanimously agreed to table this issue. SPIN Standing Committee Minutes Page Four Agenda Item No. 7 - Code of Conduct This is an issue which was raised by Ernest Johnson when he was a member of the Standing Committee. He believes that SPIN leaders should be non -partisan, and that there may be other areas where Standing Committee members need guidance in the way business is conducted. Cynda Mast expressed the concern that a code of conduct should in no way inhibit an individual's personal expression. Carolyn Hobbs believes that the code should be written as a positive document, designed to guide Standing Committee members in their activities. Scott Martin raised the issue of enforcement. How would such a code be enforced? Ultimately it was determined that the group should send their thoughts on the subject to Shana to begin the process of developing a code. Ron Maness suggested that it be considered at the January Standing Committee meeting. Agenda Item No. 8 - All America City Award Kevin Hugman, Assistant to the City Manager, made a brief presentation to the Standing Committee about the City of Southlake's intention to apply for the All America City Award. He noted that Southlake will compete in the 10,000 - 50,000 population category. The criteria used to judge the competition is heavy on citizen involvement, and he hopes to work closely with SPIN to prepare the application. There are three segments to the application, and a project will be used to illustrate the City's means of addressing these issues. These include: -Addressing an Emerging Problem (Joint Utilization Committee) -Addressing a Current Problem (Youth Programs) -Flagship Program (SPIN) He noted that the application process is very defined and succinct. The City will only have a small amount of space to make its case, therefore, the application must be well written and well organized. Kevin pointed out that he will be seeking SPIN input. After a brief question and answer period, the group agreed to assist by providing input when it is requested. Agenda Item No. 9 - Neighborhood Council Progress Ron Maness began this discussion by encouraging Standing Committee members to update the Committee on their Neighborhood Council progress. Reports were as follows: Neighborhood #11: This neighborhood is currently working to organize a trash pickup effort. They hope to "Adopt a Neighborhood." The neighborhood is also organizing a petition to present to the State regarding the poor condition of S.H. 114. This petition will be presented to other neighborhood groups. SPIN Standing Committee Minutes Page Five Neighborhood #5: Karen Reynolds noted that she has held several meetings, and that those who attend are enthusiastic participants. Neighborhood #12: David Baltimore noted that his neighborhood recently hosted Bob Whitehead, Director of Public Works. Mr. Whitehead discussed a variety of issues with the 14 people who attended the meeting. Mr. Baltimore noted that he is in the process of developing a phone tree so that information can be disseminated to the 450 households in his neighborhood. Neighborhood #4: Scott Martin reported that he was in the process of summarizing information from the retreat for his neighborhood. Karen Reynolds noted that she has already compiled the information and will make it available to other neighborhoods as requested. Neighborhood #16: Dick Johnston noted that he has had a number of meetings with his group, and that at the November meeting there were ten people in attendance. He also noted that he had identified a number of residents in his neighborhood that are not listed in the City database. He has worked with staff to make sure they are currently being billed for garbage services. He expressed concern about not receiving information through SPIN and encouraged staff to ensure that the Standing Committee is notified about issues as they come up. Neighborhood #3: Cynda Mast reported that she and her husband Joe have determined that a number of people are not on their mailing list as provided by the City. She also mentioned that the reconstruction of Carroll Avenue has been a real concern to her neighborhood. The current condition of the road is deplorable, and it is difficult to get in and out of the neighborhood. Neighborhood #14: Carolyn Hobbs reported that her group holds regular meetings at 7:30 p.m. every third Wednesday. Recruitment efforts are currently underway. She explained that her group is interested in developing a project to increase voter registration in her neighborhood. She also expressed concern about the reconstruction of Peytonville, and noted that Continental is a problem. Neighborhood #15: Wayne Haney reported that road work done in his neighborhood has been effective, and that he feels things are going well for the most part. He did express concern over code enforcement, however. SPIN Standing Committee (W Minutes Page Six Neighborhood #13: Rex Potter is serving as the interim representative on the Standing Committee until the neighborhood can find another individual to serve. Neighborhood #10: Betty Springer noted that she has had good luck with the Grapevine Sun and the Southlake Journal printing notices of meeting dates and times, and she has also been sending out information on post card mailers. Neighborhood #8: Pamela Muller noted that her neighborhood has had a number of zoning concerns, but that residents of her neighborhood are very familiar with the city's process and usually work on these issues themselves. She also noted that there are individuals in her area with an interest in the sign ordinance and trails. She basically tries to keep them apprised of information as it becomes available. Agenda Item No. 10 - Adjournment Prior to adjournment, the SPIN Standing Committee unanimously agreed to cancel the December Standing Committee meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Ron Maness, Chair Attest: 1Vc I 11OV" i June aney, Secretary DRAFT SOUTHLAKE PROGRAM FOR THE INVOLVEMENT OF NEIGHBORHOODS Code of Conduct Preamble The purpose of the Southlake Program for the Involvement of Neighborhoods (SPIN) is to foster two-way communication between the City and its citizens. Broad based participation in neighborhood issues and projects is an important element of the SPIN program. SPIN Standing Committee members have been appointed to serve as ambassadors of the SPIN program, in addition to serving as leaders in their respective neighborhoods. SPIN Standing Committee representatives are responsible for directing and promoting the SPIN program. The role of the Standing Committee member includes, but is not limited to, assisting the neighborhood by facilitating communication between the City and the neighborhood, clarifying issues, and encouraging participation in the local government process. It is a privilege to serve the City of Southlake as a SPIN Standing Committee member and each should make every effort to fulfill the obligations of the appointment. The highest standards of integrity, impartiality, and professional competence are expected from SPIN Standing Committee members. The importance of impartiality and neutrality cannot be overemphasized in regard to maintaining credibility as a representative of the neighborhood. As such, SPIN Standing Committee members have a continuing duty to disclose anything that may affect, or might appear to affect his or her ability to be an impartial leader of his/her SPIN Neighborhood. Standing Committee members should be committed to aid and represent all parties as necessary. The purpose of this Code is to contribute to the maintenance of high standards and continued public confidence in the SPIN program. Therefore, the guidelines represent a standard of behavior for SPIN leaders and participants. They are not intended to address every situation which may arise among its membership. Rather, it is envisioned that each member will rely on the ideals embodied in this Code to lead them through uncertain situations. 1. Process 1.1 SPIN Standing Committee members should ensure that their respective Neighborhood Council are open to all individuals and organizations within the defined boundaries of the neighborhood and not be limited by race, creed, color, sex, national origin, income, or homeownership. Any form of discrimination against any party on the basis of characteristic, condition, preference, belief or status of such party conflicts with the purpose of 1117195 CW SPIN and should not be practiced, condoned, or facilitated by Standing Committee members. 1.2 The SPIN Standing Committee member, in his/her role as Neighborhood Council Chair, should create a safe environment for the expression of ideas by any neighbor wishing to be involved in the program. It is hoped that SPIN will be a forum for encouraging open and honest discussion of issues, which would include differing viewpoints. 1.3 SPIN Standing Committee members should conduct neighborhood meetings in sufficient frequency to provide an opportunity for neighbors to be well informed of events, issues and activities. Standing Committee members should make sure that minutes of all meetings are maintained. Standing Committee members should pursue effective methods for ensuring that their neighbors are made aware of SPIN activities and projects. 1.4 SPIN Standing Committee members should, for any official or formal recommendation or opinion being forwarded to the City of Southlake, follow a procedure by which dissenting views on any issues shall be transmitted, along with any recommendations made by the neighborhood to the City. It is important that the views of "some" not be represented as the views of "all." 1.5 SPIN Standing Committee members should attend and participate in regular Standing Committee activities. 1.6 SPIN Standing Committee members should consult with City Manager's Office staff and/or colleagues if unsure of how to handle a procedural or ethical problem. 1.7 SPIN Standing Committee members should develop a procedure to resolve internal disputes which may arise within the Neighborhood Council. Standing Committee members may consider referrals to the Southlake Dispute Resolution Center when they feel mediation would be a productive avenue to pursue in the event of disputes between neighbors. 1117195 2. Professionalism ®RAFT 2.1 To effectively serve in this capacity, Standing Committee members should take every opportunity to educate themselves about the operations of the municipal organization and current events within the City so that they may provide accurate information to their neighborhood. 2.2 SPIN Standing Committee members should promote mutual respect among all parties involved in the program, including but not limited to other Standing Committee members, Neighborhood Council representatives, City staff, and elected officials. SPIN Standing Committee members and other SPIN participants should always exercise decorum and prudence during Standing Committee and Neighborhood Council meetings. 2.3 SPIN Standing Committee members should represent facts or circumstances as accurately as possible in the course of providing information from the City to the neighborhoods, or in reporting information from the neighborhoods to the City. 2.4 SPIN Standing Committee members shall not use his/her influence as a SPIN representative to influence the electoral process. Although SPIN Standing Committee members may, as individuals and citizens of the City of Southlake, exercise their right to support or oppose candidates, or issues as individuals, it is inappropriate to use SPIN as a political tool. SPIN Standing Committee members must maintain electoral neutrality and remain nonpartisan in regard to all candidates running for public office or ballot issues when performing functions in their role as a Standing Committee member. A SPIN Standing Committee member should never coerce, make a decision for, or impose his or her own judgement on neighbors. 2.5 SPIN Standing Committee members should not offer any type of personal or professional opinions or advice to neighbors when functioning as a Standing Committee member or Neighborhood Council chair. 1117195 2.6 A SPIN Standing Committee member should decline reappointment, withdraw, or request technical assistance if he/she feels incapable of handling the responsibilities of representing, and leading his/her neighborhood. SPIN Standing Committee representatives should withdraw from the Standing Committee if he/she feels that he or she can no longer maintain the impartiality needed to effectively serve as a representative of the neighborhood. t&MM