Annual Report July 1996-May 1997 wi.. Annual Report for the Senior Advisory Commission
July 1996 - May 1997
The Senior Advisory Commission was created by City ordinance on December 19, 1995. The
commission was created to act as an advisory board to the City Council relating to senior
programs and city issues. The Senior Advisory Commission is responsible for recommending
policies to improve senior services and provide advice to the city regarding the development of
recreational programs and facilities.
This is the first annual report for the Senior Advisory Commission of Southlake, Texas.
The Commission has met once each month on ten separate occasions. Our initial meeting was
on July 9, 1996 and our final meeting was on May 13, 1997. Officers selected on July 9,
1996 were Dick Johnston, Chairperson, Fran Weiser, Vice-Chairperson, and Jim Goggin,
During its first year of existence, the Senior Advisory Commission devoted much of their
time to organization which included preparing by-laws and defining duties and responsibilities.
The Senior Advisory Commission focused much time on encouraging the senior citizens of
Southlake to become involved in programs developed for Southlake seniors.
The following list identifies the Senior Advisory Commission's activities and accomplishments
for the year:
• Identified Southlake Senior Citizens - Using 1995 Voter registration records, we found
there are over 1200 senior citizens age 55 years and older residing in the City of
Southlake. Information was distributed to the senior citizen population to encourage their
involvement in programs and activities. Since July, 1996, the participation level has
grown. Approximately 60 seniors (5%) are now participating in some of our programs.
As part of the Senior Advisory Commission's effort, an organization called "Southlake
Seniors" was formed to focus primarily on planning programs and activities for the senior
citizens of Southlake. The Southlake Seniors provide monthly reports to the Senior
Advisory Commission and are working to develop a wide variety of programs to encourage
more participation. Hopefully, the wider variety of activities and programs will increase
the involvement and participation of more Southlake senior citizens.
• Reception for Senior Citizens - The Senior Advisory Commission hosted a reception for
senior citizens on March 16 encouraging new members to the group, introducing the
Senior Advisory Commission and describing the programs available to the senior citizens
of Southlake. Approximately 68 people attended the luncheon, including 4 city officials.
Senior Advisory Commission
Annual Report
Page 2
• Senior/Adult Activity Center - Much of our effort was directed toward the renovation of
the Eubank's House, located on city owned property on Southlake Boulevard, to provide a
Senior Adult Activity Center. This facility will allow the city to offer additional programs
and activities, five days a week, for senior citizens.
City engineering staff is preparing plans for the outside portion of the house including
street access, parking, drainage and sewer connections. The City is in the process of
hiring a professional to design the floor plans. The Senior Advisory Commission and city
staff hopes to have renovation completed within four to six months.
• Personal Care Facility - Senior Advisory Commission members spent much time and effort
providing input to city officials regarding the development of a zoning ordinance allowing
construction of personal care facilities in the City of Southlake. Senior Advisory
Commission members, on several occasions, have addressed Planning & Zoning
Commissioners encouraging them to write a reasonable and sound ordinance for Assisted
Care facilities.
The Senior Advisory Commission's focus on assisted care facilities resulted from the
desire for long-time residents to remain citizens of Southlake. Senior citizens want to
remain in their home communities to be close to friends, family, doctors, stores and their
411sw daily activities. Projections from the Census Bureau show that the senior population will
increase by almost 33% by 2010. With citizens now living longer, there is a great need in
Southlake for affordable living facilities life that don't require heavy upkeep and
maintenance for senior citizens on fixed incomes.
• Southlake Representation on County-wide programs - Over the year, the Senior Advisory
Commission stressed the importance of getting involved with Tarrant County Programs
directed toward Senior needs. The Senior Advisory Commission is now involved in the
Northeast Tarrant County Senior Issues Committee and the Metropolitan Tarrant County
Agency on Aging. This should provide Southlake with input on county-wide programs
related to seniors.
• Weekly Lunch Program and Activities - Currently, senior citizens meet every Tuesday
from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. at Bicentennial Park's Community Center. The city contracts
with Metroport Meals on Wheels to provide the weekly luncheons and activities. Meals
are paid for by the seniors. The weekly meetings provide senior citizens the opportunity to
visit with each other during lunch and participate in activities including arts & crafts,
dominoes, bingo, and educational programs. Some seniors meet weekly for lunch in area
Senior Advisory Commission
Annual Report
Page 3
At the request of the City Council, the Senior Advisory Commission is available to meet with
the City Council to further discuss the past year's activities.
Respectfully Submitted:
Dick ton, Chairman Frances Weiser, Vice-Chairman
J. oggin, Secretary`U r
F ■
%II I kt 414C:
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Thank you to our
'I 1' l:11
Emergency Contact: wonderful
i ili'
We are in the process of trying to volunteers!!!
update our emergency contact
Regular MMO
1 information for all the folks who
volunteers in JuWly
attend our Southlake Senior -
functions. We will be contacting were Nancy
Griffin, Diana
each of you asking for a name and Collins, Loretta
phone number of a family member or Tarino, John &
``Leader of the Pack" was a friend.
Mary Metzler and Virginia
delight. Eleven of us attended Muzyka. National Charity League
the Sunday, July 13 matinee volunteers in June included Rae
performance at the Runway WELCOME: Ellen & Abbi Frances, Jane &
Theater in Grapevine. The play Welcome to our guests in July, Cori Middlebrook, Jill & Lindsey
was a musical that chronicled Ann Hardy from Colleyville Carswell, Sarah Carpenter, Ellen
the life of a songwriter of the Meals on Wheels came by to Cheshire, Janet Barton, Shirley &
•`doo wap"sixties. visit. At the present time there Heather Conner, Terri & Amanda
Di ?r followed at the La Casa are no organized senior activities Sivey, Paula & Natalie Heaton,
Reaurant in Grapevine. in Colleyville. Ann Hardy , a Marta & Becca Roper, Stacy &
Metroport Meals on Wheels Paula Wagnon, Glenda & Rayne
volunteer, is helping to begin a Williams, Mary Ann & Anne
senior lunch program, much like Hoffmans.
la ours. It is flattering that we are Women from the GSWS will
i serving as an example of a
volunteer each month there is a fifth
successful group! Tuesday: In July we met Bonny
— Bob & Carol Owens joined their
Haynes, Dana McGrath, Nelia
parents, Don & Nan, for lunch. Keiser and Carolyn Sanders.
The Lunch Bunch lives! How We also welcomed several new
one of my could I have left A new face in our midst belongs to
folks to our group in July; Tom Andrea Cleghorn. Andrea called
favorite activities out of last Furey, Lois Segers, Alberta
month's newsletter? We did y 9 the City of Southlake asking to
meet, and eat. Wevisited the Nettleton, Elizabeth Schneider, volunteer at our Senior Luncheons.
Garden for lunch on the and Bill & Betty Hutson. It is Andrea has been coming to help
1 Tar lunch Bunch meets on wonderful that our group is every week since she was introduced
the third Friday of each month at growing. Thank you for helping to us. Thank you all you
11:30. the our newest members feel wonderful people. We will miss all
11:30. Only August location5th we will welcomed. Good thing the City is the young ladies who came by this
changmeet at La Madeline's in working on a bigger meeting summer. It is back to the
Grapevine. Join us for good food place for us, we are about to classroom and back to work!
outgrow the community center!
Maybe we will see them next
arCreat company. Call if you
need a ride! • summer, sure hope so!
�a//(./., f/i(nsr .iilii�vA/i-e tY-1 9-06'6r
. Il//.9(1/r(q// _141,7P/bNP/ _l/('(14 N// ufZe S(ma de Ci/(/l (//c.1;,/il!/zA('
CRAFT GROUP The recipe Grapevine Senior Center is
holders turned out cute! Help: I I inviting area seniors to
need volunteers to direct a craft a,, v participate in planned field trips:
activity. If you, or a friend or ' /) Saturday, August 16, Fair Park it
relative, would like to lead a craft I / -j Dallas for a performance by
activity please let Rose or Diana e Cirque Ingenieux, September,
know. We will provide the ‘01/4,11/4.0
Kimball Art Museum tour of
supplies. We try to schedule the "Monet and the Mediterranean"
fourth Tuesday monthly for crafts. exhibit.
Call 481-0442 right away to sign
HAPPY BIRTHDAY up or for more information.
Thelma Jones on the 5th If you enjoy dancing, check out
(Thelma says I can tell you she is the GV Senior Center dance
83yrs, and still going strong!) every Friday night. Cost of the
Parting Sorrows Thurman Still on the 8th Record Hop Dances/Pot Luck
by Richard Shaffer Lava Horn on the 9th Supper is $1.00; live band
So many dear hearts have passed us Charity Hunt on the 19th dances are $3.00.
by Marie Bass on the 23rd
Looking for heaven in the sweet by Bernice Hall on the 30th Southlake Seniors will continue
and by. If have missed your birthday please to meet each Tuesday through
They are gone from this earthly place let me know! the summer months...join us for
No more rays of sun upon a smiling September birthdays coming up: a "cool" time.
face. Kathryn Tate on the 4th
Time in death is but a second, Flo Taylor on the 4th
Then comes the day of reckon.
Jean O'Connor on the 17th
We pray they were in good with the Richard Shaffer on the 25th Baylor to offer free skin
Lord Mary Hogeron the 27th cancer screening on August
And heaven in their hearts was 16: 9:00 to noon at the
stored. • outpatient facility in Grapevine.
Their soul now committed to God No appt. is necessary,
And over their grave is placed the Southlake Parks and Recreation first-come, first-served. Call
sod. invite you to enjoy a night of 1-800-422-9567 for information.
We will miss them, it is true music. On Saturday, August Approximately 500,000
For they are not gone,just passing
through. y 16th, enjoy the sounds of the Americans develop skin cancer
As we open the Book and read the High Standard Bluegrass Band. every year. Fortunately they are
pages The outdoor concerts are held relatively easy to detect and mos:
e see that they are a part of the can be cured. The typical cause
Wes. a Bicentennial Park and are of skin cancer is overexposure tc
For them, there are no tomorrows, free. Bring lawn chairs! sunlight.
For us. only parting sorrows.
_____k,„ ,
,,, ALIGL1ST 1997Ilw
.00fineiret/ _Ik/rr)h„r/ _fiends* Of/ yf%er/r (,m/tk, Ci/y „/c loll/,/aAe
f n oj ryy
,t, --- "I.
`— William"Bill" Hodes, husband of
Wanda, died July 11. 1997 at the a`z,
of 71. Bill was a Grapevine native.
People on the go! The Hodges have lived in the
Grapevine/Southlake area for many
Kaete Ss Carl Roberds are Get well soon! years. Bill retired from Mobile Oil
still away! What a life, Thelma Leich is mostly where he had worked for 39 years.
vacationing, taking it easy, Funeral services for Bill were held
enjoying the cool weather. recovered from her terrible fall,
thank goodness. John Kelly is July 13, at First Baptist Church of
Sylvia Douglas wandered of Gra evine where the Hodges were
to Atlanta and Sparta for a all better. We were very happy P
tittle break. Diana Collins to see John back in our group at long time, active members. The love
the August 5 lunch. Thelma and esteem Bill held were evident as
went off to New Mexico for a friends and neighbors paid their
hange of scenery, and also to Jones hasn't been her perky self
ick up or deliver her
lately, she is still having back respects.
;randson. Dorothy 8b Bill problems and undergoing tests. The Senior Advisory
`' , ove are still vacationing She may have to undergo some Commission welcomes all
:n Southfork, Co.They sent a surgery in the near future. seniors who are interested to
post card to us via Thelma attend their meetings held on the
Jones: "Dear Friends, we are Garage Sale 2nd Tuesday monthly, following
ashamed to write since we're The Metroport Rotary Club will the senior luncheon.
wearing sweaters and it rains hold its first annual Non-profit
everyday! We're enjoying the Group Garage Sale in October. 4.
gorgeous scenery and could The date was changed to The renovation
get hooked on this `doing ensure cooler weather! project of the
nothing' lifestyle. Best wishes Eubank's House
Metroport Meals on Wheels will
to all, Bill 86 DorothyVern into a
be a participant. This is a great Senior/Adult Activity Center is
Andres has been visiting his time to clean out your closets and on focused on Volunteer efforts.
son and family in Washington storage rooms for a good cause. F.C.L ocuseVrier & Richard Munoz,
state. All of you travelers If you have items to donate, architects, are volunteering their
have safe trips and please call the MMOW office at
return to us safe and 491-1141. time to prepare plans for the
project. They will also provide
sound! guidance with the overall project,
To join an Alzheimer's Support including a construction schedule
Need Transg°rtaticni Group call (214) 827-0062 and recommendations for the
Two of our wonderful caregiver classes and amounts of materials and type of
volunteers have offered to information are available though volunteer skills needed to
beLailable if you need a the Greater Dallas Chapter, complete the renovation.
ride somewhere! Cali Rose Alzheimer's Association, 2910
at 329-0866. Swiss Ave., Dallas, TX 75204
AL1GL1ST 1997
iz/or, Awe .?cvz �1re c9,Q-0d'6T
..6oirsoreal _ll/roll:ort..Ile-ezh uic`tYmeh ti d e 4e 61/y Uf;..1;m/Xi/r r
Keller Bank: New Horizons j
Book Review: The Color of Water:
Club continues to invite you to
participate in travel opportunities. ' a Black Man's Tribute to His White Li
Please check the senior bulletin Mother by James McBride
board to see the latest offerings. Great Book! This non fiction work
An Ozark Mt. Christmas in reads like a novel. Growing up in a
Branson, MO looks especially black Brooklyn neighborhood. James
inviting. Plan ahead for a Swiss McBride knew his mother was PRESIDENT'S PONDERING
Holiday April 21-29 . Call different, but when he asked she
Martha McCormick at would only say she was A week or so ago my wife, Fran.
817-431-1531 for more "light-skinned.'' As an adult, he was talking with one of the ladies
information. finally was able to persuade his at our Southlake Seniors lunch
mother to divulge her story- the who said how grateful she was
daughter of a rabbi, born in Poland for these lunches. She said she
t k.4*
had been lone)
and raised in the South, who fled to y until she started
` •,r �= Harlem, married a black man, attending the Fellowship lunches
` . ' founded a Baptist Church, andput and reallyenjoyed with the
. A, P being
'"` twelve children through college. friendly people who talked
Senior Advisory Commission: Well written, this moving story her and took an interest in her.
Martha Greenberg is our touches on issues of race, religion She now has the feeling of
representative on the Northeast and identity. belonging to this group of people
Tarrant County Senior Issues Currently on the New York Times who meet for games, crafts and
Committee. She is attending a Bestseller list, available in paperback. fellowship. She looks forward to
three week course on Senior Anyone who likes to read is welcome Tuesdays, and the dominos,
Guardianships. She recently to borrow any book to take home crafts, Bingo, entertainment and
attended presentations on and enjoy. Please return it when you all the volunteers who pay so
Financial Assistance for the are finished. We welcome any much attention to her needs.
Elderly done by the Dept. of contributions to the book collection. This has become the Happy Day
Human Services; Case of her week! This is what we
Management by Access & The Star Telegram/Northeast are all about! Each of you
Assistance Program for the Area cordially invites you to the 4th contributes to this atmosphere of
Agency on Aging (this is a annual GRANDPARENTS friendliness which warms the
service that helps Tarrant County DAY DANCE on Friday, hearts of the other people who
elderly remain in their homescome. It makes for a warm
either with financial or health September 5 at the Grapevine caring group of people. Lets
care.); Legal Guardianship Convention Center keep on caring--- and while your
Issues presented by Senior Admission is free with a at it. invite another senior citizen
Citizen Services of Greater picture of grandchild. to attend.
Tarrant County, it pertained to Reservations required. Josh V ser
helping seniors live Please call 685-3832. Leave
independently with dignity. name,phone # & number of people.
frr-r-ik-, _
AUGUST 1 ()- 97 ,.„rrti„,„t,
(Sekor, :A/i?cnre .filowA dire d.,j2—c 66
,9befueirecqy _11/roller/ ll a/r un ''i7re/r and du,6ity fiD;n idle
Apple Bars...Freida Greenough is keep up his strength along with
making apple sauce! Too bad the ever useful "do not disturb"
IT itF,>..�: i ; - : ':- - .. . Kaete Roberds is out of town sign to hang on the door. Not all
' �` �` ; ' cause I know she would be the gifts were in jest, Crawford
cooking up a storm with all the also received a few things to
apples!) remind him of his home and
T 7CceLX 9 2I Kroger for the friends in Texas.
nany things they donate to us; After lunch, we partook of the
\II of you great cooks who bring en :in Wedding Bells "chocolate Groom's cake" and
lod to share at our monthly pot , -- will ring on played two games (well, OK, they
,ck. Diana Collins for taking ( August 16 for weren't really games so much as
-eat pictures for the scrapbook! I Crawford Hall they were quizzes.) Thank you
larie Bass & Thelma Leich for ��, ..,,,-) and Doris to Fran Weiser for providing a
.ne wonderful job they did in Humphries. delightful "LOVE" Quiz. The
cutting together a scrapbook of Although most of us will not be second quiz was based on last
Southlake Seniors activities. able to attend the festivities (the month's newsletter information
Take a look at their work, the wedding is being held near about Crawford's life. (And you
)o -will be available at our Ottawa, Canada) we were able to thought there were never any
-utmeetings. We welcome enjoy some of the pre-wedding tests on this newsletter info!)
any contributions for the hoopla. On July 19, the Crawford was very happy to be
scrapbook! National Charity Southlake Seniors held a the recipient of the friendship anc
.eague Members who donate surprise bachelor party for caring.
.eir time to come help us set up Crawford. During the party many
s well as clean up each week. Crawford's daughter, Jill photographs were taken (thanks
Thelma Jones for continuing to Hollingsworth, granddaughter, to Diana Collins and Janet
do such a great job getting cards Ginny Hall, and Ginny's Barton) which will be placed in a
sent out to our members who are Grandmother, Mary Simmons special photo album that was
having birthdays. anniversaries (also a friend of Crawford's) were signed by all of the people
or are sick. Colleen & Brooke
special visitors. Crawford was present. Virginia Muzyka and
Hess for the great birthday cakes greeted at the door with a formal Rose Hampshire will present the
they bake each month. Diane jacket, a blue boutonniere and a album to Crawford and Doris at
royal crown. The table their reception...yes, we are
Carlisle and the Women's decorations of gift bags with planning to fly to Canada for the
Division, Southlake Chamber festive balloons added a party wedding (having a husband
of Commerce for the delicious atmosphere. working for American Airlines
watermelons they donated to us Crawford was the recipient of does have its perks!) We will de
in July. Jill Carswell for useful gifts and advice; winter our best to show the Canadians
supplying us with our "Kroger"
mittens, ear muffs and a woolen that Texan's do indeed know hove
fresh donuts one day this month. cap to help deal with the cold to party. (I will do my best to
Do- Owens for sharing the weather. A butane lighter to help keep Virginia under control.)
boy. .y from his apple trees (I "light the flame", a bottle of
made some wonderful Harvest rejuvenating "youth" water to
L`'(/./i„r. vfo,e .9 1J,/ iiPC CYO 9�c 6
,5bnnn•ire(//y _6l//'(/. )f/ _fie-er/v u./ 4G%rr/,r and//ie 61: ()f I; / e,
Over the years, Mary was quite a
collector. She collected over 200 ES
antique dolls and thimbles. pA�� ,Y TAM
When they moved to Texas, 1 f i
— ��
Mary sold her doll collection but —�,.
hung on to her thimbles. `�
Roy was a hunter; he hunted .
MEET Mary & Roy Dunbar pheasant, rabbit and deer. What Would you like to be in the
gyrr� both Mary and Roy liked best Newspaper? The Fort Worth
was getting together with other Star Telegram would like to begir
Mary and Roy Dunbar were hunters, family and friends, to a series of interviews with
both born in Wisconsin. Roy was share the bounty. seniors from Southlake,
a country boy. Upon graduating Roy and Mary enjoy going to the Grapevine and Colleyville for the
from high school, he married Senior Center in Roanoke on Hometown Star. They are
Mary, a "big city" girl, in 1936. Mondays, Wednesdays and particularly interested in
The actual population of the "big Fridays. On Tuesdays, they are speaking with those seniors who
city" as Mary recalls, was 2,000. here in Southlake enjoying good have lived in the area for a long
They bought their first home in friends, good food, and a good time. Due to privacy issues '
Elkhorn, Wisconsin, and had two game of chicken tracks. cannot give them informatio,.
sons, Martin and Ray. This month (August 25) Roy and without your consent. They
During the Depression, Roy Mary will be celebrating their 61st would contact you to set up an
started out hauling milk from the wedding anniversary. interview and photograph. If you
farms to the condensery. He Congratulations from all of us. are interested please let me
worked this job for ten years know. You all have much to
before he got into the farm Note from Rose: I want to thank share with others in our
machinery business. After Loretta Tarino for conducting the communities who are interested
interviews and writing these
retiring from this job, Roy started in stories and remanicing of
working for the city on highways, wonderful "getting to know you" "how things used to be." Call
roads, parks and on other public columns. Getting to know each Rose at 329-0866 or the MMOW
service projects until he again other is the whole reason for our office at 491-1141.
retired in 1974. being here.
I also want to say that getting to
Their son, Martin, graduated from
know Roy and Mary Dunbar, and
college and went to work for IBM. NETS: North East
In 1980, IBM moved Martin and watching the loving way they Transportation Service
care for each other, has been an
his family to Grapevine, Texas. The City of Southlake contracts
Their son, Roy, enlisted in the inspiration to me. They area with NETS to provide low cost
Army and gave his life while lesson of love, I use them as an transportation for seniors. Cost
serving his country in Viet Nam. example of what / hope for in my is $1.50 each one way trip.
In 1993, Roy and Mary moved to own relationships as I grow older. For more information or to
Marshall Creek, just north of Thank you Roy and Mary for request a registration form,al
Roanoke, to be near their son touching my life. NETS at 428-638 [ 7/7)
Martin and his family.
\l I1.(f14tr
ALIGLIST 1997 �,rusn.�nrtiHI�s
" c`ior. ✓LlhW .l(:mnAvki-e Y,9-0d'6
, on eireaI y _lie-tzu/b(rrt_Il ads (m 4U%CC/s and de 6 cf 1iiiiiA/aAe
loudly proclaiming that the day
was wasting, and rousting us out The Volunteer Services
41 v v •of bed. She was/is the queen of Auxiliary of Baylor Medical
Z. i• ;y' the realm. Center at Grapevine needs
My mother is one year her elder volunteers for the gift shop.
and they have battled for 80 Responsibilities include buying,
years. They fight, they argue, displaying, inventory control and
ly Aunt Lola turned 80 on Aug. they denigrate, they stubbornly serving customers. Call the
rd. This is amazing because hold that the other is in error hospital's volunteer department at
ne has been sure she was (whatever the case may be.) Yet 329-2665 for information. Some of
about to die for the last 70 years. they cannot be apart for very our very own SLAPS who have in
Ay Aunt Lola is a character you long. My Aunt Lola has lived with the past or are currently
;ould write a series of novels my mother for the past 21 years. volunteering, are
bout. Eccentric, yes, (for the One starts a story and the other Bunny Evans, Wanda Hodges and
ast 10 years her main meal has finishes it. My mother tries to Alberta Nettleton.
:onsisted of a hamburger patty, keep secrets, but Lola knows
Nell cooked, no salt or pepper, everything there is to know about
on dice of white bread, a side CINII
anything that happens in her
oftashed potatoes with green realm.
beans mixed in, and a side of The years have witnessed every
peaches, halved, not sliced) emotion, with anger being at the
exasperating, most surely, but fore, yet neither one could exist
also funny, kind, generous and
today without the other. My POT LUCK on 3rd Tuesday
loving (though she would never mother is hardly mobile, rarely Please remember to bring
admit to any of those virtues.) leaving the house. Lola can something to share on our pot luck
Lola never married, though she barely stay at home, she is off to day. This month if your name
was quite beautiful and sought her house (for all these years she begins with
after. She spent some time in a has maintained her own house, A to H bring a side dish or
tuberculosis sanitarium at a sometimes withdrawing there casserole of some kind.
young age, which thereafter when the wounded feelings I to M bring a vegetable or
affected her image of self. For needed respite), fetching the salad
the rest of her life she was sure food and necessities, calling for
she was dying of one ailment
some reason or other ( really to N to Z bring a dessert
after another. make sure my mother hasn't We will vary the selections each
Lola has never been out of my fallen or become ill in her short month so that you do not get stuck
life (surely that alone will grant absence.) bringing the same thing every
me special privileges in heaven) Drama, comedy, suspense, month.
taking it upon herself to make betrayal, love, hate, friendship, Thank you for your help...and as
sur-, my mother was raising us fear, happiness, sorrow, pain, always a big THANK YOU to
pi Orly. From earliest memory, hope...all and more, merely every Kroger Food Stores for providing
she would arrive at our house at day life to some of us. the roast chicken!)
the break of dawn, if not sooner, POT LUCK ON AUG. A
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P.O. Box 204
Roanoke,Texas 76262