1994-10-03CITY OF SOUTHLAKE JOINT SPDC/JOINT UTILIZATION COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, October 3, 1994, 6:00 p.m. MINUTES Joint Utilization Committee Members Present: Rick Wilhelm and Buddy Luce, Co -Chairs, and BethAnn Scratchard. Southlake Parks Development Corporation Members Present: Stephen Apple, President; Gary Fickes, Jon Michael Franks, Ralph Evans, David Yelton, Janet Murphy. Staff Present: Bill Branum, Superintendent; Lou Ann Heath, Finance Director; Kim McAdams, Park Project Manager; Greg Last, Director of Community Development, Warren Anderson, TPM and Bob Stoffels, Dunkin and Associates, Ted Glowacki (CISD). Agenda Item #1, Call to Order Meeting was called to order at 6:00 by Stephen Apple. Agenda Item #2, Approval of the MINUTES for September 22, 1994 meeting. A motion to approve the MINUTES as amended. Agenda Item #3, Bids for Bicentennial Park Expansion Kim McAdams, Park Project Manager, distributed a Bid Tabulation form (attached) to the committee and explained that the low bidder was Dean Electric; staff recommends the Base Bid of Dean Electric and Alternate Bid #6 (adjust fields #1 & #2 - move fences and light poles) and deduct Alternate #7, which is drill seeding. The total bid is $1.843 million budget, which is about $200,000 more than originally estimated. Kim introduced Bob Stoffels, the landscape architect with J.T. Dunkin and Associates. Mr. Stoffels reviewed an itemized list (attached) of items not in the construction budget and how the project has changed since February with original budget estimates. Kim explained that there is still about $100,000 in furnishings that need to be budgeted for which are above and beyond the bid cost. Kim explained that more property has been added. Mr. Stoffels discussed Dean Electric's schedule; 300 calendar days - which would bring the completion date to August; liquidation damages would be in the range of $250-$300 per day beyond the 300 calendar days. The committee considered Alternate #15 which allows that the contractor would receive $80,000 if selected elements of the project are completed by April 1, 1995. Due to a number of factors, the committee decided they would not recommend this alternate be included, but would continue Joint Utilization Committee Meeting October 3, 1994 Page 2 discussion of some type of incentive be given if the contractor can complete by April 1. Mr. Stoffels presented the Preliminary Cost sheet and explained that the handout shows the original estimates done in February 94 and bracketed [ ] items not in the construction contract issued and bid upon. Item #8 removed all infield/outfield sod on ballfields. Scorekeeper stands and base anchors were deleted. Item #11 Batting/pitching cages were deleted out of Base Bid and put in as Alternate Bid Picnic tables were deleted since City could do more economically. Vinyl coated fence was deleted because at the time they did not know what direction the playground was going to go. The fence will probably be wrought -iron instead of chain -link. Park signage was deleted from this construction phase. Mr. Stoffels explained that the Revised February 1994 Budget sheet was just an itemized list of elements that were removed, showing the overall impact on the February budget which for Phase I construction was $1.7 million. The budget is reduced to about $1.6 million with items removed. The two -page Costs of Additional Elements sheet takes the low bid received and subtracts out the revised budget and shows the difference between the two budgets. Mr. Stoffel explained the items listed are the elements which comprise the $200,000 additional costs over the original budget. Approximately 74 additional parking spaces which cost $74,000. The Service Walkway was recommended by city staff to accommodate vehicle traffic; also this item would help the drainage. This item was about $25,900. Additional Recreational Amenities Irrigation costs included a modification to the pump house and 6" line which was not included in February estimate; also included additional irrigation to area to the south of the parking lot. A remote control system was incorporated into the irrigation to make it easier for the City to test and maintain the system. These items were about $58,000. Turf Establishment included about 7 acres (south of parking) with drainage channel and seeding channel for about $10,000. Fencing was added to extend all the way to FM 1709. The fence was originally chain -link type at $7.50 per linear foot; but with the flute -wire fence (not barb -wire - hog wire) at $4.00 per linear foot. Wood stockade fencing is required along the northern property line which was not in the original cost. And, an 8-foot fence around the service center yard was added. Warm-up fencing was added at $3,750. Additional paving was added in the Plaza area to establish a paved area and carry on tournament play at a cost of $40,000. A Joint Utilization Committee Meeting October 3, 1994 Page 3 Greg Last explained the need for the additional parking to accommodate the playground, soccer fields and other recreational areas at the Park. Stephen Apple asked if consideration for buses was considered. LouAnn Heath, Finance Director, explained the financial aspects of the Park Expansion project (see the attached memo from Kim McAdams). LouAnn said we plan to move forward on the next bond sale. A motion was made to accept the Dean Electric bid, Alternate Bid #6 and #7. With a motion to second, the committee unanimously voted to approve. Agenda Item #4, Bids and Options for the Middle School Gym Project This item will be re -bid and advertised with a bid opening on October 24. The project will be bid as two separate projects; the school and the gymnasium. The bids will be awarded at the School Board on October 24 and take to Council November 1. Agenda Item #5, Executive Session No Executive Session was held. Agenda Item #6, Reconvene No action necessary. Agenda Item 8, Adjournment Meeting was adjourned after a unanimous motion by the committee members. ATTEST: Kevin Hugman, Ass s t to the City Manager c:1 wpfiles joint jucmin10.03 City of Southlake, Texas October 3, 1994 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Kim McAdams, Park Project Manager SUBJECT: Bicentennial Park Expansion Project - Phase I Re-evaluated SPDC Budget Plan Construction bids opened Friday, September 30. The staff has reviewed the bids and recommend the low bidder, Dean Electric for the base bid of $1,837,000, plus add alternate #6 which includes moving fences and light poles on the current Fields #1 & #2 at $13,000 and the deduct alternate #7 to drill seed the turf at-$7000. The grand total of the bid award to Dean Electric would be $1,843,000. With the construction costs of Bicentennial Park known and projected costs of the gym, staff re- evaluated our SPDC budget plan. SPDC BUDGET FY 1993-44, 1994-95 and 1995-96 Land Acquisition - Phase I (Truelove) $ 253,000 Bicentennial Park- Phase I 1,843,000 Bicentennial Park -Contingency 50,000 CMS - Gymnasium 700,000 West Beach Property 473,000 Land Acquisition -Phase II (Brunson) 225,000 Bicentennial Park - Phase II 456,000 TOTAL $ 4,000,000 Staff proposes to set aside funds for the Bicentennial Park Furnishings at $100,000 from the Park Dedication Fee Budget in FY 1994-95. ' //;1�� V Bid Tabulalion ' Bidders Bicentennial Park 13and ,I hi F}rch;4kc}ml Southlake, Texas September 30, 1994 It;�L 131aI _ (,�404;e5 �e Bid 1, 837, OOD It W, 251 2,21?t Ow lqw Alternate #1- Add 1350 L.F. six-foot trail 14,1115 171SW Itp,2co Alternate #2 -Add C.M.U. Wall ZOr 5� (o 07.E ZZ,ADD Alternate #3 -Add Modified topsoil Mixture '-���IoLb�$00 (�j�OGb Alternate #4 -Deduct Add Sherman Poles with Musco — (�<w — 5j00 " r500 Alternate #5 - Deduct Add Sherman Poles with Qualite 4 9,2Oo + 6 172-0 + (0,000 Alternate #6 - Add Adjustments @ Fields #1 & #2 131000 3, 5-L5 14,000 Alternate #7 - Deduct Drill Seeding —7, OoO — 2000 --$, 000 Alternate #8 - Add Sod Adjacent to Paving 4:5OO -3,c150 5,S000 Alternate #9 - Add L.tting Cages '341* I9, WO 231000 Alternate #10 Add 1170 L.F. Pipe Fence 2 pip 27, 7DO Z I I000 Alternate #11 - Add Duplex Lift Station 5,Ov0 L%ZSO 4,000 Alternate #12 - Add Remove 40'Asphalt replace with 55 000 i 4 000 '7,4 Oo0 concrete i Alternate #13 Add Pond Excavation 17,500 (Z, (cOO l "j, OOO Alternate #14 - Deduct Add Rainbird Irrigigation Equipment —2, Iq0 — 1,000 —21ZOO Alternate #15 - Add Completion of selected elements $0 ZOO OOO 000 by Aril 1, 1995 Addenda #1 r V Addenda #2 ,/ ✓ t/ ,:ender Days to Completion 3pp 3 ZC7 2 70 Bid Guaranty ✓ ✓ ✓ 3 OCT 03 '94 10:46 J T DU4<IN & PSSOC FM(# 553-5781 PRSLnaZU R7c cosT xsTman FOR BICMnW2MAL PARR SOUT914=1 TUXA9 Item No. Iteaa Dencrintion rny45.1. 01; i Subtotal Total Costs cost i, aVRVzT or SxTjc - wmrapnic & Boundary 3,000 2. AC=R= R.O.N. AM DR42 n(M sABIMUT - Truelove Property S. ACOvias 5.33 ACXx TRAOT 4. CONTRACT DOC710" PR=ARATION - PMM L.A. Consultant, dimension ccatLol plan, grading plan, construction details, contract administration 123,000 S. COM'1RACr DOCUMZHT PRIMPARAITIOR - 3:11TRY ROAD - city MViueer, drive fray F.M.1709 to park, plans, bid documents, surveying, contract administration 12,000 6. GITZ GRAD== 50,000 7. aMTRY ROAD AM r4UU AM CEMMI, - 31' BB concrete curb & gutter 133,000 G. 3= FIXWX 4 a 3 - Mustang rrigatiou 10,000 tfield sod (cverreedad) 1,75/m.- lo,000 Infield nod (oversandad) 3,000] Infield drainage piping 27,000 rdghto, 30 M infield, 30 M ouL=wId 70,000 Backstop fencing, 20' ht., 6 gangs 18,200 Foul line and outfield fencing, 6' ht., 9 gauge 10,400 nVgouts with players_ beaches, concrete slab. metal covers 17,000 Foul poles (15• height) 4,000 Dcorekaeppr stands 3,000] ace anchors - 7 each field (24) 1,000 Crcrsboard conduit and pull wire 1,VVV 2.74,600 9. 719AD11 6 & 7 - ftuy/BronCp Irrigation tfield pod (overeeeded) 1.75/Yd. 26,00q, 3s,00oj jZnlMnfield nod 4,00 4 fi�eld drainage pipit 2 Lights, 50 FC infield, 30 Fc outfield 108,000 Backstop fencing, 20' ht., 5 gauge 20,009 Foul line and outfield rcuuLng, a, ht., q gavgs 14,000 Dugouts with Players benebes, concrete slab, metal covers i7,000 oui pores aeorekeeeppeer stands 4,00 ;.000 Base ancfsors - 7 each field (14) 1,00 Scoreboard conduit and pull wire 1,000 261,400 U(w t 03 ' 94 10: 46 J' T DUtNQN & 0980C Fft(j 553-5781 •-- _ PageP: of 2 i 29. PRAS! Z - PARKIN= LOT DSV=PIU N'1 A= CTZLITIIS t parking area L%, 196 parking spaces, 6" reinforced concrete. 1&mc rtabilisod 200.000 Access drive, 760 L.F. 5" reinforced. lime stabilized concrete drive o $2.75/5.7. $0,000 Parking area 13, 71 parking spaces, 5" reinforced, lime stabilised concrete 71,000 Pedestrian walk/service drives - 151 wide, S• concrete, 690 S.F. • $2.75/S.F. 28,500 Dorking lot 1(ghring (10) 28,000 8" water line - 2,850 L.T. • $34/L.S. 39,900 Sanitary sewer - 1,4o0 L.T. • $15/L.F. 21,000 Sidewalks - 1050 L.F., 4" X 6' wide • 2.85, reinforced w/21 sand (Dlaygrcund 4501, Plaza to flame 40001 li,CBS Storm sewer (parking Iota) 20,000 470,055 ii. FWX I - RXCaMT'IORAL AM=TTES rigation booster pump, 2200' 4" PVC • $2.20 12,OOp, ratting/pitching one - s• cencrate slab, (4) 121 wide lanes. 8o, in length with is, tall fencing (does net include top J netting) 22,00 Picnic ahelter, 36' diameter with 8 picnic tables, one 8' grill (near playground) 36,000 picnic vnics, includoa concrete slab, picnic table and CFour small grill 9,000 cur picnic tablea with roof (aluminum) in Plaza area 10,00 2soo L.F. of 4" concrete hike k bike trail, 61 wide 32,000 Concession/rastroom building 180,000 aaseball Plaza paving, 4" concrete 40,000 Field araina$a ECOrm sower a 1,5;ation $0,000 Common area 20,000 Common area turf establishment 10,000 T.nndar-aping (3" Cal. trees) 30,000 Galvanised chain link fence, 3' mt. 1,180 L.Y. • $7.00/1o.F e,2b coated fence, 4' Rt. 620 L.F. • $7.50/L.r. (Playgronad rVinyl area} 4,65 leachars s prruwaout, i0 portabla iectrieai. transformer, service t0 concession, 18,nnn 1, ark si a 100,0000 441,910 12. 80=Mt A IX (PU&SX i - Nest two tialds) Irrigation 12,000 'Fur! 7,000 181000 13. 1 XINTMUMCs sVIW=Q - 25• x 50' building with security fencing and lights, 60, paving Lc, building and smtell storage yard 100,000 14. PHASE ZZ Parking area, 198 parking spaces, 5" reinforced, lime 200,000 stabilized concrete Access drive, 450 U.R. of sN reinforced, Dime stabilized concrete 30,000 Parking lot lighting 24.600 Parking lot irrigation 10,000 uttentiOn basin - 3 E+art oer fialds (City azigiaeer) structure, basin. 360' 431 RCP, No easement 110,606 275,306 15. ZOC:CSR ARIA (IRMI( 22 - vast three Hoodoo Tun£ establishment 6,S00 Zrrigation 15,000 Landscaping S,oco 2d.500 Construction Totals: PR 1 Q 1.699,965 t Contingency (74) 116,998 1,616,963 Fn 2 - 401,604 + Contingency (7%) :6,126 - 429.932 CI item not included in construction contract original Construction Estimate 1.699;965 Ytems not included .96,050 Revised Feb.'94 Conet.Est±tate 1,603,915 OCT 03 '94 10:47 J T DUVKIN & ASSOC FAX# 553-5781 P.3 Revised February, 1994 Budget BICENTENNIAL PARK Southlake, Texas October 3, 1994 February, 1994 Budget Phase t Construction Elements Removed from Construction Contract Item #8, Bell Fields 4 & 6 Outfield Sod $ 10,000 Infield Sod 3,000 Scorekeeper Stande 31000 Base Anchors im Item #9, Bag Fields 6 $ 7 Outfield Sod $ 25,000 Infield Sod 4,400 Scorekeeper Stands 3,000 Base Anchors LM Item 11, Recreational Amenities Batting/Pachtng Cage $ 12,000 Four Picnic Units 91000 Four Picnic Tables w/goofs 10,000 4' Vinyl Coated Fence, 620 LF. 4,650 Park Signage 10.000 Total Removed Elements Revised February 1994 Budget - Phase I Construction Contract $ 17,000 33,400 $ 1,699,N6 96.050 $1.603,016 OCT 03 '94 10:48 J T DLMIN & RS90C FAX# 553-5781 P.4 Costs of Addltlonal Elements BICENTENNIAL PARK Southlake, Texas October 3, 1994 LOW BIDDER'S BASE BID f 1,t337400 REVISED FEBRUARY, 1094 PHASE I CONSTRLMON ESTIMATE- IM3.91� Budget Difference = 24085 PHASE I ADDITIONAL ELEMENTS Item #10, Parking Lot Development h Unties Parking: Construction Plans 341 spaces Original Estimate 2j spaces Additional Parking 74 spaces Additional Cost ($1,000/space) S 74,000 Service Walk Construction Plans 23,300 S.F. Original Estimate 1Q,�5,Q S.F. Additional Service Walk 12,950 S.F. Additional Cost ($2.00/S.F.) 2S400 Item M I Recreational Amenities Irrigation: Original Estimate $ gg 000 Additional Irrigation Elements Modification to Pump House, Additional W line 25,500 Additional Areas Irrigated 4.5 Acres ($6,000/Ac.) 27,000 Remote corcrol system &DOO :a.5:4 Turf Establishment Original Estimate $ 10,000 Additional Turfed Areas • 7.05 Acs. (3.50/S.F.) " Revised Phase 1 constructlon estimate reflects the removal of elements npt Inducted r Ps_ss I construction contract � r, OCT 03 '94 10:48 J T DLMIN & ASSOC FAX# 553-5781 Site Fenang West Property Fence Original Estimate West Property Line Fence Constructlon Plana West Property Additional Cost Wood Stockade Fencing Not Included in original estimate 6' ht GM LF. 0 $15/1.F. 6' ht. 200 LF. Qo $20/1-F. Additional Cost Warm -Up Fencing Not Included In orlginai estIrMe 10' ht. 22D LF. Q S17/1-17. Additional Cost Total Addhkmd Fencing Plaza Paving Construction Plan Original estimate Additional Cost Total Cost • Additional Elements $ 8.260 1.740 $ 9.075 AM 13,075 3.750 18,565 $ 00,000 40.000 40,000 $ 227,715 P.5