1994-07-20Lq CITY OF SOUTHLAKE JOINT UTILIZATION COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday, July 20, 1994, 8:00 p.m. MINUTES Committee members present: Rick Wilhelm and Buddy Luce, Co -Chairmen. Members: Bethann Scratchard, Stephen Apple and Bill Branum. City Staff. Curtis E. Hawk, Shana Rice, Tina Harvey and Tom Elgin. Agenda Item #1, Call to Order Meeting called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Rick Wilhelm. Agenda Item #2, Joint Use Items for Consideration in '94-95 Budget Tom Elgin reported that Tina Harvey, Parks Coordinator, submitted a list of park items for the 94-95 Park Budget which could possibly be funded in the JUC budget (SPDC). Only item not included in the Park Budget is the practice fields. The fitness trail, which falls as a low priority for the next budget year, is considered a low priority because the possible expansion of the elementary school limits the available land for a trail. The baseball fields at the Carroll Elementary will not be encroached on by the expansion of the elementary school. Buddy Luce questioned whether the recreational/park projects be in the SPDC budget rather than a City budget. Mr. Hawk explained that those recreational/park project items would be in the City budget, but would be funded through the SPDC. Park improvements will be included in the SPDC, but will be reflected in the City budget. Stephen Apple told the committee that the SPDC has had three big ticket items that have already tapped what the SPDC had projected to be the revenue source. There may not be enough money left. Rick Wilhelm said that his philosophy does not believe that the Joint Use projects are only for park projects; the JUC should include other type projects. Bethann stated that these projects have been recommended by the Parks Board to be funded through Joint Use; what other projects does the committee want to recommend. Rick Wilhelm recommended that the committee review the requests and make a JUC-suggested list of the items. Curtis Hawk suggested that since SPDC funds have already been slated for the three big ticket items, the items on the list will not be able to be funded and that General Fund monies will not be spent on those items on the list that can be funded through SPDC in the next few years. Curtis Hawk asked the members to look at the list and prioritize the items which would be most beneficial, from a Joint Use point of view, and then present these JUC priorities. Stephen Apple said to look at the list as to what are essential this year and of those essential items, which ones are clearly a joint use. Joint Utilization Committee Meeting April 12, 1994 Page 2 Mr. Hawk talked about the need for alternative fuels for both the City and CISD. Perhaps there is a way to fund a joint fueling station? The city is looking at converting all of its fleet, except police, to compressed gas, propane this year. Depending upon when the school will need to meet its need; this could be a joint use project to look at for budget. Committee needs to look for a site which would accommodate the CISD and City's fleet. Curtis Hawk stated that the immediate needs have been recreational in nature and are more visible and that the park and recreation items are not the only items to consider as joint use. Because the park type projects are easy to identify and determine costs on, and other potential joint use ideas for potential projects (i.e., fuel facilities, maintenance/storage facility, joint construction of some facilities, acquisition of land for such projects) are not as easily visualized and costs are not formulated for these type things, and therefore, cannot be recommended to develop as a joint use project at this time. Mr. Hawk would like to see a recommendation for land acquisition come from JUC should funding become available, to be ready with a priority list. Rick Wilhelm suggested classifying the budget into two categories; one, functional, with items and costs that are fairly evident; another, of issues that the committee wants to look at but costs are not yet known. Mr. Hawk mentioned that the cost for the gymnasium at the Shady Oaks site; not in SPDC budget and the funds will not be available for 18 months - but this is something we need to do. Mr. Hawk also mentioned land acquisition, the property on the north side which is a high priority. Mr. Apple stated that there are more requests than there are funds (if these big ticket items are going to be included in the budget, something has to be cut) - need to make a "wish" list now and determine the importance of each of these items, what is nice to have, this is a requirement, and which items are absolutely essential? Bethann Scratchard said the committee needs to identify which items on the Park Board list the JUC would like to do. (lists attached) Improvements at the Intermediate School Multi -Purpose Court Soccer Fields @ Shady Oaks site Practice Fields @ Carroll Elementary (not on Park Board priority list) Fitness course/nature (consultant being funded through Park Dedication Fees) Living Science Center (funded within Special Projects, Parks Budget - no priority) Equipment - Mulcher Joint Utilization Committee Meeting April 12, 1994 Page 3 Rick Wilhelm commented that none of the above projects were new projects except for the fields at Carroll Elementary. After reviewing the list, the committee proposes to set priorities as: A. Park Projects 1. Multi -purpose Court - over $6,000 - OK 2. Soccer Fields @ Shady Oaks - OK 3. Practice Fields @ Carroll Elementary - NO 4. Fitness Course - NO 5. Int. Athletic Field Improvements - OK 6. Living Science Center - NO 7. Mulcher - Investigate more 8. Top Dresser - OK B. Other Projects City and school need to understand that we may need funding for these items. 1. Alternative fuel site 2. Fleet projects - fueling sites - vehicle storage - maintenance (could be done in-house) - repairs The committee requested that staff investigate the cost involved in acquisition of land for a fuel storage site, possible site location, etc. We need to look at current maintenance practices and costs. The Committee discussed the plans for the new school and construction of the soccer fields. Bill Branum said that the pad site will have to be built up for the building area, so the fields can be graded at that time. A concern would be how to get grass to grow and the irrigation to the fields. This would be about $2,000 savings out of the budget. Mr. Branum said the timing is poor for several reasons but mostly because of the growing season. If the construction is done in October; rye may be a good choice at that time. r.. Agenda Item #3, Adjournment Joint Utilization Committee Meeting April 12, 1994 Page 4 The August JUC meeting is cancelled with the next meeting being on September 13, 1994. Co-C ir, Ric W' lm C -Chan, dy Luce 0 Tom Wgin, Pjannfr, Community Development Department c: I wpfiles joint jucminOZ 20 �( Page 1 of 4 DATE: NEW REQUESTS SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 07/15/94 DEPARTMEV Public Works DIVISION: Parks & Recreation 95NREO.PG1 OPERATIONS CAPITAL PRIORITY DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL AMOUNT AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ACCT. NO. ACCT. NO. 1 Recreation Assistant 0 2 2 Maintenance Workers 0 (975.00) 3 Park Signage 7,700 7,700 Soccer Fields (975.50) 4 at Shady Oaks School 15,400 15,400 xpansion Playground (975.00) 5 encing 8,260 8,260 (930.00) 6 One —ton Pick Up Truck 22,000 22,000 (920.00) 7 Utility Cart 6,500 6,500 ommunity Bldg. (970.00) 8 oof Repair 12,000 12,000 odge Building (970.00) 9 m rovements 4,000 4,000 Fencing on South Side (975.00) 10 of Bicentennial Park 5,000 5,000 Coated Chain —link Fenc (975.00) 11 @ Front of Playground 2,500 2,500 Improvements to Bicent nial (975.00) 12 Park Fields 18,000 18,000 dditional Practice (975.00) 13 Fields for Baseball/Softb I 5,600 5,600 (950.00) 14 4,dministrative Computer 4,000 4,000 omputer for (950.00) 15 arks Project Manager 4,000 omputer programs (950.00) 16 or scheduling programs/ uildings 4,195 4,195 for Teen (270.00) 17 Vontract ctivities Nights 1,800 1,800 PAGF TOTAL REQUESTED: 0 1,800 119,155 116,955 Page 2of4 NEW REQUESTS SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 -)ATE: 07/15/94 DEPARTMENT: DIVISION - OPERATIONS CAPITAL PRIORITY DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL AMOUNT AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ACCT. NO. ACCT. NO. (920.00) 18 Communication Radios 2,700 2,700 Front end loader (920.00) 19 attachment 2,700 2,700 ADA/Vandal resistant (975.00) 20 drinking fountain 2,700 2,700 Improvements to (975.50) 21 Multi —Purpose court 5,480 5,480 Athletic Field Improveme is (975.50) 22 at Intermediate School 1,300 1,300 Field Lights Placed on (975.00) 23 Timer Switches @ Park 7,200 7,200 (975.00) 24 Niden Entrance 1,800 Trash Receptacles for (975.00) 25 Park (permanent) 1,500 1,500 (975.00) 26 Parking Lot Striping 600 600 Parking Blocks (975.00) 27 and Cross Ties 1,305 1,305 (920.00) 28 Fertilizer Sprayer 1,500 1,500 Canopy Backstops for (975.00) 29 Fields #2 and #3 1,800 1,800 Preschool/disabled (975.00) 30 Accessible Playground 8,600 8,600 Picnic Tables for Park (975.00) 31 (3 covered — 4 regular) 6,900 6,900 (975.00) 32 Bollards at Park Entrances 800 800 Vail Slot at (970.00) 33 pommunity Building 725 725 PAGE TOTAL REQUESTED: 0 0 47,610 45,810 C Page 3 of 4 NEW REQUESTS SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 DATE: 07/15/94 DEPARTMEN Public Works DIVISION: Parks & Recreation 95NREQ.PW OPERATIONS CAPITAL PRIORITY DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL AMOUNT AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT ACCT. NO. ACCT. NO. Office Equipment (901.00) 34 and Furniture 3,028 3,028 Maintenance Building (901.00) 35 urnishings 1,380 1,380 (462.00) 35 Toliet Paper Dispensers 474 474 Foam Perimeter Border (461.00) 36 for In —Line Hockey 2,200 2,200 (970.00) 37 Office door 300 300 (975.00) 38 Additional Lighting 5,400 5,400 (975.00) 39 Tree Replacement 2,250 2,250 Fencing Around Perimet r (975.00) 40 of Field #3 2,000 2,000 (920.00) 41 Top Dresser 6,000 6,000 Thirty Gallon Waste ReCE ptacles (901.00) 42 and Recycling Cans 520 520 (901.00) 43 Water Heater for Conces 3ion 275 275 (920.00) 44 Mulcher 17,500 17,500 (975.00) 45 Nater Hydrants 650 650 (975.00) 46 Recycling Station 390 390 (975.50) 47 itness Course/Trail 15,500 15,500 [uger (920.00) 48 Attachment 350 350 PAGE TOTAL REQUESTED: 0 2674 55543 58217 Page 4 of 4 NEW REQUESTS SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 DATE: 07/15/94 DEPARTMEN Public Works DIVISION: Parks & Recreation 95NREO.PG4 PRIORITY DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL AMOUNT OPERATIONS AMOUNT ACCT. NO. CAPITAL AMOUNT ACCT. NO. TOTAL 49 atter's Box tabilizer Mats (975.00) 600 600 50 ortable Bleachers (975.00) 3,600 3,600 51 3ike Rack (975.00) 300 300 52 mprovements for Tennis Courts (975.00) 500 500 53 3ate at Water Tower Site (975.00) 400 400 54 azebo (975.00) 13,700 13,700 55 Presentation Equipment (901.00) 770 770 56 Tree sharing Program (270.00) 2,000 2,000 57 0 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 PAGE TOTAL REQUESTED: 0 2,000 19,870 21,870 3 i 0 a o cl 1-4 w cd b V U w c o a�Cj V X- > •� cd � � w a� � c V) � �3 � � cpd b c � to -I:; o a� O tcdcli E- an z U A. c I u. c a u.. > H o t w o 0 0CD o 0 in o M 0 0 � tn It � 6q V w Q U 3 V Ln U v O A o N U C V cn — N M 4 V; 6 t-� 00 Pkrj��w 7 -�v eod, I a� cl m 0 a M, cn U ti a mor a� ,x a op U cad cad Cl) Iti cl x U U o o b o � a � 4d b o HQ z� z w a° � H A E , o 0 0 0 0 0 0 cn o0 00 0 0 0 00 CD v 0 46q H O N b�A n N U �, Q o CTj �, U T �O ILI C7 w x v� 0 a E- o C5 •--� N M rt �!1 �O [� w � � o U U z 40. > 0 �o b Q 0 > � o Q. � o. 3 d ct O a. 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