1994-04-12CITY OF SOUTHLAKE JOINT UTILIZATION COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, April 12, 1994, 7:00 p.m. MINUTES Committee members present: Rick Wilhelm, Co -Chairperson. Members: Bethann Scratchard, Steve Johnson, and Ted Glowacki; City Staff. Shana Rice. Agenda Item #1, Call to Order Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Rick Wilhelm. Agenda Item #2, Approval of March 8, 1994 Meeting MINUTES Motion was made to approve the March 8, 1994 meeting MINUTES with amendments to Item #5, JUC Procedures section. The committee discussed additional changes to the Procedures document and decided to bring the revised Procedures back to the committee at the May loth JUC meeting. Agenda Item #3, Administrative Comments Carroll Intermediate School Multi -Purpose Outdoor Court Ted Glowacki, CISD, reported the Carroll Intermediate School Outdoor Multi -Purpose (basketball) Court is complete. The concrete work was constructed by Duall Construction Company from Keller. This installation will be used for other sports activities other than basketball; Tina Harvey says a 'street hockey' league will utilize during the summer. The lights have been installed; now waiting for TU Electric to install a meter -- should be done within a few days. Slab, goal posts, etc, are set; the court ready for use. The committee discussed using the extra money from this project to purchase a timer if there are sufficient funds after the fence work is complete. At present there exists approximately $1,300 in the budget. Mr. Glowacki estimated the cost of the fence work to be around $600 and may be able to be done by the CISD maintenance division crew. The cost of the timers will not be as much for the court as it was for the athletic field since the relay will be for six lights instead of the nine needed at the athletic field. Carroll Intermediate School Athletic Field Mr. Glowacki reported that some neighbors south of the field have a problem with the lighting. The consultant (Mike Monroe with Musco Lighting) suggests putting some type of control LN Joint Utilization Committee Meeting April 12, 1994 Page 2 (visors) over nine lights/lenses on the third -base side of the field to reduce the glare. Estimated costs are $900 for visors and $400 for the installation. The visors were ordered April 1. A seven-day timer was installed on the lights which is set to automatically go off at 9:30 p.m. or can be adjusted for a later time, if necessary. (same type of timer will be installed on the multi -use court) The cost of the timer and relay was $550. Si ns for Athletic Field and Multi -Purpose Court Mr. Glowacki reported the signs will be ready by Friday. They will be installed at the athletic field and the multi -purpose court; 1st base side of the catcher position on athletic field and wherever people approach the court from the parking area at the multi -purpose court. A motion was made to allow Ted Glowacki to utilize any additional existing funds for: (1) visors on the lights on the third -base side of athletic field; (2) purchase timers for basketball [multi -purpose] court and the ball [athletic] field (timer already installed on baseball field); (3) pay for the fencing at the multi -purpose court and (4) purchase signs for field and court. Vote 4-0 to approve. Agenda Item #4, Approval of Joint Use Agreement for Use of Gymnasium at the Middle School Rick Wilhelm outlined the stages of the agreement; planning, construction and use. Does this agreement answer these questions? Should the agreement give more details for any of these stages? "The consensus is that what everybody wanted is to set guidelines as to who is in control even though it may be different people at different stages. Overall, it will be the CISD responsibility of getting it built, put where they want, making sure it meets code and then utilizing it afterward," stated Mr. Wilhelm. All of this has to be done with input from the City, input from the Park Board, input from the SPDC (project overseer) and input from the architects. The biggest issue is timing involved -- in order to have the facility available for basketball play in November or December, construction needs to start by June. Bethann brought out there are some other considerations too -- the bond package, etc. Mr. Wilhelm asked the committee for direction on what the Gymnasium Agreement should say, how detailed it should or should not be. Bethann Scratchard noted several issues pertaining to the agreement which may need to be re- written. They were: • Section 2 - "equal share of the payment" - since half -cent revenue bond funding source, it will not be an "equal share of payments." Joint Utilization Committee Meeting April 12, 1994 Page 3 • Section 3 - "maintenance ... litter pick-up" - even though District provides routine maintenance, if City is utilizing the facility, they would be responsible for clean-up. Rick Wilhelm stated that some other areas to be addressed are: • Utility costs - Since the CISD and City will both benefit from the $500,000 bond funding, who will be responsible for the day-to- day utility costs (water, electricity, security, maintenance); will it be the passed on to the City or is the CISD; will these costs be absorbed by the District's overall plant and included in budget? Janet Murphy suggested, in regard to the maintenance and utility issues, that the City's "fair - share" of the maintenance could be determined and paid out monthly, quarterly, or annual basis. Steve Johnson recommended clarifying procedurally every section of this "draft" Agreement and to spell -out specifics, whether in this document or another. Wilhelm asked if the $500,000 bond funds cover all "hard" and "soft" costs, such as construction budget, architectural fees, other fees and expenses, issues with respect to the City, (i.e., code issues and items such as if additional parking is required)? Will any of the plumbing or electrical in the existing building need to be reworked due to the construction of the gym? What about parking lot? (parking aspect is not addressed in budget per Shana) Shana said there is not a supportive budget for the $500,000. Does the other gym have to be retrofitted with sprinkler system because the intensity of the use has changed? Does this project need meet all ADA requirements? Schools are not exempt from meeting the ADA requirements. Steve Johnson said "new" construction must comply as of January last year with "old" having a 5-year window to come into compliance. Another Use Policy to address who can use it when, etc, will need to be drafted separately just like the one for the current facilities once the gym is constructed. The fundamental issues need to go back to the City Council and the School Board for approval. Committee members will review the agreement and present their suggestions to Tom Elgin or Shana Rice who will try to work those recommendations into the agreement prior to the next review at the JUC May meeting. The next School Board meeting will be on April 25. A motion was made by to TABLE the approval of the Joint Use Agreement for the Use of Gymnasium at the Middle School until the next meeting in order to have Board and Council Joint Utilization Committee Meeting April 12, 1994 Page 4 representation. Vote 4-0 to table. Agenda Item #5, Report on Athletic Fields at New School Site Shana Rice reported that preparation is underway to ready the fields by Fall. The City Engineer, Ron Harper, is working on drainage and other engineering issues. Shana distributed a construction timeline prepared by Tina Harvey. Site preparation starts this month. Is it necessary to have something in writing from the CISD before site work (grading for parking area) begins? The "use" of the facility is covered under the Joint Use Agreement, but the legality issue of going onto the property (we have a verbal understanding from the CISD) to destroy existing tank and improve property for parking facilities is not in writing. A letter needs to be written to the CISD Board requesting their permission to go on this tract of land to accomplish the specific tasks necessary to prepare the field (list improvements). Is it appropriate to have a parking lot in the current "AG" zoning district and will a variance to the ordinance that requires paved parking be required? Mr. Wilhelm explained that when the CISD seeks a "CS" (Community Service) zoning district, it will probably be under a PUD which would allow for variances under that zoning statute. Are soccer fields an appropriate use on an "AG" use; can you have a "CS" or park use on an "AG" zoning? School district is exempt from property taxes and the CISD also has an "AG" exemption due to its public use. Agenda Item #6, Potential Joint Utilization Projects Mr. Wilhelm suggested a "brain -storming" session after the agreements are completed. Shana commented that it might be good to start looking at other issues than just park issues. Steve Johnson recommended the committee to start strategic planning for future projects. Shana Rice reported she had a phone call from a United Way representative regarding the needs to address "latch -key" kids (S'Lake ranks very high according to their survey) and have a Middle School committee to find out what kinds of programs the kids would be interested in and are working with Tina. Agenda Item #7, Adjournment Next committee meeting will be held May 10, 1994. Co -Chair, Rick Wilhelm Joint Utilization Committee Meeting April 12, 1994 Page 5 ATTEST: z4w-a-' ��- Nana Rice, Assistant City Manager c: l wpfrles joint jucmin04.08 01 Zel �� f� Cc -Chair, Luce