Tuesday, March 8, 1994, 7:00 p.m.
Committee members present: Rick Wilhelm, Co -Chairperson. Members: Stephen Apple,
Bethann Scratchard, Jane Cousins, Ted Glowacki (CISD); City Staff: Curtis Hawk and Tom
Agenda Item #1, Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Stephen Apple.
Agenda Item #2, Approval of January 11, 1994 and February 8, 1994 Meetings
Motion was made to approve January 11, 1994 and February 8, 1994 meetings MINUTES as
amended. 3-0 vote to approve.
Agenda Item #3, Administrative Comments
Janet Murphy questioned if Resolution establishing JUC discussed expiration of terms for
committee members. Mr. Hawk explained that the Resolution did not have expiration dates;
Bylaws provide terms. This item is discussed under Agenda Item #5.
Agenda Item #4, Status of JOINT USE AGREEMENT between COS and CISD on
Approved Projects
Mr. Hawk passed out two (2) agreements to review.
1) Interlocal Agreement for Park, Playground and Other Recreation Facilities
This is the "master agreement' for the joint use of the CISD recreational facilities since the City
does not have any recreational facilities that need to be used by the School now. If at such a
time, the CISD needs to use a City facility (i.e. classroom in Community Building), there would
need to be another agreement or something added to this one. City Attorneys submitted draft
with highlighted text (see attached Agreement) indicating added verbiage. Also, add on first
page, first paragraph, "...Mike Brown (hereinafter referred to as District)."
2) Joint Utilization Agreement
Reformatted Agreement with not many changes made. The changes were:
Joint Utilization Committee Meeting
March 8, 1994
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Section 1.
specifically talked about the utilization of the basketball court and the baseball field at
Carroll Middle School
left out Gate at school
' bid process
Section 2.
Inserted $49,157 as lump sum for cost of basketball court and ball field
Section 3.
Routine maintenance (self-explanatory), however, in regards to anything unusual,
Section 8 of Agreement allows provision to modify in writing, any provision of
maintenance, from time -to -time
Ted Glowacki asked if the term of two (2) years would be automatically extended to three (3)
years? Mr. Hawk explained the Joint Use Agreement is for five (5) years and the Interlocal
Agreement is for two (2) years; the beneficiary in the long run of the JUC will be the School
District, because it will have access to the shared 1/2-cent sales tax; there's no disincentive for
the school not to participate. The gymnasium agreement will be addressed separately.
Motion was made to approve both the Joint Use Agreement and the Interlocal Agreement for
Park, Playground and Other Recreational Facilities (umbrella agreement) for the basketball
court and the baseball field at Carroll Intermediate School as amended. 3-0 vote to approve.
Co -Chairperson, Rick Wilhelm, assumed the "chair" position over the meeting at this point.
Agenda Item #5, JUC Procedures
Mr. Wilhelm pointed out the need to adopt operation procedures and terms so that the City
Council and other appropriate bodies (i.e., School Board) knows when to appoint people to
Bethann Scratchard brought out need to resolve inconsistency in Section 1.03 regarding terms,
specifically, where it states, "Each member shall serve a one (1) year term." Again, last
paragraph in Section which says, "Initially, one (1) individual appointee from both the City
Council and C.I.S.D. will serve a one (1) year term while the remaining committee members
will serve a two (2) year term." Rick Wilhelm recommended clarifying the last sentence of
the first paragraph to say, "Each member shall serve a two (2) year term except as noted
below." Other changes to create a parallel term in Section 1.03 are:
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March 8, 1994
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a) Change "One (1) voting member appointed by the Carroll I.S.D. Board and the
City Council should be sitting members of their respective bodies" to One (1)
of which, shall be a member of the City Council.
b) Change "These individuals may, or may not be sitting Carroll I.S.D. Board of
Trustee members" to One (1) of which shall be a member of the Board of
In regards to the representative of the Parks and Recreation Board, the representative is selected
by the chairman of the Board.
Rick Wilhelm suggested identifying in the Procedures who the persons for the one-year and
two-year terms are as far as for the City Council and the School. The committee discussed
whether the "citizen" or the "school board" member should hold the one-year term for this first
year. Committee decided to clarify the Procedures to say in the last sentence of Section 1.03,
"Initially, the non -City Council appointee and the non Board appointee will have the one
(1) year term while the remaining committee members will serve a two (2) year term.
July 1 will be the date terms begin.
May need to add to Procedures, Section 2.03, something about "Right to Waive Posting of
Notice in Emergency." This provision probably already applies under rights under Open
Meetings Act.
Section 2.06, Vacancies, clarify that should there be M vacancy, valid or otherwise, position
may be filled by the City Council or the CISD Board of Trustees as appropriate -- in another
words, the Board of Trustees fills the Board position and the City Council fills the Council
Section 2.07, Removal, change the Procedures to read that the recommendation to remove
a member should go to the entity that appointed the member, rather than to City Council,
School Board and Parks & Recreation Board.
Motion was made by Stephen Apple and "seconded" by Janet Murphy to approve
Agenda Item #6, Update on Park Sites
Mr. Hawk reported that City has an Agreement in hand from Mobil for use of their property
on North White Chapel and SH 114. City Attorneys will look at.
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March 8, 1994
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Committee discussed Bicentennial Park expansion. Expansion will include additional parking,
temporary soccer fields, a playground, and entrance from FM 1709 which will eventually
connect to Park. Mr. Wilhelm suggested publicizing that consideration for safety (address thru
driving which could prevent children from being picked up and driven off with) of children.
Agenda Item #7, Update on Middle School Gym
Approved in Plan by SPDC and City Council; money in June. City will make a Bond trip
April 15-16.
Agenda Item #8, Report on Athletic Fields at New School Site
Mr. Hawk reported Ron Harper, City Engineer, has done studies at site and established a
timetable with the Soccer Association to have Fall Soccer. Anticipate most of work (site work)
can be done by Association; City can help out with bar ditch, culvert work and possibly
parking. No detailed schedule but should be ready by Fall with work done this summer.
Agenda Item #9, Potential Joint Utilization Projects
Ted Glowacki, CISD, gave a status report on JUC projects. He reported that everything is
completed as far as baseball field goes; basketball court is at stand -still (rebidding did not
result in bids so Ted will rework again); and lights have been installed.
With expenses under budget by $6,000, Janet Murphy recommend using some funds for signs.
Next committee meeting will be held April 12, 1994.
Agenda Item #9: Adjournment.
Meeting was adjourned.
Joint Utilization Committee Meeting
March 8, 994
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Tom El6-/in, PlarineV, Community Development
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