Tuesday, January 11, 1994, 7:00 p.m.
Committee members present: Rick Wilhelm, Co -Chairperson; Members: Stephen Apple, Janet
Murphy, Bethann Scratchard, Bill Branum and Ted Glowacki (CISD); City Staff. Curtis
Hawk, Shana Rice and Tom Elgin.
Agenda Item #1, Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Rick Wilhelm.
Agenda Item #2, Approval of December 14, 1993 Meeting MINUTES
Motion was made to approve the MINUTES of the December 14, 1993 meeting with
corrections/additions made as noted.
Agenda Item #3, Administrative Comments
1.) Curtis Hawk informed the committee of Mobil Land Development's interest in leasing
their property on North White Chapel (across from Mr. Chiver's property) to the City
to be used for practice fields. A one-year lease would be accepted with a 30-day
cancellation provision for Mobil should they need the land. The City would have to
fence and make some other minor improvements, such as grading. City needs an
agreement with Mobil to execute lease.
2.) Mr. Hawk informed the committee that at the Park Board meeting last night, the
developers of Timber Lake and Country Walk indicated they are now ready to dedicate
as park land the five acres they have been letting the City use for the last few years.
Mr. Hawk said that there is not really any room for parking on the property so it is
important to work with the school and find a solution; need to formalize an agreement
with the school district for use of their parking.
3.) Janet Murphy discussed the Playground Initiative and informed the committee that the
Park Board's recommendation as a suitable site for the community playground is at the
Bicentennial Park at the area initially shown on the park expansion plan as Pinto Field.
Construction is anticipated in November 1994.
Joint Utilization Committee Meeting
January 11, 1994
Page 2
4.) Curtis Hawk briefed the JUC about park expansion timetable; 60-90 days before bond
receipts come in; approximately $2.8 million sale. The SPDC (Southlake Parks
Development Corporation) will prioritize funds and make recommendations to the
Council about projects which will be funded by sales tax.
Agenda Item #5, Report on Presentation to School Board, re: Joint Use of
Gymnasium/Recreation Center
Bethann Scratchard reported the presentation was made to the School Board that a gym be built
and track improvements be made at the middle school, as a Joint Use project with the 1/2-cent
revenue. She said the Board loved the idea. Shana Rice asked if someone from the JUC could
present this idea at the SPDC work session on February 21.
Mr. Hawk said that the City has the Concept Plan which was designed for the gymnasium, but
will need to look again to incorporate the recreation center; need to look at what other rec
centers/gymnasiums complexes have done.
Bethann Scratchard briefed those who were not present at the last JUC meeting about the
proposal to construct a gym/rec center and track improvements at the middle school. Estimated
cost is $400,000. Mr. Hawk said the cost may go up when additional activity rooms are added
to make it a rec center. Bill Branum said the current drawing fits the price range - which can
be modified easily.
Mr. Branum said the location of the gym/rec center will be on the east side of the Middle
Agenda Item #4, Report on Joint Use Agreements
Curtis Hawk briefed the committee on the status of the Joint Use Agreements. He said the
attorneys have some questions, but substantive material still there. The committee discussed
the structure of the agreement and concluded that one master agreement to cover legal issues
would be necessary with projects specific added on as attachments. This type of agreement
would eliminate confusion. Mr. Hawk will try to have agreement in place by next JUC to take
to Council.
Agenda Item #6, Update on Current Joint Utilization Projects
Ted Glowacki informed the committee that projects are currently within budget and that within
Joint Utilization Committee Meeting
January 11, 1994
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the next two weeks everything should be received; lights, backstop repaired; basketball court
may be delayed until March with concrete being laid the beginning of March.
Mr. Glowacki requested input from committee on whether to sod or hydromulch baseball field.
No advantages or disadvantages for either, although sod may be a little cheaper. Committee
recommended sod.
Mr. Glowacki presented updated budgets and timelines to the group. Anticipated completion
of the baseball facilities is third week in February.
Agenda Item #7, Athletic Fields at New School Site (north half of property available for
practice fields)
The committee discussed the progress on the development of the practice fields on the new
school site on Shady Oaks Lane. Curtis Hawk told the group that the immediate need at the
new school site was to fill the tank for safety reasons. Other considerations are technical issues
such as if drainage may have an impact. Steve Apple suggested leaving some channel to allow
natural drainage. Mr. Hawk said that if blade work was required on the field, then may have
a problem with grass the first year but will be able to play on.
Scheduling the practice fields for baseball and soccer will be handled through Tina Harvey.
Stephen Apple told the committee about the possibility of using the piece of property at the
corner of S. White Chapel and Continental Blvd. (Monticello) that was discussed at the last
Council meeting as a possible City park. It is only about 1 1/2 acres so playground may be
feasible. If there is a use for this, we should not let them forget what they said regarding
dedicating it as park land. Could be deeded to City.
Rick Wilhelm asked if there had been any thought in the process of the new school on Shady
Oaks to incorporate a more formalized soccer program into the school curriculum such that any
kind of practice fields that are done there, maybe should invest more money and make them
good fields now so that they may me incorporated at a later date. Bill Branum said probably
will have to build an intermediate school at the site; but CISD is looking at other sites. He
said due to this fact, they are watching that too much money not be invested into this site.
City will contact Micky O'Brien to get started on preparing field; also need to contact Randy
Loftus at VLK (Arlington). Tom Elgin explore getting the surveying done to lay out the fields
and stake parking.
Joint Utilization Committee Meeting
January 11, 1994
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Agenda Item #8, Potential Joint Utilization Projects
Curtis Hawk noted that City budget process starts in April. He said some of the things the
City will need to look at is maintenance facilities; good grasp of things needed in recreational
area; need to look at other areas that may need to be looked at as Joint Use projects which may
have budgetary impact. He said we need to keep the tax burden as low as possible.
Rick Wilhelm recommended that at some point in time when appropriate, to get a chalk board
and identify (brainstorm) non -recreational "joint -use projects" to pursue.
Mr. Hawk discussed the Peer Mediation Program as an example of a way to work together to
minimize conflicts.
Bill Branum spoke to the group about Enterprise City project as a non -recreational project
which may be looked at as a future JUC project. The concept is to have students work at jobs,
immulate a real community setting. It is housed in a building about the size of the community
Next committee meeting will be held February 8, 1994.
Agenda Item #9: Adjournment.
Meeting was adjourned.
Tom Elgin, Planner, Community Development
c: I wpfrlesUOIN7VUCM1N01.11
Co-ChaiV Rick Wilhelm
Co -Chair, 1�hMdy Luce