Tuesday, November 15, 1995, 7:00 p.m.
Members Present: Rick Wilhelm, Chairman; Robert Glover, Vice Chairman; Warren Davis,
School Board Representative; and Michael Richarme, City Council
Other Present: Jane Cousins, Principal, Johnson Elementary; Kim McAdam, Director of
Parks & Recreation, and Kevin Hugman, Assistant to the City Manager.
Guests: Sandy LeGrand, City Secretary and Karen House, CISD.
Agenda Item #1, Call to Order
Chairman Rick Wilhelm called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. A quorum was present.
Agenda Item #2 Approval of the October 16, 1995 joint JUC/SPDC/Park Board meeting
A motion was made b Michael Richarme and seconded b Rick Wilhelm
Y y e m to approve the minutes
as corrected. Robert Glover abstained from the vote. Mr. Wilhelm requested the minutes be
corrected to read on page 2, Agenda Item #4, second paragraph, fourth sentence, "The next major
project the JUC would like to see funded is the gym at Durham elementary."
Mr. Wilhelm requested that Item #4 be considered next before Item #3.
Agenda Item #4, Discussion - Site Location for Elections
At a joint session between the Carroll School Board of Trustees and the City Council, there was
discussion of a joint polling location for the City and School District elections. This item is brought
forward tonight to further discuss the feasibility of the proposal.
City Secretary Sandy LeGrand presented a letter from the City of Southlake's Election Judge, Aloha
Payne, stating some of her concerns and comments.
LeGrand gave a brief history of the separate election procedures held by the CISD and the City. She
commented that many of the new citizens in Southlake have commented on the need to have one
central election location. LeGrand explained that Early Voting for the City is handled by the City
Secretary and that many times it is held in the Fire Bay area at City Hall. She expressed concern for
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having it away from her office and said the City would like to continue to hold the voting at the City
Hall site. She said other cities that do have joint City and School elections, hold it at the City Hall
site. She said often the city will conduct the election for the school district by having two separate
sets of registration books, two ballots and two ballot boxes. After the election is closed, the school
district picks up the ballots and conducts their own tallying procedures. LeGrand stated that State
Law allows for joint elections.
Michael Richarme asked what the lead time is for State approval of polling location. LeGrand
responded it was right after the first of the year for the May elections.
Karen House, CISD Boar r, commented that Early Voting for the CISD is of concern since
the location is not very good; it is held in the Business Office.
LeGrand mentioned the need to have the same voting hours as the CISD. Robert Glover suggested
one polling location for early voting as well as for the election day voting. The CISD is amenable
to sharing an early voting and election day voting location with the City and sharing the cost. The
logistics need to be worked out.
Committee members pointed out some of the issues involved in this joint project; Earl p � y Voting
location, Election Day voting location, cost, access to the public, convenience, coordinated hours,
parking, ballot machines, paper ballots, separate registration books and ballots, number of personnel
needed to man the tables, access to telephones and security.
The City and the CISD agreed to having joint Early Voting if it can be conducted at City Hall to
allow Sandy LeGrand to be present to comply with the Election Code. Karen House commented that
the CISD appoints their Election Judge and Deputy Election Judge and could appoint Sandy
LeGrand to be the CISD's Election Judge. There have been approximately 300-400 early voters for
the City of Southlake and the CISD. Early Voting for the CISD could be shifted over to the City
Hall site.
Various site locations were discussed for the joint elections, namely, Bicentennial Park, City Hall,
and Durham Elementary School cafetorium and gymnasium. It was suggested to have Early Voting
held at City Hall and Election Day voting done at Johnson Elementary School.
The Committee agreed to have the two staffs research all aspects of the elections and present their
recommendations and an Interlocal Agreement (or Resolution) draft for consideration at the JUC
meeting on December 12. The Agreement (or Resolution) could be presented to the School Board
at the December 14 meeting and to City Council at the December 19 meeting. Timing is critical
to meet the January deadline to notify the State of election location. [Kevin Hugman will fax draft
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November 1.1, 1995
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to members before the next JUC meeting for their review.]
Agenda Item #3, Discussion: Cable Channel Policy
A proposed policy for guidelines for use of Cable Channel 25 was presented to the committee. The
policy was drafted in anticipation of requests from various organizations to broadcast
announcements or other information, and the necessity to develop a policy to regulate usage of the
Kevin Hugman explained the policy was modeled after the City of Keller's policy. The City of
Arlington was also contacted.
Hugman stressed there is a difference between a "public access channel" and a "local government
channel." Channel 25 is not a public access channel, thus, access does not have to be granted to
anyone requesting it.
Chairman Wilhelm asked Mr. Hugman if the City of Keller or City of Arlington had discussed the
constitutional issues involved in having the City Manager or School District Superintendent having
"veto" powers. The City's and School District's right to control the usage needs to be defined. Mr.
Hugman said he had not discussed that issue with either city. The difference in our policy and the
City of Keller's policy is, our policy gives a measure of control to the School District, whereas
Keller's is controlled exclusively through the City Manager's Office. Our policy does contain
language to the effect that, "a request is not a guarantee," which is not included in the Keller policy.
The Channel 25 policy limits access to only organizations sponsored by the school district or the
city, where other cities open it up to all "non -profits." Some of those city -sponsored organizations
are KSB, Chamber of Commerce, Sister Cities, G.R.A.C.E., and Metroport. School District -
represented [not necessarily District -sponsored] organizations are the band boosters, P.T.O. and
such. [modify policy language to include district -sanctioned organizations]
The committee heard information from Rick Wilhelm on the difference between a non-profit
organization and a tax-exempt organization.
Cost issues were questioned and the actual page generation steps were described. The School
District inputs their own messages on their own equipment and are allocated a certain number of
pages. Wilhelm raised the question of organizations paying for the channel page; i.e. KSB has a
budget for advertisement of events and wishes to advertise on Channel 25 -- do they Eat
of the cost for the page? Michael Richarme suggested an alternative - have each oored
or affiliated organizations have a certain number of pages and either use them r lom (i.e.
Band Boosters gets 2 page, KSB gets 2 pages). Hugman said he would rather not uation
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due to administrative problems it would create. Hugman explained pages have been allocated for
certain things, such as, Council agenda, Parks & Recreation, Economic Development, and other
pages available for flexibility. Several scenarios were discussed.
Hugman told the committee staff is working toward being able to broadcast City Council meetings,
School Board and SPIN meetings. Some programming -type things are being looked at. Hugman
has talked with Linda Rose, Carroll High School Journalism teacher, about utilizing some of the
students to video some of the meetings. Hugman announced the December 5th' City Council
meeting is to be video-taped as a test.
Wilhelm asked Hugman to find out how many subscribers Harron Cable has in the Southlake area.
What percentage of households in the CISD and in Southlake have cable?
The City Attorney is reviewing the policy.
Richarme complimented Hugman on the work done on the policy and stated he thought it was well
written. He requested a listing of both city and school organizations that would be permitted to use
Channel 25, and if possible, a list of those that might be excluded and discuss these at the next
This item will be brought back to the December meeting as a consideration item.
Agenda Item #5, Consider: Additional Joint Use Facilities
The committee received in their packet a memo dated November 10, 1995 from Kim McAdams,
Parks and Recreation Director, regarding joint use of the Johnson Elementary gym for a K-2 grade
basketball league and for the high school tennis courts.
Johnson Elementary Gym
It was noted at the last City Council meeting, the Council had approved a joint use agreement for
the Johnson Elementary gym, however, it was never voted on by the JUC.
The committee agreed to vote on adding Johnson Elementary to the Joint Use Agreement. Wilhelm
reminded the group that when the City takes in facilities under the Joint Use Agreement, there are
civic responsibilities from a monetary position, such as major damages, that the City would not have
The video recording of the December 5th City Council meeting has been cancelled. It has been rescheduled
for the December 19th meeting.
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November 14, 1995
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if the facility was not on the Agreement. There is not any "down side" of adding Johnson
Elementary to the Agreement, as any damages will be the responsibility of the organization using
the facility. LAsso
One issue at e addressed in the near future is that of competing organizations, such
as the B sketbion and the Y.M.C.A. Will they compete for the same facilities? Jane
Cousins said thble to be isolated now but they are considering the possibility. City and
School works out how a facility is managed, scheduled, etc., the JUC's responsibility is to determine
whether a facility should be a joint -use facility.
Warren Davis made a motion to add Johnson Elementary to the Joint Use Agreement. The motion
was seconded by Michael Richarme and the committee voted 4-0 for approval.
Carroll High School Tennis Courts
Kim McAdams explained this request and mentioned that the City could schedule the tennis courts
and give keys/access to a group. Wilhelm raised a question about a private citizens ability to use the
tennis courts. McAdams explained you do not have to be an association to use the facility, but may
be a member of the association. There was some discussion about lights, vandalism, availability of
courts, maintenance. McAdams mentioned the School District is checking into the feasibility of
installing light timers.
The committee agreed to delay action on the tennis facilities until more discussion can be had with
the school system (Linda Smiles and Mr. Ledbetter).
then reported that after the last meeting when tennis courts were presented to the JUC he
with Maguire Thomas Partners (MTP) regarding several facilities on their property.
The tennis courts were input into that discussions and MTP was favorable.
Chairman Wilhelm requested that Items #6, #7, #8, and #9 be combined.
Agenda Item #6 Consider: Funding for Parking at Carroll Middle School
Agenda Item #7 Consider: Funding for Durham Elm/Intermediate School Gymnasium
Agenda Item #8 Consider: Acquisition of Additional Property for Park Land
Agenda Item #9 Consider: Future Joint Projects/Recreational Facilities Priority List
Each of these items were discussed at the joint JUC/SPDC/Parks and Recreation Board meeting on
October 16, 1995. During that discussion, issues were brought up. They were:
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November 14, 1995
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1. Formally identify the priority long-term funding project is the funding of the Durham
Elementary School gymnasium. (#1 priority "long-term," funded by sales tax and a
commitment from the City to allocate any excess toward this project)
2. Acquisition of land (Brunson Tract) by Bicentennial Park in order to even out the southern
boundary of the park. (# 1 priority "short term," funded by bond money which is already
3. Construction of parking at the Carroll Middle School for the new gymnasium. This was in
the plans but was never funded. Approximately 50 spaces will be added.
Wilhelm said he would like to find out from the architect, taking into consideration the
additional space that will be added to the Middle School in the next two years, how many
spaces he would suggest be added.
The committee talked about the cost of property to be acquired and the funding. It will cost
approximately $600,000 ($40,000 per acre x 15 acres). Hugman will follow up and confirm cost and
funding. McAdams will provide a layout of the area.
Michael Richarme made a motion to add the three items (#6, #7, #8) to the "short-term" and "long-
term" priority list respectively as shown on the November 9 project list. The motion was seconded.
Wilhelm commented the discussion he would like to have is a better idea of the cost and the scope
of those changes; how many acres, how many parking places. The item was voted upon by the
committee and was approved by a 4-0 vote.
Richarme mentioned to the group that there were a couple of items on the "long-term" list that the
City is continuing to discuss, specifically, the CISD and City of Southlake administrative complex.
Hopefully by the next JUC meeting, he can report on some actions taken toward that project.
Combined with that is the possibility for the purchase of land for a library facility. He also indicated
he had meetings regarding Potential Joint Use Projects items number 7 and 12 and those long term
discussions are continuing to take place. A status report will be given at the next meeting.
Wilhelm handed out the final Kodak article. It was suggested that the article be duplicated and
available to realtors, voters, prospective citizens and current citizens to educate them and pave the
way for future bond elections. Could Kodak provide extra copies?
Being no further discussion, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9:03 p.m.
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November 14, 1995
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Rick Wilhelm, Chairman
Robert Glover, Vice -Chairman
Kevin Hugman, As tant to the City Manager