1995-07-25CITY OF SOUTHLAKE JOINT UTILIZATION COMMITTEE Tuesday, July 25, 1995, 7:00 p.m. MINUTES Joint Utilization Committee Voting Members Present: Rick Wilhelm, Co -Chairman, Bethann Scratchard (Park Board Rep), Michael Richarme (City Council Rep) and Robert Glover (School Board Rep). Other Members Present: Kim McAdams, Park Project Manager, City of Southlake, Bill Branum, CISD Superintendent, Jane Cousins, Principal of Johnson Elementary, Ted Glowacki and Mark Terry, Principal of Durham Elem/Interim. School. Agenda Item #1, Call to Order Rick Wilhelm called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. A quorum was present. Chairman Wilhelm asked the committee if Item #7, Agreement on Method of Payment for Durham Intermediate School Joint Use Gymnasium, at the request of Bill Branum, could be discussed at this point in the meeting. Item #7, Agreement on Method of Payment for Durham Intermediate School Joint Use Q mnasium Mr. Branum explained that essentially the District will use bond money to do financing of the entire school project. Two payments will be made. The District will have to pay $756,000 cash. Mr. Wilhelm commented that the paper trail of the payment needs to document that the money is re -payment for the joint use facility and not necessarily for the school as a whole because SPDC money for sales tax can be used for only specific things and can not be used to pay the overall debt service for the entire school. Kevin Hugman said that the City does not have the funds available; the SPDC funds have been committed. Mr. Wilhelm raised a few questions? Where expenditures based on certain calculated projections of sales tax figures? We are below the projection; next year we will have to make up those projections? These questions need to be answered by Lou Ann Heath, Finance Director. Kevin explained that what is used for "revenues"is usually below what was projected to be. Sales tax revenues were running lower than what was projected, but the "general revenue" funds are still okay. Maybe next year, if there are collected excess funds, more than what is needed or budgeted to spend, those funds could go to the school. This would be depending upon potential commercial growth. It may not be $250,000 though. Kevin explained that according to a conversation he had with Curtis Hawk and LouAnn Heath, if revenues are running above what has already been committed to debt Joint Utilization Committee Meeting July 25, 1995 Page 2 service, for the bonds that have already been sold, then the excess funds could be used to make payments on the gym. The payments could not be done on a 3-year installment plan. Bill Branum said his understanding was that after the District paid for the building, they would begin to receive some funds. Bethann Scratchard explained what she understood about payments for the gymnasium. She said, "Durham project was not discussed by the JU committee; only soccer fields. SPDC did it. As far as where Durham falls in the chain of projects, the funds for the park land have always been with bonds and have already been committed, so you are next in line, but at this point, how much funds is the question." Kim McAdams mentioned the three projects which were identified three years ago for the first SPDC election were: Carroll Middle School gym, expansion of Bicentennial Park and West Beach. She said about a year and a half ago there was mention of Durham. She said it was next in line --there hasn't been another priority. Michael Richarme reiterated that the City was not walking away from its commitment. City staff and Rick Wilhelm will look at the upcoming budget for excesses and bring that figure back to the SPDC and the JUC. This is a very important issue that needs to be resolved because it will impact the Joint Utilization projects survey which is on the agenda to be considered. Mr. Richarme suggested that Kevin check with Lou Ann about allocating specific dollars to these specific joint -use projects during the budget cycle. Mr. Wilhelm asked some questions about the bonds; what amount of bonds has SPDC issued, what kind of debt service is required for those, and what kind has been projected for the 1/2-cent sales tax revenue? This will give the committee some idea of what money is available for any of the projects. Also need to assess if they are park kinds of things or if they are not, and if they are not, how do we fund those types issues because the 'h-cent sales tax is only park and recreation oriented [ie., Internet bulletin board project]. Kevin said we are looking at including the Internet and the cable projects in the General Fund budget. Bethann said another thing the committee needs to talk about are the projects that have already funded, budget -wise. The City Manager will make the first budget presentation to City Council the first week in August and should have some figure to give to Bill Branum at that time. Lou Ann is still waiting for the th-cent sales tax is to see how much Wal-mart will bring in over the next few months before projections can be made. No further discussion on this item. Agenda Item #2, Approval of the June 13, 1995 Regular Meeting MINUTES A motion was made by Bethann Scratchard and seconded by Rick Wilhelm to approve the June 13, 1995 MINUTES with the "header" corrected. Being no further discussion, the motion was voted upon and was carried by the committee. Joint Utilization Committee Meeting July 25, 1995 Page 3 Agenda Item #3, Progress on Parks & Recreation / Joint Use Construction Projects Kim McAdams reported that the construction of the gymnasium at Carroll Middle School was getting back on schedule. The floor is getting climatized. Everything is suppose to be ready the first week in September with a grand opening ribbon -cutting ceremony. It was suggested to have the grand opening tied in with the Adventure Alley construction and the opening of Durham Elementary/Intermediate school -- have one big celebration! Kim also reported on the construction of the soccer fields at Durham Elem/Interm. school. We are waiting until majority of building construction is over to work on the fields. There are some funds available in the City's budget for the soccer fields. Originally, the soccer fields were going to be just temporary practice fields with grading volunteered and maintenance done by parents; now the plan is to have fields more like the ones at Carroll Intermediate School. Warren Anderson is visiting with the schools about the plans. Kim said the Soccer Association knows that the fields will not be available for play this fall -- earliest will be in the spring. The question of who will pay for these plans was raised. Bethann said she would contact the soccer association about the plans. No further discussion on this item. Agenda Item #4, Report on Progress on Joint Use Electronic Media Projects Kevin Hugman reported on this item. He said a couple of the items on the proposed joint use survey were two electronic media projects; one being a joint project between the District and the City to use the community -access channel; the other project is an electronic bulletin board. Both projects are being worked on with the School Board. Community -access channel with Harron Cable: There have been discussions with Harron Cable Company; they will provide pricing information. Costs include approximately $1,700 to the City for a character generator to input text messages. Kevin explained the options Harron offers; a broadcast video or a "live" broadcast. Kevin said the "live" boardcast cost is prohibitive -- $30- 40,000 for equipment and $120,000 for installation. The committee is considering buying two of the character generators; one for the CISD to be placed in the Administration Department and one for City Hall. The committee thinks it is a good idea. Kevin is working with Allen McDaniel, CISD, on the project. Electronic Bulletin Board: Allen McDaniel, Judge Brad Bradley and Kevin Hugman have been working on a joint computer bulletin board project. This bulletin board will provide a CISD menu Joint Utilization Committee Meeting July 25, 1995 Page 4 and a City of Southlake menu. The City's menu could include ordinance, meeting agendas and minutes, meeting notices, crime prevention information, general city information, directory of city services and E-mail boxes for SPIN representatives, Council members and key City staff. The cost is $6,464 for start-up (equipment) and approximately $4,800 for on -going cost (telephone lines). Allen has formed a technical committee to start working on the software and developing a Windows -based front end. Could the Carroll High School computer science club, Dragon -net, have any tie-in to the bulletin board? One committee member suggested the City get the Boulder Community Network on the Internet. Item #5, Nominations/Appointments of Officers Rick Wilhelm told the committee he spoke with Buddy Luce and believes that the School Board will make a re -appoint at the next meeting. He said Buddy requested and he concurred, this item should be "tabled" until the next JUC meeting. Bethann Scratchard made a motion that we table the nominations of officers until the next meeting; Rob Glover seconded and the motion was carried unanimously by the committee. Item #6, Durham Elementary/Intermediate Joint Use Facilities The joint -use projects to be located at the Durham school are the gymnasium, cafetorium, and soccer fields. The committee talked about the cafetorium -- if it would also need funding, and scheduling of the facilities. Kevin will send the JUC members, CISD and principals a copy of the signed agreement. Exhibit A of the agreement lists Durham facilities. The Interlocal Agreement between the CISD and City is a joint use umbrella agreement which specifies all the facilities and lays out issues such as scheduling and maintenance. It was brought out that the recreational area/playground at Durham may need to be included in the umbrella agreement also so as to cover any damages, etc. There was no further action required on this item, thus no motions were entertained and the meeting continued. (Item #7 was considered first on the agenda) Joint Utilization Committee Meeting July 25, 1995 Page 5 Item #8, Discussion of the Survey Results of Joint Utilization Projects Kevin Hugman presented a chart of the tabulated survey results. He walked the committee through the charts and called their attention to the fact that the rating of projects were basically the same for both groups. He mentioned some of the projects on the chart are already being worked on, such as the "joint computer network." Rick Wilhelm asked if the community knows about the availability of meeting facilities at the school. Rob Glover offered a suggestion for the survey. He recommended adding a section to show "near-term/long-term" for each project, which would help generate a 3-5 year plan of action. Note: Next JUC meeting will be September 12. Item #9, Adjournment A motion was made to adjourn the meeting. ATTEST: Kevin Hugman, sistant to the City Manager B:UUC.MIN City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM July 25, 1995 TO: Joint Utilization Committee FROM: Kevin Hugman, Assistant to the City Manager SUBJECT: Survey Results -- Proposed Joint Use Projects Attached are the results of the joint use projects survey. The results have been tabulated based upon respondent group. The groups, and the number of respondents in each, were: City Council/CISD Board of Trustees -- 6 City of Southlake/CISD Staff -- 12 / 8 Park Board -- 8 (Some of the surveys from CISD only had the first page returned.) The responses were sorted by two groups: "City Council/Board of Trustees," and "Average." In addition, those group ratings on a particular item that were significantly different from the responses of the other two groups, was highlighted. In general, it appears that the higher rated projects were consistent between groups. KH a :; 5 cn 9 54 c. a O to Q W a�i O O(0 I� C6 4 I 4 LOI-M0'V I- ("i Or- ('M ► c'M I- M ► ML c'M (D"to0MM" M MNI` C6 6 6 6 M MWNMWMcgO M 0(0fl-11-OOMto00w0m N M ('M M CO M N N"q M CM n0R0 N N N z n O Cam' O0wMOtf)wOMMaOwMC:)OMMCO Mcy) r-- OOI�N MMN�UA,T-�O0 UA0000 NOOM M00co (OMOD O w M� [tMd'MM [t�'gCOIgMMMNN 'RTI'IPM NcoC6 �a I I 1 � i Z I i E-+A OOOOMOOI�0 U1 Ui O0 VM U.) to coI, , NOOO�OOf��I`OI—MNON000'00 "T W to l- O U-) co l- co LO , � 0 0V' ' 00 0 0 U Mlv-cricy)vi6cMM MNMNcriMNMNMM-4(V (MNNMM O OIOMI`Il-OMMI-I-OOMMMI-I,-I�I-O tAI-I- In M c- �- 0 00 00 w w O M M M M — — -- O OOM to In M (r 6C6C6(ri66M6M05vi66 NNNNN u II �► i II y I ! cz i I cd _� r~ o! 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V ,}El 11 ..r O y V ....I V ..r v ....I .v.1 �1 ...„ .b v ..r 5.4 M i�y .... • •� td j•}y �J Q�. iJ pp ld I •G"�. O .� 5 iJ v: C Cd C cd o U id U on .� O U O Epp 'C O aaA� City of Southlake, Texas ITI MEMORANDUM July TO: Joint Utilization Committee FROM: Kevin Hugman, Assistant to the City Manager SUBJECT: Status of Electronic Media Projects Public Access Channel on Harron Cable: On Wednesday, June 21, Allen McDaniel of CISD, and I met with Mr. Don Pascarella, General Manager of Harron Cablevision of Texas, to discuss a joint City of Southlake/Carroll ISD public access channel. Currently, Harron Cablevision has reserved channel 25 in Southlake for local option. The following points summarize our conversation: • We can utilize the channel as a community bulletin board by purchasing a character generator to input text messages. Cost: 112 page character generator: $1,295 Remote port: 249 Modem: 159 Total Cost for Each Site: $1,703 (CISD Admin. and City Hall) * Harron will pay for similar equipment at the "head end." • Harron will broadcast video -- all we have to do is provide them with a tape. We can videotape City Council and other meetings, events, and community service videos, and then broadcast the tape the next day. • To broadcast "live," we are looking at approximately $30-40,000 for the equipment, and another $120,000 for installation. (Carroll High School does not have the equipment either.) CURRENT STATUS: Harron is also pricing other types of character generators and determining their compatibility with the head end equipment. Electronic Bulletin Board. - Allen McDaniel, Judge Brad Bradley and I, have been working on a joint computer bulletin board project. This bulletin board will provide a CISD menu and a City of Southlake menu. On the City menu, we envision providing: * Ordinances *Meeting agendas and minutes Joint Utilization Committee July 25, 1995 Page 2 * SPIN Neighborhood notices * General City announcements *Crime Prevention information *Directory of City Services * E-mail boxes for SPIN representatives, Council members, key City staff. The potential uses are almost unlimited. Information can be updated as often as personnel time requirements allow. Cost: (1) Start-up costs (equipment) ... $6,464 (2) On -going costs (Telephone lines) ...$4,800 (approximately) At this time, we are not planning to make the bulletin board part of the Internet system, although we hope to eventually. The main reason for not pursuing Internet is that it would require the caller (resident) to have a service provider such as Prodigy, America On -Line, etc. By purchasing a stand-alone bulletin board software, the user needs only to have a modem. We will then distribute the software to anyone who wants it. This philosophy is still being evaluated. The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) is offering a "Home Page" Internet service to area cities. We have been in discussions with them and feel this is another excellent opportunity to make the City electronically accessible. This could be done in addition to, or in place of, the previously discussed bulletin board since Internet has the same capabilities (plus a lot more). CURRENT STATUS: CISD has ordered equipment, expect to be operational around October 1. Looking at a Windows -based front end. I will provide more information to you as we progress and would be happy to answer any further questions you may have.