1995-06-13City of Southlake, Texas CITY OF SOUTHLAKE JOINT UTILIZATION COMMITTEE Tuesday, June 13, 1995, 7:00 p.m. MINUTES Joint Utilization Committee Voting Members Present: Rick Wilhelm, Co -Chairman, Buddy Luce, Co -Chairman, Bethann Scratchard. Ex-Officio Members Present: Kim McAdams, Park Project Manager, City of Southlake and Bill Branum, CISD Superintendent. Guest: David Yelton, Kodak Corporation Representative Agenda Item #1, Call to Order Rick Wilhelm called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. A quorum was present. Agenda Item #2, Approval of the May 9, 1995 Regular Meeting MINUTES A motion was made by Bethann Scratchard and seconded by Buddy Luce to approve the May 9, 1995 MINUTES as presented. Being no further discussion, the motion was voted upon and carried unanimously by the committee. Agenda Item #3, Progress on Construction of Gymnasium at Middle School Kim McAdams, Park Project Manager, reported that progress is going well on the gymnasium construction; the walls are up and the brick is partially done. Comments were made about the size of the gym -- it appears small. Bill Branum reminded everyone that the reason for the size is that there was minimal seating included in the plan. At this time, Chairman Wilhelm requested that the MINUTES reflect that David Yelton was present as a guest. Joint Utilization Committee Meeting (W June 13, 1995 Page 2 Rem #5, Joint Use Public Relations Buddy Luce recommended that the Committee discuss Agenda Item #5 at this time, instead of Item #4. David Yelton, Kodak Corporation employee, presented some ideas he had about publicity for joint -use items. He explained how the publicity idea originated. The joint -use projects accomplished by the District and City are significant and should be shared with others. Mr. Yelton talked about what he believes the "key" benefit is from sharing these projects, is the positive attitude it creates in the community for both the District and City. That is what needs to be capitalized and reflected. He explained the proposal his company, Kodak Corporation, would like to make to the Committee. Kodak would hire a professional service to produce an article about JUC. Once the article is written, it would be submitted to JUC or to the separate school board and City Council for approval. The article will be submitted to several magazines, such as American City and County, Government Technology, and School and College Publication. Once the article has been written and approved, Kodak would publish it as a "pre-print," something that has been released to various magazines. It could be shared in terms of publicity as a hand-out or mail -out item if the District or City does a community -wide mailing. After the article is published, Kodak would take the article with the publication's masthead, and print it again (they call it a "reprint"). Mr. Yelton said he had some other ideas; such as utilizing the article in a presentation module for seminars and conferences. Kodak would fund it as a "social awareness project." He then talked about the process: ask 5-6 board members to participate in an interview session (perhaps an hour before a JUC meeting), photographs shot of either activities or projects, have the article written, submit to the participants interviewed, and then final submission to the boards (or whichever entity the committee decides should approve the article). The article will be positive and will show what can happen in a community if the local school district and city works together. Rick Wilhelm recommended that people who had previously been on the JUC be contacted to participate in this project since they were the ones who originally helped formulate the Committee. He mentioned Stephen Apple, Jane Cousins, Richard Wilkinson and Janet Murphy. The group interview is scheduled for Tuesday, July 25 at 5:30 p.m. Rick Wilhelm told the committee that he felt the biggest issue that makes the joint -use projects work, is the trust between the District and the City. Buddy Luce commented about the early attitude and objections that had to be overcome. Joint Utilization Committee Meeting �w June 13, 1995 Page 3 Item #4, Nomination/Appointments of Officer Buddy Luce suggested that the nomination/appointments of officers be made at the next meeting because most of the committee members were absent tonight. Item #6, Survey of Joint Utilization PrQiects Rick Wilhelm explained the Joint Utilization Projects Survey included in their packets that Kevin Hugman had created and proposed. The survey contained the items talked about during the last committee meeting, whether projects should or should not be done. City staff, JUC members, school board, principals and Park Board members will be given the survey. Who else should participate? Bill Branum mentioned there is an administrative staff within the CISD that should be involved. Mr. Wilhelm asked that an "other" group be added to the list in the survey. Mr. Branum mentioned some of the shared issues that City and District are working on that would facilitate the need for others in the CISD to be involved in the survey. He mentioned a joint computer tie-in with INTERNET and a common bulletin board setup. The committee talked about the survey content. Rick Wilhelm referred to the survey and suggested that the category "5, MUST BE DONE" be revised (nothing HAS TO BE DONE!) so that "Should Be Done" may be number 5, and add another category that would be somewhere in the middle. Buddy Luce recommended just putting 1-5; low priority, high priority. Comments were made about some of the individual items on the survey. Number 11, Joint Sharing of GIS Data; suggested putting "Geographic Data Base" in parentheses. Number 26, Joint City Hall/Administration Building; change to Joint City/CISD Administration Complex. The committee then focused on the joint use Durham Elementary/Intermediate School project. Bill Branum said the joint use project is upon us -- it is nearly useable -- and the issue of payment for the project needs to be addressed. The sales tax over and above the debt service sale of the revenue bonds ('h-cent sales tax) will be used. Kim McAdams explained that the current bonds were for the past three years -- time to plan the next three years. The bonds will be issued once we see how much money will be coming in with the new commercial developments -- so many unknowns with Wal-mart and some of the others. A decision cannot be made until the City knows what to expect. The question came up as to whether the gymnasium was ever officially voted upon by the Committee as a joint -use project. The project needs the endorsement of the JUC. A "consider item" needs to be on the July meeting agenda to formalize the designation of the Durham Elementary/Intermediate recreational (gymnasium) area as a joint use project. The committee went back to the survey. They recommended that the items mentioned several Joint Utilization Committee Meeting June 13, 1995 Page 4 times in the survey, such as the recreation center, swim center that could be grouped under one item, be combined. Need to add something about joint tennis facility. Bill Branum recommended that a formal agreement be drafted on how and when the CISD will be reimbursed the $750,000. Item V. Adjournment A motion was made by Buddy Luce and seconded by Bethann Scratchard to adjourn at 8:15 p.m. All were in favor. Note: The next JUC meeting will be held Tuesday, July 25. ATTEST: Kevin Hugman, A stant to the City Manager C: \WPFILESUOIN'TUUCMIN06.13