Tuesday, April 11, 1995, 7:00 p.m.
15i IW1�11-
Joint Utilization Committee Members Present: Rick Wilhelm, Co -Chairman, Robert Glover,
and Bethann Scratchard.
Staff Present: Kim McAdams, Park Project Manager; Kevin Hugman, Assistant to the City
Manager; Ted Glowacki, CISD Maintenance.
Agenda Item #1. Call to Order
Rick Wilhelm called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. A quorum was present.
„ Agenda Item #2, Approval of Minutes for March 14, 1995 Meeting
A motion was made by Robert Glover to approve the March 14, 1995 MINUTES with the two
changes made as noted. 1) The minutes will be corrected to say "March 14" instead of "March
13. " 2) Robert Glover said the text should read, "Kim McAdams agreed to forward a copy of
the engineer's report to Robert Glover" in agenda item #3. The motion was seconded by
Bethann Scratchard and approved by the committee.
Agenda Item #3, Revised Joint Use Facilities Usage Agreement Draft
Kevin Hugman explained several of the provisions of the Agreement and the modifications made
to the draft. A portion under "Major Maintenance," where it states that major maintenance
would be shared 50150 was deleted; there are no specific references to exact percentages; there
is a provision for general oversight of cost by a joint use management committee [city manager
and/or his designee and CISD superintendent and/or his designee] with cost paid by the owner -
- periodically the joint use management committee would review costs and make adjustments.
Good records [documentation] must be kept. CISD will pay for their facilities and City of
Southlake will pay for their facilities.
Kevin asked the committee to discuss a suggestion he had been given by Buddy Luce to add to
the Agreement under "Major Maintenance," the sentence, "Lack of use would prevent requests
for maintenance dollars. " The committee did not deem it necessary to include the wording in
the Agreement.
Ted Glowacki brought up the point of repairs (major and minor) and if these will have to be
approved by the management committee before they could be done. The repairs could be made
and then the issue of reimbursement would be brought to the management committee. There
is a risk involved. The JUC discussed several scenarios of repair needs. Some repairs
[identifiable expenses] would be included in the CISD and the City of Southlake's budget
respectively and would be approved by the School Board and the City Council.
Kevin Hugman told the committee he had discussed the issue of "additional insureds" with the
City Attorney. He read an excerpt from a 1994 letter from the attorneys which explained the
liability of the school district and a municipality under the Texas Tort Act.
Ted Glowack relayed a request by Buddy Luce and Bill Branum to have more input into the
Agreement before it is approved. A motion was made by Robert Glover to table the final
consideration of the Joint Use Facilities Usage Agreement until the next regularly scheduled
meeting in May. The motion was seconded by Rick Wilhelm. The committee voted
unanimously to table the item.
Item #4, Addendum #1, (Carroll Middle School Gym) to Joint Use Facilities Agreement
Kevin Hugman said this item was brought forward from the last meeting to allow discussion at
this meeting. He asked the Committee if they had any additions.
Rick Wilhelm asked what was the purpose of Addendum #1. Kevin Hugman explained it is to
mainly specify the additional term, which had been a major item of discussion on the umbrella
agreement. It resolves the issue of adding facilities which would have a longer life than the
umbrella agreement itself. The umbrella agreement would -have a specified term, but then
automatically renew to the same term as the longer addendum. And, should there be any other
special considerations for a facility, they could be addressed in the addendum. The committee
had no further discussion.
Bethann Scratchard made a motion to table this item to coincide with the discussion of the Joint
Use Facilities Use Agreement at the next regularly scheduled meeting. The motion was
seconded and carried unanimously by the committee.
Item #5, Suggested Joint Utilization Projects
The committee reviewed the attached Previously Proposed Joint Use Projects list which was
derived from the April 12, 1994 JUC meeting. The following things were mentioned as
• Use of Carroll High School library by residents after hours.
• Joint purchasing of supplies.
(r 0 Joint maintenance/maintenance contracts.
• Sharing a risk management person/insurance - health
• Joint copying facility.
• Joint bids on long distance service as consortium (PTI-consortium of cities).
• Joint tie-in to Intemet/Network.
Rick Wilhelm's company has a "home page" - newsletter type ideas.
• Project to collect used computers and distribute to those who need them.
"Christmas List" of school and City - what does each need? (good, workable,
used equipment)
• GIS data - joint sharing, planning.
• Comprehensive 5-year census of City funded by both; in between federal census.
• Computer system high level tied to Internet @ Carroll High School library.
• Joint swim center/athletic complex.
• Performing arts center - outdoor theater near Lake Grapevine.
• Community Service access channel for City of Southlake/Carroll ISD
City/District that uses Internet/cable to reach homebound students. Fiber optics
between school/city.
• Adult education classes/university satellite downloads.
• Joint meeting facilities.
• Sharing public relations person.
• Sharing bond consultants - audit firms.
• Purchase a van - 15 passenger for tours, shuttles, etc.
Chairman Wilhelm asked to have these ideas presented at the next JUC meeting.
Additional Item Discussed
Stephen Apple's and Buddy Luce's positions are up for appointment. Rick Wilhelm and Bethann
Scratchard were reappointed for two years, which means they are going into their second year.
Item_ #6, Progress on Construction of Gymnasium at Middle School
Park Project Manager, Kim McAdams, reported the progress is going slowly, but surely. The
color of the brick has been agreed upon; there are no serious problems; footings have been
complete -- plan to complete gymnasium by end of August.
Kim also reported on the Country Walk property (next to Carroll Elementary). The developer,
Cole McDowell, wants to put in $50,000 to build a little league baseball field. The Rangers are
not going to participate as we had earlier been told. The question was raised about the parking -
- should we allocate parking in the park land or continue to park in the school's parking area.
The school's property is used either after school hours or on weekends. Thus far, there have
been no complaints Ted Glowacki reported other than tire mud marks. The school could use
the added parking at the fields. The Park Board will hear the request for the little league
baseball field at the April 20th meeting.
Item #7. Adjournment
A motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 8:27 p.m. All were in favor.
Kevin Hugman, Ass t to the City Manager
c:IwpfdtsIjoiw jucminO4.11
Co -Chair, JUC, Rick Wilhelm
C041hair, JUC, Budd