1996-11-12CITY OF SOUTHLAKE JOINT UTILIZATION COMMITTEE Tuesday, November 12, 1996 Members Present: Rick Wilhelm, Chair; Doug Strickland, Vice -Chair; Gary Fawks, Bethann Scratchard, Judy Gilmore. Others Present: Bob Ledbetter, CISD Athletic Director; Mark Terry, Durham Elem/Int. School Principal; Kim Lenoir, Parks and Recreation Director; Kevin Hugman, Assistant to the City Manager. Agenda Item # 1, Call to Order Rick Wilhelm called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. Agenda Item #2, Approval of MINUTES of the October 8, 1996 JUC meeting A motion was made by Bethann Scratchard to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Doug Strickland and passed unanimously. ,,, Agenda Item Q. Discussion of the Multi -Use Recreation Complex L4 Rick Wilhelm began the discussion on the multi -use rec center by saying that he did not want the JUC to expend full energy on this issue. He felt that the JUC had made a good start on identifying the priority uses and approximate land space needed to develop such a complex. At this point though, he felt that perhaps there was a need for a sub -committee of the JUC to continue looking into this item. Kevin Hugman said that the City would take a lead in this process, but that working through the process takes time. He noted that the Superintendent and City Manager had met on this issue only 10 days ago. The City Manager has met with property owners and is negotiating with them, and has also talked with the City's financial advisors regarding alternative means of financing. Gary Fawks said he would like to see the entire committee stay involved in the discussions and planning. Doug Strickland noted that CISD has pressing needs and would like to stay updated about the progress of the talks and negotiations. He then asked about the status of the Carroll Middle School parking lot and the possibility of paving the horseshoe as well. Can SPDC funding be used? D:\WP-FILES\JUC\MINUTES\96-11-12.WPD Joint Utilization Committee November 12, 1996 Bethann Scratchard noted that her motion at the last JUC meeting regarding the projects that JUC was recommending to SPDC for consideration of funding, included the Carroll Middle School parking lot. Gary Fawks said that maybe Council can look at funding for the Carroll Middle School parking lot rather than using SPDC funding. Kim Lenoir said SPDC has this on its short list and will look at land acquisitions and formulate a budget. This is on their agenda. There will be a copy of JUC minutes sent to the SPDC to see the JUC recommendations. SPDC will probably not formulate their budget until January 1997. Rick Wilhelm said that perhaps the best approach regarding the multi -use rec complex would be to determine when the complex should be constructed, then back off from that date to determine when a decision needs to be made. Kim Lenoir noted that summer is the best time to construct. Rick Wilhelm noted the questions are still- where will the money come from? Where and what land? The time frame? He suggested that the JUC should concentrate on the idea of 50 acres of land to use, rather than on other ancillary uses that may be of interest to private developers. He asked if the committee should develop some sort of concept/usage plan. Gary Fawks mentioned that we don't want to arrange buildings yet until there is an idea of where the complex may be built and the topography of the land. Doug Strickland would like to continue to pursue looking at land and if CISD finds some, they may be willing to work out some arrangement with the City. The need is to start looking now. Gary Fawks said the City could put together information of available tracts. Bob Ledbetter said the worst eyesore in the City is the football stadium. He does not think we can wait 5 years. Gary Fawks asked if the school was in a position to buy land now? Doug Strickland said that CISD does not have money right now, but can probably make a commitment. He recognizes that the committee should not jump on the first 50 acres it finds, and that it should be near the major highways. Kim Lenoir said that the committee should recognize that even starting now, it may take 3 years to put everything in place, buy the land, and build. There may be the need to look at some sort of interim arrangement with existing facilities. Doug Strickland noted that if we did that, the facility would probably have no use for existing after the ultimate stadium was built. Rick Wilhelm suggested that the Office of Economic Development provide a copy of its Site Inventory Guide to Dr. Ted Gillum. Kevin Hugman said he would have the Economic Development Coordinator get a copy to CISD. D:\WP-FILES\JUC\MINUTES\96-11-12.WPD Joint Utilization Committee November 12, 1996 Agenda Item #4, Discussion of the Review of Joint Use Facility Usage Discussion began concerning the scheduling and usage of the joint use facilities. Bob Ledbetter reiterated the priorities of the Joint Use agreement: the school district has first priority of usage, then the City on a scheduled basis; then y there are facilities available, the schools will try to work with outside groups for a fee. Bob stated that they want to provide for Southlake kids first, but if facilities are available, other groups, which may include children from outside of Southlake, could schedule with CISD Athletic Office for time. Mark Terry noted that there is heavy usage of Durham, which sometimes causes a security issue. These issues are being worked out by CISD and City staff. There was some discussion regarding other costs that are attributable to the joint use programs. Mark said that the estimation of utility costs is very hard to "guesstimate." He suggested that John Cochie might be able to produce some estimate of the increase in utility costs due to the City recreation programs. Bob Ledbetter asked if the City has someone in charge of the facility the whole time the facility is being used. Kim Lenoir responded in the affirmative and that she could provide the names of the individuals on duty. Mark Terry mentioned that outside basketball goals have been purchased, but they need to be installed. He said that Dads have asked for these, and they will be available after school hours. Kim Lenoir said Parks and Recreation will take care of installing the goals. Gary Fawks asked about concerns that may have come up by the Parks Board. Bethann Scratchard said indoor soccer was the only concern that had come up. Gary Fawks asked if there had been any discussion regarding softball fences. Bethann said that the Girls Softball Association was at the meeting. They want to do some other things in addition to fences and these were discussed with the Park Board. The construction of new fences is moving forward. Bethann noted that the Park Board was concerned that the indoor soccer program had been dropped from the schedule, but the apparent problem was that the indoor soccer program had caused damage to the gym floors from moving plywood walls. Mark Terry said his son plays indoor soccer and they have some type of short carpet permanently placed on the floor. Judy Gilmore asked if this was something that could be solved at Rockenbaugh School. Kim Lenoir and Bob Ledbetter said that they would research this to see if it were still possible or feasible. D:\WP-FILES\JUC\MINLITES\96-11-12.WPD Joint Utilization Committee November 12, 1996 Agenda Item #5, Discussion on the Update of the Municipal Complex Planning Process Kevin Hugman briefed the committee on the status of the Municipal Complex Planning project. He noted that the Site Planning Subcommittee and the Finance Subcommittee have drafted their recommendations and are finishing this up. There is an attempt to plan a meeting for 6:30 p.m., December 4, 1996 for all Subcommittee chairs (he noted that Rick Wilhelm, JUC Chair was also invited) to discuss the recommendations and present their reports. When asked if the decision had been made as to which site the City Hall would be built on, Gary Fawks said that City Council will wait until Rialto moves through the development process and the MCP subcommittees make their recommendations, before considering where a municipal complex would be built. Agenda Item #6.Discussion of Future Joint Use Facilities, Projects and Goals Bethann Scratchard suggested that the JUC come to the Joint Park Board/City Council meeting on December 9, at 7:30 p.m at City Hall. Bob Ledbetter will be at the Joint Meeting on December 9 as well. Agenda Item V. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:42 p.m. Rick Wilhelm, Chairman ATTEST: 44-1- Kevin Hugman, A sistant to the City Manager D:\WP-FILES\JUC\MINUTES\96-11-12.WPD