Tuesday, September 10, 1996
Members Present: Rick Wilhelm, Chairman; Doug Strickland, Vice -Chair; Bethann
Scratchard, Judy Gilmore
Others Present: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager (7:45 p.m.); Kim Lenoir, Director of
Parks & Recreation; Kevin Hugman, Assistant to the City Manager;
Steve Johnson, CISD
Agenda Item #1, Call to Order
Chairman Rick Wilhelm called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m.
Agenda Item #2, Approval of the MINUTES of the August 13, 1996 JUC Meeting.,.
A motion was made by Bethann Scratchard to approve the minutes with no changes. It was
seconded by Judy Gilmore, and passed unanimously.
Rick Wilhelm asked about the status of the pay phone at Durham that Bob Ledbetter at the
previous JUC meeting had said he would install. Steve Johnson said he did not know the
status, but will check.
Agenda Item #3, Discussion - Multi -Use Recreation Complex
Rick Wilhelm opened the discussion on the concept of a multi -use recreation center. He noted
that the CISD Board had met with the City Council previously, and that Mayor Stacy had
discussed the concept and the possibility of commercial interest in joining the City and CISD
in a Joint Multi -Use facility. Doug Strickland said the Mayor had mentioned having a
discussion on this subject with Marriott and asked if there had been any further progress.
Rick Wilhelm and Kevin Hugman said that as far as they knew, there had not been any further
Doug Strickland asked if we are at the point of looking at property. He suggested that we
look at the priority needs, those being a stadium, tennis center, and natatorium. He said that
the minimum land needed for a stadium is 25-30 acres. He also indicated that he would like to
see commitments from the other entities to do this project and to figure out where we are
Joint Utilization Committee Meeting
Tuesday, September 10, 1996
Rick Wilhelm said that he would like to see the group leave with specific assignments. The
committee needs to determine the long range plans for such a project, scale back to determine
what phases would be completed when, and to determine what we need in terms of land for
each specific use and for the ultimate complex.
Judy Gilmore mentioned that Coppell has information that may be useful since they have the
same facilities in one complex. Kim Lenoir said their tennis center is 15 acres with 24 courts
and a pro -shop. Coppell has a two phase construction plan for the complex. Discussion
followed on the methodology for determining a plan for land and space uses.
The discussion on uses for the land included the stadium/tennis center/natatorium/gym. The
committee discussed the conceptual type of stadium that would be desired. Pennington,
Coppell, and Birdville are examples. Rick Wilhelm mentioned the advantage of having multi-
purpose uses in one complex and the synergies that would result -- i.e., the parking lot needed
for the stadium would be used only every other weekend, but would be utilized for the other
facilities as well.
It was agreed that the following members agreed to research the following areas: Judy
Gilmore/Natatorium; Doug Strickland/Stadium; Bethann Scratchard and Kim Lenoir/Tennis
Center and Gym & Recreation courts.
The next scheduled meeting would be October 8. Rick Wilhelm asked about whether a
consultant is needed to look at these major uses and give a general concept plan of how they fit
together. It was decided that at this stage, it would be best to first determine what types of
uses would be desired and the resultant approximate acreage needed.
Agenda Item #4 Future Joint -Use Facilities Bethann Scratchard mentioned that she had
received a call from someone about whether the City and CISD could get together and contract
with a sponsor for all scoreboards. The sponsor would get their names on the scoreboards.
It was indicated that at the next meeting all the major players are needed. These include the
Mayor, Curtis Hawk, Ted Gillum, and Bob Ledbetter. This meeting could be held at the
Durham Professional Learning Center.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:16 p.m.
Kevin Hugman, Msistant to the City Manager
V-11- Rick Vilhelm, Chairman