Tuesday, August 13, 1996
Members Present: Rick Wilhelm, Chairman; Doug Strickland, Vice -Chair; Bethann
Scratchard, Judy Gilmore, Gary Fawks, Buddy Luce (ex-officio
Others Present: Kim McAdams Lenoir, Director of Parks & Recreation; Kevin Hugman,
Assistant to the City Manager; Bob Ledbetter, CISD Athletic Director;
Kathy Schaeffer, Recreation Supervisor.
Agenda Item #1, Call to Order
Chairman Rick Wilhelm called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Agenda Item #2, Approval of the MINUTES of the July 9, 1996 JUC Meeting.
A motion was made by Bethann Scratchard to approve the minutes with no changes. It was
seconded by Judy Gilmore, and passed unanimously.
Agenda Item #3, Exhibits A & B
Doug Strickland noted there was no schedule for Johnson or Carroll Elementary. Kim Lenoir said
that in the past, outdoor activities were scheduled through Parks and since there is no conflict with
CISD scheduling, CISD suggested that the outdoor facilities (Johnson and Carroll Elementary)
be removed from the list of joint use facilities.
Rick Wilhelm asked why the new proposed exhibit removes Johnson Elementary Gym. Kim
Lenoir said the YMCA uses it but the City does not. Mr. Wilhelm also asked if the joint use
facilities had been approved. Kim Lenoir said that Kathy Schaeffer met with Bob Ledbetter and
there was only one change -- the Durham gym office is no longer available. It will be used for
P.E. teachers. It has been needed for the phone as there are no other phones available. Bob
Ledbetter said that he wants to put a pay phone in there and that should solve the problem. He
will call Mark Terry to get this put in.
There was some discussion on work order forms -- who is to fill it out? Kim Lenoir said that the
City staff would fill it out as problems arise and then give it to the principal. Even though the
City fills out a work order, that does not necessarily mean that the City pays. It is only to keep
closer tabs on necessary work.
Rick Wilhelm asked if the Exhibit A list of facilities is acceptable to C.I.S.D. and the City. Bob
Ledbetter and Kim Lenoir agreed they are acceptable. Mr. Wilhelm recommended approval with
the deletion of Durham gym/office and noted that it should be signed by Curtis Hawk for the City,
and Ted Gillum for CISD.
A motion was made by Bethann Scratchard and seconded by Judy Gilmore to accept the Exhibit
A list of facilities for joint use. There was no further discussion and the motion passed
Exhibit B:
Exhibit B was submitted by the City of Southlake in July. Bob Ledbetter said that C.I.S.D. has
had input and that he signed off today with some deletions. Changes made were due to changed
dates and some activities were deleted. The group moved to the next item until Kathy Schaeffer
Agenda Item #4, Discussion of Durham
Discussion was held on why Durham was added as an addendum rather than just put on Exhibit
A list of joint use facilities. Kevin Hugman explained that he understood that the JUC wanted to
ensure Durham was covered by the interlocal agreement and that he drafted the addendum in a
like manner as Carroll Middle School had been done. Rick Wilhelm noted that the Carroll Middle
School gym/rec center had been financed by the City and the need for a longer term agreement
was probably justified. This was not the situation with Durham and so the addendum was
probably unnecessary until such time as the City had a financial investment in the facility.
A motion was made by Bethann Scratchard and seconded by Doug Strickland to not add
Addendum #7 to the Interlocal Agreement. The motion passed unanimously.
Agenda Item # 5, Discussion of Multi -Use Recreational Complex: The board discussed that
it should be reworded as Multi -Use Recreational Complex. A list of possible uses on the complex
included the following large block items:
-Athletic Stadium (Spectator centered, i.e., no track encircling the field)
-Tennis Center
-Natatorium (handicapped usable)
-Gymnastics Center
-Banquet/kitchen facilities
Other suggestions include:
-Indoor tracks -outdoor basketball -racquetball courts
-weight rooms jogging trails -golf
�w -roller blade rink -civic center (activities) -frisbee golf
-boxing ring -batting cages -sand volleyball
-picnic tables/park facilities
Discussion included the question that if more schools are to be built with joint use gyms, is there
a need for another gym? Kim Lenoir and Buddy Luce said there was a need for daytime use and
a gym with a synthetic rubber floor for gymnastics, aerobics etc. Other activities can be
incorporated into these buildings.
JUC members requested staff to develop a survey incorporating these suggestions, that could be
sent to the City Council, CISD Board of Trustees, and Park and Recreation Board.
The discussion returned to Exhibit B. It was noted that at Durham, indoor soccer was taken off.
Also, at Carroll Middle School, there were some Fun Time Live dates crossed out and basketball
is changed from 5:30 to 6:00 p.m. Rick Wilhelm asked some questions about the programs
pertaining to whether the City was able to continue the amount of programs that had been offered
this year. Kathy Schaeffer said that except for indoor soccer, the new programs pretty much came
through the same as the previous year.
Rick Wilhelm asked how much we are using the facilities after hours. Kathy said that Exhibit B
shows Durham being used an average of 23 hours per week, CMS gym/rec center being used an
average of 36 hours per week, and CIS facilities being used an average of 9 hours per week. This
usage is up from the 1995-96 year.
A motion was made by Bethann Scratchard and seconded by Judy Gilmore to approve Exhibit B
as revised. The motion was approved unanimously.
When asked how many times there had been schedule conflicts with CISD, Kathy Schaeffer said
that (32) times programs have been canceled -- some were moved due to schedule conflict with
7/8 basketball and AAU basketball. Also, the air conditioning at Carroll Middle School didn't
work in July and (10) classes were canceled as a result of this problem.
Bob Ledbetter said that C.I.S.D. athletic staff will present a fee schedule and deposit requirement
for non joint use users. It should provide them better control over these users. Gary Fawks asked
who has the authority to bump the City out? Bob Ledbetter replied that the Principal is controller
of the facility. Sometimes athletic schedules change. Athletic departments should notify the City
of schedule changes through the responsible principal. If it pertains to a non athletic facility
(cafeteria) the principal is responsible for notifying the City.
Judy Gilmore said there should be a system in place for CISD maintenance to notify the City when
major maintenance is being done which will impact the recreation programs. She suggested that
a copy of the approved recreation schedule be sent to Maintenance. Bob Ledbetter said the
Principal should also be responsible.
Kathy Schaeffer mentioned that Durham has given a schedule of school activities only up
November. The school had an Open House that canceled Jazzercise, because they had to stagger
the Open House due to the opening of the intermediate school and the number of parents expected.
Kathy just found out about it last Friday.
Rick Wilhelm said that we may need to look at the Interlocal Agreement to see if July 1 is a
reasonable date to require Exhibit B, Schedule of Activities to be approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:52 p.m.
Rick Wilhelm, Chairman
Kevin Hugman, A stant to the City Manager