Tuesday, February 13, 1996, 7:00 p.m.
Members Present: Rick Wilhelm, Chairman; Robert Glover, Vice Chairman; Bethann
Scratchard, Park Board Representative; and Michael Richarme, City Council
Others Present: Mike Murphy, Acting CISD Superintendent and Kevin Hugman, Assistant
to the City Manager.
Agenda Item #1. Call to Order
Chairman Rick Wilhelm called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. A quorum was present.
Agenda Item #2, Approval of the January 9. 1995 meeting Minutes
A motion was made by Bethann Scratchard and seconded by Michael Richarme to approve the
minutes as presented. Robert Glover abstained from the vote.
Chairman Wilhelm noted that Michael Richarme would need to leave early to attend a special
council work session -- items will be addressed briefly.
Agenda Item #3, Discussion - Joint Utilization Program and Projects and Item #4, Discussion -
Future Joint Use Facilities
or Tennis Courts at Carroll High School - Mike Murphy presented an update to committee
members on the possibility of City and/or other groups using the courts. There have been
discussions between Scott Dorin (Tennis Coach at High School and also board member of
Tennis Association) and Laura Suarez of Southlake Tennis Association and they already
have an arrangement worked out to allow the Association to use the courts. The courts are
no longer locked and are available to anyone on the weekends. Mr. Dorin will meet with
Kim McAdams to determine what the City's needs might be. The District is looking into
changing the existing lighting system on the courts from coin -operated to automatic as they
have experienced numerous malfunctions. Mr. Murphy assured members that Bob Ledbetter
and Scott Dorin (coaches at Carroll High School) are very much in favor of continuing the
relationship with both the Tennis Association and the City of Southlake and expanding the
possibilities for use of the courts. There are some repair issues [expenses] that have come
Joint Utilization Committee Meeting
February 13, 1996
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up; net and net straps have been torn or stolen. The CISD may have to assess the Tennis
Association a small fee to cover those expenses. The courts are available on a "show up"
basis -- reservations are not required. All uses should be channeled through Bob Ledbetter.
In the future, as the need for courts increase, reservations will be required to eliminate
overlapping of times. Michael Richarme suggested that when the light fixtures are replaced,
they could be re -used at another facility such as a City Park. Mike Murphy asked how much
pressure there is for an additional tennis facility. Bethann Scratchard responded that the
current arrangement is a "stop gap" fix, which means there is still an urgent need for court
space. Mr. Wilhelm added that tennis courts will be a "high priority" item for any of the
City's parks.
or Use of CISD Libraries After -School Hours by Citizens- Mike Murphy reported that there has
not been much progress on this issue. Mr. Murphy said it was discussed at a CISD Board
meeting and the response was very positive. Richard Wilkinson met with the librarians; the
reaction was positive -- they would like to pursue the idea. Mr. Murphy said the Board was
thinking that the best usage would be the Carroll High School library; it has a separate
entrance and the most possibilities. Mr. Wilhelm asked what the citizens would be using the
library for -- as a gathering place for meetings, accessing Internet and computers, or a place
to read magazines? Mr. Murphy said those were the uses the Board anticipates and even
expanding the uses to include the computer lab. He stated that the main issue will always
be security when dealing with any of the school facilities. Murphy said he feels like the
District's committee will not pursue this for a while, but will eventually.
Michael Richarme told the committee about discussions the City has had regarding two
options for long-term solutions to library needs. Mike Murphy and the school were involved
in the discussions. The two options are: 1) construct a new library at the new municipal site
on property just purchased south of F.M. 1709, and 2) the possibility of a "shared" library
with the cities of Grapevine and Colleyville located in the city of Grapevine. Mr. Murphy
pointed out one advantage to having the library at the municipal building site would be the
access to the fiber -optics connecting the different school campuses. Grapevine hired a
consultant [City of Southlake helped fund] who is doing cost evaluations, feasibility studies
and meeting with Colleyville and Grapevine to determine each city's needs. The
consultant's report should be back within 30-60 days.
Bethann Scratchard, who participated in the Focus Groups earlier this year, made the
comment that the subject of a library was part of the Focus Group's discussion and that
access to library facilities was stressed. She said the Group's general comments were, 1) the
City of Southlake does not need a "stand alone" library building; 2) Grapevine's library is
too small -- need more resources; 3) need to access the high school's library; 4) a joint library
Joint Utilization Committee Meeting
February 13, 1996
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with the three cities is a good idea; 5) Grapevine is easily accessed, but too crowded; and 5)
Southlake does not need a library -- citizens can go to Barnes & Noble to buy books.
Mr. Richarme added, "That if the concept of a library is expanded into the idea of a fine arts
cultural center, where there is a theater, amplitheathre, and drama, then we have what a
library really becomes, which is a knowledge center." The City of Southlake contributes to
the Grapevine library in the amount of $10,000 annually to purchase books for the City and
Southlake residents can use the Grapevine Library at no charge.
ow Potential Joint Use Projects List - Chairman Wilhelm suggested that the committee focus
on one or two "short-term" projects and one "long-term" project from the list since there are
so many. The idea is to concentrate on the selected project and finalize it (whether it is
produced or not) and at least work down the list.
Long -Term Project: Joint Municipal/CISD Administration Complex - One item mentioned,
now that the land for the municipal complex has been purchased, is that of a joint
administration facility. Mr. Richarme mentioned that the City has had some preliminary
discussions with the CISD regarding a shared auditorium and joint administration [long-term
project] facilities. He said this is a good time to get back with the School Board and firm up
those discussions. There has not been a formal meeting with the District regarding the
specifics of the purchased property, such as how much land is available and general shape
of the property. In 1990, Allen & Buie [architect consultants], conducted a department -by -
department space requirements assessment for the City and identified space needs and
relationship departments. Their report is still feasible. The City is now putting together a
group of interested citizens to participate in the design of the municipal campus and the bond
election process. There will be four sub -committees; a site planning sub -committee, a joint
use sub -committee, a finance sub -committee, and a bond sub -committee. Kevin Hugman
pointed out that the City's preliminary recommendation was to use the Joint Use Committee
as the joint use sub -committee with Kim McAdams and himself as the assigned staff
members. Mike Murphy said the District has also done some preliminary administrative
needs assessment studies and shared their findings with the City last year. At that time they
talked about sharing some of their common needs, such as courtroom area, meeting rooms,
and some services (like a copy center, budget and finance staff, computer
equipment/software). Mr. Murphy said he did not think the preliminary discussion the
District had with the City regarding their needs went any further. Rob Glover added, that
even if the District does not co -locate their administrative facilities immediately with the
City's new municipal facility, it would be good to give the City a comprehensive plan of the
District's needs so that those needs could be factored into the plan for the property. The City
Council will begin holding regular fourth -Tuesday work sessions to consider these kinds of
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February 13, 1996
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issues. Mr. Richarme will ask Council to add this item to a fourth -Tuesday agenda, probably
next month. Mike Murphy will discuss with the School Board. Mr. Wilhelm mentioned
recruiting the same people who were involved in the %2-cent sales tax bond program for the
complex bond campaign.
Short -Term Project: Chairman Wilhelm asked the committee to consider some "short-term"
projects to get started on. Community access channel was mentioned. Kevin Hugman said
he is still working on expansion of the access channel programming, such as, video taping
council and SPIN meetings and the Northeast Tarrant Arts County Masterworks Series. This
project is not finished.
Other projects mentioned were:
Land Acquisition at Bicentennial Park - still working on.
Construction ofparking lotfor Carroll Middle School gym - no money available [50 parking
spaces x $1,000 per space cost].
School library uses - still on the list - (committee discussed on Page 2 of Minutes) - probably
address this spring.
Joint bid on telephone long distance services - not a viable savings at only $3.00 per month -
remove from projects list.
GIS baseline - at a stand still since the City's GIS technician moved - hiring another.
Internet- Kevin Hugman met with Bob Catino (same person who designed CISD's unit) -
City is not at the point to do this right now - keep on the list.
Adult education courses offered through CISD - these are available to any adult in the
community - currently offering computer classes which have been very successful.
The committee discussed this item further. Mr. Richarme asked if these courses
could be offered or run through the City's Park Department or does the District
already have procedures in place. The Parks Department has processes in place to
set up classes, bring in vendors, all of which charge the City fees and the City turns
around and charges the participants. The CISD does not have the processes in place,
but could. Mr. Murphy said some considerations would be security and budgeting
considerations. The schools are under a lot of constraints regarding funds they may
charge and what they do with the funds. He said Alice Miller (Director of CISD
Staff Development) believes she could run the Staff Development Department, which
offers training and education classes, based on some of the fees that could be
assessed, creating a turn -key, self -funding operation. The committee talked about
augmenting the staff at the Park to handle scheduling, registration, administration
paper work. Right now, the District is testing the waters to see what they can handle
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with the current staff and funds. Perhaps the Parks Department could have a roll in
the adult education programs. Using the computer class as an example, if the District
could find a teacher and facility to hold it in, then the course could be advertised in
the Parks & Recreation brochure. Registration and paperwork could be handled by
the Parks & Recreation Department. This could be a short-term project to look at.
It was mentioned to have Alice Miller meet with the JUC to discuss this further.
Satellite Down -Loading - taking advantage of classes already offered - Rob Glover talked
about this item. Said he spoke to someone last year at the University of Texas,
Engineering Studies Department, about the possibility of down -loading some of their
courses and making available for a fee. The person he spoke with indicated it could
probably be done for close to cost. Mr. Richarme mentioned that KTVN - Channel
2 (Denton station) does a lot of programs like this. They could be a source for some
programming. The committee discussed pursuing this as a "short-term" project.
Need to involve Allen McDaniel, Technology Coordinator, CISD. The current
system at Durham is funded through TEA funding to allow schools to access
information and training from TEA.
In relation to the idea of satellite down -loading courses, Mr. Murphy briefed the
committee on the new Professional Learning Center located in the Intermediate side
of the Durham school, which could be used for the classes and where a satellite is
now situated. The Center will contain a training room, a professional library and all -
instructional support staff from the CISD will be officed there. The Center can be
used for after-hours training, etc. -- it has its own security system and entrance.
There is also a computer lab next to it that can be used after hours. Mr. Wilhelm
asked if the District could run an underground line from the satellite location behind
Durham over to the Park? Mr. Murphy responded he thought so - utility easements
would be needed. This item will be explored further at the next JUC meeting. Mr.
Murphy will ask Alice Miller and Allen McDaniel to meet with the JUC next month
to discuss.
University Satellite Down -Loading and adult education courses offered through CISD will be
combined as one project.
The next JUC meeting will be March 13 at the Durham Professional Learning Center.
Being no further discussion, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:54 p.m.
Joint Utilization Committee Meeting
February 13, 1996
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Rick Wilhelm, Chairman
Robert Glover, Vice -Chairman
Kevin Hugman, Assi t to the City Manager