Wednesday, October 15, 1997
Members Present: Rick Wilhelm, Chair; Doug Strickland, Vice -Chair; Judy Gilmore,
Carol Lee Hamilton
Others Present: Kevin Hugman, Community Services Manager; Kathy Schaeffer,
Recreation Supervisor; Bob Ledbetter, CISD Athletic Director
Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order
Rick Wilhelm called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2 Approval of Minutes of the September 17, 1997 Meeting
Judy Gilmore moved for approval of the September 17, 1997 minutes as presented.
Carol Lee Hamilton seconded and the motion was approved unanimously.
Doug Strickland reported that the CISD stadium steering committee had met several
times and was preparing to make their recommendation to the CISD Board of Trustees
at the October 27 meeting. They had been charged with looking at what type of facility
would be best and what alternatives were feasible. Doug also asked about whether the
City would be interested in participating at some percentage and who should this be
directed to.
Kevin Hugman said that he had discussed the question with Curtis Hawk and they felt
the City would participate at some level, but that it was a City Council and CISD
Board decision that would have to be made. The JUC could make a recommendation,
but ultimately, the decision would be made by the City Council and that may or may
not be before the proposed bond election by CISD.
Judy Gilmore stated that CISD needed to know at what level the City would participate
and that a decision needed to be made soon so that the school district would know how
to proceed in a bond campaign.
Rick Wilhelm noted that there are a number of choices available in financing and
participation options, including lease options, rental fees, or a percentage purchase.
He also noted that SPDC money could probably be used for this type of project.
Judy Gilmore asked some questions about the type of other users for an athletic facility
and what time frame they would be using it. Kathy Schaeffer stated that it really
depends on the season and the activity as to how many participants there may be. She
gave the JUC an updated handout of projected number of users that might participate in
events at an athletic stadium. (Handout attached)
Doug Strickland asked who needed to be involved in making the decisions as to who
would participate and at what level.
Kevin Hugman said that it may be premature for the City Council to make a decision
now, but that it is still very interested in the concept of a joint multi -use recreation
complex. He noted that meetings are ongoing between Mayor Rick Stacy, School
Board president Buddy Luce, School Superintendent Ted Gillum, and City Manager
Curtis Hawk.
Rick Wilhelm said that any decision which would affect SPDC funding would need to
be made at higher level meetings than JUC. He also questioned whether SPDC funds
could be used for a stadium, if that had been stated as an acceptable use of the 1 /2 cent
sales tax at the time the election had been held.
Agenda Item No. 3 SPIN Summit Presentations
Rick Wilhelm began by noting that he had been invited to participate in the upcoming
SPIN Summit, and needed to have JUC input on a topic that he could present as a
project which the community could participate in. He suggested that JUC could
present a project in coordination with the School Board presentation (Buddy Luce).
Doug Strickland suggested that Rick begin by mentioning the past JUC
accomplishments and then move onto a discussion about the need for a joint athletic
facility. Rick agreed that this would be a good approach, but noted that he had only
three minutes in which to make his presentation.
Judy Gilmore said he should emphasize the benefit to the entire city, not just the
school's perspective. Rick said that citizens should be able to dream about the type of
facility that could be built and serve the city needs as well as the school needs. With
this kind of partnership, it would not have to be a mediocre facility.
Carol Lee Hamilton said that the concept of an athletic stadium is one that SPIN and all
of the groups participating could get behind since it has lots of appeal for many
different user groups. She noted that the nature center group was very well organized
and had formed an ad -hoc committee to further this project.
Rick Wilhelm and Doug Strickland stated that this would be a good forum to at least
get the message out regarding the need for an athletic facility. Judy Gilmore said that
the steering committee would be presenting their recommendation on what was "do-
able," and she felt they would recommend a stadium, natatorium, and gymnasium.
After discussion, the JUC consensus was that Chair Rick Wilhelm should present the
joint use athletic facility as his proposal for the SPIN Summit.
Bob Ledbetter said that tours to Pennington Field and the Grapevine natatorium had
been set up for Wednesday, October 22, and Wednesday, October 29. People
interested in going should meet tat the natatorium at 5:00 p.m., and at Pennington Field
at 6:00 p.m.
Carol Lee Hamilton noted that we would want to target potential focus group
participants for these tours as well. She suggested that the focus groups take the tour
and then meet to discuss potential joint uses in such a facility.
(Buddy Luce joined meeting)
There was discussion concerning the possible dates of a focus group meeting and if the
tour dates would support. After some discussion, it was decided to set the tour dates
for October 22 and November 5. The November 5 date would be used for the focus
group. (Bob Ledbetter changed date to November 12 after this meeting due to a
conflict at natatorium.)
Kevin Hugman said that the tour information would be put in that week's City
Manager's report, which goes to board and commission members and SPIN
The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Kevin Hugman, ommunity Services Manager
Rick Wilhelm, Chairman
CISD & City of Southlake Multi -Purpose Stadium/Recreation Center
Projected Number of Participants and Spectators for the Year 2000
The following tables illustrate the potential number of participants and spectators that would be coming to
Southlake for the various sporting events, programs and tournaments. If the City had access to a football
stadium, natatorium, and activity rooms, we could fill the non -school hours with a variety of activities 100%
of the time. There is a dire need for additional facilities and there is a lot of support for new programs that we
are unable to offer because we do not have the facilities to provide the programs.
,:...:r .
Type of # of Participants ' # of Spectators Profit Generated
SLPARD Swim 130
TAAF Regional 775 9,000 $6000
Swim Meet
US Swim Meet 450 4,000 $3500
SLPARD Diving 25
US Diving 140 1,000 $2,000
Water Aerobic 125
Fall & Spring Youth 425
Summer Lessons
Adult Lap Swim 100
Senior Workout 50
Scuba Lessons 40
Projected Usage during School Year— % of School Use per Year = 65%
% of City Use per Year = 35%
"City could fill facility 100% of available hours during summer.
�"ii •1i
troplex Senior
TAAF Regional
Track Meet
Senior Circuit Track
Special Olympics
Track Meet
Hershey Track Meet
USA Track Meet
"Must be 8 Lane Track
Projected Usage during School Year— % of School Use per Year = 70%
% of City Use per Year = 30%
*City could use facility every available non school use time with leagues, special events, camps and
tournaments. **City could fill facility 100% of available hours during summer.
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Type of Event;
# of Participants;
# of spectators
Profit Generated
Senior Classes
Senior Exercise
Arts & Craft Classes
CISD Co -Op Classes
Projected Usage during School Year— % of School Use per Year = 70%
% of City Use per Year = 30%
If there was an activity room we would offer the above programs and could use the room for meetings and
banquets. **City could fill facility 100% of available hours during summer.
TOTALS 25,300 83,050 $80,400
*These estimates and figures were tabulated from various tournament reports from athletic conferences.