1997-09-17M CITY OF SOUTHLAKE JOINT UTILIZATION COMMITTEE Wednesday, September 17, 1997 Members Present: Rick Wilhelm, Chair; Doug Strickland, Vice -Chair; Judy Gilmore, Carol Lee Hamilton Members Absent: Gary Fawks Others Present: Kim Lenoir, Parks and Recreation Director; Kevin Hugman, Community Services Manager; Steve Johnson, CISD Assistant Superintendent; Bob Ledbetter, CISD Athletic Director Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order Rick Wilhelm called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2 Approval of Minutes of the, 1997 Meeting Carol Lee Hamilton asked Kim Lenoir about the 24-passenger van that had been cut from the Parks budget and how were children being transported to the after -school program. Kim stated that the Parks Department was renting a van as they have done previously. After -school fees cover the rental cost of the van. There being no further discussion on the previous month's minutes, Doug Strickland moved that the minutes be approved as submitted; Carol Lee Hamilton seconded. The motion passed; Judy Gilmore abstained since she was not present at that meeting. Agenda Item No. 3 Potential Long-term and Short-term Joint Use Projects Rick Wilhelm opened the discussion on this item by noting that the list had been developed some time ago, and it would be good to go through it and see what progress had been made, what items should be deleted from the list, and what items might be added to the list. Rick Wilhelm noted that one of the first items on the list was for joint meeting facilities and a joint City Hall/CISD Administration Building. He noted that this item was in the planning phases since there were ongoing discussions for a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone in which the Town Hall was planned for construction. Judy Gilmore said there had been no decision by the CISD Board since they have not yet had all of their questions answered. Rick asked whether the school would still participate in a joint building whether or not they participated in the TIF. Steve M:\WP-FILES\JUC\MINUTES\97-09-17. DOC Johnson felt they would probably look at some way to be in the building with the City. Kevin Hugman noted that one option would be a lease arrangement with the school district. Doug Strickland said he had gotten some information regarding the possibility of including modifications to current renovation plans for the Carroll High School library to allow after-hours use by the public. He had spoken with Dr. Ted Gillum, CISD Superintendent, and the high school principal and librarians. While they felt that modifications could be done, they also expressed a concern about citizens checking out books that would be needed by the students. He noted that the new plans for the library include a 24 hour exterior access and that students would soon have 24 hour access to computers and modems in the library. Rick Wilhelm asked if the needs of the high school student -users were compatible with those of the adult -users. Carol Lee Hamilton said she felt that there could be a separate section of books, purchased by the City if necessary, specifically for use of the adults. These books would be the property of the City. Judy Gilmore said that the space in the library is an issue and did not think there would be space to add additional stacks. Kim Lenoir noted that making the computers and modems accessible to the public would be a benefit. Doug Strickland noted that the Food Lion building on Kimball was being renovated for `%W the school district. When completed, it would have meeting rooms available for joint use (including a 200 person capacity meeting room). He also noted that he had talked with Bob Ledbetter and the coaches and was told that the 7-8-9 school and the new elementary school would also have gyms available for joint use. Doug Strickland also noted that Exhibit A of the "Interlocal Agreement for Park, Playground and Other Recreation Facilities" needed to be updated and the 7-8-9 school added. Rick Wilhelm said that facilities are added to the list when they are available for use. Kevin Hugman noted that Exhibit A of the agreement, "Joint Use Facilities," and Exhibit B "Joint Use Facility Schedule," were in the process of being updated now. Bob Ledbetter said that the principals would sign off on the schedule that week. Doug Strickland said that CISD would remain a 4A school with the next alignment of school districts, and will be 4A for the remainder of this year and probably the next two years. He said that the CISD Board of Trustees would like to have a stadium and natatorium ready to go when CISD moves in to 5A. Doug Strickland noted that the Grapevine-Colleyville ISD has approximately 700-800 people a day who use their swim center. This includes school teams and residents. The swim center's revenues are in excess of $100,000 per year. He asked Kim Lenoir to determine the percentage of residents who would be likely to use the various types of facilities. Doug said that perhaps an agreement could be structured between the City M:\WP-FILES\JUC\MINUTES\97-09-17.DOC 2 and CISD whereby each pays a percentage based on the level of participation. This could be a selling point in a bond election. Rick Wilhelm noted both parties would need to be in full agreement. Kevin Hugman said that any type of arrangement such as this could be delineated in an interlocal agreement, similar to the IA for joint use facilities, and could define the payment structure in the agreement. Bob Ledbetter said that the school district's first priority is the need for a stadium. Kim Lenoir then passed out a handout showing the projected number of participants and spectators, by sporting event, for the year 2000 in a multi -use stadium/recreation center. (HANDOUT ATTACHED) She also noted that the uses and the number of participants would be affected by the type of facilities available (i.e., if there would be facilities under the stadium). Bob Ledbetter noted that Pennington Field and Wilkerson-Greine center hosts many regional events, which could also be done in Southlake. Bob Ledbetter and Kim Lenoir discussed some of the problems associated with the current joint use facilities. Most of these problems Bob said, are from outside user groups -- those not associated with CISD or City Parks and Recreation Department programs. He noted that the schedule of facilities is being looked at yet by the school principals, and that they have not yet scheduled their dances, PTO meetings, etc. He felt they would be ready to sign the schedules that week. `%W Bob Ledbetter noted what a great job the City did in making the old baseball field at Bicentennial Park ready for the Carroll High School girls' softball program. Discussion began again on the stadium issue. Rick Wilhelm stressed the importance of noting the joint use possibilities when presenting the stadium issue to voters. Steve Johnson said it is imperative to identify joint use potentials early so they could be incorporated into the design of the stadium. Rick Wilhelm asked if CISD were looking at a "stadium" or stadium/natatorium" package. Doug Strickland said he felt that Dr. Gillum would want to go with the stadium/natatorium. Bob Ledbetter said that they hoped the City would be a participant in the construction, perhaps in the way of SPDC funding. Kevin Hugman noted that the SPDC budget had already been allocated for the next three years, mainly for Bob Jones Park and Bicentennial Park construction and renovation projects. There were many needs by the citizens of Southlake and the SPDC and City Council had to balance all of these needs with existing revenues. Rick Wilhelm suggested that City staff get together and develop a list of joint use possibilities in this type of complex. Carol Lee Hamilton suggested using a focus M:\WP-FILES\JUC\MINUTES\97-09-17.DOC 3 group approach similar to the one used by the Parks department in developing their park use plans. Bob Ledbetter suggested taking the focus groups on a tour of the various facilities such as Pennington Field. After some discussion, the group decided that the tour should be planned before the focus group meetings. They could then provide input to the CISD stadium steering committee. Steve Johnson and Bob Ledbetter would set a couple of dates for tour of Pennington Field and GCISD stadium. Kim Lenoir would set up focus group meetings after the tour dates were set. The JUC discussed the next meeting date and decided to hold the next regular meeting on Wednesday, October 15, instead of Tuesday, October 14. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Rick Wilhelm, Chairman ATTEST: rr Kevin Hugman, Lmunity Services Manager M:\WP-FILES\J-UC\MfNUTES\97-09-17. DOC 4 a CISD & City of Southlake Multi -Purpose Stadium/Recreation Center Projected Number of Participants and Spectators for the Year 2000 The following tables illustrate the potential number of participants and spectators that would be coming to Southlake for the various sporting events and tournaments. The potential to accomplish these goals is very real and the opportunities are available as long as your facilities meet the regulating standards that the athletic governing body has implemented. It is crucial to build your facilities with these standards in order to acquire these tournaments and competitions. Hosting these athletics event not only promote your city and provide your adult and youth parti4ants with various recreational opportunities but provide a huge boost to your local economy. Many of these participants and spectators stay in your local hotels, dine at your local restaurants, and shops at your various centers. All money generated from these programs goes directly back into your athletic budget to in#ove and maintain excellent equipment and faciltiies. ..............:. . ........ ..:::::>:::>::: ;::;:;..: ,:.:.. TRA . Type of Event # of Participants # of Spectators Ri v m e Generated SLPARD Track 125 Team TAAF Regional 650 6000 $4000 Track Meet Hershey Track Meet 350 3000 $2000 USA Track Meet 800 10,000 $7000 - SWIMMtNG & :DIVING t r r Type of Event # of Participants # of Spectators -Wv 6tte Generated SLPARD Swim 130 Team TAAF Regional 775 9,000 $6000 Swim Meet US Swim Meet 450 4,000 $3500 SLPARD Diving 25 Team US Diving 140 1,000 $2,000 Competition ...... IIS Type of Event # of Participants # of Spectators Revenue Generated SLPARD Tennis 350 Programs USTA Junior 550 Program USTA Adult Leagues 1200 TAAF Regional 325 1500 $1300 Tournaments USTA Junior 250 1500 $2000 Tournaments USTA Adult 250 700 $1200 Tournaments National USTA 300 2000-3000 $3000-5000 Tournaments . SOCCER.;......:.....::::>:>::::.;.::.::.... . Type of Event # of Participants # of Spectators lase Generated SLPARD Adult 700 Soccer Leagues Premier Soccer 1200 3000 $3000 Tournaments USA Soccer 1500 4000 $5000 Tournaments USA Junior 2000 6000 $8000 Tournaments FLAG FOOTBALL Type of Event # of Participants # of Spectators Revenue -Generated SLPARD Flag Football 150 SLPARD Youth Flag Football 100 Nike Air It Out National Competition 350 1500 $2000 TAAF Adult State Tournament 500 1000 $1500 TAAF Youth State Tournament 600 2000 $3000 Type of Event SLPARD Adult Basketball Leagues SLPARD Youth Basketball Leagues TAAF Youth State Tournaments TAAF Adult State Tournaments Type of Event SLPARD Team TAAF Youth State Tournaments US Gymnastics Exhibitions & Tourney BASKE # of Participants 288 1200 1500 750 # of Participants 125 800 .11 # of Spectators I RevF- im Generated 13,000 1 $7,000 2000 1 $2,000 # of Spectators 12,000 11,000 Revenbe Generated II $13,000 $9,000 FENCLNG Type of Event # of Participants # of Spectators Revenue Generated SLPARD Team 25 US Junior Olympic Competition 175 1500 $2,000 USFA Regional Competition 120 1000 $1, 500 E Type of Event # of Participants # of Spectators - ev-enue Generated SLPARD Adult 180 Teams SLPARD Youth 150 Programs TAAF Youth State 225 1200 $1,500 Competition TAAF Adult State 175 600 $900 Competition USVA Regional 275 1500 $1,800 Tournament TOTALS 21,025 105,900 $100,900 *These estimates and figures were tabulated from various tournament reports from athletic conferences.