Tuesday, March 11, 1997
Members Present: Doug Strickland, Vice -Chair; Gary Fawks, Judy Gilmore
Bethann Scratchard
Others Present: Kevin Hugman, Assistant to the City Manager; Kathy Schaeffer,
Recreation Supervisor; Bob Ledbetter, CISD Athletic Director; Debbie
Baynard, CISD School Board candidate
Agenda Item # 1, Call to Order
Doug Strickland called the meeting to order at 7:19 p.m.
Agenda Item #2,Approval of MINUTES of the February 11, 1997 Meeting
Regarding Item #3 on the February minutes, (Summer Schedule of Joint Use Facilities) Doug
Strickland noted that Tim Kraft, Finance Director was asked to provide a maintenance
schedule to Kim Lenoir. Mr. Kraft was also told that the City had not yet been billed for joint
use related costs; he will set up billing so any joint use associated costs will be sent to the
Debbie Baynard, school board candidate, asked about the Science Camp and if the academic
co -curricular committee could use these two classrooms.
Regarding Item #5 of the February minutes (Report on Facilities Usage Agreement), it was
noted that there may not be a loss of soccer practice fields at the Durham/Kasper property.
Parking and track/field locations can probably be moved south so that the loss of a field will
be minimized.
Bethann Scratchard made a motion to approve the minutes. Gary Fawks seconded and the
minutes were approved unanimously without correction.
Agenda Item #3, Resolution Encouraging Design and Construction of Facilities which
Enables Joint Use
Kevin Hugman presented the resolution and why it was brought forward. He noted that at the
previous JUC meeting, members had discussed the idea of encouraging forethought being
given to those design considerations that would enable joint use of facilities, whether they be
CISD or City buildings and facilities. These design considerations could include such things
as: fencing, after-hours access, etc.
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Doug Strickland said he would like to table the resolution until Rick Wilhelm and others on
the school board can look at the resolution and give their input.
Gary Fawks noted than on the issue of additional cost, City Council will look favorably on
paying for the additional cost that is needed for joint use.
Doug Strickland said they are having TPM look at Rockenbaugh to see what needs to be done
in the gym to make it usable for joint use.
Bethann Scratchard made a motion to table Resolution 97-01 until the JUC meeting on April 8.
Gary Fawks seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
Agenda Item #4, Resolution Supporting Growth Which Enhances Sales Tax Revenues
Kevin Hugman opened the discussion on this resolution and noted that it was brought forward
after discussion at the previous JUC meeting at the request of the JUC members present at that
meeting. The purpose of the resolution is to express JUC support for appropriately -zoned
commercial retail development, recognizing that joint use projects would continue to be funded
by SPDC-approved projects using the 1/2 cent sales tax.
Gary Fawks felt this resolution may be stepping a bit over the line. Kevin Hugman explained
the rationale from the last meeting. Judy Gilmore asked why the JUC would want to do this.
Bethann Scratchard moved and Judy Gilmore seconded a motion to table until April 8. It was
Agenda Item No. 5, Future Joint Use Facilities, Projects and Goals
Gary Fawks discussed the joint City Council/Planning & Zoning meeting that was held to
discuss Timarron. He noted that the ordinance to establish a TIF may not be on the March 18
City Council agenda after discussions he had with Curtis Hawk.
Doug Strickland asked Gary Fawks if Curtis Hawk had gotten the numbers related to the TIF.
Gary Fawks explained that the ordinance would only establish the boundaries of a TIF. It is
possible to decide later who will participate.
Gary Fawks noted the possibility of constructing sidewalks along Shady Oaks. A short term,
interim solution might need to be looked at, since the ultimate road section is not built yet.
Doug Strickland noted item #4 from Kevin Hugman's memo (the discussion of Multi -Use
Recreation Center at Joint City Council/CISD meeting) regarding land needed and cost
estimates. He noted that the cost estimates developed by the JUC were:
stadium -- 10,000 seats/2,000 parking spaces $10 Million
natatorium -- less than a 50 meter pool (3 acres) 3 Million
tennis center -- 24 courts? (10 acres) No cost estimate was available, but Bethann
Scratchard will check on this item.
Judy Gilmore noted that Plano has an outdoor pool that supports operation of the indoor pool.
Kathy Schaeffer showed the JUC the types of shoes and the ball used for indoor soccer. Bob
Ledbetter said they had gotten lots of complaints from administrators on indoor soccer. The
Gym at Rockenbaugh is designed for basketball, but they are looking at what would need to be
done to accommodate indoor soccer.
Bob asked what age does basketball start at? Kathy said at 4 years old. Bob Ledbetter
expressed concern that this is too young and is taking away from the time available for older
Gary Fawks noted that he had the latest SPDC proposed budget. Copies were given to the
JUC members in attendance.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Rick Wilhelm, Chairman
Kevin Hugman, ssistant to the City Manager
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