Tuesday, February 11, 1997
Members Present: Rick Wilhelm, Chair; Doug Strickland, Vice -Chair;
Bethann Scratchard
Others Present: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Kim Lenoir, Parks and Recreation
Director; Kevin Hugman, Assistant to the City Manager
Agenda Item # 1, Call to Order
Rick Wilhelm called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.
Note: the location of the meeting was changed due to the CISD Administration Building being
locked and a key was not available. The meeting was moved to the City of Southlake
Administrative Offices. A note was posted on the door of the CISD Offices noting the location
change and address.
Agenda Item #2, Approval of MINUTES of the November 12, 1996 Meeting
Doug Strickland made a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Rick
Wilhelm and approved unanimously.
Open Forum:
Doug Strickland informed the JUC that the CISD School Board of Trustees had a morning
meeting with Ted Gillum, CISD Superintendent, to review plans for the new 7/8/9 school on the
Caspar property. Due to the necessity to put in a through street to the Durham school site, it
appears that 1 of the 3 practice fields will be lost. There was some discussion about the plans and
the street alignment.
Doug Strickland also gave an update to the previous month's JUC discussion under Agenda Item
#6 (future joint use facilities, projects and goals). Regarding the search for a site for a multi -use
recreational complex, Ted Gillum has not had a chance to move forward.
Curtis Hawk updated the committee on the progress by Timarron with their commercial
developments request. The zoning request should be to Planning and Zoning Commission by
Thursday, February 13.
He also mentioned that the results of the telephone citizen satisfaction survey should be back soon
and he expects there to be support for the construction of a multi -use recreation complex. Curtis
said that if the City can create a Tax Increment Financing District (TIF), the potential exists to
build such a complex without costing the City or CISD anything. The incremental taxes gained
by the development in a TIF would allow the financing of bonds to build the complex, without
having to raise ad valorem taxes. He also said that he was reluctant to say anything more, and
that Timarron was reluctant to discuss anything in depth, until the zoning goes through P&Z.
Curtis did note that it is necessary to get the TIF created before the state legislation changes the
rules, which it may do.
Agenda Item Q. Summer Schedule of Joint Use Facilities
Kim Lenoir reported that last year's Science Camp was held at the Community Center, but that
Durham Elementary had been designed to allow 2 classrooms to be used for joint use. She would
like to have the Science Camp in these two classrooms.
Rick Wilhelm asked if there was a problem with maintenance during the summer months. Kim
Lenoir said there was a lack of communication in that we did not get the maintenance schedule
before publication of the summer recreation schedule. Consequently, some recreational classes
and activities had to be canceled or rearranged to accommodate the summer maintenance
requirements. Rick Wilhelm asked who at CISD and the City needed to confer on these issues.
Kim Lenoir suggested that John Cochie, CISD Maintenance Manager, talk to Kathy Schaeffer,
Recreation Supervisor.
Because of the large number of youth involved in the basketball league, made possible through
joint use of the school gyms, Rick Wilhelm suggested that we provide press releases to local
newspapers about the number of youth involved in each sport.
Doug Strickland mentioned that the coaches next year may want to add 1 hour after school for
basketball players' use of the gyms.
Rick Wilhelm noted the possibility of the Love Henry Court residents being at this meeting to ask
JUC (CISD girls' softball usage of Bicentennial Park) to follow the same schedule as the Facilities
Usage Agreement negotiated with the recreation baseball and softball associations. Kim Lenoir
said that she sent a schedule of the CISD Girl's Softball to Kim Campbell, Love Henry Court
resident. Since no games are scheduled for after 10:00 p.m., the lights will not be on any later
than that which was agreed to by the ball associations.
Agenda Item #4, Report on Joint City Council/Park Board Meeting
Kim Lenoir reported that the joint City Council/Parks Board meeting had focused on (1) park
dedication fees and (2) trails and sidewalks. Curtis noted the importance of maintaining the
commercial and retail development in order to continue the growth in I/2 sales tax revenues
dedicated to park and recreation facilities. He suggested that the City and CISD may want to
reaffirm their commitment to this source of revenue as a means of furthering construction of joint
use facilities.
Agenda Item #5, Report Facilities Usage Agreement
Discussion arose again concerning Durham and the Caspar property road arrangements, and the
reason for the north road instead of a south road. It was pointed out by City staff that to place
the north road off -site (just north of the Caspar property line) would entail more cost because of
the need to acquire right of way from those property owners. With the road entirely situated on
CISD property, there will be a loss of one soccer practice field (maybe football practice fields).
In discussion of school zone safety, Curtis noted that an item would be put in the budget to go
back and retrofit schools with flashing school zone lights. He also said that there would probably
be a light soon at Shady Oaks and 1709. There has been a verbal offer from the developer of
Coventry to pay for the light initially, with the City reimbursing payment. The developer would
have a traffic study done to determine if the light at that location would serve the residents of
Doug Strickland asked a question about who runs the concession stands during games at
Bicentennial Park. Kim said that the concession stand operations have been contracted to the Girls
Softball Association.
Anenda Item #6, Discussion of Future Joint Use Facilities, Projects and Goals
Rick Wilhelm asked if there had been any further determination of the amount of money needed
for Rockenbaugh in order to build a gym floor to accommodate indoor soccer. Kim Lenoir said
there was no word yet.
Rick asked about a joint polling facility for the City and School Board elections. Curtis said that
it would be held at Johnson Elementary.
Rick brought up the issue of whether a resolution was needed to re-emphasize the notion of joint
use and fair sharing of costs. Curtis noted that the City is ready, willing and able to pay its fair
share, but as yet, has not been billed by CISD.
Curtis Hawk commented that the Versailles site is needed by CISD for a middle school. He said
that there is a possibility of closing "Old Carroll," and perhaps could pick up some extra land
and buy 1 house. The City is willing to do something with drainage and then CISD could build
a school over that site. There is a need by the community for a middle school in the south portion
of the City.
Discussion concerned the idea of a resolution that would re-emphasize Joint Use and that the City
and CISD would continue to look at funding and design before building new facilities. Staff was
directed by the JUC to draft a resolution regarding this idea for consideration by the JUC at the
next meeting.
Curtis Hawk also noted that we must remember that joint use projects will continue to be funded
by SPDC and the 1/2 cent sales tax. Commercial and retail development is necessary but should
go where it needs to be rather than stop it. The JUC directed staff to draft a resolution on
encouragement of commercial and retail in properly designated areas of the City.
The next meeting is scheduled for March 11, 1997
Agenda Item V, Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Kevin Hugman, A Otant to the City Manager
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6p�Rick ilhelm, Chairman
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