1993-06-23CITY OF SOUTHLARE (44� JOINT UTILIZATION COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday, June 23, 1993 7:OOpm MINUTES Committee members present: Rick Wilhelm, Co -Chairperson; Members: Bill Branum, Bethann Scratchard, Cathy Bryce, Stephen Apple, Mike Thompson, Tina Harvey, Richard Wilkinson. Agenda Item #1, Call to Order Meeting called to order at 7:05pm by Rick Wilhelm. Agenda Item #2, Approval of Minutes for May 25, 1993 meeting Ammendment made to minutes - add Stephen Apple to Purchasing Committee. Minutes approved with ammendment. Agenda Item #3, Administrative Comments An overview of the last meeting was shared with Rick Wilhelm due to his absence. Bill Branum reported and submitted a list of items discussed at the City Council's retreat, at which school district representatives presented ideas for joint utilization. See attached. Mr. Branum also informed the committee that councilmembers and school representatives discussed possibly holding a school district bond election in conjunction with the city 1/2 cent sales tax referendum. Agenda Item #4, Report on improvements to athletic fields at CISD Intermediate School Mike Thompson, Park Board member, reported his findings from research on making improvements to the baseball field at the Intermediate School. Mr. Thompson submitted an estimated cost analysis. See attached. Mr. Thompson reported an estimate of $3,800 for repaving the existing outdoor basketball court with asphalt. The committee suggested researching the capability of city crews completing asphalt surface. Other needs at the site were discussed such as: moving light poles, adding goals, possibly using concrete surface, and lighting. Tina Harvey will pursue obtaining estimates for this project. m$sed• Aueust 11. 1"3 Agenda Item #5, Report on fitness trailJcourse at CISD Johnson Elementary School Tina Harvey, Parks and Recreation Coordinator, reported that drawings for the trail are incomplete. Initial drawings were made by the school staff and are to be drafted to scale by the city planner. Fundraising for the project has been initiated by Johnson Elementary Physical Education teachers and staff. Agenda Item #6, Report on security gates at CISD Middle School Research was not completed. Tina Harvey will pursue. Stephen Apple suggested that recommendations and prices for improvements to the athletic fields at the Intermediate School, constructing a fitness trail at Johnson Elementary, and placing security gates in the Middle School gymnasium be taken before City Council for consideration as an immediate need. Recommendation to council would be to pursue improvements to athletic fields within current budget, and place the fitness trail and security gates within the 93-94 budget. Rick Wilhelm agreed with approach and suggested request to be placed on upcoming City Council meeting agenda. Bill Branum stated that if projects receive approval by the city council, then they should be taken before the school board. Stephen Apple suggested that a proposal to light the fields be postponed until next budget. A motion was made by Stephen Apple that Tina Harvey complete cost analysis and take before City Council. Seconded: Bethann Scratchard. Vote: 4 ayes. Suggestion was made that Park Board be advised of the motion and Curtis Hawk be consulted about funding possibilities. Agenda Item #9, Joint Utilization of library facilities For the convenience of the guest, Item #9 was moved ahead in the agenda. Judy Brown, high school librarian made a presentation on the possibilities of utilizing the library afterhours and summers for use by citizens as well as students. See attached outline. Rick Wilhelm informed the committee of some history behind Southlake Library funds including the role of Friends of Southlake Library and the budgeted monies used to purchase books stored in the Grapevine Library. Stephen Apple suggested that the Friends of Southlake Library would be willing to donate the 2,000-3,000 books the organization has in storage and proceeds from the upcoming book sale. Committee agreed that library access for longer hours become a first priority of the library joint utilization project. Concerns stated were: quality staffing, processing of materials, and security problems. A suggestion was made to form a sub- committee to formulate a plan for utilization and organization of library joint -use. Sub -committee volunteers were:• Bethann Scratchard, Judy Brown, and Stephen Apple. The sub -committee will also recruit other qualified personnel to assist in determining revised: Aueust 11, 1993 methods and organization of utilizing the high school library facilities. A completed sub -committee report will be submitted to the joint utilization committee for approval, then be taken before City Council and School Board. Agenda Item #7, Report on joint purchasing of supplies, maintenance, etc. Bill Branum reported that the legal aspects and feasibility of joint maintenance and purchasing are being explored by the school district and city manager's office. Agenda Item #8, Report on possible computer offerings Bill Branum reported that computer classes have been organized and will be advertised in the area newspapers. Also, a school newsletter, which includes the computer class information. Agenda Item #10, Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 8:45pm. Tuesday, July 13, 1993 at 7:00pm. Building in Bicentennial Park, 300 ATTEST: Next meeting is scheduled for To be held at the Community N. White chapel. 7/ Co-chair, Rick Wilhelm i arvey, Parks nd Recreation Coordinator rcvbed• August 11, 1993