1993-05-25MINUTES JOINT UTILIZATION COMMITTEE May 25, 1993 In attendance: Janet Murphy, Buddy Luce, Bethann Scratchard, Jane Cousins, Stephen Apple. School District Superintendent: Bill Branum. City Staff: Curtis Hawk, Chris Terry, Tina Harvey. Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m. Administrative Comments: 1. Rick Wilheim unable to attend. 3 voting members present. 2. Reviewed and approved minutes from April 13 meeting. 2 ayes, 1 abstain. Discussion: 1. Buddy Luce reported that City Council and School Board have approved the Joint Utilization Agreement submitted and are ready to proceed. 2. Buddy Luce suggested that the committee discuss and then prioritize specific joint utilization projects to form sub- committees for enacting each. 3. Janet Murphy reported priorities according to Park Board: Top priority- improvements at Intermediate School baseball field and basketball court. 2nd priority- fitness course at Johnson Elementary 3rd priority- two security gates at Middle School 4. Stephen Apple suggested common purchasing as a priority. 5. Curtis Hawk suggested combining contracts for vehicle maintenance and locating library books purchased by the city at the High School library, then making the library open to the public. 6. Recommendation was made to pursue athletic proposals, and form committee for operational programs. Sub -committee to report at June 16th meeting. Proposals to be presented at city retreat on June 17th. 7. Other possible joint ventures discussed: building facilities, library at High School, computer equipment and software, community education. 8. Sub -committees formed: Purchasing/Operational - Bethann Scratchard, Bill Branum, Curtis Hawk Fitness trail - Jane Cousins and Tina Harvey Improvements Intermediate School -Janet Murphy and Buddy Luce Library - Stephen Apple, High School librarian and staff Middle School - Mike Thompson 9. Chris Terry submitted revisions of Joint Utilization Committee procedures compiled from input during prior meeting. Vote to accept revisions, 3 ayes. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Next meeting scheduled for, Wednesday, June 16th at the Bicentennial Park Community Building at 300 N. White Chapel Rd.