1993-03-25MEETING NOTES JOINT UTILIZATION COMMITTEE MARCH 25, 1993 Officers Appointed: Mr. Rick Wilhelm and Mr. Buddy Luce Committee Membership: Two School Board Members Two City Council Members One Park Board Member Ex-Officio Members: Discussion: CISD Superintendent One City Administrator It was agreed that we need a Joint Use Policy/Resolution to be adopted by both the City Council and CISD School Board. The five -member committee will be voting members. Ex-Officio members will be non -voting members. It was discussed that the Park Board may have some discretionary money. One possible use of it might be to secure the middle school for more gym use. Two sub -committees were formed: (1) Joint Use Agreement (Rick Wilhelm and Buddy Luce);and (2) Facility Inventory (Bill Branum and Janet) It was discussed that we will need a system to determine how someone asks to use facilities. It was discussed that the committee should be organized with staggered terms. Chris Terry agreed to prepare the agenda each time for the City of Southlake and Carroll I.S.D. All legal postings, etc. will occur through the efforts of Mr. Terry. Chris Terry and Cathy Bryce agreed to work on procedures for the committee. Next Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday, April 13, 1993 7:00 P.M. Community Building at Bicentennial Park Meeting Adjourned A __ r Attending: Rick Wilhelm Bethann Scratchard Buddy Luce Chris Terry Greg Last Tina Harvey Ann Barnes Mike Thompson Bill Branum Cathy Bryce Steve Johnson Richard Wilkinson Jane Cousins PAGE TWO Respectfully submitted, / "4-7 er�� Bill Branum