1995-08-21CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SOUTHLAKE PARK DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 1995 h81us"M MEMBERS PRESENT: President David Yelton; Vice President Ralph Evans; Secretary Ron Maness; Members: Mayor Gary Fickes, Janet Murphy, Sally Hall (arrived after vote on minutes). MEMBERS ABSENT: Rod Johnson STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Curtis E. Hawk, Director of Finance Lou Ann Heath, Park Project Manager Kim McAdams, and Acting City Secretary Kim Bush. GUEST PRESENT: Councilmember Pamela Muller. Members present toured the Bicentennial Park expansion project prior to the meeting being called to order. The regular meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President David Yelton. Agenda Item #3, Approval of the Minutes of June 19, 1995. Member Ralph Evans questioned whether or not the titles of office for SPDC should be president and vice president rather than chair and vice chair. Staff is to review the bylaws for correct titles. Member Janet Murphy commented on typographical errors including: #4, paragraph 1, line 4--should be weigh not weight #4, motion, line 2--should be strip not st rip #5, name should be Ekstrom not Exstrom Motion was made to approve the Minutes of June 19, 1995 as corrected including changes to titles if necessary. Motion: Fickes Second: Maness Ayes: Fickes, Maness, Murphy, Yelton, Evans Nays: none Approved: 5-0 Agenda Item #4 and #5, Discussion: Financial Report and Capital Projects Status Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance, presented to the members a Financial and Project Status Report for the period June 1994 through August 21, 1995. The report list revenues, expenditures, and other sources of fund. The report also includes the status of capital projects including: SPDC August 21, 1995 Meeting Minutes Page 2 - Gymnasium/Carroll Middle School: 91 % complete; original contract $763,897 and remaining balance $146,843; scheduled completion 9/95. - Bicentennial Park Expansion: 90% complete; original contract $1,843,000, change order for $86,872 and remaining balance $386,995; scheduled completion 10/95. The change order was a result of soil testing that had to be done. - Purchase of land (Truelove piece): paid $253,652 - Down payment on purchase of land (West Beach area): paid $300,375 Lou Ann commented that cash on hand is $450,000 in project money to pay on any of the above approved projects or items on West Beach. Also included with Lou Ann's handout is the sales tax revenues report (handouts are attached to the minutes). City Manager Curtis Hawk and Park Project Manager Kim McAdams discussed the need for matching funds on a possible grant. Mr. Hawk discussed the process of purchasing out -parcels of land at West Beach which would establish a fair market price in order to continue with condemnation and acquire Orr, the remaining tracts. Furnishing the West Beach area park will come from park dedication fees. Ms. Heath discussed with the members the worksheets for the proposed SPDC budget. The Park Project Manager position is proposed to be changed to Director of Parks and Recreation and be funded out of SPDC (75 %) and General Fund (25 %). Curtis Hawk commented that eventually the salary will be funded 50 % SPDC and 50 % General Fund. The proposed budget is scheduled to be considered for final reading on September 5 at City Council, after approval from City Council, the budget will be brought back to SPDC for approval. David Yelton commented that he would like to see an increase each year of 5-10% for more JUC type projects. Mr. Hawk explained that a lot depends on the retail growth. He mentioned that in the near future a joint meeting with Park Board, JUC, and SPDC is being planned to come up with recommendations to take to the School Board and the City Council. David Yelton suggested that the Bylaws be amended in order to expand SPDC membership to 8 or 9 so that a school board member could be a part of the SPDC board. In other discussions, Member Janet Murphy questioned the time frame for the next phase of the Bicentennial Park expansion. Mr. Hawk explained that funds would be very limited over the ne couple of years unless there is a large change in the sales tax receipts. Mr. Hawk mentioned that there is a need to build a football stadium --something that can be used to make money similar to Pennington Field. SPDC August 21, 1995 Meeting MilluteS Page 3 There being no other discussion, ATTEST: Bush A ting City Secretary C:1 WP51 NIN-AGMSPDC-08.95/kh the meeting was adjourned at 7:10. -4 O r 0)> r- (a Q 1p O � Q '3 0 m 00 o W 01 O=O � m 7 C m' o m m CL C m CD 1 nni m O m — — O_ O X 0) :3 d a 0' m cn o d N O y �0 S 3 v y =rO — 7 CD (D 0 (O 7 O -� O) N Cn OD A Co A V V 0AN O M O W W W W W j (D r-W4 rn Cl o OD OD o m co A N 01000 roLn OD co 0 m m N 10 O N 0 O N O IC) O W — — X W A N 0 N O" < cNn Ln N' 00 W O co (D W O W N CD ���N .� a W V N 4V N) K) - (A N Ln A IO A O O UN) W L" W (D N V W Cn D' N a (�D (Vn N OVO I(D N v A A W Cn w w � � 0I m W O) O) O 00 OD O. 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O O W W V O Ln A Cn W O) O) O O V N Cn V (n CA O �(nN00A.00A La W C A AP (D O 10 O .. m TI � 0) A (D W W n NION m V Cn " A � N OODD A A 'm w C_ N c C 7 � 7 0 m d .� m m A a N O =r .Z y O N Q m L �-DN D . 0 m 3 v, ^' c � y � cco O CA O O CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SALES TAX REVENUES Revised 1994-95 collected budget to date $510-000 $408-6_77 FISCAL YEAR MONTH 93/94 October $0 November 0 December 0 January 0 February 0 March 0 April 0 May 29,145 June 29,788 July 47,079 August 29,490 September 37,614 TOTAL $173,116 budget balance balance percent $101-323 19,87% FISCAL YEAR % Inc 94/95 ec $44,975 n/a 26,049 n/a 33,622 n/a 47,843 n/a 34,007 n/a 28,300 n/a 44,106 n/a 40,554 39.1% 41,627 39.7% 67,593 43.6% 0 0 $408,677 SLSPAX95.WK4 08/21/95 A CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SALES TAX REVENUES October $37 776 $44,#a81: 16.7% $46331: 6.0% $50,956 9.0% $99,408 95.1% $89;951< -9.5% November 24573 37,117i 51.0% ,27,9291 -24.8% 42,125 50.8% 50,623 20.2% 5,099 2.9% December 2EO52 28,464 35.2% 33,273> 16.9% 33,85fl1 1.7% 70,155 107.3% 67,241 -4.2% January 34A63 147.106: 36.7% 40,012. -15.1% 67,713< 69.2% 106,541 57.3% 95,6i87: -10.2% February 25;594 22,487 -12.1% 40,106. 78.4% 39,351.: -1.9% 57,$39' 47.0% 6$,015 17.6% March 30,657 32,955 7.5% 371488 13.8% :44,176 17.8% 59,37$' 34.4% 56,600 -4.7% April 37 201 412445 11.4% 57,543: 38.8% 68,664 19.3% 87,4381, 27.3% 88,212 0.9% /lay 31,501 36,627' 16.3% 41,020 12.0% 54,623 33.2% 58,291> 6.7% $i,139' 39.1% June 37,447 37,894 1.2% 431105 13.8% 522027 20.7% 59577> 14.5% 83,253' 39.7% July 51,374 47,017 -8.5% 511357 9.2% 801567 56.9% 94,157 16.9% 05187: 43.6% August 31;969 35,951 12.5% 481731 35.5% 48,2900 -0.9% 58,980: 22.1% 0 September 99 37.004 13.9% 41741 15.5% 54.395 27.3% :75,228. 38.3% Q! TOTAL 3396.406 $448,149: 13.1% $510036 13.8% :�..-:$6363381 24.8% $877,615 37.8% $817.355 9.9% s[.Srnx95NIK4 REPORT DATE 08/21/95 Fist month of 112 cent additional sales tax. REVENUES Sales Tax Interest Total Revenues Personnel Operations Capital Total Expenditures Not Revenues Transfers Out Proceeds from C.O. Sala Total Odw Sources (Uses) Begk"ng Fund Balance Endag Fund Balance SPDC - OPERATING FUND Parks/Recreation REVISED 1994-95 BUDGET and PROPOSED 1995-96 BUDGET (3139 04:23 PM omo»5 1994-95 1995-96 Adopted $ Increase/ 1994-95 $Increase/ 1995 96 1993-94 1994-95 4994-95 (Decrease) % Increase/ l995.96 (Decrease) % Increase/ Actual Budget R@VISW Adopted -Decrease PtO Sed Ado tact -Decrease $173,116 $616,500 $510,DW ($106,500 -17.3% $E70,500 $54,000 8.8% 1.181 12.500 13.412 S12 7.3% 2St 8.500 68.0% $174,297 $629,000 3523,412 ($105,588 -16.8X 4691,500 $54,000 8.6% $7,971 $47,680 347,580 $0 0.0% $47,680 $0 0.0% 875 0 4 800: 4,800 100.0% 4j= 4,800 0.0% 4 4 Q 4 0.0% $8,846 $47,680 552480 $4,800 10.1% $52,480 $4,800 10.1% $166,451 $581,320 $ 70,932 ($110,388 $tiul= $57.700 0 (251,310 (251,310 (33200 4 4 S) 4 0 (251,310 (251,31() (363,200 $0 5165.451 $165.451 5495.461 $165,4511: S385,073 5385,073 101 � W W r U) Y Of O � � � Y-D% «C� W % : O } WLZ) � o_j z 2 U � U R U- U U « 2 W Q ly 2 W w m W O w � 2 to � D LL 0- 2 z S w a- O U c � U) c 0 CIO k ALL ¢ @) 2 o £ R ¢ o g q - q / / . 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Expenses Total Expenditures Net Revenues Proceeds from bond sale Transfers In Total Other Sources (Uses) Begimng Fund Balance Endrg Fund Balance SPDC - DEBT SERVICE FUND Parks/Recreation REVISED 1994-95 BUDGET and PROPOSED 1995-96 BUDGET 06:50 PM omaA5 1994-95 1995-96 Adopted $ Increase/ 1994 95 $ Increase/ 1995-96 1993-94 1994-95 1994-9S (Decrease) % Increase/ 1995.96 (Decrease) % Increase/ Actual Budget Revised : Adopted -Decrease Prti Seli.: Adopted -Decrease $3.238 $12,500 $12.500 #Q 100.0% 41#,l tl2 $5. t00 44.0% $3,238 $12,500 $12,500' $0 100.OYe $*000 $5,500 ".0% $0 $50.000 $50,000 $0 100.0% $95100t) $45.000 90.0% 0 201.310 201,310, 0 100.0% 268.200 66.890 33.2% 4 1.000 1 flQ0 4 100.0%:::t.000 0 49Ye $0 $252,310 $252,310 $0 100.0%:.::", ::$394jM $111,890 44.3% $3,238 ($239,810 0239,810 $0;348,200 ($106,390 $252,915 $0 $0' $i} $4 $251.310 S251.310 $363.2 $252,915 $251,310 $251,31V $363,200 $0 $256,153 $256,153 S267.653 $256,153 3267,66 $267,653 <S284..65 3z� Z O Q U W = a) W U C cc Y a) O (o a) ca rn O o YCYCY rn M In W �p H 0 W O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ('o O cM to C 41 LL o cn CL N O N ar O N O N. m O (D (O Q m� CC)ar° M M' rn m N M CC) N a`to N O OL CD 0 w t] W O O Cl C) O O O O O O O :» O O M Ln M Lr ) p m J D Q ce Ln N Go,; (0 O LO M C) C) CO) Lc) (O rZ Q ~ CO N N N N r_ m W 4 W F Q M 00 O N N It to O C) O M O r` Ln M M col N ti f` M LO O co U p LL U Q } LL o co rn v t Lc) LO N ('M Z W W O O O O O' r O O O e- O O O; C)('M O LA co N 0) f' 0 0 M Ln L( N Oct re) (C O (D(14 Ln CM O O M W L(7 a-- co LO (O r• (C)co Q N 1:. 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