1995-06-19CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE SOUTHLAKE PARK DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION JUNE 19, 1995 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: David Yelton, Chairman; W. Ralph Evans, Vice -Chairman; Ron Maness, Secretary. Members: Gary Fickes, Rod Johnson, Sally Hall (arrived during item #4). MEMBERS ABSENT: Janet Murphy. STAFF PRESENT: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager; LouAnn Heath, Director of Finance; Kim McAdams, Park and Recreation Coordinator; and, Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary; Consultants, J.T. Dunkin, and Bob Stoffels. The Regular meeting of the Southlake Park Development Corporation was called to order by David Yelton at 6:00 p.m. Agenda Item #2. Election of Officers Motion was made to elect David Yelton as president. (W Motion: Fickes Second: Maness Ayes: Fickes, Maness, Evans, Johnson, Yelton Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Motion was made to elect W. Ralph Evans as vice-president. Motion: Fickes Second: Johnson Ayes: Fickes, Johnson, Maness, Evans, Yelton Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Motion was made to elect Ron Maness as secretary for SPDC. Motion: Fickes Second: Evans Ayes: Fickes, Johnson, Maness, Evans, Yelton Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote A Regular SPDC Meeting Minutes June 19, 1995 page two Agenda Item #3. Approval of Minutes of April 17, 1995 SPDC Meeting. The Minutes of the April 17, 1995, SPDC meeting were approved as presented. Motion: Evans Second: Johnson Ayes: Evans, Johnson, Fickes, Maness, Yelton Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Agenda Item #4. Change Order #4 for Bicentennial Park Expansion Project According to Kim McAdams, Park and Recreation Coordinator, Change Order #4 is two parts, the grass options for the ballfields and the need for additional concrete rip rap at the F.M. 1709 Park drainage channel. McAdams states, there are three options for sodding and seeding the ballfields as requested by the board. The options to weight are solid sod, two types Tifway 419 or common bermuda. Another option is hydromulch versus drill seeding. Drill seeding takes a little longer to come up but the coverage is usually much better than hydromulching. The park crew will be able to keep up with the mowing of these four additional fields in August, September, and October, due to the lighter ballfield schedule in the fall. The plans and the actual site construction of the highway department's box culvert differ about 10 feet at F.M. 1709. The contractor needs to pour 690 square feet of additional concrete rip - rap beyond the quantity indicated in the construction plans. This is an additional cost of $2,415 ($3.50/sf). The information presented by Ms. McAdams is hereby attached to the minutes of this meeting. After discussion, motion was made to approve Change Order #4, for the additional concrete rip - rap option and to approve #3 turf option; solid sod the infields in a three foot st rip, drill seeding which would make the option approximately $21,200 and reducing the $3,600. for mowing, leaving in the $740. for fertilizer. Motion: Fickes Second: Johnson Ayes: Fickes, Johnson, Yelton, Maness, Hall, Evans Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Gary Fickes did confirm that we do have people who can mow. Agenda Item #5. Discussion: Update o:n Land Acquisition Projects Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager, gave an briefing on the purchases made by the City iltw in West Beach Addition. Regular SPDC Meeting Minutes (W June 19, 1995 page three Agenda Item #5 Continued Gary Fickes asked to have Dee Exstrom be present for the next meeting to answer questions regarding the various parcels of land in West Beach Addition. Agenda Item #6. Adjournment It was noted the next Southlake Park Development Corporation meeting will be held on July 17, 1995. Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:40 p.m. Motion: Fickes Second: Maness Ayes: Fickes, Maness, Evans, Hall, Yelton; Johnson Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote ATTEST: Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary A Ron Maness, Secretary City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM June 15, 1995 TO: Southlake Park Development Corporation Board of Directors FROM: Kim McAdams, Park Project Manager SUBJECT: Change Order Number 4 Change Order #4 is two parts, the grass options for the ballfields and the need for additional concrete rip rap at the FM 1709 / Park drainage channel. In your packet are the three options for sodding and seeding the ballfields as requested by the Board. The options to weigh are solid sod, two types - Tifway 419 (a hybrid bermuda excellent for athletic fields because it grows thick, no seed heads and keeps weeds out) or common bermuda (which we currently have in the existing park and is a dependable turf). Another option is hydromulch versus drill seeding. Drill seeding takes a little longer to come up but the coverage is usually much better than hydromulching. The park crew will be able to keep up with the mowing of these four additional fields in August, September and October, due to the lighter ballfield schedule in the Fall. Again, let me remind the Board that the grass for the ballfields was left out of the contract on purpose because of so many unknown variables in September 1994, when this project was bid. Depending on the time of year the contractor has the fields available for grass, determines the approach to take. The drill seeding of the soccer fields with common bermuda is in the contract. Change Order #3, accelerated the ballfield construction and the irrigation on all of the ballfields and soccer fields so they would be ready for grass by August 15, 1995. Secondly, the plans and the actual site construction of the highway department's box culvert differ about 10 feet at FM 1709. The contractor needs to pour 690 square feet of additional concrete rip -rap beyond the quantity indicated in the construction plans. This is an additional cost of $2,415 ($3.50/sf). See the letter from JT Dunkin and Associates, our project engineers for this project, for more details. Thanks for your help, we're getting there! If you have any questions, please call me at 481-5581 extension 757. FYI - The Bicentennial Park Expansion job site was broken into Tuesday night off of FM 1709 and all of the tools were stolen ($10,000 worth) out of the construction trailer. ZIO&,_ KM JUN 15 '95 07:57 J T DUWIN & ASSOC FAX# 553-5781 P.2 J. Y. Dunkin & Associates, Inc. Urban PlamhV and UWscape AmhftcWm June 14, 1998 Kim McAdams Park Pn4od Manager Parks & Recreagon Department City of Southlake 867 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76M Doan 10m: A meeting was held on -site with the Bicentennial Park contractor on May 30, 1995 rogerdlrp the confluence of the drainage channel with the eods ft box culvarts under P.M.1709 (SouWake Blvd.). The particular Rem beln9 discussed was the area to be covered by concrete rip -rap. The plans Wicate that the rip -rap extends ten feet (IW) up the channel (north) from the right-d- way line. The concrete rlp.rap was placed In this location to protect the channel from scouring by water eoddng Me proposed street storm drain which outbAs Ohre feet (51 north of the right ofway line and the turbuienos caused by the corMuenoe of the channel with the boa culverts. The rip -rap oavero an area of Ady-nine feat In width and twenty-two feat In length. As observed on -site, the rip -rap would, In reality, need to be thirty-two feet In length to Wend ten feat upstream from the right-af way line. This tenfoot distance in length =ustRLAN O0 square feet of additional concrete dp-mp beyond the quantity Ntdkxttad by the plaft In reviewing the plane and the sedating site conditions with Marty Halpern, the conVWO , David Mayes with Cheatham Engineers; and Wager Shore, City InspeCtor; the majority of the ten foot difference between the plans and the existing conditions apparently resulted from afield change made during the construction of the boa culverts when F.M. 17ofi was expanded. The Highway Department's as-bul t plans for this eel of box everts Indicates a flat seCdon of concrete rip -rap wdending northward from the boot culvert headwall. Cheatham Engineers had Intended that this flat section remain and that this contractor construct the proposed dp-rap northward from that point. However, during construction of the box everts, the flat swoon was removed/eloped to provide adequate Dauer on the twerWnch (2n water line running In the northem right-afway of F.M.17W- This aodsting sloped concrete rip -rap had to be renwved all the way to the box culverts headwall In order to match the proposed drainage channel Ilowline with the eodstbV box culvert flowilnes. � . 9876 Plano Road Dallas, 710xw 78238 214-663-5778 JUN 15 '95 07:57 J T DUNKIN & ASSOC FAX# 553-5781 P.3 Pape 2 The cmwaCW has quoted a cost of U415 (smo/S.F,) for the addldional conowe dp-mp to be placed at tt t looatkn If you would Ike to dimm this mattw kw*w. . PISM CWL PC: Hdpw" A A JUN 15 '95 07:58 J T DUWIN & ASSOC FAX# 553-5781 P.4 TURF OPTIONS BASEBALL FIELDS 4, 6, 6 AND 7 BICENTENNIAL PARK SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS June 14, 1905 OPTION #1 - Solid nod Welds Mmy 419); Hydromulohod WN W& (Common Bermuda) Fleide 4 & 5 1.M S.Y. Fields 6 & 7 2,415 5,Y• 3,776 S.Y. 378 & (10% w8ste) 4,166 BY 0 $3.40 $ 14,127.00 Hydmmulch Fields 4 IL 5 47,960 S.F. Folds B & 7 120-ma L 1%?W B.F. 0 $0.05 8.439.00 MV*ft (5 *nee a $M each) 3,600.00 Formtrttng (1 time 0 $740 each) .Z49-M Opton 1 Sub -Total $ 2OPS•00 Deduct Chance Order 02, oulllald drill seeding 2XM.00 Option *1 Total $ 24.4OLOO alLon #1.SMOTE" Deduct for drB seedkV In lieu of hydromulching 6 4,219.50 Im JUN 15 '95 07a56 J T DUNKIN & ASSOC FF0<# 553-5781 P.5 202N.40 - $011d sad kftd (Tawny 419) and edid sod 0utflaid (Corrunon Bermuda) InW$ Fields 4 & 6 1,362 S.Y. Fields 0 & T 2,415 S.Y. 3,777 S.Y. 378 $.Y. (10% waste) 4,165 S.Y. 0 $3.40 $14,127.00 Outflside Fleids 4 & 5 5,326 S.Y. Fields 6 & 7 11 sw, M a W54 S.Y. 1.875 S.Y. (10% Warts) 20,= 8.Y. 0 $140 40,510.00 Mowing (4 @ $M each) 2,M.00 FertltAng (1 a $740 each) --2mm Option #9 $ub-Total $ d7,267.00 Deduct Change Order #2 - oudldd drll sssding . 2, Qpltprt *2 Total Option #2 aNemate ; 64,757.00 Add for T" 410 solid sod In lieu of common bwmuda sdkl sod In the outflelde - 0.554/S.Y. 11,345.96 A JUN 15 '95 07:59 J T DUNKIN & ASSOC FAX# 553-5781 P.6 Aiw MMOM - Solid Sad kftWS and three foot Strip (rWay 419): Mydrornulch MOWS (Common Bermuda) $00d sod Fields 4 & b 1.493 S.Y. Fields 8 & 7 &AR Al. 4,0W S.Y. m a,X- (10% waste) 4,488 S.Y 0 $3.40 $ 16,184.00 Hydr mulch Field$ 4 & S 4a,760 S.F. Fields 8 & 7 1i9.4B0 B.P. 11189M B.F. 0 $0.06 8.311.00 Mowing (5 times a $720 each) 3.000.00 Fe "Wng (1 tlrne @ 4740 each) 740.00 Option 03 Sub -Total $ 27,836.00 Change Order #i - Outfield drli SeedlM 2,500.00 Option 03 TOW $ 25,325.00 kOotlon 4F3 d j mate Deduct for dry Seeding in lieu of hydromulching $ 4.165.50 City of Southlake, Texas SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ESTABLISHED ORDINANCE NO. 597 NOVEMBER 16, 1993 Members: Term to Expire * Gary.Fickes Home: 481-2898 5/31/96 208 Swallow Lane Work: 329-0411 Southlake, Texas 76092 W. Ralph Evans Home: 481-3759 5/31/96 315 North Shady Oaks Drive Work: 332-7894 Southlake, Texas 76092 Ron Maness Home: 488-9407 5/31/97 420 Ravenaux Drive Work: 214/325-4701 Southlake, Texas 76092 Sally Hall Home: 488-5535 5/31/97 1609 Mockingbird Lane Southlake, Texas 76092 * Janet Murphy Home: 488-2884 5/31/96 1313 North White Chapel Blvd. Southlake, Texas 76092 * David Yelton Home: 329-0610 5/31/96 1346 Lakeview Work: 214/506-2374 Southlake, Texas 76092 Rod Johnson Home: 430-4900 5/31/97 4720 North White Chapel Road Work: 214/988-1000 Roanoke, Texas 76262 * Incorporators Updated: 6/6/95 SEE SHEET CD-2 FOR FENCING AND GRADE BEAM DETAILS \-6' OUTFIELD FENCE PJ45k4,' HYDROMULGH or DRILL 5EEDIN6 INSTALL FOUL POLE ADJA- CENT TO OUTFIELD FENCE see detoll B thb sheet M. BASES OF LI644T POLES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF I' FROM FENCE. SEE ELECTRICAL PLAN E-1 FOR LC FOUL LINE HYDROMULGH or DRILL 5EEDIN6 44'-1* J 4EV)10' TALL / UPPER PENIN6 .« L15' DOUBLE HUNG GATE �' BACKSTOP THO PER FIELD (TYPJ FENCE 4' GATE SEE SHEET CD-2 FOR END 25' FENCE AND +NGIN6 AND GRADE 5E61N & FENCE W DETAILS BE&IN b' OUTFIELD FENCE OPTION #1 n TURF - FIELDS 4 & 5 SCALE: I "=30'-O"