1995-03-07tow CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SOUTHLAKE PARK DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1995 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: David Yelton, Secretary; Gary Fickes; Jon Michael Franks, Rod Johnson. MEMBERS ABSENT: Stephen Apple, Chairman; Janet Murphy and Ralph Evans. STAFF PRESENT: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager; Kim McAdams, Parks Coordinator; LouAnn Heath, Director of Finance; and Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary. The Regular meeting of the Southlake Park Development Corporation was called to order at 5:14 p.m. by David Yelton, in the absence of the chairman. Agenda Item #2. Approval of the Minutes of January 17, 1995. The minutes of the January 17, 1995 SPDC meeting were approved as presented. Motion: Franks tw Second: Johnson Ayes: Franks, Johnson, Fickes, Yelton Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote Agenda Item #3 Discussion: West Beach Plan of Action. Kim McAdams reported on the West Beach plan of action, noting staff is working with the Corp of Engineers on twenty (20) acres for soccer fields. John Levitt will lay out the fields and plans. The question was asked, how many soccer fields will we get on the 20 acres. It was noted in North Richland Hills, on thirty-five (35) acres, they were able to get seven (7) soccer fields, a concession stand and parking. The fields varied in size. Ms. McAdams noted we are only looking at practice fields for this 20 acres. Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager, noted yesterday the City closed on Lot 4, Block 11, which is part of the 20 acres. Now there is only 180 more lots to go. The purchase price was $2,000 plus relocation costs. Gary Fickes asked if Nancy Moffat knows that the City has applied to the Parks and Wildlife for a grant. He asked Kim McAdams to draft a letter to Nancy and Jane Nelson for his signature. He stated by there knowing it may help the city, but if they do not know, they cannot do anything for us. Regular Southlake Park Development Corporation Meeting March 7, 1995 page two Agenda Item #3, Continued Ms. McAdams commented that a representative of the Parks and Wildlife Department came by this week to look at the site. David Yelton stated we should have a public meeting before preparing RFP's for park planning services, in order to get input from the citizens prior to letting the contract. Rod Johnson commented the Park Board also had these concerns. Agenda Item #4, Change Order #2. Bicentennial Park Expansion, Phase I. Kim McAdams presented Change Order #2 for Bicentennial Park Expansion, Phase I. Exhibit "A", contract changes were discussed and is hereby attached to the minutes of this meeting. Bob Stoffels, J.T. Dunkin and Associates, explained the additions to the change order and the process of sodding the grass on the infield areas. Kim McAdams stated the turf was not added into the original bid; they anticipated that a change order would be necessary to add this item at a later date. Rod Johnson asked how many more days will we get to play by going with solid sod. David Yelton added, the season of 1996. Mr. Yelton stated what bothers him the most is a lot of effort and discussion has been put into evaluating the possibility of having the fields ready for the 1995 season, and we are sitting here discussing what we can do to be able to use the fields for the 1996 season. Mr. Yelton stated he does not see in the Plan, who has the responsibility for seeing that this sod is in place. It was noted the contractor is responsible for the sod, planting, watering, etc. The sod was to be considered in the Change Order #1, but was not included. David Yelton commented on the time frame, adding the number of times this project time frame has slipped. Why do they have to prepare the mulch this soon, when they anticipate August for sodding. Rod Johnson asked for the reasonable time frame when the Board should consider these items. Gary Fickes questioned the $12,080 charge for furnishing and placement of solid sod bermuda grass in the grassed infield areas of fields 4,5,6,&7, adding, he recommends approving the change order, subtracting the amount for sod at this time. Regular Southlake Park Development Council March 7, 1995 page seven Agenda Item #4, Continued Motion was made to approve Change Order #2, deleting $12,080 from the $34,077 amount presented. Motion: Fickes Second: Johnson Ayes: Fickes, Johnson, Franks, Yelton Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote SPDC members asked to have the contractor present for the next meeting in order for questions to be asked regarding the time frame, rain days, and other delays. Agenda Item #5. Discussion: Architectural Materials for Bicentennial Park Expansion Project. A discussion was held regarding the selection of architectural materials for Bicentennial Park Expansion. The consensus of the Board was that the larger grayer block was their choice as well as the "spruce" roof materials. Agenda Item #6, Adjournment Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 5:55 p.m. Motion: Fickes Second: Johnson Ayes: Fickes, Johnson, Franks, Yelton Nays: None Approved: 4-0 vote y4F sou` r David Y Iyon, Secretary ATTEST: *�•..• Sandra L. LeGrand City Secretary r� PROJECT SCHEDULE FUTURE PARK (WEST BEACH) SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 2/3/95 Purchase out parcels of 20 acre section e"eee"e min oil Vacate plats of 20 acre section WIIIIIIIIIIII Z 45118 a —MENEM i Design 20 acre temporary soccer area Mow & expand parking in Blocks 5-7 Em ON Mm I! Lease COE property Budget Preparation Surveying entire site Name the Park 7 RFP for Park Master Planning op the Park Master Plan CCCCCCCCC�:��CC l qL �4 l(, N 00co Q en inu �+ O OA Ac " N ►N. O .d 0 N u p. N = O 0 00 o o u 3 u b 0 to V. a u 0 w 0 w °go Uca , a c • 3 iClli b cNn o o v 0 .d .G ° .d 0 a N N o Q Q f0 a R a. w c 3 3 Q Q Q a> a� w o w ao 0 a 0 a° CO - a Q C7 A o oa ,a c7 a c�i i4 a .e x a rA A 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v rn rn rn rn rn a rn C rn rn ON m rn en \.00 O %° enV') \D _\ M "" '� '� „'� •cf .-� Vl O\ V1 O% try °h to O\ Vy O� N1 O� 1 � O WI)1/'1 O� i O� N ' tn W) i to O\ \O O\ tr •\i •-• •--� c j •-. N N N .�i w tn cad O t� cC -Av W N W oao o40. o ;o u W Ei 4d co 43 Z* p .0 O L' r� N aw N "i oU i«" u > U 'N'c O GC1 F- O N 0 w o y ?. 0 pp N N l7 v � cC d V. U cc� 48 O� A o cd N r� E b. N i 4, O Z � w A. �� 0 cc oO� O , , El�4 O vl A ° 43 C w a� aCd � ° CIS a cis o� o •N u o 00 w CQ O Cq H °� U,Q8�- CO NClV� qu NbLam N v wC 1CL.L uua U 104 p4 9 4-1 +.� UW•� wo N ni u •�° 3A°4 -0u� •0vLQl0L A . �v N w °i3 ba04 v . U Co `Vn�' uu w u oo c wOw .r.do+. , p~�, a U o cc � u u o 14 � 8 u a�u aai o o u c� U a � 17 18 Im 11� 101 9 1 8 171 7AJ 61 I I I I I I I I I 1 � 1 I tl�%11q tIVU WIIYW�II Il SUR1£Y A-9 i i r t i 3 14 i 5 r "1 7/ 8 i 9 +10 fl1 q12 13n14 i15'i16 r17 { I //AL%'/l"N ;20 r2Y�22 23�24 25 26�27'aT8�29 30�3t�2'�33 349 36� r r Y/� GOOSE NECK DR I I r I , 2 1 ; 26 2i le — 3 24 17 16 N W yG 15, Z 21 �r/y Q / MI,o ��- 726 Si/ �,2Y Z 18 /924�; I 0 SPA �12�{✓15� Z Q2%2t 1l f =22 '` M i i 1 i I i i 17, I BASS DRIVE Y- I C2 via �4„a l i {fin//+ I IT I 1 i 231 4+516 �7 gi �11 13 i14f15 a16�17:18 ;19 i20�21�22�2 i24'25 �26�27�"�28y29 3G�31�72:} , f/ v vyf T r,._.i._ 7 64%F 63 !62 i 61 60 59 57 `56 {55 , 54 52 i 51 150 `4 48 i 47� 46 :45 i 44143: 42 :41 40 139: 38 36 35{ 34 33 i TR,LOUT�i� LANE r I 1 i 2,II III, ,30,I 31�2 314i ?19,20{Y 3i 4 5i 68%27 �1ISit6i11 qb2427i28:29 33 i34i35j36i37:38j39,4041i 42 I , i 43 DAM DOM4NrlH, DRUM' 44 SUR4£Y A-1507D "5 1" — 400' t >i 21 3' 4 16 i 7' 8 20 '!19;18'I17 `16:15 I 14 r13'121 i I i 11 10 ' 49 CRAPPIE TRAIL 1 2 314� 5 �6; 7 6E 9a1U;11 i12 �11y14�15116117j 16 DENTON — — 363534.;33i323,; ., i2B 27�26;25r24a23�y220y� TAR RANT SILVERSIDE ROAD DAM DOUMT SUR'r£Y A-llB 5/�� U �� CHEATHAM &ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS - SURVEYORS - PLANNERS 1601 E. LAMAR BLVD. SUITE 200 ARLINGTON. TEXAS 76011 (817) 548-0896 CHANGE ORDER VOCUAIENT G701 OWNER O ARCHITECT O CONTRACTOR C3 FIELD 0 OTHER C3 PROJECT: Bicentennial Park Expansion, Phase I (namc, address) 450 W. Southlake Blvd. Southlake, Texas 76092 TO CONTRACTOR: Dean Construction Company (name, address) P.O. Box 70 Argyle, Texas 76226 The Contract is changed as follows: See attached Exhibit "A" CHANGE ORDER NUNIBER: Two DATE: March 7, 1995 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: CONTRACT DATE: October 17, 1994 CONTRACT FOR: Site Development Construction Bicentennial Park Expansion, Phase I Not valid until signed by the Owner, Architect and Contractor. The original (Contract Sum) was .. ..................... S 198432000 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders ............................... f 10,080 The (Contrxt Sum) =WMffddffZMWfffflflM prior to this Change Order was .......... f 1,853,080 The (Contract Sum) wiII be (increascd) 02ftlAWD WUMOEMby this Change Order in the amount of ............................. f 22,017 The new (Contract Sum) ( including this Change Order will be .. i 1, 8 7 5 , 0 9 7 The Contract Time will be (inaeased) (dWEYAW. by ( ) days. The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is September 18, 1995 VOTE: This sunumary.does not reflect chmgcs in the Contact Sum, Contract Time or Guaranteed Niacmum Price which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive. J. T. Dunkin & Associates) Inc. Dean Construction Company City of Southlake ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR OWN'Lit 9876 Plano Road P.O. Box 70 667 North Carroll AvPn Address Address Addrew Dallas Tex s 7 238 Argyle, xas 76226 Southlake, Texas 76092 BY BY yim Y DATE DATE 1l/ /r3 D aT = AIA OOCUMEHT G701 • CHANGE ORDER • 1W. EDMC?l • A10 • m 19V • THE AMERICAN INSTMUTE OF ARCHITECTS. 1735 NEW YORK AVF-. N.W., WASHINGTON. O.C. Z0006 G701-1987 7 x4 EXHIBIT "A" CHANGE ORDER #2 BICENTENNIAL PARK EXPANSION - PHASE 1 March 7, 1995 Contract changes are as follows: REDUCTIONS: Incorporation of three inches (3") of masonry sand into the outfields of fields 4, 5, 6 & 7 $ 14,500 Acceptance of Alternate #14 - Rainbird equipment in lieu of base bid equipment 2,190 Restroom signs 50 Total Reductions ADDITIONS: Cement treated base in lieu of Lime treated base 18,857 Incorporation of three inches (3") of organic material into the grassed infield areas of fields 4, 5, 6 & 7 17,400 Drill seeding and fertilization of common bermuda grass in the outfield areas of fields 4, 5, 6 & 7. 2,500 Total Addition NET INCREASE $ 16,740 38,757 $ 22,017 City of Southlake, Texas CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM 5-3-9 March 3, 1995 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Kim McAdams, Park Project Manager SUBJECT: Consider Approval of Change Order #2 Bicentennial Park Expansion - Phase I Attached are letters from JT Dunkin and Associates concerning the change order requested. The major item on the change order is the need to use cement treated base (CTB) versus lime stabilization for the parking lots, which requires an additional $18,857. The other addition is the turf treatment of the ballfields. Turf was not a part of the original bid due to unknown factors of soil condition after grading and time of year that the turf could be established. The substantial completion date of the contract is currently September 18, 1995, and if the weather remains as uncooperative as it has been through the Spring rains, the contractor may need another weather extension. We feel certain that the park will not be completed for the opening day of Fall Baseball. What we are trying to do at this point is to concentrate on having a quality turf for Spring 1996 Baseball. We are recommending that the contractor mulch the entire grass infield and that solid sod be laid. We have the option of going with Tiffway 419 or common bermuda. The outfields will be drill seeded with bermuda in May and we will rely on rain water for germination and growth. Irrigation and sod are the last things that will happen on the job, which could be as late as September. By putting in solid turf infields, the fields will be playable for Spring 1996 Baseball. We set aside a $50,000 contingency for this project in October. Change order number one was $10,080 and change order number two is $34,077, leaving us a balance of $5,843. SPDC and City Council need to consider Change Order Number Two at their next meeting. If you have any questions please feel free to call me. J. T. Dunkin & Associates, Inc. Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture February 27, 1995 Kim McAdams, Park Project Manager Parks & Recreation Department City of Southlake 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Re: Subgrade treatment at vehicular pavement Dear Kim: A change in the method of treatment of the subgrade under all vehicular paving (parking lot, roadway, and service drive) within Bicentennial Park is required. Cement treated base (CTB) is required in lieu of the lime stabilized base specified in the plans. The reason and timing of this required change is complex but generally occurred as follows: Rone Engineers prepared geotechnical studies on three sites (Bicentennial Park and Way, Kimball Road, and Summerplace Lane) as part of one contract with the City of Southlake. The geotechnical report was issued in July, 1994. Unbeknown to the members of the design team working on Bicentennial Park and Way, the original report contained only subgrade stabilization recommenda- tions for Summerplace Lane. The recommendations for Bicentennial Way and Kimball Road were contained in a Rone Engineers' addendum dated August 10, 1994. Further obscuring the need to reference a separate addendum for subgrade recommendations on Bicentennial Way was the mislabeling of a key section of the original soils report by Rone Engineers. This section (5.5.2) dealt with subgrade stabilization and was titled "Subgrade Stabilization and Pavement Thickness Determinations for Bicentennial Way" when it should have read "Subgrade Stabilization and Pavement Thickness Determinations for Summerplace Lane.' The mislabeling of this section lead the design team to specify lime treatment for the Bicentennial Park vehicular pavement subgrade as this was the stabilization method outlined in section 5.5.2. 9876 Plano Road Dallas, Texas 75238 214-553-5778 M - 2- Page 2 The discrepancy of lime treatment versus cement treated base (CTB) became apparent to the - design professionals earlier this year. At that time it was determined that retesting for the optimum stabilization method would be prudent due to the large amount of earthwork and subsequent relocation of soils which had occurred on the site since the original soils report(s) were performed. The results of the retesting arrived last week and Indicated that CTB remained the optimum subgrade stabilization under vehicular pavement based on the soils currently existing at those locations. Marty Halpern with Dean Construction forwarded the cost difference for cement treated base (CTB) in lieu of the specified lime treated subgrade to our office on Friday, February 24, 1995. Following Is a reiteration of that information: Cement Treatment @ 30 lb./Sq. Yd. - $3.43/Sq. Yd. Total Area (vehicular pavement) - 20,425 Sq. Yd. Cement Treatment Cost $ 70,057 Bid Amount - Lime Treatment 51,200 Net Increase $ 18,857 The unit price of $3.43/Sq. Yd. compares favorably to the cost when cement treated base is specified and bid. While it is unfortunate that the cement treated base will have to be added with a change order reflected as an increase of $18,857, the cost associated with the cement treated base would have been similar if it had been specified prior to bid opening. Another benefit of using CTB versus lime with the soils existing at the pavement locations is that CTB will make the soils more stabile and should result in lower pavement maintenance costs and longer pavement life. Please :contact me regarding your thoughts on this matter and scheduling the change order for optimum sequencing. Sincerely, Bob Stoffels, AS xc: Eddie Cheatham Chula B. Ellepola, E.I.T., Rone Engineers Marty Halpern 253A'3 J. T. Dunkin & Associates, Inc. Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture February 27, 1995 Marty Halpern Dean Construction & Electrical, Inc. P.O. Box 70 Argyle, Texas 76226 Re: Modification of baseball field soil and turf installation Dear Marty: Bicentennial Park expansion plans currently call for Dean Construction to place and rototiil 3" of sand into the outfields of Fields 4, 5, 6 and 7. The cost for incorporation of the sand is listed as $14,500 in the schedule of values submitted by Dean Construction. As discussed previously, the existing soil, as well as the soils placed in the outfield during earthwork operations are good friable soils. Therefore, the incorporation of 3" of sand would not serve any benefit and could in fact be detrimental by decreasing the soils ability to hold water. Therefore, to reallocate the $14,500 to a more beneficial use with Bicentennial Park, the following Is proposed. Dean Construction shall place and rototill three inches of peat moss or approval compost into the grassed areas within the limits of the infield drainage system areas of fields 4, 5, 6 and 7 as indicated on sheets SD-2 and SD-3. In addition, Dean Construction shall place solid sod common bermuda grass in the grassed portions within the infield drainage system areas of fields 4, 5, 6 and 7. The outfield portions of the fields shall be hydromulched with common bermuda grass with soil preparation and application of grass seed in compliance with Specification Section 02805. Realizing that the $14,500 associated with placement of outfield sand will not cover the scope of the work outlined above, It is requested that you present a cost for completion of the work outlined for consideration by the City of Southlake. 9876 Plano Road Dallas, Texas 75238 214-553-5778 5ks-'Al A Page 2 If you would like to discuss this matter or make further suggestions for consideration, please call. xc: Kim McAdams, Park Project Manager J. I. oufnkin & Associates, inn. Urban Ptsnntrg and t'.TIdscaps Aruhitactura March 2, 1995 Kim McAdams, Park Project Manager Parks & Recreation Department City of Southiake 867 north Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76o92 Dear Kim: Attached for your use and records is an unsigned copy of change order #2 for Bicentennial Hark construction. Five copies of change order #2 have been forwarded to Marty Halpern of mean Construction Company for his signature and forwarding to you for final signing and execution. Change order #2 covers the use of cement stabilized base in lieu of lime treatment as subgrade stabiiization under vehicular pavement as outlined In my fetter to you dated February 27, 1995. Change order #2 also covers work adjustments and additional work within fields 4.5, B and 7 as outlined in my letter to Marty Halpern, Dean Construction Company also dated February 21, 1996, with one exception. That exception being that oudieid areas wfti be drill seeded in May or June, 1995 rather than hydromuiched. This method was selected because the irrigation system wM not be operational and work on the baseball fields will not be completed until later this summer thereby reducing, if not negating, the possibilty of hydromuiohing herrnuda grass this graving sea$= But by drill seeding at a cost of 20% to 25% of that of hydromuichN, the planting can be timed to correspond with the spring rains allowing tho grass to egtabligh root$, prior to do summer heat. Therefore, at a srrmtl Gast aM risk, the City coWd effectively regafrt at fast a portion of this growing season and with optimum weather have a good stand of grass. If you would like to discuss any aspect Of change order #2, please call. lac. Many Haipern 6a76 Plano woad Daifas, Tex" 7WO 214-353-477tt 55&- ko Via' ANGE OWNER a 0012ADGR ARCHITECT ❑ CONTRACTOR ❑ AIA DOCUMENT G701 FIELD p OTHE:; O �WQJSCT; Bicentennial Park Expansion,, Phase I CHMGE ORDER NUMBER: , TV0 (name, address) 450 W. Southlake Slvd • Southlake, Texas 76092 DATE: March 2, 1995 TO CONTRACMR- :Dean Construction Company (name, 2ddress) P.C. Box 70 Argyle, Texas 76226 The Contract is changed as follows: See attached Exhibit "AY Lv ARCHITECT'S PRO)BCT NO! CONTRACT DATEL October 17, 1994 CONTRACT FOR; Site Development Construction Bicentennial Park Expansiott, Phase I WQA ='al:.i+ ias"Iw7 Wg Rod bY t ra 0w im, Ai Mod wW Conhna uw. The Odafi t (Contaa Sum) ( vM ... . .................... s 10843,000 Net rim w by pwvbusty authptftd chaW ply ............................... s 10, 080 The (Contact Sum) prior to ft Change ordcr was .......... s l , 8 53 , 080 The (contract Sum) ( ww be (tncrrased} (X*Y&ipIk 9WOME4 by this Ch=w Other in the aawuru at ............................ S 340077 Tiro new (Contract Sum) (4 BUMWdiloindudingd*ctolworderwmbe .. $ 1,887,157 Tito CQnU= Time will be (Ii — (undwee0 by ( ) days. The date of SubstantW Compledon as of the dM of tills Change Order thereebrr is September 18, 1995 NOTL. Thu a m Avy dose not retwa Chan= in the Contact &urn. Cantru t Time or Guaimteed Maximum Prft which havc been wthoriavd by CQ-=rUcd= Cam_ C&=dm J. T. Dunkin & Associates Ise. Dean Construction Company City of Southlake ARCH1510EC11' CONTRACMR OWNER 9076 Plano Road P.O. box 70 667 North Carroll Avenue t.Ct7�a Addrv" Add== Argyle, Texas 76226 Southlake, Texas 76092 BY 6Y BY %Te eK DATe DATE AIA DOCUMENT GM • CHANGs ORDER • 1997 EDITION • AIAO ODt997 • THIJ ATiEWXAN WTITUTE OF ARCHrMCTS. 1735 l�:ey'VI' YOiW AVe, N.W., WASHNGTON. D.C. 20006 G7"ii i —i 6ci7 %AAR;Qq Q ul-06"rMad 0UW000Pvi6q vfokw t UA 660/rlpiN 1.%* dod is Aubioa ib ihpri p.oseeU69n. soa` 1 CHANGE ORDER #2 tow BiGEN i ENNIAL PARK EXPANSION - PHASE i March 2, 11995 Contract changes are as follows: AMUCTIONS: Incorporation of three inches (fl of masonry sand into the outfields of fields 4, 6, K & 7 Acceptance of Alternate #i 4 - Rainbird equipment in lieu of base bid equipment Restroom signs Ti atal Reductions ADDITIONS: Cemeni treated rase in iieu of Lime treated base Incorporation of three Inches (3»j of organic material Into the grassed infield areas of fields 4, 6, 6 & 7 Furnish and place solid sod bermuda grass In the grassed Infield areas of fields 4, 5, 6 & 7 Grill seeding and fertilization of common bermuda grass in the outfield areas of fields 4, 6, 6 & 7. Total Addition NET INCREASE S 14,6W Z 180 18,857 17,400 IZO80 $ 16,7413 50,817 34.077