1994-08-15CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 667 NORTH CARROLL AVENUE SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AUGUST 15, 1994 MINUTES PRESENT: Stephen Apple, Chairman; David Yelton, Secretary. Members: Gary Fickes, Janet Murphy, Jon Michael Franks, W. Ralph Evans. LouAnn Heath, Ex Ofiicio Member. ABSENT: Larry Goldstein. STAFF PRESENT: Curtis Hawk, City Manager; Shana Rice, Assistant City Manager; Kim McAdams, Park Coordinator; and Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman, Stephen Apple. Agenda Item #2. Approval of the Minutes- June 20, 1994. The Minutes of the June 20, 1994 meeting of the Southlake Park Development Corporation were approved as presented. tw Motion: Evans Second: Fickes Ayes: Evans, Fickes, Franks, Apple, Yelton Nays: None Abstention: Murphy Approved: 5-0-1 Gary Fickes left the meeting. Agenda Item #5. Executive Session Chairman, Stephen Apple announced that the commission will be going into executive session pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.072 to discuss the purchase, exchange, lease or sale of real property. The commission adjourned into executive session at 6:01 p.m. The commission returned to open session at 6:35 p.m. A Southlake Park Development Corporation Minutes August 15, 1994 page two Agenda Item #6. Action Necessary/Executive Session Motion was made that the Southlake Park Development Corporation take whatever action is necessary to fund the purchase of the property as discussed in executive session, if and when the Council does enter into a contract and actually needs money to close, the only reservation would be is that no other park project be affected by this. Motion: Franks Second: Murphy Ayes: Franks, Murphy, Evans, Apple Nays: Yelton Approved: 4-1 vote Agenda Item #3. Gymnasium/Recreation Center at Carroll Middle School. Curtis Hawk, City Manager, noted that Bill Branum, Superintendent of CISD was present to bring the plan for the gymnasium for the Carroll Middle School. This plan is basically the same as was discussed earlier. Bill Branum stated Warren Anderson would be making the presentation. Mr. Anderson explained the plan for the Carroll Middle school gymnasium/recreation center. Mr. Anderson stated there will be bleacher seating for 200-300 hundred, with the entire area being 11,000 square feet in size. The existing gym is on the northwest side of the new addition. A change from rubberized tartan floor to vinyl is a $15,000 difference. Wood floor would be $30,000 above that. Mr. Branum stated he feels this project should be a "joint" project and planned by both entities. If anyone wants to check bids, they can. Janet Murphy stated she feels vinyl floor would be more versatile than rubberized tartan floor. The vinyl floor could also be used for other things, such as square dancing. Ms. Murphy asked for a bid that will separate two goals with a screen in order to use both sides at the same time. It was determined that bids for the floors should be taken for all three ways and see how they come out. Also, bids should be taken for carpet as well. David Yelton and Janet Murphy both feel that vinyl floors would best serve the community. The next step is to go forward with the detailed plans. The bids are set to be opened on September 14, 1994. Southlake Park Development Corporation Minutes August 15, 1994 page three Ralph Evens left the meeting at this time. Agenda Item #3-A, Gymnasium at Shady Oaks Site. Warren Anderson reviewed for the group, the gymnasium plans for the new Shady Oaks Site. Estimated cost of the gymnasium will be $800,000. Curtis Hawk stated every new gymnasium in the district will be a joint use gymnasium, that way the citizens won't be paying twice. He commented that the Kasper property on North White Chapel Blvd. is being proposed for purchase by the City and School, making this a 80 acre tract. The City is going to proceed to tie up the property. Agenda Item #4. Discussion: Update on the Expansion of Bicentennial Park. Kim McAdams reported on the expansion of Bicentennial Park, Phase I, stating the project is six (6) weeks behind the original schedule. The bids are to be opened on September 30, 1994, and will go before the City Council on October 4, 1994 for approval. The buildings will be under construction at the first of the year. A discussion was held regarding the cause for delay in construction plans. Chairman Apple commented that from this point on, we own it to the citizens to do what we can to push this project forward. David Yelton commented that the Baseball Association wanted sod from the beginning with grass around the edges. Agenda Item #7, Adjournment The meeting was adjourned by Stephen Apple, Chairman, at 7:55 p.m. y submi David` Yel Secretary V z W W 0 W F--1 � U p a U) o z z U) D � D N z (� U = I O r— iD �o LL a) U) £ligW — 91Byy — LZged — Oaged — £t qed — 9 qe:l — 0£ uer — £Z uer — Ll uer — 6 Uer — a Uer — 9a 000 — 6t oe0 — at 0e0 — 5 0e0 — 9Z /aN — tZAON — 4t AON — L AON — MOO — VZ i0O — Lt 10O — 0l 300 — £ioo — 9Zides — 6l ides — at ides — Sides — 6Z Bny — ■wwwwwwl Iwl � 'wwwww��� Iwl � ■wwwww�l ��� � li ■wwwwwwl ��� � ■wwwwwwl Iwl � ■wwwwww� Iwo I ■wwwwwl �� Iwl � ■w�wwl �� Iwwl � ■wwwwl 11 IEEE MECNMI 11 INN: :::::I I::E: ■wwmmmiiwiimmmm IIwww■ Iwww■■ ■ONFR ■MlFml l�wwww■ ■lRIWEEwwww■ ■UMMENwww■ ■wwwwwwwwN Mwwwwwww■ IwwwwwwNE INwwwwwww■ IlMwwww■www■ ME ME • 7 H W W O a U o zw z� U) D N U x p = O N a) o U° a) U) gt ides t t ides bides gZ Bny lZ Bny 4l Bny L Bny lZ AInr bZ AInf Ll AInf Ol AInf £ AInf gZ eunr 61 eunr Zl eunr g sunk 6Z AeW ZZ AgW 9l AeW g AeW t AeW bZ Jdy Lt Jdy OlA £ Jdy LZJeW OZ JeW £IJgW g JeW ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■o■■■w■■■■■ ■■■■■1 I■■■■■ ■■■■■11■■■■■ ■■■■■1'■■■■■ ■■■■■11■■■■■ ■■■■■1 I■■■■■ ■■■■■1 I■■■■■ ■■■■■1 N■■■■■ ■■■■■' M■■■■■ ■■■■■I I■■■■■ ■■■■■1 e■■■■■ ■ ■■■■■1 N■■■■■ ■ ■■■■■11■■■■■ ■ ■■■■■' ,■■■■■ ■ ■■■■■i I■■■■■ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ il�!i■ ■■■■■�►l■■■fi ■ ■■■11■■■■1 Iliriw ■ 11■■11■■■■i 1■� 1 ■ 11■■11■■■I 1■■1 1 ■ ImlI■■■■I1■■1I ■ 1■11■■■■11■■1 I 11■1 I■■■■■■■■ s S3