JANUARY 3, 1994
MEMBERS PRESENT: Gary Fickes, Stephen Apple, Jon Michael Franks,
W. Ralph Evans, Janet Murphy, Larry Goldstein, and David Yelton.
STAFF PRESENT: Curtis Hawk, City Manager; Shana Rice, Assistant
City Manager; LouAnn Heath, Director of Finance; and, Sandra L.
LeGrand, City Secretary.
The organizational meeting of the Southlake Parks Development
Corporation, was called to order by Gary Fickes, at 7:15 p.m.
Discussion: BYLAWS
Shana Rice, Assistant City Manager, presented a draft of the Bylaws
of the Southlake Parks Development Corporation for review and
consideration by the members. During the discussion, the City
Manager, Curtis Hawk, suggested that a Project Coordinator will
need to be hired. If a Parks Project Coordinator is hired to
coordinate the construction of new parks, he/she will work under
the supervision of Assistant City Manager, Shana Rice.
A discussion was held in regard to Section 2.3, Notice of Meetings.
It was suggested by Jon Michael Franks that this section be omitted
and the Bylaws follow Section 2.4, Open Meetings Act in regard to
meetings and agenda posting.
A discussion was held in regard to Section 3.4, Treasurer. Shana
Rice stated the draft Bylaws allow for the Director of Finance,
LouAnn Heath to serve as Treasurer for the Southlake Park
Development Corporation, as she has the knowledge and will have the
responsibility to see to the handling, custody, and security of all
funds and securities of the Corporation. Heath will also sign on
behalf of the Corporation.
Motion was made to approve the Bylaws of the Southlake Parks
Development Corporation subject to the following: Delete Section
2.3 in its entirety and follow the Texas Open Meetings Act;
Providing for the Treasurer to be LouAnn Heath, Director of Finance
for the City, who will have signature authority as approved by the
City Council; and, Amend the terms of Officers to be the same as in
the Articles of Incorporation, with new terms ending on May 31,
Southlake Parks Development Corporation
Minutes of January 3, 1994 Meeting
page two
BYLAWS, Continued
Motion: Apple
Second: Evans
Ayes: Apple, Evans, Franks, Fickes, Murphy, Yelton, Goldstein
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Election of President of SPDC
Motion was made to elect Stephen Apple as President, with a term to
expire on May 31, 1995.
Motion: Goldstein
Second: Franks
Ayes: Franks, Evans, Fickes, Murphy, Goldstein, Yelton
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Election of Vice -President of SPDC
Motion was made to elect Larry Goldstein as Vice -President, with a
term to expire on May 31, 1995.
Motion: Franks
Second: Yelton
Ayes: Franks, Yelton, Evans, Fickes, Murphy, Apple
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Election of Secretary of SPDC
Motion was made to elect David Yelton as Secretary for SPDC.
Motion: Fickes
Second: Goldstein
Ayes: Fickes, Goldstein, Apple, Evans, Murphy, Franks
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Meeting Schedule
After discussion, motion was made to have monthly meetings, on the
third Monday evening of the month at 7:00 p.m. The location to be
Motion: Fickes
Second: Evans
Ayes: Fickes, Evans, Franks, Apple, Murphy, Yelton, Goldstein
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Southlake Park Development Corporation
Minutes of the January 3, 1994 meeting
page three
Work Session Planned
It was determined that a work session is necessary to begin the
Planning Process for the Development Corporation. The session is
to be held on January 19, 1994, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council
Chambers of City Hall. An agenda will be sent to each member as a
reminder of the meeting.
Agenda for February 20, 1994, SPDC Meeting
The agenda for the February 20, 1994, SPDC will contain the
following items:
1. Preliminary Plan as per Bylaws.
2. Preliminary Budget
Motion was made to adjourn the Organizational meeting of the
Southlake Parks Development Corporation at 8:10 p.m.
Motion: Fickes
Second: Yelton
Ayes: Fickes, Yelton, Murphy, Goldstein, Apple, Franks, Evans
Nays: None
Approved: 7-0 vote
Resp fully su
Davi T. lton