1996-09-1809/30/96 MON 11:26 FAX 002
SEPTEMBER 18, 1996
7:00 p.m.
Members Present: Karen Apple Diane Lacina
Billy Jon Curb Cynda Most
Danita Fierce Elizabeth Ponder
Sally Hail Anne Underwood
Kathy Harris Tom Doran
Members Absent: Richard Bartholomew Aloha Payne
Karen Cienki Art Sorenson
Maurine Curb Lindsey Vinson
1. Meeting was called to order. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Cynda Mast. The minutes
were presented. Kathy Harris moved to approve the minutes. Seconded by Tom Doran. Unanimous approval.
2. Discussions and presentation of research from committee members:
A. Sally Hall - Site issues, joint and stand-alone.
Using area maps, Sally presented the sites that were available for possible building. There are four acres
south of Grapevine Stadium with the entire 4 aces buildable. There will be improvements to Grapevine Highway and
Brumlow. Kimball will also be going through to Grapevine Highway.
In Southlake, there are 14 acres available that the city currently owns between White's Chapel and Carroll on
the south sloe. Byron Nelson Parkway would approach the site from the south. An Australian investor Is trying to
persuade the Southlake City Council to !wild an `oki town square' between 114 and 1709 east of Carroll Avenue.
Some demographic information about Southlake: As of July - 2 households per ace. 4,077 platted lots
approved. 2,862 building on. 1,015 available. Maquire Thomas split property, 200 aces, east and north of 114 and
IBM and west of White's Chapel. This will increase current population in Southlake from 15,000 to 30,000.
Westlake at Precinct Line Road are Carroll Schools - low density housing. Southlake will stay a bedroom
There was much discussion on whether the school district will continue to control the books placed in the
library. it was the consensus that this would continue and it may not be a workable situation for a public library.
Questions that were asked - Can the 1/2 cent sales tax support the new City Hall, two Fire Stations, and new
park land in addition to the Library? Can we ask the consultant to justify the sources used to determine cost
Projections on the new library?
B. Cynde Mast - Administration of the new Library
Cynda contacted Belinda Boone from the Texas State Library. There are three ways to govern a mulN-city,
library in the State of Texas:
1. Department of a City Government
2. Interlocal agreement
3. Non -Profit Corporation - Separate Administrative Board
It was agreed that the third option would be the most desirable for the city of Southlake. This would insure that
the city would have full ownership in the library rather than it being an offshoot of the Grapevine Public Library.
From Lindsey, the committee will need to know how we can build on another city's property and collect acid
distribute the tax dollars equitably.
09/30/96 ICON 11:26 FAI Q003
p-2 W181981ib.com.
C. Kathy Harris - technology
Where was the technology broken out in the consultant's study? Expenditures for equipment? Formula for the
cost of computers? Can we have a complete oost of computers and technology? On database seam capabilities,
has the consultant figured to any of the charges?
D. Richard Bartholomew - infrastructure Grants
The grant available Is House Big 2128, which is the Infrastructure Grant for Schools and Libraries. Janet
Perkins at GTE is in charge of administering any charitable contributions for GTE. Her phone number is 972 718-
3116. Grapevine Public Library Is already involved Ina grant consortium to receive the grant. There will be matching
funds between GTE and entities. GTE will not give all services free, but will go to a certain point to lay the
Richard did not think that GTE would be overly willing to help the city of Southlake since the city filed a lawsuit
against GTE, claiming that Southlake is not receiving their fare share of monies from Smart Calls, etc.
E. Dim* Ladna - Automated Symms
Materials will be in the mail on different automated systems. Diane will also contact Colteyvilie Ubrary
Committee to ad as a liaison between Colleyville and Southlake.
F. Karen Apple - MTRL.S Library Statistics
Grapevine's operating budget is very tow at $11.73 per 33,000 pop. Farmer's Branch is $38.00 per 25,000
pop. Hurst - $25.98. There is a clear policy difference between the dries. Keller $15.05 per 15,700. Richland Hills
$18.00 per 8,100.
Will Sotrthlake save money with joint collection? Study shows approximately the same amount expended.
Whet percentage of overall Southisks budget would go to the Library? Wal-Mart will only be In Southlake for
approximately 10 years. Kroger has purchased the land. Anmrtson's leases their building. Home Depot typically
G. Donka Fierce - Demographics
Report submitted with breakdown from surveys and census of population and education. I M survey - wr11
need to put togetherwith no leading questions.
Art Sorenson would like to add to needs list Home Schooling.
Diane will need to compile list of questions for consultant visit. Cynda will help compile.
Need timeline for tasks to be completed.
3. Next Meeting Date / Agenda: The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 16, 1M at 7:00 p.m. it
will be located at Bicentennial Park, White's Chapel room. The committee is looking forward to the consultant's visit at
this time.
4. Adjournment
Respectfully Submitted,
4�1 *J�'KOL
Diane Lacing
Southlake Library Committee