1996-08-2108i28%98 YOV 09:10 RU
Q 002
Mi' G
1, 19%
7:00 p.nL
Members present: Karen Apple
Diane Latina
Richard BartWomew CYTKIR Mast
Dilly Jon Club
Aloha Payne
Maurine Club
Elizabeth Ponder
Danita Fierce
Art Sorenson
Sally Hall
Anne Underwood
Kathy Harris
Lindsey Vinson
Members Absent: Karen Cienki
Tom Doran
1. Meeting called to order: The meeting was called to order at TOO p. in, by Curtis Rawk, City
Manager- Mr. Hawk explained that this would be the last time be would call the meeting to order because
Officers would he elected / appointed tonight He also reported that the meeting he attended Kith the City
Mane M from Grapevine and Coneyville, along with the R4xnme0dcmt of GCISD, went well. There
was agicement that a tri-city library was desired by the three cities, and the land new the Grapevine High
School is available for building. The issues that will need to be reconciled will be the land and the life
estate agreement between the owner and GCISD.
Discussion went to the articles sent to all committee members which describe joint use libraries
in various locations across the country and the positives and negatives of those libraries.
L Election 1 Appoiawwnt of Officers:
Sally Hall nominated Karen Apple as Chairman.
Second by Art Sorenson
Discussion_ Qualif cations of candidate.
Diane Lacina nominated Cynda Mast as Chairman_
Second by Donita Fierce
Discussion: Qualifications of candidate.
After some discussion, committee agnxd to appoint Cynda \olg t and Karen Apple as CO -
Chairmen due to their leadership skills and knowleft of libraries_ Diane Laeina well saw as Secretary,
and will Riihmit the minutes to Im distributed to council and ooatmittee members.
3. Tri-City ta"bzwU Study: Mr. Hawk distributed the consultant report on the study of a tri-city
library prepared for the cities of Grapevine, Southlake, and Colleyville- Due to time constraints, the study
will be discussed at the next meeting so all have opportunity to peruse the document.
4. LibraryIssues: A global question Was posed to cornmluce : Will Soirthlake be better served
by a eodpemtive or a stand alone library*
Issues were listed along with committee individuals who will attempt to bring information to the
Heel meeting for discussion,
08/20/96 MON 09:10 RU
�.: A)
1, Access (parking / roads) for stand alone vs. tri-city library.
2. Possible aibernative sites for tri-city, outbranches, and stand alone.
(Sally Hall)
B) .0-wWw pwort
1. SPIN involvement
2. What support do we have now?
3- How will we get more?
4. Full time timding and / or P.R. person to help with and support (Friends of Library)
C) boding
(Art Sorenson)
L What's available (grants)? (Icathy Harris)
2. Oporadonal costs? (Karin Appic)
3. More nioIIey available with tri-city plan?
4. County money? (Sally Hal()
D) 4-p ities
1. Terms of an interlocail agreenvw and how binding are they with changing city
2. How will we build and use city tax dollars on another city's land?
E) dntin' (Lindsey VIMn)
+� irtrxtion
I . Should board be advisory or ex=dve / adruinagtrative?
2. How to ensure a coop between arunicipalit es and ISI),s?
3- Qualifications of stall
® 4- Who supervises library administration?
5. Should the board be autonomous, or can they be awonomous given the use of the 112
cent sales tax revenue?
5. How to recruit stab' by qualification and hire only best quatified'1
(Cynda Mast)
Tech Q=
1. Richard Bartholomew will im-estigate computer wiring needs and other necessary
technological requiretnents,
2- Dim I.aona will imTstipte automated library systems used bout the state
O) Si2t loon capabilities. throng
I- What size is will be required?
Hi Need# - (listed, but not extensively discussed until future meetings)
I. More books far parents and children (Pre-school a6e).
2. Children's programming.
3. Ovcr 55 - materials and programming for sc�iors,
4. JoS. b related - highly technical books, databases etc.-. for info /job search.
upport for home businesses.
6. Meeting and study rooms-
7- Support of school curriculum.
8. Extended howl of operation-
(). Existing school libraries - how wou]d they be invorporated?
10- Need for a structured nerds assessment (demographics). (Donna Fierce)
08/26/96 MON 00:10 FAX
Q 004
S• Nezt MeetYsg Date / Agwda: The n a meeting is scheduled for Wednesday. September 18,
1996, at 7_00 p-m. It will be located at Bicentcnnisi Park, Whims Chapel Hoorn.
Mr. Hawk will schedule
a �sultwU visit for the October meeting.
Respectfully Submitted,
Al 0
ouza7KjC1� t)
Diane L&clai
Somthlake Library Committee