1989-11-15 CC Packet INC. di November 21 , 1989 di Reference No. 2A 89-61 Planning and Zoning Commission City of Southlake, TX 76051 } To Whom It May Concern: This letter is written for the purpose of withdrawing my letter of conditional approval, dated and delivered to you on November 8 , 1989 . I am not in favor of the zoning change, because when I wrote the letter, I was unaware of the proposed Peytonville Road expansion. The proposed easement on my Eastern boundry ► will greatly subtract from my property value, but most importantly, it will certainly ruin the atmosphere and en- joyment of our home. My family and I have spent ten years, countless hours, and thousands of dollars, creating a unique landscape that can never be replaced. When I purchased this property ten years ago, there was not mention of such a development plan. +r However, if the road can be redesigned to preserve the 1 natural setting and value, I would be willing to reinstate my conditional approval letter. Your thoughtful consideration for my family and my neighbors is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, William W. Bell WWB/tr Orr 4949 West Royal Lane Irving, Texas 75063 (214)929-4088 / 71,6r-v Z clIA4kE INC. November 8, 1989 11 Reference No. 2A 89-61 Planning and Zoning Commission 11 City of Southlake, Texas To Whom It May Concern: Although I am not totally familiar with the specifics of Phase I of the Planned Unit Development proposal, I am in favor of the zoning change under certain conditions. / My conditions are: 1. There must be a fence on the Western boundary, not less than S six feet high. 2. All lots adjoining the Western boundary should be of a size equal to or larger than one acre. l e 3. All trees must be left on the Western boundary to insure the privacy and rural atmosphere' for those homeowners presently living there. 4. Property owners on the Western boundary who are in compliance, hi must be given the option as to whether they tie on to sewer lines when they become available. The conditions set forth are my opinion only. However, I believe they reflect the attitudes of all Southlake residents, who like fir me were attracted to this area for the unique lifestyle available MI there. p I believe the city must grow and develop, but not at the expense of its real attractions. 1. The good people who live here. i1r► 2. The Country atmosphere. 610, (1) (2) mite 3. The excellent schools. 4. The absence of one-quarter to one-half tract developments. 5. The absence of multi-family or apartment type housing. 6. The pride we all have in our totally unique community. di Your thoughtful consideration for me, my family, and my neighbors is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, d William W. Bell di :1 id Al (rie air I rr GBIUDLEY Since 1947 Across From SMU PhotogiAphe 6411 HILLCREST • DALLAS, TEXAS 75205 • 214/526-8559 JAMES T. BRADLEY November 1 , 1989 yr REFERENCE NO. ; ZA 89-61 • • • • • a • nq Z609L Xl ` a)1eTy400S Te4uauT;uoo • M 961. L :ssar'PPv __. -- aTT?W ' 0. 1-In>1 :Eun1v11818 • • • INAW]1d1S 0H0V11d ]�S • :suoseaz BuTMoTtoj e(;l .rox lsanba.i (01 pasoddo) '41r+se�ijimic we• Z Z9-68 VZ * VON mI Ali Z609L suxa,, 'anuj(11 nos 'anuaAv TTalal° (11.IoN L99 'uoTsSTuurrD 2UTuoZ Pau BuluuuTd aTITInn0S ;o A1TO a(l1 01 PaIT'uui.Pau 1no PaTTTT aq uuoj 2uTMoTToT aqL wan ino Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 5485 Belt Line Road, Suite 199 Phone:(214)991-1900 Cov Dallas, Texas 75240 Fax: (214) 490-9261 USA November 21, 1989 Mr. Craig Curry The Nelson Engineering Corp. 5999 Summerside Drive, Suite 202 Dallas, TX 75252 Dear Mr. Curry: Per your request, we have reviewed the access to the proposed residential development located between FM 1709 and Continental Boulevard in Southlake, Texas. The site location is shown on the attached Figure. The planned development will contain approximately 443 single family detached dwelling units (D.U.). Based on trip generation rates contained in the Institute of Transportation Engineers(ITE)publication entitled Trip Generation 4th Edition, this number of D.U:s would generate approximately 310 vehicle trips(84 entering, 226 exiting)during the A.M.peak hour, 440 vehicle trips (275 entering, 165 exiting) during the P.M. peak hour, and 4140 trips on a daily basis (24 hrs). The trips generated by the proposed development will enter and exit the facility via two access points; one from FM 1709 and one from Continental Boulevard. Even if the directional distribution of site generated traffic concentrated the majority of traffic at one access point, the projected traffic volumes could be accommodated at acceptable levels of service. As in *r all cases, any intersection of an access roadway and major arterial should be designed to ensure adequate sight distance, storage distance (for vehicles waiting to turn) and capacity to safely and efficiently accommodate the expected traffic volumes. We have also reviewed the internal circulation plan for the development. The proposed plan properly discourages the use of these neighborhood streets for "cut through" traffic. Cut through traffic is defined as vehicles travelling through the neighborhood that do not have destinations within the neighborhood. Since residential streets are designed as low volume, low speed streets, any additional volume caused as a result of cut through traffic can negatively impact the traffic conditions on the roadways. Additional access to adjacent arterials or developments could increase the probability of "cut through" traffic becoming a problem in this neighborhood. Thank you for giving Barton-Aschman the opportunity to provide these services for you. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, BARTON-ASCHMAN ASSOCIATES, INC. lb .do-7 Gary II f st, P.E. Senior Associate GDJ:njb 111, Attachment b Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 5485 Belt Line Road, Suite 199 Phone:(214)991-1900 Dallas, Texas 75240 Fax: (214) 490-9261 USA November 21, 1989 Mr. Craig Curry The Nelson Engineering Corporation 5999 Summerside Drive, Suite 202 Dallas, Texas 75252 Re: Peytonville Avenue in Southlake, Texas Dear Mr. Curry: As you requested, we have reviewed the need for the segment of Peytonville Avenue between Southlake Boulevard (FM 1709) and Continental Boulevard in the City of Southlake, Texas. The proposed Peytonville Avenue is designated as an 84 foot right-of-way (R.O.W.) arterial in the City of Southlake Thoroughfare Plan. This width of R.O.W. would allow for construction of a four-lane divided arterial. The roadway,as proposed, would provide access from SH 121, southward to Continental Boulevard. The City of Southlake Thoroughfare Plan proposes major arterials spaced approximately one mile apart for both east-west and north-south traffic. Smaller,collector roadways(64' R.O.W.) are also proposed between each pair of major thoroughfares. This typical "grid system" thoroughfare plan will serve the predominately residential land use proposed for the area. Based on our preliminary review, we cannot recommend the elimination of the segment of Peytonville Avenue between Southlake and Continental Boulevards. With further study however, this segment of roadway could possibly be downgraded to a collector roadway (64' R.O.W.). If the results of this further analysis indicate that this segment of Peytonville Road would operate acceptably as a collector, several alignment alternatives should be analyzed to determine the thoroughfare route which would best serve the future development while minimizing the impact on existing homes in the area. Since the proposed Timberlake development does not use this segment of Peytonville, the alignment alternatives would not have to border the development. As stated before, this downgrading would require further study and we do not recommend any change in the designation of Peytonville Avenue at this time. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, BARTON-AS HMAN ASSOCIATES, INC. Gary ' s , P.E. Senior Associate GDJ:njb JOHN E. LEVITT ENGINEERS, INC. lbw ENGINEERS • PLANNERS 726 COMMERCE • SUITE 104 • SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 • (817) 488-3313 November 21 , 1989 :1 :1 Mrs. Sandy LeGrand City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Ave. 3 Southlake, Texas 76092 Re: ZA 89-52 3 OAK KNOLL - LAKEVIEW Block E, Lot 20 Southlake, Texas 3 Dear Mrs. LeGrand: On behalf of our client, Keystone Partners, we respectfully request a delay for the reference zoning request until the December 5, 1989, city council meeting. id This request is due to conflicting schedules for November 21 , 1989. We appreciate your . sistance on this matter. al V•ry try yours, Pp \ A 1111 am John E. Levitt, P.E. a cc: eystone Partners m iv m it ,tt- Ili sa fts ft (11110 4. lb lb 'wI 1111 d TEXAS SURPLUS PROPERTY AGENCY FORT WORTH DISTRICT 2826 N. BEACH FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76111 TELEPHONE: 817 8 31-67 67 r0 IhW ri 9 .r1 rll 4 o SEAM Ut rr;xa3 Ai'i'LICAIIUN fro ItIAGInILITY Wit • F't.UTfUL Sw•.PUIS PROP, )(TY UTILIZATION PROGRAM ili 1100 Legal Maine of App.lioantt •Melling A4drmeal • Zip Code Locs t ions County • . • • Telephone It AC • ) . Application is Racier a. as Public AQenoy • h. as a Nonprofit Lduoational or Public Health Institution (attaoh ' oopy of Tax-exempt determination under Section 501 of the Internal Il.evenue Code of 1954). !P ti ill 2. Applicant is at (See definitions) a . State Agency g. School for the 1. Child Care Center b. --Local Covernnent Phyaically Handicapped m. Hospital c . School h. l:ciucational Radio Station n. Health•Center d . -Colloae i. f:ducational TV Station o. Clinio P. Uni•ereity J. Library F. Other (Specify)! ______. t . School for the. k. NAtseun �— Mentally Retarded • 3. Source of fundst a. _ Taxes or Public funds I . Grants and/or Contribution c. Other (Describe) • PP' n. Applicant ist a. Aocredi tea ) . Approved o. Licensed (Attac1 ocumentary evidence suT 1 antiating Approval or Lioeneing.) 5. when not obvious from institution's name, attach a narrative to provide! a. If a Fublio Agebc , details of public program fdnctions, activities, and/or faoilitiee. Iii b. If No`rollr-F,aucationaJ., details to include grades tau.gbt •, enrollment, length of school My, weeTi-,ai years number and qualifications of full-time and part-time staff, and facilities oprratpd or programs contluctrd. c. If Nonprofit Public health, dei:.tle of services offer'd, number of beds where applicable, number oT resldenl ph cans, number of registered nurses, other professional staff, and facilities operated, or prbt?rams conducted. i Date . • Sinned T i t.l e ill Attach>r.ents t (As Required) 1. Aasurance of Compliance with Nondiscrimination 2. Authorisation of participsats s' 3. Narrative program description (if required) ilk 4. _ IRS determination (if nonprofit under Section 501 of INS Code) . 5. Lvidence of approval, accreditation or licensing (if required fi - Ilk DLTLA M1 NATION - - 1 I r r$1'1 rise) • fF 1. Lpp leant is eligible as at Public Agency __ Nonprofit t;ducational Institution ilk _ Nonprofit Public Health Institution 2. Appli<.ant is not eligible _ Common tt ff I)s t.r EXICUTI VI DIRECTOR s!- ill I ✓ UEl INITI0t9S Public A enol!t wens any State; political subdivision thcrof, inoluding any unit of looal isible overnmsn or economic development district; or any department, agency, instrumentality thereof, AO ncludieg instrumentalities created by oompaot or other agreement between States of political subdivisions, multiiurisdiotional subetete districts established by or pursuant to State law, or any Indian tribe, band, group, pueblo, or oommunity located on a State reservation. 4 Nonprofit Institutions means an educational or public health institution or organization, no mi part of the net earnings of which inures or may lawfully inure to the benefit of any private share— holder or individual, and which has been held to be tax—exempt under the provisions of Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code 1954. cI Local Governments means a government, or administration of a locality, within a State or a possess cn orris United States. Schools (except sohoole for the mentally retarded and schools for the physically handicapped) I leans a public or nonprofit approved or accredited organizational entity devoted primarily to ap— proved anal pur, vocational,on a full—timel and school yearand employs which taafull-timey for staff eduoatlotu.I purposes of qualified instructors. e ll Collcget means an approved or aooredited public or nonprofit institution of higher learning offer— ing organized study courses and credits leading to the baccalaureate or higher degrees. R University 'spans a public or nonprofit approved or accredited institution for instruction and n r study In the hif!hrr branches of learninv and empowered to confer degrees in special departments or oollegcs. School for the mentally retarded' means a facility or institution operated primarily to provide ,,peci zcT-Tnntructicn to students of limited mental capacity. It must be public cr nonprofit F.c.d smut operate on 4- full—time basis for the equivalent of minimum sohool year prescribed for public school iretruetion of the mentally retarded, bare a staff of qualified instructors, and demonstrate that the, facility meets the health and safety standards of the State or local govern— mental holy. de School for the physicallyi handiea����edm means a school orr?aaized primarily to provide specialized isen— ruEU on o eludents ivhbee—Physical handicaps necessitate individual or group'initru.otion. the school must. to public or nonprofit and operate on a full—time basis for the equivalent of a minimum school year prescribed for public school instruction for the physically handicapped, with a staff al of c.uwlified instructors, and demonstrate that the facility meets the health and safety standards of the State or local governmental body. • LducatlosialLr.adios meant a radio station licensed by the Feder►.! Communications Commision and el operitea excTuelveely for noncommercial educational purpose and which is public or nonprofit and tax—exempt under Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. • 4 Educational Televisions means a television station licensed by the Federal Communioations Commiss— ion and operated exclusively for noncommercial educational purposes and which is publio or non— dsi profit and tax—exempt under Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. Llbrarvt means a public or nonprofit facility providing library services free to all residents of a community, district, State or region. 40 Museums means a public or nonprofit facility which is attended by the public free or at a nominal o ergs and which provides museum services includim;p the preservation and exhibition of artistic, 4 cultural, historical, or scientific ob3eots. d i Child Care Centers means a public or nonprofit facility where day care services suoh as educational, social,Th its, and nutritional services are provided to children tbrou^h are 14 and which is approv— ed or licensed by the State or other appropriate authority. Hospitals means an approved or acoredited public or nonprofit institution providing public health AO eriv7C71 primarily for inpatient medical or surgical care of the sick and injured and includes re— lated facilities such as laboratories, outpatient departments, training facilities, and stati.offioes. Health Ccnters means an approved public or nonprofit faoility utilized by a health unit for the provon de isi or_public health services, including related facilities such as diagnostic and laboratory facilities and clinics. Clinics means an approved public or nonprofit facility organized and operated for the primary purpose of providing outpatient public health services and includes oustomery related .,.s.c.t. d.•�.• ailas lahorat.ories and treatt�ent rooms . cast 1 purr WORTH DISTRICT I P 0 BOX 6866 £ XLNARY RILL STATION �, TORT NORTH TX 76115 PHA 813 926-2261 __-- AUTRORIZATION -- — st Date: _:. of Under the authority vested in me as ' "Administrative or Fiscal Head Actual Title) Illw cy or Institution Name) �- Address `' _Y I hereby designate the following representatives, whose typed name and sample + :signature(s) !wear below to act for this Agency/Institution: r -1.-In-acquiring-donable-praperty_from .he_Texas Surplus--Property Agency. - >" lb 2. To obligate any necessary funds, for this purpose; and 3. To execute the Texas Surplus Property Agency Distribution Document including terms, conditions, reservations and restrictions that the 1s Agency or GSA may establish on the use and disposal of surplus property. k. This does es not (check one) supercede all previous , designations. CO rr AC.' Telephone Number Signature: (Chief Administrative or Fiscal Officer) ob TYPED OR PRINTED NAME No. Typed Name Title Phone # Signature � 1 �t �2. fir. ---- --l - .3• kb -.. --.--- . ..r- 7_4_4._ . w--ate----- - - to 5• - u._.-...... - -.-...- ...... ._--� F 6. r 7. �____., _ _. . ---- ... ------ ...-- 7 8. . 0, 10. PLEASE NOTE: If you make copies, we must have original signatures. Rev. 8-83 e a . .II M t di ,. J ONDISCRIMINATION- BSURANCE ____— — — ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE WITH GSA REGULATIONS UNDER TITLE VI OF THE :CIVIL •RIGHTS ACT OF 1964, SECTION 606 0F' TITLE VI OF THE r FEDERAL -PROPERTY AND ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ACT OF 1949, AS i AMENDED, SECTION 504 OF THE REHABILITATION ACT OF 1973, AS 41. AMENDED, TITLE IX OF THE EDUCATION AMENDMENTS OF 1972, AS AMENDED, ANI) SECTION 303 OF THE AGE DISCRIMINATION ACT OF 1975. 410 ,111 0111 , hereinafter called the "donee," hereby agrees (Name of donee) . that the pro_gr _rgr_or in_ronnection_with_which any_propsrty is donated to the iS - - -donee -*ri11. be -conducted in -Compliance with, and the donee Will comply with and wil.. require any other person (axiy legal entity) who through contractual or other ar- rangements with the donee is authorized to provide services or benefits under said . program to comply with, all requirements imposed by or pursuant to the regulations di of the General Services Administration (41 CFR 101-6.2 or 101-8) issued under the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 606 of Title Vi o.'' ' I the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 191+9, as amended, Section di 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, Title IX of the Education Arno- rents of 1972, as amended, and Section 30S of the Age Discrimination Act of 9 , to the end that no person in the United States shall on the ground of race, color, national origin, sex, or age, or that no otherwise qualified handicapped perscr 41 shall solely by reason of the handicap, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the donee received Federal assistance from the General Serviced d Administration; and Hereby Gives Assurance That it will immediately take any measures necessary to effectuate this agreement. IA ii The donee further agrees that this agreement shall be subject in all respects to the provisions of said regulations; that this agreement shall obligate the donee for the period during which it retains ownership or possession of any such pro- perty; that the United States shall have the right tc seek enforcement b is g judicial of this agreement; and, this agreement shall be binding upon any successor in interest of the donee and the work "donee" as used herein includes any such . successor in interest. me DATED: DONEE: di SIGNED BY: de 1 , Manager,or, City y County Judge, Superintendent, President/Chairman c the Board or comparable authorized DONEE MAILING ADDRESS: Official od de IIW TELEPHONE #AC Id A"v A_t; r(f I DONEE QUESTIONHAli J•; 1 . flow many miles is your institution from our W. stribution center in 1'or_t Worth? `.:'hat type of a;ency: State ; County ; City ; Nonprofit/Tax isxempt ; Other ( specify) ________ _ . Type of .r,,;rvic. .. provided: Educational ; Health ; Civil De-f en3e + Other ( specify) 4 . Are you the chief ado.inistrati.ve or fiscal officer for your i_nstitutt 1ri? HOW long hr:s you: i_nstituti.or, been aC'f :i:.i.n;3 p'op arty throu< h cur a ency? _ 3 .._ . ii)8tit•ic_._-. icantly cha.:?_ .t:: visitirc; 311 :?; 12 months? Have you read, and do you understand, 1-1,r,? i`.G'de 1 and state `{ certifications and agreements placed (..) the propar•ty you acquire from us? 9. Have the other people from youi institution, who are authorized ap to sign for, and/or use, federal surplus property, read t}1e certifications and agreements c,;: the property , and do they understand them? 0 , Which 3 categories of property, in order of preference, do you need the most? . 1. . ;1 which 3 cate(jories of property, if any, have we been the most lib t o you? s PijoE 2 12 . Is our service charge an accurate reflection of the property' s value? 7. f no, why? - - - rr 11. Is our service charge ths r.a icr factor you consider in deciding what property yo' will acquire irom us? 1F,. How would you compare our s c r : ce ch.arcc es to prices for compa r ate 3 property obtaiY:c from other sources? 1:e v. .. t:- m- 1`'' 11 to of 36 te. C,.r�_^c% `-•it '...t o:c'x.`;. ..T'.. other. sou re ri More t.hv . 5 of prec :. (.)711 other scu..4e '"i % Nave you e c� _'=ail. _. co tu3.w -,, �aec�,,.,_=� rot ' `` y �1 could c: c haul it back to your instit.utio:.? 17 . FIow many people inyour a := a* � �t.tior see our rc ,th�y bulletin? 10. Are these people the usual visitors to. .t:r distribution centEr': 19 . Is the information in our bu3letin helpful to you? If not, why? ,.r 20. Other Comments . ■ . p (110 DO YOU K N OW WHAT YOU AGREED TO WHEN YOU SIGNED YOUR DISTRIBUTION DOCUME„T? YOU AGREED TO USE THE SURPLUS PROPERTY ONLY IN THE OFFICIAL F , PROGRAM WHICH YOU REPRESENT. AND i YOU AGREED TO PUT THE SURPLUS PROPERTY INTO USE WITHIN ONE YEAR AND TO USE IT FOR AT LEAST ONE YEAR, AND YOU AGREED TO USE CERTAIN ITEMS FOR EIGHTEEN (18) MONTHS OR 60 AND N YOU AGREED THAT YOU WOULD NOT SELL THE PROPERTY. LOAN IT, TRADE is IT. OR TEAR IT DOWN FOR PARTS UNLESS WE GIVE YOU PERMISSION BEFCRE YOU DO IT! AND YOU AGREED TO PAY THE U. S. GOVERNMENT IF YOU DID NOT USE THE PROPERTY ACCORDING TO YOUR AGREEMENT. SUMMARY ' 1. SURPLUS PROPERTY MUST BE USED IN AN AUTHORIZED PROGRAM. i` 2. PERSONAL USE OR NON-USE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY IS NOT ALLOWED, 3. PERMISSION MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE SELLING, TRADING, OR 77 CANNIBALIZING SURPLUS PROPERTY - i 4, READ TEE BACK OF YOUR DISTRIBUTION DOCUMENTUNDERSTAND YOt,r. OBLIGATIONS. City of Southlake,Texas AMMIOMMINIMMImmir .r MEMORANDUM - = IMMIEWAVA November 13 , 1989 r TO : Curtis E . Hawk , City Manager FROM: Billy Campbell , Chief of Police dr SUBJECT : Contract with Texas Surplus Property Agency s ,d Texas Surplus Property receive used property from Federal agencies and in turn , through contractual agreements , permit . cities and other non-profit organizations to acquire these properties for little or no cost to those entities . The only obligation that the City has concerning the property that they receive is that the surplus is to be used in official programs . We must keep the property for at least r one year and cannot sell , loan , trade or tear down for parts any properties until Texas Surplus Properties agree to such . 1 The cities also contractually agree that they pay the U . S . .r Government if we do not use this property in accordance with the agreement . Property that may be acquired from Texas Surplus Property • can be : trucks , cars , lockers , desks , generators and other assorted items that are housed at their location , 2826 N . Beach Street , Fort Worth , Texas . di For eligibility we need to complete the application to the Federal Surplus Property Utilization Program . The Chief Administration Officer needs to : 1 . Sign an authorization and type in the names and titles , phone numbers , and acquire signatures di of those Department Heads that the City is requesting those properties for ; 1 iii 2 . Sign a non-discriminatory assurance pact , since we are doing business with the Federal Government and General Services Administration ; dii 3 . Fill out donee questionaire . For the most part properties housed at this facility will di not benefit the City of Southlake , but there are those items , such as blankets , mattresses , possible civil defense or emergency- type equipment , that we may very well be able to utilize . This will give us another avenue to procure needed id kme equipment . di BC/ml w