1989-11-15 City of Southlake,Texas 1 d41101 CITY OF SOU HLAKE, TEXAS 11 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING: November 15, 1989 di LOCATION: 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas 11 City Council Chambers of City Hall II TIME: 7:00 P.M. :1 AGENDA di 1. Call to order. Invocation. 11 2. Discussion: Proposed Ordinance No. 483, Subdivision Control. ii 3. Discussion: Proposed Ordinance No. 482, Drainage. 11 4. EXECUTIVE SESSION: f Pursuant to the Open Meetings Law, Article 6252-17, Section 2(e) , II Pending or Contemplated Litigations. Refer to posted list of litigations. A. Discussion: Pending or contemplated litigations. (Refer to posted list) B. Return to Open Session. 5. Consider: Action necessary in regards to litigations. (Refer to posted list) . ll6. Meeting Adjourned. ll I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the official bulletin board at city hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, Southlake, Texas, on Thursday, November 9, 1989 at 12 noon, pursuant to the Open Meetings Law, Article 6252-17 V.T.A.S. 4118/1•1-0(- OOOOOOOOOOO Sandra L. LeGrand �• c F City Secretary .i•6 ® i `-.4 :ac ! i4 * *•• • . 4 * O I