1989-10-03 CC Packet DRAFT PERIMETER STREET ORDIN1NCE GENERAL: The Perimeter Street Ordinance is designed to assist the City in building a better street network as development is occurring . It requires developers to assist in the upgrading of collector and/or arterial streets that are adjacent to the development . The Ordinance gives developers options that will improve collector and/or arterial streets leading to and paralleling the development as well as allowing flexibility • for each particular development . 4 a■ I I . COST OF PERIMETER STREETS : When any development occurs adjacent to any collector c_ arterial street , the owner of the development may choose one f of the following options for the upgrading of the adjacent ail streets : 1 . Pay a proportional fee of 50 , 000* per mile of all ar streets that are adjacent to the proposed development . This fee will be escrowed by the City and the date of construction will be determined by a the City . a 2 . Overlay with 2" of Type "D" HMAC the full width of all existing streets adjacent to the development . The minimum width of the overlay will be 24 feet "r with 6" of lime or cement stabilized subgrade . The type of stabilization will be determined by the thibr ar Director of Public Works . The overlaying will be T a completed prior to final acceptance of the 460 subdivision infrastructure . If the developer chooses this option , the City of Southlake nay require the developer to pay their proportional fee as required in Option 1 if the City determines it is in the best interest of the City . The City Council will be responsible for making that decision . 3 . If the perimeter street is proposed to be Street . "A" * * , as set forth in the Master Thoroughfare Plan , the developer will construct a 31 foot street , hack of curb to back of curb , complete with drainage r. facilities . The owner of the development will 1 e required to pay for all construction , engineering , r testing , and inspection costs . Any development occurring adjacent to an existing curb and Qum two lane street that has been installed by a previous developer shall reimburse the previous developer , through the City of Southlake , an amount s equal to 1 /2 of the total cost of the street. 4 . If the perimeter street is proposed as Street B or "C" ** , as required by the Master Thoroughfare Plan , the developer will build two lanes complete with drainage , and dedicate additional right-of-wad.' as required by the Master Thoroughfare Plan . Ifw this option is chosen , the City will reimburse the developer 1 /6 of the total cost of the street by crediting the developer up to 1 /2 of the development fees required by the City . If 1 /6 of the total cost of the street is more than l / 2 of the development fees , the City will not pay the difference to the developer . 5 . If the perimeter street is proposed to be a four s lane street or greater , as required by the taste_ Thoroughfare Plan , Developer I will build Street "E" ** or "C"* * , including drainage , and dedicate his r portion of the right-of-way as required by the Master Thoroughfare Plan . The City will reimburse r Developer (I ) 1 / 3 of the total cost of the street by crediting Developer I up to 1 /2 of the development fees required by the City . If 1 /3 of the total cost of the street is more than 1 / 2 of the development fees , the City will not pay the difference tc the developer . It is the Technical Review Committee ' s intent that the City pay 1 / 3 of the cost of street sections "B" or "C" . However , it became obviousthat this approach was not feasible because of the City ' s limited funds and therefore , Options 4 and 5 were developed . Example : -Developer I pays $600 , 000 for a four lane street -1 /2 of Developer I fees is $50 , 000 which is credited to Developer I // -Developer I has paid $600 , 000 -$50 , 000= $550 , 000 -Developer II will pay $600 , 000/2= $300 , 000 -Developer II pays $ 300 , 000 to Developer I making Developer I ' s paid portion to be $550 , 000- r. $300 , 000=$250 , 000 -Developer II development fees is $40 , 000 -Developer II will have paid $300 , 000- $40 , 000= $260 , 000 •, . • -Developer I ' s costs are $250 , 000 1r —Developer II ' s costs are $260 , 000 1rr DEFINITIONS : Developers Fees= All fees associated with the platting c= the development * This fee will be reviewed annually to insure that it is at least equal to construct 2" of Type "D" HMAC Imo and 6" of lime or cement stabilized subgrade complete ilr inplace . ** Street "A" 31 ' pavement in 50 ' right-of-way Street "B" 44 ' pavement in 64 ' right-of-way w, Street "C" 64 ' pavement in 84 ' right-of-way w ker air Ow SEWER PRORATA _ DRAFT COPY I - .. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE I I . General : 11 I The intent of this Ordinance is to allow developers to install sewer interceptor lines to service their development Iand recover that portion of their investment that exceeds the capacity of their development within a specified, period of I time . It will be the City of Southlake ' s responsibility to maintain adequate records of each interceptor line and future I developments connecting to the interceptor line and properly Itdisburse the funds as required by this Ordinance . III . Drainage Basins : The City of Southlake will develop and maintain . a map of the ICity of Southlake that will delineate drainage basin areas . Each drainage basin area will have sewer interceptor lines that are designed to serve each area and will be the basis IIfor the development and location of interceptor lines to be installed by each development. 0 II III . Installation of Interceptors : II. When a development is planned in a drainage basin that does not have an existing interceptor sewer line , the developer will be responsible for the installation of the `l_ �, i .. B. Time of Reimbursement The City of Southlake will be responsible for the ... administration of all reimbursement monies that a development is due . The developer will have a period of 10 (ten) years after completion and acceptance of the interceptor line to recover the cost of the interceptor , less their prorata cost . After 10 (ten) years has lapsed , no monies will be e. refunded to the developer. C. Oversizing sir► Any developer installing an interceptor line larger than the capacity required for that development will be reimburses ON for the difference in cost of the oversizing by the City cf Southlake . The City will have 5 (five) years to pay the developer for the difference in cost of the oversizing. The 4' r City will pay the cost difference of the oversizing throuch credits to the developer up to 50% of the development fees r for each development and/or phase of development or with cash. Any balance owed at the end of 5 years will be paid in III full at that time. D. Custodian of Reimbursement ,, It will be the responsibility of the City of Southlake to be the custodian of all prorata sewer reimbursement functions . Mr All monies paid to the City of Southlake for prorata UP reimbursement will be calculated by the Director of Public Caw Works and distributed by the Finance Officer . //- / • interceptor and to pay all costs associated with the " o installation of that line . The costs would include but not be limited to engineering , surveying , testing , easement . preparation , acquisition , and inspection . The developer installing an interceptor sewer line will have the opportunity of recovering a portion of the interceptor cost e as other development occurs within that drainage area . . If a development occurs within a drainage basin, where the interceptor sewer has been installed , then the developer . would be required to pay their prorata cost of that line as . defined in Section IV " Prorata Cost of Intercepters" of this Ordinance . . CawIV. Prorata Cost of Interceptors : . A . Prorata Cost Defined Each development within a drainage basin will pay their prorata cost of all interceptor sewer lines from their connection point to the termination point . The termination point will be decided by the City of Southlake . The prorata . cost for each development is determined on a cost per acre basis by calculating the proportional area of the development . to the area served by each interceptor sewer line , from the point of connection to the termination point , times the total cost of each interceptor . Total cost of the interceptor shall include construction , engineering , surveying , easement al Siw preparation and acquisition and inspection cost . An example ..r of how the prorata cost of a development is calculated i :. shown on Exhibit A. //-- a • • s-• re' . • .... , . I, -.- 1 i L.:.; ' o••• . .. .„:•.4 ..".I ..... • '. . — ..... _ _ ' 4... e • • • .....:. .,. .•,...• • • ...r 1 —___:. ,..- ,,,,-.• .. ft4,.. . . 1 I . 1% •I i 1 .. •. ••• V.'. • " :. ; „111 ..-- WO 941 " • . I ... . • 'PO ..... 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ASSOCIATES . fr1GINlfRS► IlA1414111S WORK SHEET - ' 2011 [.LAMAR BLVD.,SUIT[ 200 A01LI0/GT0N,T2 7600(. (817)460-2111 114•114 265-7948 ' BY DATE SUBJECT SHEET NO OF ;HKD.BY DATE JOB NO. it V, -1tiA.1_ t...Z7 1.- of f. - 3 - `moo It' CV '1,ZSt VZ%1-.)c C 'To :L \�%Cris ?5o = Z`=\.er)° c- A- "3 C.o ii, ` n C. \Z." L -- � . . Li. nao ,r cZ�,'-o�L.ss^,c�o 0_. "CC 7- \ .. S � c.I ft Sp" 2 s tj = \A CT t--Z ` 1 _ r_ tj►` ` �C'�`"ALE �,C ��� -'�,�x�� t: L'Ac, 0 CrA:::‘ 7.- l 1?-- N\•p-\ e-lbgV)TLC'L C:::7Z a-'Z = ~'S p ) .= at 3 Cq vZS = 3 1.o:7d '- -o ft 3 D - $ti,,, P S*. t L 3 lam,, -_� ,c,�`. '� \-' I v //r I- s� - 'Sc� ,Zub ENGINEERS / PLANNERS CHEATHAM S. ASSOCIATES 1NOINIIRSi _arIPHNiRS WORK SHEET :on [ LAMAR BLVD.,fUITC ZOO ARLINGTOM,TX 711004 1617)460-2111 Y•1re 265-79,46 + ' 1111rBT DATE SUBJECT SHE ET NO. OF CHKD. BY DATE JOB NO. A \C/ CUT.. S _ \ V fl O 7T>. L_ `,p/-1 S = 133)a 'D 4 iLc - 4 4 1 .-lay s :- r 1��a� , oL' La _ li 1- C{�4-7 s, c a 4 LA.s/t-z, -.: if,1")„ c-7-.-- --7--c-..--- ma's/....t `- ?-1 o7, >, tom: A 43( a e C)4P.. .:: Ct,ir)0 L. .>0 c::. -= z1/4.,:1,L. c=, ,e_m z 4.`Z S o a /-- / j ENGINEERS / PLANNERS CHEATHAM C. ASSOCIATES • [NGINURS -- WORK SHEET 2o11 E.LAMAR OLVO.,SuITL TOO ARLINGTON,TX 76006 t/171•60-21I1 Y•Ir• 2S5 7P4• 11111110"BY DATE SUBJECT SHE ET NO. 4 OF CHKD. BY DATE JOB NO. 11r p t7� O Lm L • 41 • e, — 1J I oO v = j jgo 4L s � D „ c, r,.. - 6 = 7po0 o 4 4-7 = 0 s0 /i 6 Z z, zso 11) /j- /vim (CITY) GOODE AIRPORT ENTERPRISES. INC. 1953 W SOUTHLAKE BLVD. SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 10-1-89 481-3678 +err V ESOUTHLAKE CITY MAYOR EFS' CT r 1989 um 667 N. CARROLL ROAD SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 OFFICE OF IP CITY SECRETARY rig DEAR HONORABLE MAYOR GARY FICKES : WHILE AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DISCUSSING THE ADDITION OF THE "CONTINENTAL JOINT VENTURES" HOUSING PROJECT JUST SOUTH di OF GOODE AIRPORT I BECAME AWARE OF THE FACT THAT THE LAST CHANGE IN THE ZONING MAP FOR THE CITY WAS IN SLIGHT ERROR. +r THE NORTHERN PORTION OF THE AIRPORT HAS BEEN IN THE CITY FOR A NUMBER OF YEARS. THE SOUTHERN PORTION OF THE AIRPORT HAS BEEN IN THE COUNTY UP UNTIL THE TIME SOUTHLAKE REACHED OUT AND TOOK IT (DURING THE LAST ANNEXATION) . IT WOULD APPEAR THAT THERE HAS BEEN A SLIGHT OVERSIGHT WHEN THE NEW ZONING MAPS WERE DRAWN--THAT IS, THE PORTION THAT WAS IN THE COUNTY SHOULD HAVE BEEN ADDED TO THE EXISTING CITY PORTION OF THE AIRPORT. I BELIEVE THAT THE CITY MAP SHOULD SHOW THE AIRPORT IN ITS TRUE SCALE m SO THAT ANYONE CONCERNED ABOUT THE AIRPORT COULD GET A REALISTIC ICTURE OF THE AIRPORT SIZE. PLEASE CHANGE THE ZONING OF THE SOUTHERN PORTION OF THE AIRPORT TO CORRESPOND TO THE NORTHERN PORTION. THE ZONING SHOULD BE INDUSTRIAL INSTEAD OF AGRICULTURAL. IN A FEW YEARS PAST I DEEDED (DEED OF TRUST) ALL OF THE LAND FROM FARM TO MARKET 1709 TO CONTINENTAL BLVD AS AIRPORT LAND TO THE TARRANT COUNTY TAX DEPARTMENT. THE TEXAS LEGISLATURE PASSED A LAW A NUMBER OF YEARS AGO WHICH s GAVE PROPERTY TAX RELIEF TO PRIVATE AIRPORTS WHICH WERE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC-- IF THEY WOULD STAY OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FOR AT LEAST A PERIOD OF TEN YEARS. I AM COMPLYING WITH THE TEXAS LAW AND AM USING THIS PROPERTY FOR THE AIRPORT. THE AIRPORT PROPERTY EXTENDS FROM FM 1709 ALL OF THE WAY TO CONTINENTAL BLVD. --PLEASE ADJUST THE CITY ZONING MAP ACCORDINGLY. rr FEEL FREE TO CALL ON ME IF YOU DESIRE ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. SINCERELY, - TIOWB GOODE .NIN400/' :1(.1:, , , A M001 . 4Y r. * c �R „N.- L1 k , ' ',,. • ' ' ' ' .,---c ot 7'. ' 4, ;'. ,i, L , ,y � y ly] z-]' �rill µby . � p 4 / , ' '‘‘' t, 1.frokev.'' .' e fik0 . A wM M f t: . 44,.. City ii. i outh1ake %_ ` .... liii hras . THE NORTHEAST MALL AND MERCHANTS . have r,cognized October 6, 7 , and 8 , 1989, as CARE FAIR DAYS OF ORTEAST TARRANT COUNTY; and, . WHEREAS , in association with the area Police, Fire, Emergency Medical Services , and Medical facilities , for the purpose of promoting, education, and raising the awareness of public safety in all citizens; and, WHEREAS , it . is everyones responsibility to practice fire, crime , and drug prevention, as well as support these agencies . in their efforts to enrich our communities . NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the Mayor and each of these represented cities in Northeast Tarrant County, do hereby proclaim October 6 , 7 , and 8 , 1989 as : CARE FAIR DAYS . Lin Northeast Tarrant County, Texas , and encourage all citizens of our grand community to participate in the activities and . displays of "CARE F IR 1 " Mayor, ity of South.[u.k.e City Secretary \, - .�yr' '. �= J I % _ I:0 r