JUNE 26, 1995
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman, Kosse Maykus; Vice-Chairman, Michael Lease.
Members: Eddie Pierce, David Carpenter, Chuck Fettinger, Bobby Harrell.
STAFF PRESENT: Director of Public Works, Bob Whitehead; Fire Chief, Jerry Williams; Fire
Marshall, Roger Stewart; Building Official, Paul Ward; Plans Examiner, Chuck Bloomberg;
Secretary, Debbie Coomer; and City Attorney, Besty Elam.
Agenda Item #2, Approval of the Minutes
Alternate Bobby Harrell made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting,
May 22, 1995 as amended. With no objections the Chair deemed the minutes approved.
Agenda Item #3, Administrative Comments
BBA Case #010 was discussed.
Agenda Item #4. BBA Case #011
BBA Case # 011, Appeal of Decision of Building Official regarding fire sprinkler system for
Southlake Church of Christ at 2501 W. Southlake Blvd. Owner: Southlake Church of Christ.
At the commencement of this agenda item, Board Member Michael Lease left the council table.
Alternate Bobby Harrell filled his place as a voting member of the Board. The city position was
presented by Building Official Paul Ward and Plans Examiner Charles Bloomberg. Architect
Roger Blake presented the case for the Applicant. Director of Fire Services Jerry Williams
answered questions regarding fire safety issues. The Board discussed many factors that created
a unique situation and influenced their decision, including among other things the fact that the
building will be a church and will only be used to full capacity during waking hours one or two
days a week, and the fact that the Applicant had raised and expended funds relying on the previous
ordinance that did not require sprinklers for this type of building. The Board discussed that
although any one of the eight items submitted by the Applicant may not be equivalent to a
sprinkler system, taken as a whole, the items provided more than adequate safety for the building
and occupants.
JUNE 26, 1995
Agenda Item #4. BBA Case #011. cont.
Eight Items Submitted by Blake Architects, June 14, 1995:
1. The main level of the Auditorium being constructed is a total of 7,848 s.f... A 2-hour
fire separation wall will be constructed to separate the Main Assembly Area from the
Foyer / Office Area. This separates out 2,395 s. f. leaving the main assembly area less
than 6,000 s.f., or at 5.453 s. f..
2. A smoke detection system will be added to the Fire-Alarm System and 24 hour
monitored by a Company equal to ADT Alarm Systems.
3. The facility is completely constructed of steel and concrete (no wood construction) for
a higher firerated class of construction.
4. The distance to any exit in the Building is less than 75 feet. This is half of what is
allowed in NON-SPRINKLED buildings.
5. The Church is in full agreement that no part of this Facility shall be used as a day-care.
6. All movable and permanent seating shall be of fire-retardant materials.
7. It is understood by the Church that the next phase building attached to this building on
the East side would be required to be sprinkled.
8. One additional window unit shall be added to the southeast corner of the facility for
fire personnel access.
A motion was made by Chuck Fettinger to approve the Applicants' appeal and find that the eight
items offered (plus a requirement that the church will never be used for overnight sleeping)
comply with the Building Code and are, for the purpose intended, equivalent in suitability,
strength, effectiveness, fire resistance and durability. The motion was seconded by Bobby
Harrell. The motion passed, 5-0.
Agenda Item #5. Proposed Amendment to Contractor Registration Ordinance.
The Contractor Registration Ordinance was discussed. No action was taken by the Board at this
JUNE 26, 1995
Agenda Item #6, Adjournment
With no objections the Chair deemed the meeting adjourned.
Meeting Adjourned 8:50 P.M.
Aosse Ma s Chairman
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Debbie Coomer
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I , /17/6=A4;ia ( /1. 1 c� / itts&r�i LGkJ€ 0 /cJi"sas a member of the ma this affidavit and hereby on oath state the ollo - I ,
and/of- person or persons related to me , have a stantial
interest in ' ness entity that would b arly affected by
a vote or decision o as
those terms are defined in Ch r 171 , rexd5 Government Code.
The business enti
(name and address)
I have a substantial interest in this business entity for the
following reasons: (Check all which are applicable)
Ownership :,f 13% of more of the voting stock or
shares of the business entity.
Ownership of 10% or more or $5 ,000 or more of the
fair market value of the business entity.
Funds received from the business entity exceed 10%
of gross income for the previous year.
Real property is involved and
have an equitable or legal ownership with a fair
market value of at least $2 ,500 .
A relative of mine has a substantial interest in the
business entity or property that would be affected
by a decision of the public body of which I am a
Upon filing of this affidavit with the City Secretary, I affirm
that I will abstain from voting on any decision involving this
business entity and from any further participation on this matter
Signed this ?‘.2 day of „1 f,(/OL_. , 19 .
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BEFORE ME ) )igned authority, this day personally appeared
and on oath stated that the
facts hereinabove stated are true to the best of
knowledge or belief.
Sworn to d subscribed to bore me on this?at day of
t YN u
° SANDRA L LEGRAND Notary Public in and for
'or '40 ,- )* NOTARY PUBLIC the State of Texas
*,I.�.`F. State of Texas
Comm, Exp,02.04-97 n J of I. J „ /r �.
My Commission a/ A� h.G(J� �/G2�
a• / 9 7 Type/Print Notary' s Name