1995-05-22 •
MAY 22, 1995
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman, Kosse Maykus; Vice-Chairman, Michael Lease. Members:
Don Light, Eddie Pierce, Chuck Fettinger, Bobby Harrell.
MEMBERS ABSENT: David Carpenter.
STAFF PRESENT: Director of Public Works, Bob Whitehead; Building Official, Paul Ward;
Code Enforcement Officer, Roger Stewart; Fire Marshall, Glenda Jaynes; Secretary, Debbie
Coomer; and City Attorney, Besty Elam.
Agenda Item #2, Approval of the Minutes
A motion was made to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting, May 22, 1995 as written.
With no objections the Vice-Chair, Michael Lease, deemed the minutes approved.
Agenda Item #3, Administrative Comments
Glenda Jaynes gave update on cases #005 - #007.
Agenda Item #4, BBA Case #008
BBA Case # 008, Substandard Building, being 4000 T. W. King. Tract 21, Abstract 992D out
of the R. D. Price Survey. Location: On the west side of T. W. King Rd. in the 400Q Block.
Owner: W. B. Downing
Staff presentation was by Paul Ward, Building Official. The findings for this property were:
(3-4) (house, shed's, storm cellar) with the status being abandoned, unoccupied, and unsecured
according to the Inspection Report dated 05/10/95. Photograph's were presented at the hearing.
Fire Marshall, Roger Stewart determined the structure to be a fire hazard and unfit for human
habitation, that is a hazard to public health and safety. Because it is infeasible of repair the
Building Official recommends the property owner demolish or remove the building within 30
Agenda Item #4, BBA Case #008, cont.
Code enforcement Officer, Glenda Jaynes sent notice to the property owner. Sandra LeGrand,
the City Secretary filed notice with Tarrant County.
D. Ekstrom contacted the city on behalf of the deceased owner, W. B. Downing. He was not
present at the hearing. There was no other person wishing to speak either in favor or in
opposition of the request.
A motion based upon evidence presented at the hearing was made that there is violation of
standards set forth by Ordinance 615 and that defects and conditions exist to the extent that life,
health, property or safety of the public are endangered; further we find that it is infeasible for the
building to be repaired and therefore order the building demolished within 30 days, and the entire
site be cleared of all structures.
Motion: Don Light
Second: Chuck Fettinger
Ayes: Light, Lease, Pierce, Fettinger, Harrell,
Nays: None
Approved: 5 - 0 vote
Agenda Item #5.
BBA Case #009, Substandard Building, being Tract 4C01, Abstract 299 out of the Absolom H.
Chivers Survey. Location: North side of E. Highland Blvd. in the 700-800 Blk at the intersection
of Hwy. 114. Owner: D/FW - Hwy 114/Highland LTD.
Staff presentation was by Paul Ward, Building Official. The findings for this property were: (3)
(house, shed's) with the status being abandoned, unoccupied, and unsecured according to the
Inspection Report dated 05/10/95. Photograph's were presented at the hearing. Fire Marshall,
Roger Stewart determined the structure to be a fire hazard and unfit for human habitation, that
is a hazard to public health and safety. Because it is infeasible of repair the Building Official
recommends the property owner demolish or remove the building within 30 days.
Code enforcement Officer, Glenda Jaynes sent notice to the property owner. Sandra LeGrand,
the City Secretary filed notice with Tarrant County.
Agenda Item #5. BBA Case #009, cont.
David Hardy, trustee was present. There was no other person wishing to speak either in favor
or in opposition of the request.
A motion based upon evidence presented at the hearing was made that there is violation of
standards set forth by Ordinance 615 and that defects and conditions exist to the extent that life,
health, property or safety of the public are endangered; further we find that it is infeasible for the
building to be repaired and therefore order the building demolished within 30 days, and the entire
site be cleared of all structures.
Motion: Michael Lease
Second: Don Light
Ayes: Maykus, Light, Lease, Pierce, Fettinger, Harrell,
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0 vote
Agenda Item #6,
BBA Case #010, Substandard Building, being 510 E. Northwest Pkwy (SH114). Tract 3B,
Abstract 300 out of the Larkin H. Chivers Survey. Location: Next to 320 E. State Hwy 114.
Owner: W. B. Downing.
Staff presentation was by Paul Ward, Building Official. The findings for this property were: (2)
(house, barn/garage) with the status being abandoned, unoccupied, and unsecured according to
the Inspection Report dated 03/24/95. Photograph's were presented at the hearing. Fire
Marshall, Roger Stewart determined the structure to be a fire hazard and unfit for human
habitation, that is a hazard to public health and safety. The Building Official recommended the
Board to order the property owner to obtain required permits before making repairs to bring the
structures into compliance. Mr. Ward also recommended the garage to be demolished due to its
dilapidated condition. The structure shall not be occupied by any one until all inspections are
approved by the Building Dept. and all trash is removed from the property. The removal of the
garage and all necessary repairs to the remaining structure shall be completed with in 30 days.
Code enforcement Officer, Glenda Jaynes sent notice to the property owner. Sandra LeGrand,
the City Secretary filed notice with Tarrant County.
Agenda Item #006. BBA Case #010 cont.
David Hardy, trustee was present and requested 30 days for tenant to make repairs. There was
no other person wishing to speak either in favor or in opposition of the request.
A motion based upon evidence presented at the hearing was made that there is violation of
standards set forth by Ordinance 615 and that defects and conditions exist to the extent that life,
health, property or safety of the public are endangered; further we will allow 30 days for repairs
and direct the property owner to present a plan at the next meeting of the board if repairs are not
completed with in 30 days. The motion included a statement reserving the right of the board to
order that the building be demolished if the buildings are not repaired to the standards established
in Ordinance 615. If structure is not repaired we immediately therefore order the building
secured, demolished, and the entire site be cleared of all structures.
Motion: Don Light
Second: Michael Lease
Ayes: Maykus, Light, Lease, Pierce, Fettinger, Harrell,
Nays: None
Approved: 6 - 0 vote
Agenda Item #7. Adjournment
With no objections the Chair deemed the meeting adjourned.
Meeting Adjourned 8:10 P.M.
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