February 27, 1995
MEMBERS PRESENT: Kosse Maykus, Chairman; Michael Lease, Vice-Chairman. Members:
Don Light, Eddie Pierce, Bobby Harrell, David Carpenter.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Chuck Fettinger
STAFF PRESENT: Director of Public Works, Bob Whitehead; Building Official, Paul Ward;
Fire Marshall, Roger Stweart; Code Enforcement Officer, Glenda Jaynes; Secretary, Debbie
Coomer; and City Attorney, Besty Elam.
Agenda Item #2, Approval of the Minutes
A motion was made to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting, January 23, 1995 as
amended. With no objections the Chair deemed the minutes approved.
Agenda Item #3, Administrative Comments
No Comments.
Agenda Item #4, BBA Case #001.
BBA Case # 001, Substandard Building, being Lot 5 - B, W. E. Mayfield Subdivision.
Location: South side of State Hwy. 114 in the 2700 block just West of Austin Place. Owner:
Conner Lam.
Staff presentation was by Paul Ward, Building Official. Findings for this property were: one
(1) house and one (1) shed with the status being abandoned, unoccupied, and unsecured
according to the Inspection Report dated 01/31/95. Photograph's and a location map were
presented at the hearing. Fire Marshall, Roger Stewart has determined the structure to be a fire
hazard, unfit for human habitation, and is a hazard to public health and safety. Because it is
infeasible to repair, the Building Official recommends the property owner demolish or remove
the building within 30 days.
Mr. Conner Lam was not present and there were no other representatives present for this item.
Code Enforcement Officer, Glenda Jaynes sent notice to the property owner. Sandra LeGrand,
the City Secretary filed notice with Tarrant County. Mr. Lam, owner responded by phone of
his plans to hire a contractor to demolish and remove these structures. A demolition permit
#14987 was taken out on 02/27/95.
Regular Meeting of the Building Board of Appeals Page 2
February 27, 1995
There was no other person wishing to speak either in favor or in opposition of the request.
Pursuant to the findings set forth in this case, a motion was made that the building is in
violation of the standards set forth in Ordinance No. 615 and the defects or conditions exist to
the extent that the life, health, property or safety of the public (or occupants of the building) are
endangered. We, the board, find that the building is infeasible of repair and therefore order the
building demolished or removed within 30 days.
Motion: Michael Lease
Second: Bobby Harrell
Ayes: Light, Lease, Pierce, Harrell, Maykus
Nays: None
Vote: 5-0
Agenda Item #5, BBA CASE #002.
BBA Case # 002, Substandard Building, being Tract 3E, Abstract 695 out of the W. W. Hall
Survey and further known as; 710 E. Southlake Blvd. Location: North side of E. Southlake
Blvd. (F. M. 1709) just east of Diamond Blvd. Owner: Homei Liao.
Staff presentation was by Paul Ward, Building Official. Findings for this property were: one
(1) house and one (1) shed with the status being abandoned, unoccupied, and semi-secured
according to the Inspection Report dated 02/09/95. The property is currently zoned "C-1"
Neighborhood Commercial which does not allow a "hay barn" type use. Photograph's and a
location map were presented at the hearing. Fire Marshall, Roger Stewart has determined the
structure to be a fire hazard, unfit for human habitation, and is a hazard to public health and
safety. Because it is infeasible to repair the Building Official recommends the property owner
demolish or remove the building within 30 days.
Mr. Homei Liao, owner of the property was present.
Code Enforcement Officer, Glenda Jaynes sent notice to the property owner. Sandra LeGrand,
the City Secretary filed notice with Tarrant County. Mr. Liao, commented that he allows Mr.
Aubrey Smith to utilize the house as a "hay barn", but has no problem with demolishing the
structure(s) if necessary.
There was no other person wishing to speak either in favor or in opposition of the request.
Regular Meeting of the Building Board of Appeals Page 3
February 27, 1995
Pursuant to the findings set forth in this case, a motion was made that the building is in
violation of the standards set forth in Ordinance No. 615 and the defects or conditions exist to
the extent that the life, health, property or safety of the public (or occupants of the building) are
endangered. We, the board, find that the building is infeasible of repair and therefore order the
building demolished or removed within 30 days.
Motion: Michael Lease
Second: Bobby Harrell
Ayes: Light, Lease, Pierce, Harrell, Maykus
Nays: None
Vote: 5-0
Agenda Item #6, BBA CASE #003.
BBA Case # 003, Substandard Building, being Tract 6D, Abstract 706 out of the T. M. Hood
Survey and further known as: 1310 North White Chapel Blvd. Location: West of N. White
Chapel Blvd. between State Hwy. 114 and W. Highland St. Owner: Mrs. E. J. Bryant.
Staff presentation was by Paul Ward, Building Official. Findings for this property were: one
(1) house and one (1) shed with the status being abandoned, unoccupied, and unsecured
according to the Inspection Report dated 12/13/94. Photograph's and a location map were
presented at the hearing. Fire Marshall, Roger Stewart has determined the structure to be a fire
hazard, unfit for human habitation, and is a hazard to public health and safety. Because it is
infeasible of repair the Building Official recommends the property owner demolish or remove
the building within 30 days.
Mrs. Bryant was not present and no other representatives were present at the meeting for this
Code Enforcement Officer, Glenda Jaynes sent notice to the property owner. Sandra LeGrand,
the City Secretary filed notice with Tarrant County. Glenda Jaynes commented that Mrs. Bryant
moved into a nursing home eight years ago. The granddaughter of Mrs. Bryant, Ms. Cheryl
Pond called and said that her grandmother is 95 years old and is not financially able to cover
any expenses incurred on this property. Mrs. Pond expressed that because of the financial
situation, they would like to authorize the City to proceed with the abatement of the structures's
with an agreement to pay the debt from the estate funds upon the sell of the property.
There was no other person wishing to speak either in favor or in opposition of the request.
Regular Meeting of the Building Board of Appeals Page 4
February 27, 1995
Pursuant to the findings set forth in this case, a motion was made that the building is in violation
of the standards set forth in Ordinance No. 615 and the defects or conditions exist to the extent
that the life, health, property or safety of the public (or occupants of the building) are
endangered. We, the board, find that the building is infeasible of repair and therefore order the
building demolished or removed within 30 days.
Motion: Bobby Harrell
Second: Don Light
Ayes: Light, Lease, Pierce, Harrell, Maykus
Nays: None
Vote: 5-0
Agenda Item #7, BBA CASE #004.
BBA Case # 004, Substandard Building, being Lot 18, Block 1, West Beach Addition and
further known as: Bass Drive. Location: East on Bass Drive, last house on the north side.
Owner: Katherine Redmon.
Staff presentation was by Paul Ward, Building Official. Findings for this property were: one
(1) house and one (1) shed with the status being abandoned, unoccupied, and unsecured
according to the Inspection Report dated 12/13/94. Two years ago the city worked with Mrs.
Redmon on temporary electric service till she could find residence and move out. Photograph's
and a location map were presented at the hearing. Fire Marshall, Roger Stewart has determined
the structure to be a fire hazard, unfit for human habitation, and it is a hazard to public health
and safety. He questioned the safety of the propane lines underground to the building and
commented that the chimney was very hazardous and might come down any time. Because it
is infeasible of repair, the Building Official recommends the property owner to demolish or
remove the building within 30 days.
Katherine Redmon was not present and there were no other representatives were present for this
Code Enforcement Officer, Glenda Jaynes sent notice to the property owner. Sandra LeGrand,
the City Secretary filed notice with Tarrant County. Mrs. Jaynes commented that Mr. Henry
Redmon (son), called and explained that his mother is in the nursing home and he would be
representing her. Mr. Redmon wanted bid information on demolishing the building. He said
he would contact his brother when he obtained this information. The Code Enforcement officer
gave him the price of two (2) dollars per square foot, with a average 1,500 square foot home
costing about $3,000.
There was no other person wishing to speak either in favor or in opposition of the request.
Regular Meeting of the Building Board of Appeals Page 5
February 27, 1995
Pursuant to the findings set forth in this case, a motion was made that the building is in
violation of the standards set forth in Ordinance No. 615 and the defects or conditions exist to
the extent that the life, health, property or safety of the public (or occupants of the building) are
endangered. We, the board, find that the building is infeasible of repair and therefore order the
building demolished or removed within 30 days. Due to the immediate danger of the tilted
chimney the board recommends this case be sent to City Council for immediate action.
Motion: Bobby Harrell
Second: Michael Lease
Ayes: Light, Lease, Pierce, Harrell, Maykus
Nays: None
Vote: 5-0
Agenda Item #8, BBA CASE #005.
BBA Case # 005, Substandard Building, being Lot 23, Block 2, West Beach Addition and
further known as: Bass Drive. Location: East on Bass Drive, last house on the south side.
Owner: Louise Watts.
Staff presentation was by Paul Ward, Building Official. Findings for this property were: one
(1) house with the status being abandoned, unoccupied, and unsecured according to the
Inspection Report dated 12/13/94. Photograph's and a location map were presented at the
hearing. Fire Marshall, Roger Stewart has determined the structure to be a fire hazard, unfit
for human habitation, and it is a hazard to public health and safety. Because it is infeasible of
repair the Building Official recommends the property owner demolish or remove the building
within 30 days.
Louise Watts was not present and there were no other representatives present at the meeting for
this item.
Code Enforcement Officer, Glenda Jaynes sent notice to the property owner. Sandra LeGrand,
the City Secretary filed notice with Tarrant County. Mrs. Jaynes commented that she has
spoken with the son of Mrs. Watts by phone and he is aware that the structure needs to be
removed and has indicated that he will proceed to demolish it.
There was no other person wishing to speak either in favor or in opposition of the request.
Regular Meeting of the Building Board of Appeals Page 6
February 27, 1995
Pursuant to the findings set forth in this case, a motion was made that the building is in
violation of the standards set forth in Ordinance No. 615 and the defects or conditions exist to
the extent that the life, health, property or safety of the public (or occupants of the building) are
endangered. We, the board, find that the building is infeasible of repair and therefore order the
building demolished or removed within 30 days. Due to tilting of the dilapidated structure the
board recommends this case be sent to City Council for immediate action.
Motion: Bobby Harrell
Second: Michael Lease
Ayes: Light, Lease, Pierce, Harrell, Maykus
Nays: None
Vote: 5-0
Agenda Item #9, Adjournment.
With no objections the Chair deemed the meeting adjourned.
Meeting Adjourned 8:10 P.M.
++++++++++++++++++++++ , ..++++++++++++++++
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>fosse MaykC ,' Chairman
Debbie Coomer, Secretary
C:I wpodocs l appeals I min.227