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1997-12-15 City of Southlake,Texas SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Monday, December 15, 1997 6:00 p.m. LOCATION: City Hall, Council Chambers 667 North Carroll Avenue * Southlake, Texas AGENDA: 1. Call to order. 2. Executive Session: Pursuant to Open Meeting Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.072, land acquisition. 3. Reconvene: Action necessary on items discussed in executive session CONSENT: 4. Approval of the November 17, 1997 meeting minutes 5. Authorization to bid ball field lights for fields #1 and #3 at Bicentennial Park 6. Authorization to bid replacement fences for fields #4 and #5 at Bicentennial Park 7. Award of bid for parking lot construction at Bob Jones Park 8. Award of bid for fence construction at Bob Jones Park 9. Matching funds request from Dick Johnson for a Senior Tree Farm Project CONSIDER: 10. Matching funds request from KSB - Waterscape 11. Professional services contract amendment with Cheatham and Associates for Bob Jones Park Phase I, Part B - Grant Project City of Southlake,Texas Southlake Parks Development Corporation Meeting Agenda for December 15, 1997 Page 2 DISCUSS: 12. Financial Report/Budget 13. Status Report of SPDC Projects 14. Adjournment CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the Official Bulletin Boards at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, and 1725 E. Southlake Boulevard, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, December 12, 1997 at 6:00 p.m. p``s ,��o the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. OF Sp&�y''� / ti Sandra L. LeGrand �'��` d/�`�� City Secretary ������t��tittnut$�����`` If you plan to attend this meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please advise the City Secretary 48 hours in advance at 481-5581, extension 704, and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. D:\W D-FILES\SPDC\AGENDAS\97-12-15.DOC\kb • City of Southlake,Texas t ! MEMORANDUM December 10, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Kim Lenoir, Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT: Authorization to bid ball field lights for fields #1 and #3 at Bicentennial Park and authorization to bid replacement fences for fields #4 and #5 at Bicentennial Park The Southlake Park Development Corporation (SPDC) needs to consider authorizing staff to advertise for bids for Bicentennial Park ballfield lights and fences. City Council will also need to approve action taken by SPDC at their meeting Tuesday, December 16. Both of these items were budgeted this year by SPDC during the City budget process for FY 1997-98. The replacement ballfield lights for Fields #1 and #3 are estimated to cost $45,000 and $40,000 respectively. These are the only two fields remaining with substandard lighting in Bicentennial Park. The bid will include new taller poles which will solve the glare problems documented by Diamond Circle Estates Homeowners as well as the glare for those who enter the park off of North White Chapel. The poles will also be relocated to provide quality lighting for the players on the field. The light fixtures will match the standard fixture now available in Bicentennial Park and all lights will be shielded to reduce spillover lighting into the neighborhoods. Sport lighting engineers are assisting staff in preparing the specifications. As you know, Field #1 is the joint-use CHS Girls Softball Field; therefore, our goal is to have the new lighting installed in time for their season which begins in late February. The new fencing will replace the temporary fencing that was installed three (3) years ago on Fields #4 and #5 These fields are t-ball and coach pitch fields. The quality grade of the fencing will be brought up to the standard found on all other fields at Bicentennial Park. These two fields are the only fences which need to be upgraded in Bicentennial Park. Our goal is to have the fencing completed in time for the spring baseball season which begins in March. If you have any questions please contact me at 481-5581, extension 757 or Ben Henry at extension 848. KL S AN d 1:› • -- City of Southlake,Texas I MEMORANDUM December 10, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Kim Lenoir, Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT: Award of bid for parking lot construction at Bob Jones Park On Wednesday, December 10, bids for the paving of the parking lots at Bob Jones Park were opened. The engineers estimated the cost to be $363,000. SPDC had budgeted $300,000. Twelve (12) qualified bids were received (bid tabulation attached). The bids have been reviewed and references checked. Staff recommends the low bid from J.L. Bertram Construction and Engineering, Inc. at $248,970.34. This price includes a four inch (4") asphalt base with concrete curbing as recommended by SPDC. If you have any questions please contact me at 481-5581, extension 757 or Ben Henry at extension 848. KL Attached: Bid Tabulation 7_i CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES December 11, 1997 Ms. Kim Lenoir Director of Parks and Recreation City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 Re: City of Southlake Proposed Park Improvements Bob Jones Park-Phase 1B Parking Lot Paving Improvements Engineer's Project No. 001-938 Dear Ms. Lenoir: We transmit herewith for your use and records, the detailed tabulation of bids received on December 10, 1997 covering the referenced park improvements project. Bids for the parking lot paving improvements were received from twelve (12) construction firms as follows: Order of Bid Bidder& Location Bid Amount 1. J.L. Bertram Const. & Eng. $248,970.34 Arlington, Texas 2. Austin Bridge & Road $256,666.00 Dallas, Texas 3. Reynolds Asphalt& Const. $260,917.40 Euless,Texas 4. Surmount Corporation $268,697.75 Roanoke, Texas 5. JRJ Paving, Inc. $269,691.13 Dallas,Texas 6. Sutton & Associates, Inc. $272,987.35 Keller, Texas 7. Branch& Sons Contractors $287,145.71 Midlothian, Texas ENGINEERS • PLANNERS • SURVEYORS A Subsidiary Firm of Southwest Planning and Design, Inc. 1601 E. Lamar Blvd. • Suite 200 • Arlington, Texas 76011 817/548-0696 • Metro 265-8836 • Fax 817/265-8532 a Ms. Kim Lenoir December 11, 1997 Director of Parks & Recreation Page 2 8. All-Tex Paving, Inc. $295,712.10 Dallas, Texas 9. Iowa Bridge & Culvert, Inc. $299,675.10 Saginaw, Texas 10. APAC-Texas, Inc. $324,398.20 Fort Worth, Texas 11. James B. Arnold Const. $352,869.40 Southlake, Texas 12. Randall & Blake, Inc. $383,834.25 Southlake, Texas As evidenced above, adequate competition was achieved for the bidding process and additionally, the lowest bid is well within the City's allocation of funds for this phase of the work. The Bertram Construction firm (low bidder) has maintained a satisfactory work relationship in the area, including the City of Southlake, and in view of the above, it is our considered recommendation that the construction contract for the referenced paving improvements project be awarded to the firm of J.L. Bertram Construction& Engineering, Inc., of Arlington, Texas for the lowest Base Bid amount of$248,970.34. Should you require anything further from us in this matter, please advise. Sincerely, L ' Eddie Cheatham, P.E. F:\WORD\SOUTHLAK\603\Lenoir.bidtab.wpd Enclosure 12 copies of bid tabulation cc w/Enc. Ben Henry, City of Southlake < -3 BOB JONES PARK - PHASE 1B - PARKING LOT PAVING IMPROVEMENTS JOB NO. 001-603 . CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES BID TABULATION SHEET 1 OF 3 ' OWNER: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE J.L. Bertram Const. &Eng. Austin Bridge&Road Reynolds Asphalt& Const. Sunmount Corporation JOB TITLE: PROPOSED PARK IMPROVEMENT FOR 1007 Harrison Avenue 11143 Goodnight Lane P.O. Box 370 P.O. Box 800 BOB JONES PARK-PHASE 1 B Arlington, TX 76011 Dallas, TX 75229 Euless, TX 76039 Roanoke, TX 76262 PARKING LOT PAVING IMPROVEMENTS Phone: 817/261-2991 Phone: 972/241-0699 Phone: 817/267-3131 Phone: 817/430-0552 PROJ. MGR: EDWIN APEL Fax: 817/261-3044 Fax: 972/241-3831 Fax: 817/267-1878 Fax: 940/648-2203 Base Bid: $248,970.34 Base Bid: $256,666.00 Base Bid: $260,917.40 Base Bid $268,697.75 BID DATE: DECEMBER 10, 1997 JOB NO.001-603 ITEM PLAN UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY. PRICE COST PRICE COST PRICE COST PRICE COST 1 F& I "mountable"reinforced 6"x24"curb&gutter L.F. 4,543 7.87 $35,753.41 14.00 $63,602.00 12.10 $54,970.30 10.00 $45,430.00 2 Fine grading& necessary prep. for finish sub-grading L.S. , 1 3280.00 $3,280.00 5200.00 $5,200.00 18500.00 $18,500.00 42500.00 $42,500.00 3 Cement stabilized subgrade 6"thick compacted S.Y. 20,500 1.33 $27,265.00 1.60 $32,800.00 1.40 $28,700.00 1.25 $25,625.00 4 Cement for subgrade stabilization TON 287 91.00 $26,117.00 86.00 $24,682.00 100.00 $28,700.00 95.00 $27,265.00 5 F & 14"thick HMAC (compacted)Type B binder course S.Y. 18,253 7.62 $139,087.86 6.00 $109,518.00 5.80 $105,867.40 6.00 $109,518.00 6 F & I 6"thick HMAC (compacted)Type B binder course S.Y. 557 11.43 $6,366.51 14.00 $7,798.00 8.70 $4,845.90 8.75 $4,873.75 7 Provide striping for parking spaces L.S. 1 1300.00 $1,300.00 1750.00 $1,750.00 1520.00 $1,520.00 3700.00 $3,700.00 8 Provide striping for fire lanes&traffic control L.S. 1 1745.00 $1,745.00 1250.00 $1,250.00 285.00 $285.00 300.00 $300.00 9 F& I 6"thick reinforced concrete drive aprons EA. 4 No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid 10 F&11"PVC(Sch. 40) pipe sleeves L.F. 296 3.16 $935.36 2.50 $740.00 5.40 $1,598.40 8.00 $2,368.00 11 Saw cut L.F. 196 1.70 $333.20 2.50 $490.00 1.80 $352.80 2.00 $392.00 12 F & 14"thick concrete walkways&ramps S.F. 1,608 2.75 $4,422.00 4.50 $7,236.00 7.20 $11,577.60 3.25 $5,226.00 13 Erosion control L.S. 1 2365.00 $2,365.00 1600.00 $1,600.00 4000.00 $4,000.00 1500 00 $1,500.00 \'L GRAND TOTAL BID AMOUNT(Items 1 thru 13) $248,970.34 $256,666.00 $260,917.40 $268,697.75 Deduct Deduct Deduct Deduct DA I Cost reduction resulting from exclusion of 1"compacted S.Y. 18,253 1.70 $31,030.10 1.37 $25,006.61 1.09 $19,895.77 1.35 $24,641.55 thickness from 4"Type B HMAC binder course for construction for the net of 3"HMAC thickness Add Deduct Add Add DA II Cost reduction resulting from exclusion of proposed L.F. 4,543 1.50 $6,814.50 2.05 $9,313.15 7.40 $33,618.20 2.50 $11,357.50 mountable"6"x24"reinforced curb&gutter& substituting, instead, the 6"x18"reinforced concrete header curb" • F:\QP W\Sou hlake\603\Bid-Tab\Bldiab.Park.wh3 BOB JONts PARK - PHASE 1B - PARKING LOT PAVING IMPROVEMENTS JOB NO. 001-ou3 • CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES BID TABULATION SHEET 2 OF 3 OWNER: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE JRJ Paving, Inc. Sutton &Associates, Inc. Branch& Sons Contractors All-Tex Paving, Inc. JOB TITLE: PROPOSED PARK IMPROVEMENT FOR P.O. Box 59934 P.O. Box 677 911 Cook Street 2462 Walnut Ridge BOB JONES PARK-PHASE 1 B Dallas, TX 75229 Keller, TX 76244 Midlothian, TX 76065 Dallas, TX 75229 PARKING LOT PAVING IMPROVEMENTS Phone: 972/869-2971 Phone: 817/379-5577 Phone: 817/477-5409 Phone: 972/243-5522 PROJ. MGR: EDWIN APEL Fax: 972/869-9757 Fax 817/379-6930 Fax: 817/477-3826 Fax: 972/484-0076 Base Bid: $269,691.13 Base Bid: $272,987.35 Base Bid: $287,145.71 Base Bid: $295,712.10 BID DATE: DECEMBER 10, 1997 JOB NO.001-603 'TEM PLAN UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY. PRICE COST PRICE COST PRICE COST PRICE COST 1 F& I"mountable"reinforced 6"x24"curb&gutter L.F. 4,543 12.90 $58,604.70 9.75 $44,294.25 12.50 $56,787.50 11.00 $49,973.00 2 Fine grading& necessary prep. for finish sub-grading L.S. 1 5300.00 $5,300.00 16800.00 $16,800.00 20000.00 $20,000.00 10000.00 $10,000.00 3 Cement stabilized subgrade 6"thick compacted S.Y. 20,500 1.21 $24,805.00 1.60 $32,800.00 1.75 $35,875.00 1.75 $35,875.00 4 Cement for subgrade stabilization TON 287 106.00 $30,422.00 93.00 $26,691.00 102.00 $29,274.00 100.00 $28,700.00 5 F & 14"thick HMAC (compacted)Type B binder course S.Y. 18,253 6.96 $127,040.88 7.10 $129,596.30 6.57 $119,922.21 7.70 $140,548.10 6 F& 16"thick HMAC (compacted)Type B binder course S.Y. 557 10.75 $5,987.75 13.00 $7,241.00 9.00 $5,013.00 12.00 $6,684.00 7 Provide striping for parking spaces L.S. 1 1800.00 $1,800.00 3500.00 $3,500.00 1400.00 $1,400.00 700.00 $700.00 8 Provide striping for fire lanes&traffic control L.S. 1 1300.00 $1,300.00 500.00 $500.00 320.00 $320.00 3000.00 $3,000.00 9 -F& 16"thick reinforced concrete drive aprons EA. _ 4 No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid 10^F & 11"PVC (Sch. 40) pipe sleeves L 1 296 4.50 $1,332.00 6.00 $1,776.00 7.50 $2,220.00 8.00 $2,368.00 11 Saw cut L.F. 196 2.30 $450.80 2.00 $392.00 2.50 $490.00 2.00 $392.00 12 F& 14"thick concrete walkways& ramps S.F. 1,608 6.00 $9,648.00 4.60 $7,396.80 5.50 $8,844.00 9.00 $14,472.00 13 Erosion control L.S. 1 3000.00 $3,000.00 2000.00 $2,000.00 7000.00 $7,000.00 3000.00 $3,000.00 -7'1 GRAND TOTAL BID AMOUNT(Items 1 thru 13) $269,691.13 $272,987.35 $287,145.71 $295,712.10 CJI Deduct_ Deduct Deduct Deduct DA I Cost reaiaction resulting from exclusion of 1"compacted S.Y. 18,253 1.39 $25,371.67 1.65 $30,117.45 1.50 $27,379.50 1.65 $30,117.45 thickness from 4"Type B HMAC binder course for construction for the net of 3"HMAC thickness No Deduct No Deduct No Deduct 'No Deduct DA II Cost reduction resulting from exclusion of proposed L.F. 4,543 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 0.00' $0.00 mountable"6"x24"reinforced curb&gutter& substituting, instead,the 6"x18"reinforced concrete , header curb" • E\QPW\Southlake\603\Bid-Tah\Bidtab.Park.wb3 BOB JONES PARK - PHASE 1 B - PARKING LOT PAVING IMPROVEMENTS JOB NO. 001-603 CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES BID TABULATION SHEET 3 OF 3 OWNER: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Iowa Bridge& Culvert, Inc. APAC-Texas, Inc. James B. Arnold Const. Randall&Blake, Inc. JOB TITLE: PROPOSED PARK IMPROVEMENT FOR 301 Sansom P.O. Box 1807 P.O. Box 92877 821 E. Southlake Blvd. BOB JONES PARK-PHASE 1 B Saginaw, TX 76179 Fort Worth, TX 76101 Southlake, TX 76092 Southlake, TX 76092 PARKING LOT PAVING IMPROVEMENTS Phone: 817/232-8283 Phone: 817/336-0521 Phone: 817/430-5222 Phone: 817/481-6668 PROJ. MGR: EDWIN APEL Fax: 817/232-8386 Fax: 817/877-4908 Fax 817/430-5225 Fax. 817/488-2509 Base Bid: $299,675.10 Base Bid: $324,398.20 Base Bid: $352,869.40 Base Bid: $383,834.25 BID DATE: DECEMBER 10, 1997 JOB NO.001-603 TEN PLAN UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY. PRICE COST PRICE COST PRICE COST PRICE COST 1 F& I "mountable"reinforced 6"x24"curb&gutter L.F. 4,543 12.32 $55,969.76 , 10.50' $47,701.50 10.90 $49,518.70 13.85 $62,920.55 2 Fine grading&necessary prep. for finish sub-grading L.S. 1 5000.00 $5,000.00 41025.00 $41,025.00 6400.10 $6,400.10 5205.00 $5,205.00 3 Cement stabilized subgrade 6"thick compacted S.Y. 20,500 1.50 $30,750.00 1.75 $35,875.00 2.06 $42,230.00 3.30 $67,650.00 4 Cement for subgrade stabilization TON 287 100.00 $28,700.00 100.00 $28,700.00 109.00 $31,283.00 135.50 $38,888.50 5 F& I 4"thick HMAC (compacted)Type B binder course S.Y. 18,253 8.24 $150,404.72 7.40 $135,072.20 10.80 $197,132.40 10.30 $188,005.90 6 F & I 6"thick HMAC (compacted)Type B binder course S.Y. _ 557 13.26 $7,385.82 14.50 $8,076.50 18.20 $10,137.40 10.30 $5,737.10 7 Provide striping for parking spaces L.S. 1 4500.00 $4,500.00 1400.00 $1,400.00 3000.00 $3,000.00 2861.00 $2,861.00 8 Provide striping for fire lanes&traffic control L.S. 1 500.00 $500.00 300.00 $300.00 1000.00 $1,000.00 573.00 $573.00 9 F& I 6"thick reinforced concrete drive aprons EA. 4 No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid' No Bid 10 F& 11" PVC (Sch. 40) pipe sleeves L.F. 296 2.00 $592.00 25.00 $7,400.00 3.50 $1,036.00 2.35 $695.60 11 Saw cut L.F. 196 5.00 $980.00 3.50 $686.00 3.05 $597.80 1.15 $225.40 12 F&I 4"thick concrete walkways& ramps S.F. 1,608 4.10 $6,592.80 7.75 $12,462.00 4.25 $6,834.00 4.90 $7,879.20 13 Erosion control L.S. 1 8300.00 $8,300.00 5700.00 $5,700.00 3700.00 $3,700.00 3193.00 $3,193.00 GRAND TOTAL BID AMOUNT(Items 1 thru 13) $299,675.10 $324,398.20 $352,869.40 $383,834.25 Deduct Deduct Deduct Deduct DA I Cost reduction resulting from exclusion of 1"compacted S.Y. 18,253 1.35 $24,641.55 0 50 $9,126.50 2.45 $44,719.85 2.50 $45,632.50 _ thickness from 4"Type B HMAC binder course for construction for the net of 3"HMAC thickness Add No Deduct Deduct No Deduct DA II Cost reduction resulting from exclusion of proposed L.F. 4,543 2.50 $11,357.50 0.00 $0.00 2.10 $9,540.30 0.00 $0.00 mountable"6"x24"reinforced curb&gutter& _ substituting, instead, the 6"x18"reinforced concrete . header curb" F\QPW\Southlake\603\Bid-Tab\Ridtah Park wh3 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM December 10, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Kim Lenoir, Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT: Award of bid for fence construction at Bob Jones Park On Wednesday, December 10, bids for the pipe rail fence at Bob Jones Park were opened. Staff estimated the cost to be $38,750. Six (6) bids were received (bid tabulation attached). The bids have been reviewed and references checked. The low bidder, Custom Fence Company at $27,765, cannot demonstrate experience in building this type of fence. Their main business is chainlink fencing and they have done one low to the ground single pipe fence for Coppell School District. The specifications ask for bidders to demonstrate 3 to 5 years experience in constructing the fence specified. Therefore staff is recommending the second lowest bidder, Ratliff Iron Works, at $36,625. This bid includes a four foot (4') height pipe rail fence as recommended at the last SPDC meeting. On December 8 the Park Board recommended painting the fence black. The SPDC deferred this decision to the Park Board. If you have any questions please contact me at 481-5581, extension 757 or Ben Henry at extension 848. KL Attached: Bid Tabulation • �?- / City of Southlake, Texas MEMORANDUM December 10, 1997 TO: Kim Lenoir, Director of Parks and Recreation FROM: Ben Henry, Park Planning and Construction Superintendent SUBJECT: Bob Jones Park - Phase l-b, Pipe Rail Fence Bid Tabulations Tabulation of bids as received on December 10, 1997 from six (6) construction companies. Order of Bid is from lowest to highest. Order of Bid Bidder& Location Bid Amount l. Custom Fence Company $27,765.00 Burleson, Texas 2. Ratliff Iron Works $ 36,625.00 Colleyville,Texas 3. Rambo Contracting $45,000.00 Alvarado,Texas 4. Custom Services $46,012.50 Oakleaf,Texas 5. Apache Steel Fabricators $ 70,165.99 Justin,Texas 6. Southwest Handrail Fabricators $74,478.00 Azle,Texas Bid Amounts do not reflect security gates, only a 4-foot painted pipe rail fence. Q-,2 City of Southlake,Texas Contractor/Bid Item No. I Fence Option Item No. 2 Gate Alternate (Base 2,250 1.f.) (Base Fence) (Alt.No. 2, 3) (Paint) (Alt.No. 1) 1.) Custom Fence Co. $27,765.00 $21,577.50 $20,205.00 $6,187.50 Consider 2.) Ratliff Iron Works $36,625.00 $32,625.00 $ 30,937.50 $4,000.00 Consider 3.) Rambo Contracting $45,000.00 $41,625.00 S 39,937.50 * $3,375.00 Consider 4.)Custom Services $46,012.50 $39,600.00 $ 37,305.00 $6,412.50 Consider 5.)Apache Steel Fab. $70,165.99 $65,166.00 $62,456.00 * $4,999.99 Consider 6.) Southwest Handrail Fab. $74,478.00 $67,778.00 $64,128.00 $6,700.00 Consider * Denotes a degree of error UNIT COST PER 2.250 L.F Contractor No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Item No. 1 $9.59 $ 14.50 $ 18.50 $ 17.60 $28.96 $30.12 (Base 4-foot fence) Item No. 2 $2.75 $ 1.78 $ 1.50 $2.85 $2.22 $2.98 (Painting) Alternate No. 1 To Be Consldered (Gates) Alternate No.2 $ 1.06 $0.75 $0.55 $ 1.60 $ 1.20 $2.00 (Delete Cable) • Alternate No. 3 $0.45 $0.00 $0.75 $0.58 $ * $0.38 (Add Panel Height) 4- . PROJECT MATCHING FUNDS REQUEST FORM Project Name: Sr,v4-I.-kI.c. /Uhor Contact Person: T7 Toj't i fpk/ Mailing Address: 1 39 5€I/ c-o City: S p 0 l o 4 State:`r, ZIP: 76O9o2 Day Phone:(6) j 4/3J-233/ Night Phone:CB)-7) U 3 93 31 Fax No. Additional Contact Person: V7E)T4 heid�-T'i,L/ Day Phone:(8, 7)48)- s- -BJ yet/6 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A Tree- MG,Zico 6y f�+e Sovfti�ke Seivi 0 rP, 0 ,- - , 7-he .rar,--7-7 w,'// /jam /&C�/ / a,-t/ cc� f,�c.G� n1o.-�G.r.��s� �•�d it/e,-.r the S, _n//o,-- z_Qpi.zizeT 14e z..� s7z Ci yf /3. c029 cee-fe_ /T,f-,-rc.,rro.,r! he- ,n:/-.-71 /i z-e.,i/& Ol CI-tee -the -Arees w,/r �� h4ty-s ' � d p/�� ' o v c,;y ro��/' � .�5 P�,��S c �d 7; 1l/ ©-'- Proposed Start Date: r=efj,�a/ y /9 9g Projected Completion Date: /j�� 200y Projected Cost: $ 3,00t). 00 Amount of Funds Requested: $ /S-p C). 0p Comments from the Parks and Recreation Director: I\manuallfomu4natch.doc • 9-i To: Kim Lenoir - Director of Parks and Recreation Dept, City of Southlake From: Dick Johnston - Chairman of Senior Advisory Commission Re: Southlake Senior Tree Farm Program Date: December 4, 1997 At the recent SPIN Summit in October, I proposed a project - Southlake Senior Program and Tree Farm. Being a slow talking Texan, I was unable to fully explain the complete project in the 6 minute time allotment. However, I did peak the interest of several in attendance and received a pledge from one with a tract of land and others with financial support. I then found that the Parks and Recreation Department was simultaneously considering such a project so I have been working with Keith Martin on this proposal to implement the project. Our proposal is this: 1. For year one, with city approval, we would use the one (1) acre tract northwest and near the Senior Center on the west side of the city's 13.029 acre Richards/Timarron tract. Our plantings would be east of the proposed right-of-way for the projected west side street. (see plat attached). 2. The city would purchase "grow bags", irrigation equipment and seedlings for 226 trees and tie a water line into the Senior Center for tree farm irrigation needs. 3. The trees would be planted in rows approximately 10 feet apart. The trees would be spaced approximately 6 feel apart and planted in"grow bags" for easy harvesting. 4. The labor would be provided by senior citizen men and volunteers. Initially, we would lay out the proposed farm and "plant" the "grow bags" using a tractor and auger. We would then, install the irrigation lines below ground along the rows with a "spaghetti" feed line and dripper to each "grow bag" and then plant a seedling in each "grow bag". As needed throughout the year, we would mow, weed, fertilize and water and prune the trees. 5. Quality oak and cedar elm seedlings in 1 gallon containers would be purchased at approximately $3.00 each from reputable tree nurseries. 226 x $3.00 = $678.00 Irrigation lines and connections for 226 trees would be purchased at approximately $1.50 per tree location. 226 x $1.50 = $339.00 r c 18" "grow bags", in lots of 50, will be purchased at approximately $2.25 each. 250 x $2.25 = $562.50 Tractor/Auger rental and ditching equipment rental will cost approximately $1000.00. Fertilizer for one year will cost approximately $200.00. Total cost estimated for year one of this first tree farm including a 7% contingency is $3000.00 or $13.25 per tree planted. The 2 'A "- 3" caliper trees 8' - 12' tall will be ready for harvest and replanting in four years (January - March 2002). They will be planted only under City of Southlake approval and supervision on city/state right-of -ways, in city parks and in high visual impact areas of the city. They may be donated and planted on private property along future right-of -ways under a city landscape easement. The labor would be provide by Senior Citizens and volunteers or the city parks and recreation department or contracted to local companies. By planting in "grow bags" and harvesting within 5 years large tree spade equipment will not be required. Anticipating a successful lst year effort, in 1998 a 2"d tree farm location would be chosen and a similar tree farm would be planted for harvesting in year 2003. This 2"d farm could be on other city property or on private property under a "free" five year lease agreement with the city. New tree farms would be planted on separate tracts each year around the city so that beginnings in year 2002, the city would have several hundred trees available each year for beautification purposes. Please authorize the use of the 1+ acre tract for five years for this project and the funds necessary for implementation at your earliest convenience. My understanding is that matching funds of$1500.00 might be available if the Seniors would commit to $1500.00. We are prepared to cover 50% of the estimated $3000.00 cost. I think it is important that scnior citizens be identified as the managers/stewards of this program to encourage volunteer labor and financial contributions. I think the seniors will be proud to make this contribution of time, effort and money to the city. PROPOSED • ' • SENIOR CITIZEN TREE FARM PROJECT . • ° • 00'32.24' 9$OUTHLAKE ?OULEVARD Mit 1r'OID) CAF(CORr Of vtts R • tt2•.9t. I • 10.11' .r•.•lw•ww 7,-;# .WuYM Orr M( l • tO.I�' � N p , I —__�__ I _ __ __ _ __i „ rt 0 £ Slit WORM.IikOY f I I •� . I GRAPHIC SCALE `•T.MYI•11 r ,OMO r•1•ww••r It•r l0••,••0[:,•r 9 •a y� i I`u r. ln.••ur r. l..r.0t N......a..00... ...0 II ' ...J 1f�t•+ •,Y `9- itl r '. • e.. I(•Mrr MM.w.r r 100•Mrr w M..•MN MW.r..l T A..•.I••.4R.•• • lw.•I MM `�lrw..Y•[NMY !w.(...r E iFb6lS ��I1�a Willi lel -u." I il t..• lit.i..,.,,.,.._... . 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I LOT 23 I I LOT 2R I 1 I LOT 12 I LOT JJ I L •' ; u•a•mr ar.µRl./!�I.rtv•Ui•R r••na< __ I I __ I I I I I.ln ....r••,... r• LOT 3♦ `e rwuw•nor R•'1 iy un .., f - j -' I I •..n44//4. r •..• 1 AUGU;T• \917 If SENIOR TREE FARM PROPOSED SPECIES OF TREES TO GROW This is a list of some of the trees that can be easily grown in the tree farm. There are many possibilities. Texas Red Oak Shumard Red Oak Burr Oak Sawtooth Oak Chinkapin Oak Live Oak Water Oak Cedar Elm Pecan Chinese Pistachia. Bald Cypress Mexican Buckeye Desert Willow Eldarica Pine Eastern Red Cedar Savannah Holly Pecan American Smoke Tree Red Bud 9- 5 City of Southlake,Texas MEMORANDUM December 10, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Kim Lenoir, Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT: Matching funds request from Keep Southlake Beautiful Association (KSB) for Waterscape Project in Bicentennial Park In April, KSB received $5,000 from the SPDC Community Matching Fund. Aware that these funds would be insufficient to complete the project in its entirety, SPDC encouraged KSB to raise additional funds and return for a matching grant. They have since raised an additional $8,000. They are now requesting an additional $7,000 in matching funds which will complete funding of the project. This project remains in conformance with the plans discussed by the Park Board and City staff. The project is progressing and KSB has scheduled a volunteer work day Saturday, December 13 to kick off the construction of the waterscape in Bicentennial Park. Gardens of Eden, the contractor for the hardscape portion of the project, will begin construction December 19. The project will be completed (weather permitting) by the end of February 1998. The attached fund request form clearly outlines the details of the total project cost of $25,000. On Monday, December 8 the Park Board made a recommendation for SPDC to approve this request. If you have any questions please contact me at 481-5581, extension 757. 4k Kt, Attached: Community Project Request Form • //3— / PROJECT MATCHING FUNDS REQUEST FORM Project Name: Zee p! :)OLi j /Q le-4gea.0 4 Lt/i;i Terse<<f Contact Person: LISc( S / n y Mailing Address: _ t��J /V . f ec >ID n Vi// City: C Ck,1 t1 fr State: ZIP: 76 O! Day Phone: (fr 7 ytf Night Phone: ( r�( y - 676 3 Fax No. 8/ 7) — 6 ?� Additional Contact Person: 0/t,t' CP n-) rn Day Phone: (Pi) yp -55 /4e1 757 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: �' c� CS / e fC A A T7/� O c Ai e GZ GJQ,S D ,CI i nC� t ��c� �sc c� �1. S/°O z ' cif cLrc ,e d 5 o DC- Ste11 f TC hide S r�C -0) 1 S 1 ec l,i en o L<-r" Ge G SE e 011,1. q ct✓� fr-iU�f70n �� � U , � t� J �-i Cc� s -/-h.r /0 o Ar i/Cc ` P � ' f �, � n i-i o n z I41 8160 "�, �zL, cl n D J �-�, J°roJ e tt"^(.�-n G� �O C�o rn P l e fie y Proposed Start Date: /a f/67 y 7" Projected Completion Date: 4/3o/ 7 (i,cv'd Scain- Projected Cost: S 025 000 (Sec: a ltn<11<d) Amount of Funds Requested: S COO 1 ' Comments from the Parks and Recreation Director: I.c., Project and Community Matching Fund Request Policy, Page 3 of 3 /D-� `" IT1-IIAKE 'F_,EurIFUL t.JATER__APE e, 5ICEr4TF11N[AL"HARK /1 ANT- KEY 1 - 1 Muhltr-Nocr,3,J Ilrbhc,ro,„(1 (d.3 Nyknt./C.-rrn••.".) 1 . AiVrc(ufl, 9omt,ratA, (e>,64u' E3kw_ rrI) ' .Sktu � C.r " *LJ[, t L Iiyi I.,rin 'fi)par to r CLI 1 PA ,W� • LLIfI a a 4 IiLI JIlllh l , -I. ° FgA a 11) ) 1.1.) i ‘I y ik . 1,10 o ) - F YuCCJ Fraiit6J or IAt:,�,.rglcc par4,`1urJ "1. ,µ?L E 6 a� l. � I. 7 (D kr)•N:.xl,.1 Ala or ( -a-F.r,,.:nr... .r �' r 4,: /, . J >, P 7 My c u�•�aa (Waa Marty) 1 ,\o", .a; 1 - P, ltIr,1 )."0)U15 CC .t)i( .) rOrricrr Jr1) , V G/(J et® •Vi��sy � i� a C , lfJ / 1 C11 J•.r\M111i u, a11\oli..m([01a,L X.1 bit) car'aa+i uk�c ,.p� �0—. •• ilk ..• �� O 3',• ,� a. • ID littutl(.La cu.rllA.rtiL.Jo(.)�(.�tclft•Jc1rJme) _. ,L.,) /D '..��`.�littikall i •�c ( w(!c.� 1 —1�• 11 \ . LJ; , Co t *, .1-' _.41414kigai,.ik .. . .. . . . 3 Illr- 3 11. Ocl \O ` U i u ^b /" r• .t a t 1f, ter,.-n,.ycc,wu...i .h,.- ilk, 40-.10. „. i �� t• ' •1 �u ��ECTICN AUT uNE OF qFS1cr l -eve r...:.;.• , - - ,- , -%, 1 , .. ,...„). . lige ,O ,_4, 7',Ecr1U(J M.ON.r OPA\ .�, — /\ t ‘,.. ,: ua r.... I :i , o > \c) u r7c,rr kDrY,urge I) �Ec r Gr: Aw rk LIr1C -1 • l 5 L, • -... �/�n° Y_D- i Du,�DI A ., _ — v3m1 t..1.�1 it.AA, l —_r�,—_J —,ie a.•.:Mwa m-ti-a. .— ` -` .,v r.-..".,..,.. • A,..A.,.n.uc rani,....... 1^'•--4711fr r nt 1`f , .3.,...ran.u. .... ...c. c r.C..a b.� '�•r'-dnv�uraw TA KR Y..D Tr.:..a...Co / ' ' o E. ?VQ-/S) 009 o o° off. `old I Q ova ucLf ,ucc) ?_) rk_,---yo j Q 1'1-2 1)`Zf .S f t7,/- p a1 -12 CIO I a (14 )12,_)_} v o D a L v ? 0QO Or , r City of Southlake,Texas • MEMORANDUM December 10, 1997 TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager FROM: Kim Lenoir, Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT: Professional services contract amendment with Cheatham and Associates for Bob Jones Park Phase I, Part B - Grant Project As discussed at the last meeting, we need to expand the scope of services with Cheatham and Associates to provide engineering, surveying, landscape architecture and architecture for the Bob Jones Park grant supported items. The grant/SPDC budget for FY 1997-98 is $534,250. Amendment No. 2 is requesting $100,500 for professional services needed for the grant items budgeted. This contract will include an aerial one foot contour survey of the COE property and the recent acquisitions (Tucker and Farhat), grading plans, landscape architecture plans, and architecture plans for the grant items budgeted for this fiscal year. To clarify the professional services contract process on this project, SPDC has approved the following: Original Contract: Surveying, grading of 50 acres of city land; not to exceed $58,000 Amendment No. 1: Construction plans for parking lots/14 soccer fields sod and irrigation; not to exceed $134,000 Amendment No. 2: Surveying, grading, construction plans for grant items; not to exceed $ 100,500 the total construction budget estimate for Bob Jones Park Phase I - Part A & B equals $1,767,985. Professional fees total $292,500 which is 6% of construction costs, well within the industry standard. Staff recommends approval of Amendment No. 2. If you have any questions please contact me at 481-5581, extension 757. KL /V • CHEATHAM AND ASSOCIATES December 10, 1997 Ms. Kim Lenoir Director of Parks & Recreation City of Southlake 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southiake, TX 76092 Re: Amendment No. 2 to Proposal for Engineering Services Regarding Proposed Improvements at Bob Jones Park As you are aware, Cheatham and Associates has recently prepared a grading plan and parking lot plans for the proposed improvements at Bob Jones Park. Our proposal dated March 17, 1997 and amendment No. I dated June 2, 1997 pertained to these phases of the project. The next step in our design process, will be to prepare construction plans and contract documents for the pavilion, picnic tables/grills, hike & bike trail, fishing dock foundation, additional ballfield practice fields, playground, and landscaping and irrigation for the existing soccer fields. Additional surveying will be required to facilitate the remainder of the proposed design mentioned above. The proposed scope of work will be performed by three (3) firms: Lauren Griffith Associates, Ron Hobbs Architects and Cheatham & Associates. Each firm's scope of work will be as follows: Lauren Griffith Associates • Schematic design of the proposed improvements • Landscape and irrigation of soccer fields/berm • Picnic tables and grills • Hike and bike trail - layout and grading plan • Fishing dock foundation • Practice fields - layout, planting, irrigation plans • Playground design/layout Ron Hobbs Architects • Pavilion layout and design ENGINEERS • PLANNERS • SURVEYORS A Subsidiary Firm of Southwest Planning and Design, Inc. 1601 E. Lamar Blvd. • Suite 200•Arlington,Texas 76011 817/548-0696 • Mt //// 36 • Fax 817/265-8532 • Ms. Kim Lenoir December 10, 1997 City of Southlake Page 2 Cheatham & Associates • Surveying of the park site including aerial topographic and aerial photos indicating tree cover. • Grading plan for the practice ballfields, playground, and pavilion. • Coordination with the entire design team including meeting with the city staff to present proposed design efforts. • Attending any meetings necessary to present plans to city council, and park committees. We hereby propose that our proposal dated March 17, 1997 be amended to add the remaining work listed above, to the original proposal. Fees: The three (3) consultants shall be compensated for their services described above by a lump sum fee as follows: Lauren Griffith Associates - $63,000.00 (includes for structural engineer $5,000.00) Ron Hobbs Architect - $8,000.00 Cheatham & Associates - $29,500.00 All remaining terms, scope of services and other conditions of our March 17 proposal shall be applicable to the remaining work to be performed. If this amendment to our proposal meets with your approval, please indicate by signing in the space provided below. Please do not hesitate to call should you have any questions. The opportunity to be of service to you and the City of Southlake is greatly appreciated. Respectfully, Eddie Cheatham, P.E. F:\WORD\PROPOSAL\SOU HLAK\Bob Jones.Amend.wpd ELC'atw • Authorization to Proceed: Accepted this Day of , 1997 By: Title: � �-3 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE HISTORICAL SALES TAX REVENUES 1997-98 collected budget balance budget to date balance percent $2.715.000 $430.828 $2.284.172 84.13% FISCAL FISCAL FISCAL FISCAL FISCAL YEAR %Inc YEAR %Inc YEAR %Inc YEAR %Inc YEAR %Inc MONTH 93/94 -Dec 94/95 -Dec 95/96 -Dec 96-97 -Dec 97-98 -Dec October $99,408 95.1% $89,951 -9.5% $128,689 43.1% $161,892 25.8% $237,164 46.5% November 50,623 20.2% 52,099 2.9% 111,917 114.8% 135,367 21.0% 193,664 43.1% December 70,155 107.3% 67,243 -4.2% 103,975 54,6% 115,084 10.7% 0 -100.0% January 106,541 57.3% 95,687 -10.2% 140,362 46.7% 198,873 41.7% 0 -100.0% February 57,839 47.0% 68,015 17.6% 95,269 40.1% 125,671 31.9% 0 -100.0% March 59,378 34.4% 56,600 -4.7% 103,163 82.3% 104,733 1.5% 0 -100.0% April 87,438 27.3% 88,212 0.9% 137,030 55.3% 182,384 33.1% 0 -100.0% May 58,291 6.7% 81,109 39.1% 109,371 34.8% 152,577 39.5% 0 -100.0% *first month of 1/2 cent sales tax June 59,577 14.5% 83,253 39.7% 112,317 34.9% 171,813 53.0% 0 -100.0% July 94,157 16.9% 135,187 43.6% 179,803 33.0% 223,854 24.5% 0 -100.0% August 58,980 22.1% 109,584 85.8% 132,367 20.8% 184.851 39.7% 0 -100.0% September 75.228 38.3% 106.563 41.7% 122.445 14.9% 173.917 42.0% 0 -100.0% OTAL $877,615 37.8% $1,033,502 17.8% $1,476,708 42.9% $1,931,017 30.8% $430,828 44.9% SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 1997-98 collected budget balance budget to date balance percent $1,357,500 $215,414 $1,142.086 84.13% FISCAL FISCAL FISCAL FISCAL FISCAL YEAR %Inc YEAR %Inc YEAR %Inc ' YEAR %Inc YEAR %Inc MONTH 93/94 -t1Pr. aa/95 -Dec 95/96 , -Dec 96-97 , -Dec 96-97 _Dec October $0 n/a $44,975 n/a $64,344 43.1% $80,946 25.8% $118,582 46.5% November 0 n/a 26,049 n/a 55,958 114.8% 67,684 21.0% 96,832 43.1% December 0 n/a 33,622 n/a 51,987 54.6% 57,542 10.7% 0 -100.0% January 0 n/a 47,843 n/a 70,181 46.7% 99,437 41.7% 0 -100.0% February 0 n/a 34,007 n/a 47,635 40.1% 62,836 31.9% 0 -100.0% March 0 n/a 28,300 n/a 51,581 82.3% 52,366 1.5% 0 -100.0% April 0 n/a 44,106 n/a 68,515 55.3% 91,192 33.1% 0 -100.0% May 29,145 n/a 40,554 39.1% 54,686 34.8% 76,289 39.5% 0 -100.0% June 29.788 n/a 41,627 39.7% 56,159 34.9% 85,906 53.0% 0 -100.0% July 47,079 n/a 67,593 43.6% 89,901 33.0% 111,927 24.5% 0 -100.0% \ugust 29,490 n/a 54,792 85.8% 66,184 20.8% 92,426 39.7% 0 -100.0% September 37.614 n/a 53.282 41.7% 61.223 14.9% 86.958 42.0% 0 -100.0% TOTAL $173,116 n/a $516,751 198.5% $738,354 42.9% $965,508 30.8% $215,414 44.9% / 12/12/97 SLSTX98.XLS /� / CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Sales Tax Analysis FY1997-98 Actual Budget Actual Estimated (revised-est.) % Month 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1996-97 Difference Change October 161,892 211,176 237,164 237,164 25,988 12.31% November 135,367 180,672 193,664 193,664 12,992 7.19% December 115,084 157,347 0 157,347 0 0.00% January 198,873 253,704 0 253,704 0 0.00% February 125,671 169,522 0 169,522 0 0.00% March 104,733 145,443 0 145,443 0 0.00% April 182,384 234,742 0 234,742 0 0.00% May 152,577 200,464 0 200,464 0 0.00% June 171,813 222,585 0 222,585 0 0.00% July 223,854 282,432 0 282,432 0 0.00% August 184,851 333,186 0 333,186 0 0.00% September 173,917 323.729 0 323.729 0 0.00% 1,931,016 2,715,000 430,828 2,753,980 38,980 1.44% 40.60% 42.62% Southlake Parks Development Corporation 1/2 cent sales tax Actual Budget Actual Estimated (revised-est.) ok 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1996-97 Difference Change October 80,946 105,588 118,582 118,582 12,994 12.31% November 67,684 90,336 96,832 96,832 6,496 7.19% December 57,542 78,673 0 78,673 0 0.00% January 99,437 126,852 0 126,852 0 0.00% ebruary 62,836 84,761 0 84,761 0 0.00% !arch 52,367 72,721 0 72,721 0 0.00% .,pril 91,192 117,371 0 117,371 0 0.00% May 76,289 100,232 0 100,232 0 0.00% June 85,907 111,292 0 111,292 0 0.00% July 111,927 141,216 0 141,216 0 0.00% August 92,426 166,593 0 166,593 0 0.00% September 86.959 161.864 0 161.864 0 0.00% 965,508 1,357,500 215,414 1,376,990 19,490 1.44% 40.60% 42.62% 12/12/97 SLSTX98.XLS la-a Southlake Parks Development Corporation FY1997-98 Capital Projects Budget Presented October 20, 1997 . A B D E F H 1 (prelim.-unaudited) 2 _ Actual Actual Contracts/Amounts 3 FY1997-98 Transactions Transactions Under Consideration - 4 Adopted Fiscal Year To Date Project To Date(1) but not approved 5 Budget Oct 1,97-Sep 30,98 as of Sep 30,98 by SPDC(2) 6 7 REVENUES/OTHER SOURCES 8 _Fund Balance $ 464,656 $ 464,656 $ 464,656 $ - 9 Interest Earnings $ - 175,000 $ - $ 164,659 $ - 10 Donations-Matching Funds $ 3,980 $ - $ - $ - 11 TPW Grant Proceeds _ $ 500,000 $ - $ - $ - 12 Operating Fund Transfer _ $ 1,140,000 $ - $ 590,000 $ - 13 Bond Proceeds* $ 5,107,985 $ - $ 5,107,985 $ _ - 14 Total Revenue/Other Sources $ 7,391,621 $ 464,656 $ 6,327,300 $ - 15 16 REVENUES in excess of/(less than)EXPENDITURES $ (712,829) $ 357,084 $ 4,593,113 $ - 17 18 EXPENDITURES • 19 Land Acquisition: k 20 Bicentennial Park-Brunson/Bank $ 849,438 $ - $ 849,438 $ 21 Bicentennial Park-North Berm $ 300,000 $ - $ 1,500 $ G 22 Bob Jones Park-lots $ - 1,621,600 $ 9,798 $ 272,936 $ 23 Bob Jones Park-Tucker(trade) $ _ - $ - $ - $ 24 Smith Park-Joint-use/KISD _ $ 369,121 $ - $ 369,121 $ _ - 25 Sub-total Land Acquisition _ $ 3,140,159 $ 9,798 $ 1,492,995 $ - 26 27 Reserve for Unanticipated Projects: $ 500,765 $ - $ - $ - 28 29 Planning Only Projects: 30 Neighborhood Parks-(Noble Oaks, Koalaty, Smith) $ - 10,000 $ - $ 4,670 $ - 31 Bob Jones Park-Nature Center $ 20,000 $ - $ - $ - 32 Continental Trail(Davis to White Chapel) �$ 9,000 $ - $ - $ - 33 Sub-total of Planning Only Projects $ _ 39,000 $ - $ - 4,670 $ _ - 34 _ 35 Matching Funds-Community Projects: ($100,000) 36 _T-Ball Field#10-SBA($6,141 spent/to be paid by SBA$3,980=$1160.50) $ 6,141 $ - $ 6,141 $ - 37 KSB-Waterscape $ 5,000 $ - $ - $ • - 38 Adventure Alley Pavilion ($25,000 not approved) $ - $ - $ - $ - Prepared 12/12/97, 9:38 AM Page 1 of 4 L:\finance\spdc\SPDC1197 XLS Southlake Parks Development Corporation FY1997-98 Capital Projects Budget Presented October 20, 1997 • A B D E F H 1 _ (prelim.-unaudited) 2 Actual Actual Contracts/Amounts 3 FY1997-98 Transactions Transactions Under Consideration 4 Adopted Fiscal Year To Date Project To Date(1) but not approved 5 Budget Oct 1,97-Sep 30, 98 as of Sep 30,98 by SPDC (2) 39 Remaining Balance $ 88,859 $ - $ - $ - 40 Sub-total of Community Projects $ 100,000 $ - $ 6,141 $ - 41 42 Special Project-Renovation of Senior House: $ 50,000 $ 1,205 $ 1,205 $ - 43 Additional Funds Allocated 9/15/97 $ 68,000 $ - $ - $ - 44 Sub-total of Senior House Renovation $ 118,000 $ 1,205 $ 1,205 $ - 45 46 47 48 _ 49 501 Trail Projects: �� 51 ISTEA Grant-Cottonbelt Trail$48,000 $ 48,000 $ - $ - $ - 52 Continental Trail-$318,800 $ - $ - $ - $ I 53 Sub-total of Trail Projects $ 48,000 $ - $ - $ - 54 �\ 55 Joint Use Projects: 56 Parking Lot CMS $ 70,000 $ - $ - $ - 57 Added as of 10/97: 58 Soccer Practice Fields $ 6,000 $ - $ - $ - 59 F#1 -Softball Lights $ 45,000 $ - $ - $ - 60 Equipment $ 5,000 $ - $ - $ - 61 Signage-All Parks i_ $ 7,000 $ - $ _~$ - 62 Sub-total of Joint-use Projects $ 133,000 $ - $ - $ - 63 - --- 64 Bicentennial Park-Phase I: 65 North Berm construction $ - $ - $ - $ - 66 Site Development $ 125,225 $ - $ - $ - 67 Landscape/Irrigation $ 70,000 $ - $ _ - $ —--- ---- - ------- 68 1/2 mile Trail-loop road $ 56,201 $ - $ - $ - 69 Hockey Rink with lights $ 195,320 $ - $ - $ - 70 Parking(100 spaces) $ 112,716 $ - $ - $ • - 71 Teen Area-2 Basketball, 3 Sand Volleyball $ 72,750 $ - $ - $ - Prepared 12/12/97, 9:38 AM Page 2 of 4 L:\finance\spdc\SPDC1197.XLS Southlake Parks Development Corporation , FY1997-98 Capital Projects Budget Presented October 20, 1997 A B D E F H 1 (prelim.-unaudited) 2 Actual Actual Contracts/Amounts 3 FY1997-98 Transactions Transactions Under Consideration 4 Adopted Fiscal Year To Date Project To Date(1) but not approved --- ---- --- ---- 5 Budget Oct 1,97-Sep 30,98 as of Sep 30,98 by SPDC(2) 72 8 Tennis Courts, lighting, sidewalks(prey appr 12 Tennis Courts) $ 346,300 $ - $ $ - 73 restroom/storage $ 120,000 $ - $ - $ - 74 Tennis Facility w/meeting space/Pro Shop; irrigation, lighting(2k sf $ 290,750 $ - $ - $ 75 Design/Contractor/Contingency $ 520,974 $ 10,052 $ 28,250 $ - 76 Sub-total of Phase I-Bicentennial Park(design approved 9/29/97) $ 1,910,236 $ 10,052 $ 28,250 $ - 77 78 Bicentennial Park-Additional Improvements approved from FY1997-98 budget: 79 Fence Extension Adventure Alley $ 5,000 $ - $ - $ - 80 Resod Field#2 $ 14,000 $ - $ - $ - 81 Road Patching $ 5,000 $ - $ - $ - 82 Fences-Fields#4&#5 $ 16,805 $ - $ - $ - 83 Field#3-lights $ 40,000 $ - $ - $ - \` 84 Sub-total-Bicentennial Park/additional improvements $ 80,805 $ - $ - $ - V 85 - - 86 87 - -- 88 —89 Bob Jones Park-Phase I: _ $ 1,500,235 $ - $ - $ - 90 Grading/Berm(awarded 8/97) $ - $ - $ 330 $ - 91 Planning and Construction-35% $ - $ 86,517 $ 200,596 $ - - 92 Parking $ - $ - $ - $ - 93 Fence — _ $ - $ - $ - $ - 94 11 Soccer Fields w/o lights $ - $ - $ - $ 95 Sub-total of Phase I-Part A-Bob Jones Park $ 1,500,235 $ 86,517 $ 200,926 $ - 96 97 Bob Jones Park-Phase I-Part B with Grant:($250,000) $ - $ - $ - $ - 98 3 Soccer Fields w/o lights $ 93,000 $ - $ _- - $ - 99 15 Picnic Tables w/grills(15 in Phase II) _ $ 19,250 $ - $ - $ - 100 Site Plan $ 9,000 $ - $ _ - $ - 101 Fishing Dock(50%of budget) $ 19,250 $ - $ _ - $ 102 Hike&Bike Trail $ 128,000 $ - $ - $ _ - 103 Playground(50%of budget) $ 96,000 $ - $ - $ - 104 Practice Fields(50% of budget) $ 19,250 $ - $ - $ - Prepared 12/12/97, 9:38 AM Page 3 of 4 L:\finance\spdc\SPDC1197.XLS r Southlake Parks Development Corporation FY1997-98 Capital Projects Budget Presented October 20, 1997 ' A B D E F H 1 (prelim.-unaudited) 2 Actual Actual Contracts/Amounts 3 FY1997-98 Transactions Transactions Under Consideration 4 Adopted Fiscal Year To Date Project To Date(1) but not approved 5 Budget Oct 1,97-Sep 30,98 as of Sep 30,98 by SPDC(2) 105 _Pavilion $ 85,000 $ - $ - $ - 106 Cultural Resource Survey $ 20,000 $ - $ - $ - 107 Planning and Construction Fees $ 45,500 $ - $ - $ - 108 Restroom/Concession$250,000(in addition to grant money) $ - $ - $ - $ - 109 Sub-total of Phase I-Part B with Grant(required expenditure of grant) $ 534,250 $ - $ - $ - 110 111 Bob Jones Park-Phase II with Grant(need to do in Fall 1998-$500,000): 112 Practice Fields(50%of budget) _ $ - $ - $ - $ - 113 Playground(50%of budget) $ - $ - $ - $ - 114 15 Picnic Tables w/grills $ - $ - $ - $ - 115 Fishing Dock(50%of budget) $ - $ - $ - $ - 116 Fishing Pond $ - $ - $ - $ - N. 117 Day Camping Facilities $ - $ - $ - $ - �� 118 Amphitheater $ - $ - $ - $ 119 Signage _ $ - $ - $ - $ 1 120 Lighting Soccer Fields $ - $ - $ - $ - V 121 Loop Road-$500,000(in addition to grant money) $ - $ - $ - $ - 122 Planning and Construction $ - $ - $ - $ - 123 Sub-total of Phase II with Grant(required expenditure of grant) $ - $ - $ - $ - • 124 125 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 8,104,450 $ 107,572 $ 1,734,187 $ - 126 127 (1) EXCLUDES PROJECTS COMPLETED IN FISCAL YEARS 1994-95 AND 1995-96 _ 128 (2) Bond sale proceeds anticipated FY1997-98 @ Bob Jones Park 37 acres @$16,800 per acre=$621,600 • Prepared 12/12/97, 9:38 AM Page 4 of 4 L:\finance\spdc\SPDC1197.XLS • SOUTHLAKE PARK DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Capital Projects Status Report December 15, 1997 BICENTENNIAL PARK Land Acquisition - S1,100,000 (Budget) Status: The Brunson Condemnation Hearing was held April 24, 1997. The commission awarded the owner S847,000. On May 13, the Brunson's filed an appeal of the ruling. A countersuit trial has been scheduled for April 6, 1998. Phase II construction - $1,900,000 (Budget) Design - Phase II Contract Began: June 17, 1997 Estimated Completion of Design: September 1997 Consultant: MESA Design Group Status: Design layout and budget were approved by SPDC on Sept. 29, 1997. MESA is preparing bid documents for consideration by SPDC in January. Adventure Alley Fence Extension - $5,000 (Budget) Status: Fence to be installed after completion of grading. Estimated construction date is June 1998. Grass Sod Field 2 - S14,000 (Budget) Status: Grass to be installed during the month of June 1998. Entrance Road Repair- $5,000 (Budget) Status: Pending. Ballfield Fence(Fields 4, 5) - $16,805 (Budget) Status: Plan to bid in December 1997. Softball Field 3 Lights - $40,000 (Budget) Status: Plan to bid in December 1997. /3-I BOB .LOVES PARK Land Acquisition - $1,200,000 (Budget) Status: Progressing well through the City Manager's Office. Updated map of status will be distributed to SPDC December 15. 1997. Phase I construction - $1,500,235 (Budget) Design - Phase I Contract Began: March 18, 1997 Consultant: Cheatham and Associates Completed: June 1997 Contractor: James Arnold Construction Began: August 29, 1997 Completion of Construction (Phase I): Status: James Arnold Construction has substantially completed the Phase I contract. Nature Center Planning- $20,000 (Budget) Status: A committee has formed to define the scope of the Nature Center for Bob Jones Park. The Nature Center Committee toured the site Sept. 8, 1997 with Mrs. Tucker. The committee will prepare a plan for review. Phase I-Part B construction grant request- $534,250 Status: SPDC approved phase I-b grant project on October 20, 1997 to include: a cultural resource survey, construction plans, site plan,pavilion, 15 picnic tables and grills, soccer fields, hike and bike trail,fishing dock foundation, practice ballfields, playground(50%). Formal requests and submittals are in progress to execute a lease with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and to enter into contract with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. All land acquisition needs to be completed before state will approve grant contract. All documentation must be completed prior to February 28, 1998. The cultural resource survey onsite investigation was completed on Dec. 11, 1997. A draft report in conformance with the Antiquities Code will be submitted for Park staff review prior to final acceptance. /3 7 • ISTEA GRANT - COTTONBELT HIKE AND BIKE Hike and Bike Trail Construction - $48,000 (20% of project costs) (Budget) Status: A contract is being revised with TxDOT at the request of Southlake, Colleyville and North Richland Hills. Meetings with TxDOT have resulted in construction administration being conducted by each city, and construction plans being prepared in English units in lieu of required Metric units. The cities entered into an interlocal agreement with each other to design and construct the trail under one contract with a more cost effective and efficient approach. MESA Design Group was recommended by the interviewing committee. All cities are currently reviewing the design contract with MESA. Contract to be considered by SPDC in January 1998. JOINT-USE PROJECTS CISD Parking Lot at Carroll Middle School Gym - $70,000 (Budget) Status: CISD has completed plans through Cheatham and Associates for a 50- car parking lot in front of the gym, south side facing Dove Road and east of the circle drive. Low bid was approximately$108,000. Soccer Practice Fields - $6,000 (Budget) Status: Plans are being prepared. Softball Field 1 Lights - $45,000 (Budget) Status: Plan to hid during the month of December 1997. Joint-Use Equipment- $5,000 (Budget) Status: Available as needed. Signage for all Parks - $7,000 (Budget) Status: Available as needed. Master plan signage was installed on three (3) neighborhood parks (Royal and Annie Smith, Koalaty and Noble Oaks). l3 NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS Master Planning Noble Oaks - $7,000 (Budget) Status: Design has been held pending adjacent improvements by CISD. Master Planning Koalaty- $9,000 (Budget) Status: TPM has been contacted as to the availability of survey information on Carroll Elementary. Pending their response, survey information may be requested. A Master Plan was presented to Park Board Dec. 8, 1997 but was tabled until personal notification is received by surrounding property owners. Primary elements include four unlighted ballfields and two practice soccer fields, both sized for elementary age use. One larger practice soccer field and an adult practice ballfield A trail loop is planned which would tie in with the anticipated Continental Blvd trail. Master Planning Royal and Annie Smith - S9,000 (Budget) Land Acquisition Budget- $300,000 Actual Cost- $369,120.54 Status: Conceptual plans based on preliminary feedback were presented to Park Board Oct. 13, 1997 and KISD staff Nov. 12, 1997. KISD does plan to construct a new 3,500 sf library contiguous with the southeasterly corner of the school. Traffic concerns are being addressed through a prior traffic study. Park staff will continue to make seasonal site improvements (i.e.; autumn - tree trimming) throughout the planning process. Building Inspection has reviewed the house. Foundation contractors will be contacted and asked to submit a proposal for improvements. Staff plans to present a preliminary master plan to Park Board for discussion in January. CONTINENTAL TRAIL DEVELOPMENT Planning for Continental Boulevard Trail (White Chapel to Davis) $9,000 (Budget) Design - Phase I Contract Began: April 1, 1997 Estimated Completion of Design End of September Consultant: Dunaway Associates,Inc. Status: Road alignment options are being finalized to complete construction plans. Upon acquiring all necessary right-of-way, construction to improve Continental Blvd will begin. Current funding is not available for the estimated$318,800 needed for trail construction. / J- 7 .. • MATCHING FUNDS - COMIiIUNITY CROUPS Total Budget Allocated - $100,000 Adventure Alley Pavilion by Leadership Southlake - $25,000 Consider Approval by SPDC: TBA Approved by Park Board: February 3, 1997 Status: Leadership Southlake is continuing to raise money and evaluate design options. Goal is to bid and construct the pavilion by the Spring of 1998. KSB - Waterscape Project, Bicentennial Park- $5,000 Approved by SPDC: May 19, 1997 Approved by Park Board: May 12, 1997 Status: The S25,000 project is to be located near the White Chapel entrance of Bicentennial Park and is scheduled for construction December 19, 1997. Many of the boulders have been delivered to the site. KSB has planned a volunteer day Dec. 13, 1997. Construction contract is with the City. Park staff will provide water and electrical services as discussed with contractor Sept. 12, 1997. Completion of project is estimated at two months. KSB is requesting additional matching funds of$7,000. Park Board recommended approval to SPDC on Dec. 8. SPDC will consider Dec. 15 and this item will be presented to City Council Dec. 16. 1997. T-ball Field #10 by Southlake Baseball Association - $3,850 Completed 4/5/97 Contractor: American Tennis Court Contractors Status: Reimbursement check received by SBA for $3,980.50 on Dec. 9, 1997. SPECIAL PROJECTS - RENOVATIONS OF CITY OWNED HOMES Eubank's House - $118,000 (Budget) Status: Projected completion in January 1998. RESERVE FUNDS Unanticipated Projects -$500,765 (Budget) Status: Funds remains in reserve. !3-5