1997-10-20 y
City of Southlake, Texas
Monday, October 20 1997
6:00 p.m.
LOCATION: City Hall, Council Chambers
667 North Carroll Avenue * Southlake, Texas
1. Call to order.
2. Executive Session: Pursuant to Open Meeting Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas
Government Code, Section 551.072, land acquisition.
3. Reconvene: Action necessary on items discussed in executive session
4. Approval of the September 15 and September 29, 1997 Minutes
5. Bob Jones Park Phase I - Part B with TPWD grant
6. SPDC Budget for FY 1997-98 - Capital Projects Portion of SPDC Budget
7. SPIN Summit Project
8. Monthly Financial Report
9. Status Report of SPDC Projects
10. Adjournment
I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the Official Bulletin Boards at City Hall,
667 North Carroll Avenue, and 1725 E. Southlake Boulevard, Southlake, Texas, on Friday,
October 17, 1997 at 6:00 p.m. pursuant to to Texas Government Code, Chapter 551.
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Sandra L. LeGrand =I"' '"'
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City Secretary c
If you plan to attend this meeting an iti 'isability that requires special needs, please
advise the City Secretary 48 hours in advance at 481-5581, extension 704, and reasonable
accommodations will be made to assist you.
City of Southlake,Texas
October 17, 1997
TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager
FROM: Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance
Attached is a comparison of the grant components and the proposed phasing of certain items.
Staff presented to SPDC previously the items to be included in Phase One. The Park and
Recreation Board has made a recommendation which places some of the Phase One items in
Phase Two. The SPDC Board may want to review these recommendations and discuss at their
October 20 meeting.
,5 I
Bob Jones Park Construction
TPWD Grant-Phase I and II
Staff Recommendation to SPDC Board
Compared with Park and Recreation Board Recommendation
Staff Park Board
Recommendation Recommendation Difference
Item - Phase One
Cultural Resource Survey $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ -
Construction Plans $ 18,000 $ '7 --45,500 $ (27,500)
Site Plan $ 9,000 $ 9,000 $ -
Pavilion $ 85,000 $ 85,000 $ -
Picnic Tables/Grills (#per phase) $ IV 5-' 357569 30 $ 19,250 15 $ 19,250
Soccer fields (withMithout lights) $ 93,000 without $ g5,17C. -:., with $ (35,000)
Fishing Dock t/Z 38 50 $ - $ 38,500
Hike & Bike Trail $ I 10a) $ ✓128,000 $ (128,000)
Playground (percent per phase) 100% . 'i. III 50% $ 96.000
Total Grant/City Expense 1 Z$pock,494,000 $ 530,750 $ (36,750)
Item - Phase Two -TPWD COE Lease Area
Construction Plans $ 64,000 $ / 45,500 $ 18,500
Site Plan $ 9,000 $ \/ - $ 9,000
Picnic Tables/Grills $ - $ 19,250 15 $ (19,250)
Playground $ - $ 96,000 50% $ (96,000)
Fishing Dock $ - $ 38,500 $ (38,500)
Hike& Bike Trail $ 128,000 $ - $ 128,000
Lighting-Soccer Fields $ 35,000 $ - $ 35,000 I
Practice Ballfields $ 38,500 $ 14500 $
Fishing Pond $ 102,500 $ 102,500 $ -
Day Camping Facilities $ 64,000 $ 64,000 $ -
Amphitheather $ 64,000 $ 64,000 $ -
Program Signage $ 1.000 $ 1,000 $ -
Total Grant/City Expense $ 506,000 $ 469,250 $ 36,750
Total $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ -
Parks and Recreation
Parks and Recreation Recommendation
October 13, 1997 ,€,
ITEM - Phase One TPWD Grant
Cultural Resource Survey 20,000
Construction Plans 45,500
Site Plan 9,000
Pavilion 85,000
Picnic Tables/Grills (15) 19,250
Soccer fields with Lights (2) 128,000
Hike & Bike Trail 128,000
Playground - 50% 96,000
Total Grant/City Expense 530,750
ITEM - Phase Two TPWD Grant
Construction Plans 64,000
Picnic Tables/Grills (15) 19,250
Playground - 50% 96,000
Fishing Dock 38,500
Practice Ballfields 38,500
Fishing Pond 102,500
Day Camping Facilities 64,000
Amphitheater 64,000
Program Signage 1,000
Total Grant/City Expense 469,250
GRAND TOTAL $1,000,000
City of South lake, Texas
October 17, 1997
TO: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager
FROM: Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance
Attached is the revised SPDC Capital Projects report drafted as result of the September 29
meeting. The report covers fiscal activity through September 30, 1997. Revenues and other
sources of funds are listed first. Listed below Revenues is one line item labeled "Revenues in
excess of/(less than) Expenditures". This indicates the amount of funds available that has
not been budgeted, or conversely, the amount of budget requests that are in excess of
available funds. As SPDC confirms or changes allocations at the meeting on Monday, this
number can be immediately updated to reflect the reallocated amounts. Expenditures are
grouped by type, with land acquisition the first listed.
Column D = Budget that SPDC approved in March 1997
Column E = Fiscal year to date transactions recorded in the accounting records for October
1, 1996 through September 30, 1997
Column F = Project to date transactions (may overlap fiscal years)
Column G = SPDC approved budget, contracts, and/or amounts
Column H = Contracts or amounts under consideration but not yet approved by SPDC
Column I = FY1997-98 Recommended Capital Projects Budget
Under Column I, total revenues are $7,391,621, which includes the total $500,000 grant
proceeds. Total expenditures are $7,442,600, which includes the $500,765 reserve for
unanticipated projects and $494,000 for the Bob Jones Park - Phase I, Part B with Grant. Not
included in total expenditures are funds for additional land adjacent to the Corps property
discussed with the SPDC Board. Also not included are projects that SPDC has already
completed, such as the Bicentennial Park ballfield expansion or the gymnasium at the Middle
I have asked Jim Sabonis with First Southwest Company to provide an estimate of the City's
additional bonding capacity based on the most recent sales tax collection report. It is
anticipated that this information will be available at the meeting on Monday.
Southlake Parks De lent Corporation
FY1997-98 Capi jects Budget '-
Presented October 20, 1997
A B D , E F G H I
1 (prelim.-unaudited) (prelim.-unaudited)
2 Actual - Actual Contracts/Amounts FY1997-98
3 3/17/97 Transactions Transactions Under Consideration Recommended_
4 Approved Fiscal Year To Date Project To Date(1) Approved Budget/ but not approved Budget
5 Budget Oct 1,96-Sep 30,97 as of Sep 30,97 Contracts/Amounts by SPDC(2) G+H
8 Fund Balance $ 464,656 $ 464,656 $ 464,656 $ 464.656 $ - $ 464,656
-- -----------
9 Interest Earnings $ 10,000 $ 101.806 $ 101,806 $ 10,000 $ _ 165,000 $ 176,000
10 Donations-Matching Funds $ - $ - $ - $ 3,980 $ _ $ 3,980
11 TPW Grant Proceeds $ - $ - $ - $ 500.E $ - $ 600,000
12 Operating Fund Transfer $ 590,000 $ 590,000 $ 590,000 $ 1,140,000 $ $ 1,140,000
13 Bond Proceeds $ 5,107,985 $ 5.107,985 '$ 5,107,985' $ 5,107,985 $ - $ 6,107,985
14 Total Revenue/Other Sources $ 6,172,641 $ 6,264,447 $ 6,264,447 $ 7,226,621 $ 165,000 $ 7,391,621
16 REVENUES In excess of/(less than)EXPENDITURES $ (359) n/a n/a $ 278.021 _$ (329,000) $- (50,979)
17 I
19 Land Acquisition:
20' Bicentennial Park-Brunson/Bank $ 800,000 $ 849,438 $ 849,438 $ 849,438 $ _ $ 849,438
21 Bicentennial Park-North Berm $ 300,000 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 300,000 $ - $ 300,000
22 Bob Jones Park-lots $ 1,000,000 $ 206,793 $ 206,793 $ 1,000,000 $ $ 1,000,000
23 Bob Jones Park-Tucker(trade) $ 200,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $
24 Smith Park-Joint-use/KISD $ 300,000 $ 369,121 $ 369,121 $ 369,121 $ - - $ 369,121
i 25 Sub-total Land Acquisition $ 2,600,000 $ 1,426,852 '$ 1,426,852 $ 2,518,559 S - $ 2,518,559
1 28
27 Reserve for Unanticipated Projects: $ 500,765 $ - $ - $ 500,765 $ -_- $
29 Planning Only Projects: _
30 Neighborhood Parks-(Noble Oaks,Koalaty,Smith) $ 25,000 $ 4,670 $ 4,670 $ 10,000 $ _ $ 10,000
31 Bob Jones Park-Nature Center $ 20,000 $ - $ - $ 20,000 $ - $ 20,000
32 Continental Trail(Davis to White Chapel) $ 9,000 $ - $ - $ 9,000 $ ____ - $ 9,000
33 Sub-total of Planning Only Projects $ 54,000 $ _ 4,670 $ 4,670 $ 39,000 $ - $ 39,000
34 I-- - - -
35 Matching Funds-Community Projects: ($100,000) $ 100,000
36 T-Ball Field#10-SBA(S6.141 spent no be paid by seas 3,980=$1160.50 $ - $ - $ - $ 6,141 $ - $ 6,141
37 KSB-Waterscape $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000 $ _ $ 5,000
38 Adventure Alley Pavilion($25,000 not approved) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ _ -
39 Remaining Balance $ - $ $ - $ 88,859 $ $ 88,859
40 Sub-total of Community Projects $ 100,000 $ - $ $ 100,000 $ T- $ 100,000
r 41
42 Special Project-Renovation of Senior House: $ 50,000 $ - $ - 5 50,000 $ - $ 60,E
43 Additional Funds Allocated 9/15/97 $ - $ $ - $ 68,000 $ _ $_ 68,000
44 Sub-total of Senior House Renovation $ 50,000 $ - $ - $ 118,000 $ $ 118,000 k.
46 i ,
Prepared 10/17/97,4:30 PM Page 1 of 3 L:\finance\spdc\SPDCS.XLS
Southlake Parks De nent Corporation
FY1997-98 Cap )jects Budget _
Presented October 20, 1997
A B D , E F G H I
1 (prelim.-unaudited) (prelim.-unaudited)
2 Actual Actual Contracts/Amounts FY1997-98
3 3/17/97 Transactions Transactions Under Consideration Recommended
4 Approved Fiscal Year To Date Project To Date(1) Approved Budget/ but not approved _Budget
5 Budget Oct 1,96-Sep 30,97 as of Sep 30,97 Contracts/Amounts by SPDC(2) G+H
50 Trail Projects:51 ___
ISTEA Grant Cottonbelt Trail$48,000 $ 48,000 $ - $ - $ 48,000 S $ �48. _
52 Continental Trail-$318,800 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ _ - $ -
53 Sub-total of Trail Projects $ 48,000 $ - $ - $ 48,000 $ -_$ 48,000
55 Joint Use Projects:
56 Parking Lot CMS $ 70,000 $ - $ - $ 70,000 $ -- $ _ - 70,0.00
57 Added as of 10/97: $
58 Soccer Practice Fields $ - $ - $ - $ 6,000 $ - $ 6,000
59 F#1 -Softball Lights $ - $ - $ - $ 45,000 $ - $ 45,000
60 Equipment $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000 $ - $ 5,000
61 Signage-All Parks $ - $ - $ - $ 7,000 S - $ 7,000
62 Sub-total of Joint-use Projects $ 70,000 $ - $ - $ 133,000 S - $ 133,000
64 Bicentennial Park-Phase I: ($1,250,000) __
i 65 North Berm construction $ 200,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $
66 Site Development $ - $ $ - $ 125,225 -- $ 125,225
`/�J 67 _Landscape/Irrigation _ _ $ 50.000 $ $ - $ 70,000 $ _ $_ 70,000
68 1/2 mile Trail-loop road --_ $ 60,000 $ - $ - $ 56,201 $ - $ 56,201
69 Hockey Rink with lights $ 225,000 $ $ - $ 195,320 $ - $ 195,320
70 Parking(100 spaces) $ 100,000 $ - $ - $ 112,716 $ $ __ 112,716
71 Teen Area-2 Basketball,9 sand Volleyball $ 80.000 $ _ $ - $ 72,750 $ _ $ 72,750
72 8 tennis Courts,lighting,sidewalks $ 360,000 $ - $ - $ 346,300 $ - $ 346,300
73 restroom/storage $ 175,000 $ - $ - $ 120,0001$ _ $ 120,000
74 Tennis Pro Shop;irrigation,lighting(2000 sf) $ - $ - $ - $ 290,750 $ - $ 290,750
75 Design/Contractor/Contingency $ - $ 11,180 $ 11,180 $ 520,974_ $ _ - $ 520,974
76 Sub-total of Phase I-Bicentennial Park(design approved 9/29/97) $ 1,250,000 $ 11,180 $ 11,180 $ 1,910,236 $ - $ 1,910,236
78 Bicentennial Park-Additional Improvements approved from FY1997-98 budget:
79 Fence Extension Adventure Alley $ - $ 5,000 _--- $ 5,000
80 Resod Field#2 $ - $ 14,000 $ 14,000
81 Road Patching $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000
82 Fences-Fields#4 $ - $ 16,805 $ 16,805
83 Field#3 lights $ $ 40,000 $_ 40,000
84 Sub-total-Bicentennial Park/additional improvements $ - _ $ 80,805 _- $ 80,805
87 '
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Southlake Parks De nent Corporation
FY1997-98 Cap...... .Jjects Budget
Presented October 20, 1997
A B D E F G H 1
1 (prelim.-unaudited) (prelim.-unaudited)
2 Actual Actual Contracts/Amounts FY1997-98
3 3/17/97 Transactions Transactions Under Consideration Recommended
4 Approved Fiscal Year To Date Project To Date(1) Approved Budget/ but not approved Budget
5 Budget Oct 1,96-Sep 30,97 as of Sep 30,97 Contracts/Amounts - by SPDC(2) G+H
- --- ---
— — — —
90 i.3ob Jones Park-Phase I: $ 1,500,235 $ - $ - $ 1,500,235 $ - $ 1,500,235
91 Grading/Berm(awarded 8/97) $ - $ 330 $ 330 $ - $ - $
92 Planning and Construction-35% $ - $ • 70,989 $ 70,989 $ - $ - $ _____ -
93 Parking $ - $ - $ - $ - $ — $
94 Fence $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -_$ -
95 11 Soccer Fields w/o lights $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $_ -
96 Sub-total of Phase I-Part A-Bob Jones Park $ 1,500,235 $ 71,319 $ 71,319 $ 1,500,235 $ - $ 1,500,235
98 Bob Jones Park-Phase I-Part B with Grant:($250,000) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 494,000 $ 494,000_
99 3 Soccer Fields w/o lights $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ -
100 30 Picnic Tables w/grills $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
101 Fishing Dock $ - $ - $ - $ - $ _ _ $ __-- _
102 Playground $ - $ _ - $ - $ - $ - $
j 103 Pavilion $ - $ - $ - $ _ _ $ -- $
104 Cultural Resource Survey $ - $ - $ - $ - $ _— $
Nk105 Planning and Construction Fees(40%) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $
106 Restroom/Concession$250,000(in addition to grant money) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ _ - $
107 Sub-total of Phase I-Part B with Grant(required expenditure of grant) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 494,000 $ 494,000
110 Bob Jones Park-Phase II with Grant(need to do In Fall 1998-5500,000):
111 Hike&Bike Trail $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
112 Practice Fields $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
113 Fishing Pond $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
114___ Day Camping Facilities $ - $ $ - $ - $ - $ -
115 Amphitheater $ - $ $ - $ - $ $ -
116 Signage - — $ - $ - $ - $ $ --_--- $ -
117 Lighting Soccer Fields $ - $ $ - $ - $ -
118 _$ -
Loop Road-$500,000(in addition to grant money) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ _ $ -
119 Planning and Construction(40%) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
120 Sub-total of Phase II with Grant(required expenditure of grant) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
123 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 6,173,000 $ 1,514,021 $ 1,514,021 $ 6,948,600 $ 494,000 $ 7,442,600
-- --- —
124 I • — —
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1996-97 collected budget balance
budget to date balance percent
S2.100.000 S1.931,017 5168.983 8.05%
YEAR % Inc YEAR % Inc YEAR %Inc YEAR % Inc YEAR %Inc
MONTH 92/93 -Dec 93/94 -Dec 94/95 -Dec 95/96 , -Dec 96-97 -Dec
October S50,956 9.0% $99,408 95.1% 589,951 -9.5% $128.689 43.1% 5161,892 25.8%
November 42,126 50.8% 50,623 20.2% 52,099 2.9% 111,917 114.8% 135,367 21.0%
December 33,850 1.7% 70,155 107.3% 67,243 -4.2% 103,975 54.6% 115,084 10.7%
January 67,713 69.2% 106,541 57.3% 95,687 -10.2% 140,362 46.7% 198,873 41 7%
February 39,351 -1.9% 57,839 47.0% 68,015 17.6% 95,269 40.1% 125,671 31.9%
March 44,176 17.8% 59,378 34.4% 56,600 -4.7% 103,163 82.3% 104,733 1.5%
April 68,664 19.3% 87,438 27.3% 88,212 0.9% 137,030 55.3% 182,384 33.1%
May 54,623 33.2% 58,291 6.7% 81,109 39.1% 109.371 34.8% 152,577 39.5%
'first month of 1/2 cent sales tax
June 52,027 20.7% 59,577 14.5% 83,253 39.7% 112,317 34.9% 171,813 53.0%
July 80,567 56.9% 94,157 16.9% 135,187 43.6% 179,803 33.0% 223,854 24.5%
August 48,290 0.9% 58,980 22.1% 109,584 85 8% 132,367 20.8% 184,851 39.7%
S-- -ber 54.395 27.3% 75.228 38.3% 106.563 41.7% 122,445 14.9% 173,917 42.0%
T 5636,738 24.8% S877,615 37.8% 51.033.502 17.8% $1,476,708 42.9% S1,931,017 30.8%
1996-97 collected budget balance
budget to date balance percent
$1.050,000 $965,508 584.492 8.05%
MONTH 92/93 -Dec 93/94 -Dec 94/95 -Dec 95/96 -Dec 96-97 -Dec
October $0 0.0% $0 Na $44,975 n/a $64,344 43.1% $80,946 25.8%
November 0 0.0% 0 n/a 26,049 n/a 55,958 114.8% 67,684 21.0%
December 0 0.0% 0 n/a 33,622 n/a 51,987 54.6% 57,542 10.7%
January 0 0.0% 0 n/a 47,843 n/a 70,181 46.7% 99,437 41.7%
February 0 0.0% 0 n/a 34,007 n/a 47,635 40.1% 62,836 31.9%
March 0 0.0% 0 n/a 28,300 n/a 51,581 82.3% 52,366 1.5%
April 0 0.0% 0 n/a 44,106 n/a 68,515 55.3% 91,192 33.1%
May 0 0.0% 29,145 n/a 40,554 39.1% 54,686 34.8% 76,289 39.5%
June 0 0.0% 29,788 n/a 41,627 39.7% 56,159 34.9% 85,906 . 53.0%
July 0 0.0% 47,079 n/a 67,593 43.6% 89,901 33.0% 111,927 24.5%
P 0 0.0% 29,490 n/a 54,792 85.8% 66,184 20.8% 92,426 39.7%
September Q 0.0% 37,614 Na 53.282 41.7% 61.223 14.9% 86.958 42.0%
TOTAL SO 0.0% $173,116 Na $516,751 198.5%I $738,354 42.9% S965,508 30.8%
,5-. 10/17/97 SLSTX97R.XLS
Sales Tax Analysis
Actual Budget Budget Actual Estimated (revised-est.)
Monttl 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1996-97 1996-97 Difference Change
October 128,689 151,853 161,892 161,892 161,892 0 0.00%
November 111,917 132.062 135,367 135.367 135,367 0 0.00%
December 103.975 122,691 115,084 115,084 115,084 0 0.00%
January 140,362 165,627 198,873 198,873 198,873 0 0.00%
February 95.269 112,417 125,671 125.671 125,671 0 0.00%
March 103,163 121,732 104,733 104,733 104,733 0 0.00%
April 137,030 161,695 182,384 182,384 182,384 0 0.00%
May 109,371 129,058 152,577 152,577 152,577 0 0.00%
June 112,317 132,534 171,813 171,813 171,813 0 0.00%
July 179,803 212,168 223,854 223,854 223,854 0 0.00%
August 132,367 206,193 267,988 184,851 184,851 83.137 31.02%
September 122.445 197,970 259,764 173,917 173.917 85,847 33.05%
Total 1,476,708 1,846,000 2,100,000 1,931,017 1,931,016 168,984 8.05%
%Increase 25.01% 30.76%
Southlake Parks Development Corporation
1/2 cent sales tax
Actual Budget Budget Actual Estimated (revised-est.) %
Month 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1996-97 1996-97 Difference Change
October 64,345 75,927 80,946 80,946 80,946 0 0.00%
November 55,959 66,031 67,684 67,684 67,684 1 0.00%
December 51,988 61,345 57,542 57,542 57,542 0 0.00%
January 70,181 82,814 99,437 99,437 99,437 1 0.00%
February 47,635 56,209 62,836 62,836 62,836 1 0.00%
March 51,582 60,866 52,367 52,366 52,367 1 0.00%
April 68,515 80,848 91,192 91,192 91,192 0 0.00%
May 54,686 64,529 76,289 76,289 76,289 1 0.00%
June 56,159 66,267 85,907 85,906 85,907 1 0.00%
July 89,902 106,084 111,927 111,927 111,927 0 0.00%
August 66,184 103,097 133,994 92.426 92,426 41,569 31.02%
September 61,223 98.985 129,879 86,958 86.956 42.924 33.05%
Total 738,354 923,000 1,050,000 965,508 965,505 84,495 8.05%
%Increase 25.01% 30.76%
..--� 10/17/97 SLSTX97R.XLS
1. To identify and adopt a common goal or project from the
following categories, that all organizations will get behind to
enhance our sense of community and pride in the City of
Project Categories
1. Education
1. Environment
3. Beautification
4. Recreation
2. To present a forum that will encourage community leaders to
become better acquainted with each other and with SPIN
1. Individuals present their proposal to the selected organizations
by October 1 (to allow time to review proposals and select their
2. Participants (individuals and or organizations) select the
proposal to advocate at the summit by October 15 (to allow time
to print the program)
3. Participants prepare a 3 minute advocacy presentation on why
this project best meets the goal of the summit, and how they
perceive other groups in the community might contribute to
making this a city wide project
THE PROGRAM (3:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.)
Welcome/Introduction of Special Guests
Celebrity Guest (option)
Objective of the Summit / Introductions
Summit Presentations
Define Project/Discussion
7- /
Attachment of Listed Organizations for the first SPIN Summit of Community Leaders
***It is expected that each year will involve a different list of leaders***
Erin Anderson, SYAC: Brad Bradley, Drug & Alcohol
Diane Carlysle, Chamber/Women's Division Larry Darlage, Higher Education
Gary Fickes, Sister Cities
Larry Flynn, Chamber of Commerce Vick Johnson, Park Board
Dick Johnston, Sr. Advisory Board Fred Joyce, ZBA
Buddy Luce, CISD Kosse Maykus, BBA
Bob Stith, Ministerial Association Lisa Stokdyk, KSB
Rick Wilhelm, JUC Ann Withington, Rotary
Joe Wright, P&Z David Yelton, SPDC
Paul Zigler, Lions Club
Mayor Stacy and David Baltimore, SPIN Chairman will be a part of the platform committee
and give your input to the summit deliberations. They will not, however, be advocating a
particular project. It is not known at this time if all listed organizations will send a
representative or advocate a project at the Summit.
/ r2
Capital Projects Status Report
October 17, 1997
131('F:N'l'N:\\I.V. I' kItK
Land Acquisition - $1,100,000 (Budget)
Status: The Brunson Condemnation Hearing was held April 24, 1997. The
commission awarded the owner 5847,000. On May 13, the Brunson's filed an appeal of
the ruling. A countersuit trial has been scheduled for December 1997.
Phase II construction - $1,900,000 (as amended Sept. 29, 1997-Prior bud $1,050,000 `4
Design - Phase II Contract Began: June 17, 1997
Estimated Completion of Design: September 1997
Consultant: MESA Design Group
Status: Design layout and budget were approved by SPDC on Sept. 29, 1997.
Construction documents are currently being prepared with initial emphasis being given
to grading/drainage, hockey development alternatives, and schematic architecture.
Date to bid is tentatively set for December 1997.
Adventure Alley Fence Extension -$5,000 (Budget added Oct. 1, 1997)
Status: Fence to be installed after completion of grading. Estimated construction
date is June 1998.
Grass Sod Field 2 - $14,000 (Budget added Oct. 1, 1997)
Status: Grass to be installed during the month of June 1998.
Entrance Road Repair-$5,000 (Budget added Oct. 1, 1997)
Status: Pending.
Ballfield Fence(Fields 4, 5) - $16,805 (Budget added Oct. 1, 1997)
Status: Plan to bid in November 1997.
Softball Field 3 Lights - $40,000 (Budget added Oct. 1, 1997)
Status: Plan to bid in November 1997.
13013 .10\1•:ti I' k
Land Acquisition - $1,200,000 (Budget)
Status: Progressing well through the City Manager's Office. Updated map of
status will be distributed to SPDC Oct. 20, 1997.
Phase I construction-$1,500,235 (Budget)
Design - Phase I Contract Began: March 18, 1997
Consultant: Cheatham and Associates Completed: June 1997
Contractor: James Arnold Construction Began: August 29, 1997
Estimated Completion of Construction (Phase I): October 27, 1997
Status: James Arnold Construction has progressed well through this initial phase
of construction. Earthwork completion is 98%pending final touches to the lake.
Spreading of topsoil is 65% but should be completed within the week with hydromulching
to follow. Total project completion is an estimated 90% with eight rain out days to date.
Nature Center Planning-$20,000 (Budget)
Status: A committee has formed to define the scope of the Nature Center for Bob
Jones Park The Nature Center Committee toured the site Sept. 8, 1997 with Mrs.
Tucker. The committee will prepare a plan for review.
Phase II construction grant request- $500,000
Status: A Texas Parks and Wildlife Grant was approved Aug. 28, 1997 toward
implementing:picnic tables &grills,playground units,pavilion,fishing dock and lighted
fields as designated per master plan. Formal requests and submittals are in progress to
execute a lease with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and to enter into contract with r,.
the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. All documentation must be completed prior to
March 1998.
Is I'F::A (:RANT - ('OT"l'O\111•:1. 1 II11•1.: k\l) BIKE:
Hike and Bike Trail Construction - $48,000 (20% of project costs) (Budget)
Status: A contract is being revised with TxDOT at the request of Southlake,
Colleyville and North Richland Hills. The cities entered into an interlocal agreement
with each other to design and construct the trail under one contract with a more cost
effective and efficient approach. Meetings with TxDOT have resulted in construction
administration being conducted by each city, and construction plans being prepared in
English units in lieu of required Metric units. MESA Design Group was recommended by
the interviewing committee. A design cost proposal is anticipated later this week
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CISD Parking Lot at Carroll Middle School Gym - $70,000 (Budget)
Status: CISD has completed plans through Cheatham and Assoc.for a 50-car
parking lot in front of the gym, south side facing Dove Road and east of the circle drive.
TPM has agreed to let a contract for the parking lot construction which will advertise
this week Bids will be opened toward the end of the month. Estimated completion could
be within the next six months. Improvements to the entrance loop and firelane will be
constructed by CISD during the summer of 1998.
Soccer Practice Fields -$6,000 (Budget added Oct. 1, 1997)
Status: Plans are being prepared.
Softball Field 1 Lights-$45,000 (Budget added Oct 1, 1997) Y''
Status: Plan to bid during the month of November 1997.
Joint-Use Equipment- $5,000 (Budget added Oct. 1, 1997)
Status: Available as needed.
Signage for all Parks -$7,000 (Budget added Oct. 1, 1997)
Status: Available as needed.
Master Planning Noble Oaks -$7,000 (Budget)
Status: Design has been held pending adjacent improvements.
Master Planning Koalaty - $9,000 (Budget)
Status: TPM has been contacted as to the availability of survey information on
Carroll Elementary. Pending their response, survey information may be requested.
Conceptual plans were presented to Park Board Oct. 13, 1997 and to SPIN#10 Oct. 14,
1997. Primary elements include four unlighted ballfields and practice soccer fields.
Both sized for elementary age use. A trail system is planned which would tie in with the
anticipated Continental Blvd trail.
Master Planning Royal and Annie Smith -$9,000 (Budget)
Land Acquisition Budget- $300,000
Actual Cost - $369,120.54
Status: Conceptual plans based on preliminary feedback were presented to Park
Board Oct. 13, 1997. Park staff will present plans and ideas to KISD staff and SPIN#15
within the next few weeks. Park needs will be determined and implemented as the site -
will allow. KISD does plan to construct a new 3,500 sf. library contiguous with the
southeasterly corner of the school. Traffic concerns are being addressed through a prior
traffic study. Park staff will continue to make seasonal site improvements (i.e.; autumn-
tree trimming) throughout the planning process.
CONTINENTAL Tit.kit. I)I:\ I I Ol'\i' \ 1104
Planning for Continental Boulevard Trail(White Chapel to Davis)-$9,000 (Budget)
Design - Phase I Contract Began: April 1, 1997
Estimated Completion of Design End of September..
Consultant: Dunaway Associates, Inc.
Status: Road alignment options are being finalized to complete construction
plans. A budget for the six foot trail construction was provided to SPDC Sept. 15, 1997.
This will be the first major trail project for the City since the adoption of the Trail System
Master Plan.
Total Budget Allocated - $100,000
Adventure Alley Pavilion by Leadership Southlake-$25,000
Consider Approval by SPDC: November 1997
Approved by Park Board: February 3, 1997
Status: Leadership Southlake is continuing to raise money and evaluate design
options. The project is to be presented at the SPIN Summit. Goal is for volunteers to
construct the pavilion.
KSB -Waterscape Project, Bicentennial Park-$5,000
Approved by SPDC: May 19, 1997
Approved by Park Board: May 12, 1997 ,
Status: The $20,000 project(S16,000 waterscape - $4,000 landscape) is to be
located near the White Chapel entrance of Bicentennial Park and is scheduled for
construction in December 1997. Contracts are awaiting signatures. Park staff will
provide water and electrical services to areas designated as discussed with contractor
Sept. 12, 1997. Completion of project is estimated at two months.
T-ball Field #10 by Southlake Baseball Association- $3,850 Completed 4/5/97
Contractor: American Tennis Court Contractors
Eubank's House-$118,000 (as amended Sept. 15, 1997 - Prior budget $50,000)
Status: The costs associated with this renovative project well exceeds the $50,000
allocated. In order to complete the project, volunteers and donations will be necessary.
Engineering plans are going through Planning and Zoning and then City Council for
review. The construction will begin on Oct. 25, 1997 which will kick-off on "Make a
Difference Day, " a national volunteer day.
Unanticipated Projects -$500,765 (Budget)
Status: Funds remains in reserve.
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