1997-07-14 City of Southlake,Texas SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Monday, July 14, 1997 Op 5:30 p.m. LOCATION: City Hall, Council Chambers 667 North Carroll Avenue * Southlake, Texas AGENDA: 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of the June 9, 1997 meetings Minutes. 3. Executive Session: Pursuant to Open Meeting Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.072, land acquisition. 4. Reconvene: Action necessary on items discussed in executive session 5. Consider: Award of bid for earthwork for proposed park improvements for Bob Jones Park, Phase I 6. Discussion: Bob Jones Park Phase 1 Construction Plan and Budget • 7. Discussion: Interlocal agreement for the design services contract and the construction of the Cottonbelt multi-use trail between the cities of Colleyville, North Richland Hills and Southlake 8. Discussion: SPDC Project Status Report 9 Adjournment CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the Official Bulletin Boards at City Hall, 667 North Carroll Avenue, and 1725 E. Southlake Boulevard, Southlake, Texas, on Friday, July 11, •97 at 6:00 p.m. pursuant to the ,vernment Code, Chapter 551. SOUTy AL'/I./ad/l A 14 Sandra L. LeGrand `�— City Secretary q If you plan to attend this meeting and have . .' ��_t'h.,at` rii c's special needs,please advise the City Secretary 48 hours in advance at 481-5581, extension 704, Cl/1UItuattl `,ale accommodations will be made to assist you. D:I WP-FILES ISPDCIAGENDASI97-7-I4.WPD • t 1 III SOUTHLAKE PARK DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION MEETING 667 North Carroll Avenue Southlake, Texas 76092 July 14, 1997 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: David Yelton, President; W. Ralph Evans, Vice-President. Members: Scott Martin (arrived during the meeting), Bethann Scratchard, Rick Stacy (arrived during the meeting), Pamela Muller and Ronnie Kendall. MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager; Kim Lenoir, Director of Parks & Recreation; Ben Henry, Park Plan and Construction Superintendent; Lou Ann Heath, Director of Finance; Eddie Cheatham, Cheatham & Associates (consultant); and Sandra L. LeGrand, City Secretary. Agenda Item #1. Call to Order • President David Yelton called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. A quorum was present. Agenda Item #2, Approval of the June 9. 1997 Meeting Minutes Ralph Evans made a motion to approve the June 9, 1997 minutes as presented. Bethann Scratchard made a motion to second. Motion: Ralph Evans Second: Bethann Scratchard Ayes: Evans, Scratchard, Yelton and Kendall Nays: None Abstained: 1 (Muller) Approved: 4-0-1 vote President Yelton asked to postpone the Executive Session until City Manager Curtis Hawk arrived. Agenda Item #5. Consider: Award of Bid for Earthwork for Proposed Park Improvements for Bob Jones Park. Phase I (Tape section 44) • Kim Lenoir presented the bid tabulation for the project which is attached to the minutes. The unit • costs are detailed in the tabulation sheet and indicate that James Arnold Construction Company is the low bid at $368,718. Ms. Lenoir noted that this bid allows for a savings in the budget for this project. She also noted that Arnold Construction is a local company, has done work previously for the City and has a good track record. Having no further discussion, Bethann Scratchard made a motion "that we approve the award of the bid for earthwork at the Bob Jones Park, Phase I to the Arnold Company." The motion was seconded by Pamela Muller. There was no discussion on the motion. Motion: Bethann Scratchard Second: Pamela Muller Ayes: Evans, Scratchard, Muller, Yelton and Kendall Nays: None Approved: 5-0 vote Rick Stacy arrived at 5:35 p.m. Agenda Item #6. Discussion: Bob Jones Park Phase I Construction Plan and Budget (Tape Section 101) S Kim Lenoir explained the hand out, Bob Jones Park Construction Phase I, July 10, 1997 sheet (attached to minutes). It was noted that the project is now $114,654 under budget at this point in the process. She said the plan is to bid Phase I-B, the construction which is currently being designed by Cheatham& Associates, in November. Phase I is split into two parts, A and B. Part A of Phase I is the grading plan and Part B of Phase I is the turf and irrigation. David Yelton asked, "Where do we stand with different estimates on parking solutions?" Eddie Cheatham of Cheatham and Associates, responded that they are still looking at alternatives and are open to suggestions. Some of the options explored are an asphalt pavement or a gravel surface. He asked if there were other options they wanted to look at in view of the concern by some members at the cost of asphalt paving. Mr. Yelton responded that he personally would like staff to look into other options, rather than the expense for asphalt paving the parking lot. Ben Henry, the Park Planning & Construction Superintendent, reported on the landscaping ordinances and parking lot requirements. He said that Section 35-2 of the Zoning Ordinance states that an "all weather" surface is required for all parking lots. It was determined that gravel would qualify as there had been previous discussions where it was concluded that gravel was considered an "all weather" surface. Mr. Cheatham said gravel would be approximately one-third the cost of a asphalt-paved surface. Mr. Yelton mentioned that there had been discussion of whether pavement would always be desired for that location as the Park Master Plan may change or evolve. SSPDC Minutes -- Regular Meeting on July 14, 1997 Page 2 of 6 • Mr. Cheatham recommended that the parking lot be bid for paving with stone as an alternate. When the bids are tabulated, SPDC would then have more definite cost for each option. The bid would be put out late October with a target bid opening date in early November. Rick Stacy suggested that options for curbing be added as an alternate to the bid. Mr. Yelton commented that his main concern is having grass on the fields -- not paving on the parking lot. He said he believes the estimate on turf grass is a little light. The turf grass will be included as part of the bid and therefore a better cost will be available at the time the bids are opened. Staff is working with the Soccer Association to get their recommendation as to which fields will be needed immediately and which can be sprigged. Cheatham will prepare the bid proposal with the alternatives mentioned by committee members and will bring it back to SPDC before it is advertised for bid. Scott Martin joined the committee at 5:40 p.m. Although Item#5, awarding the bid for earthwork at Bob Jones Park, had been discussed earlier by SPDC members, Scott Martin related information to the members about the procedure used by the City of Colleyville recently and their success with the procedure. Colleyville waited a long time after sodding to make sure that the fields were able to withstand the heavy traffic before play was allowed on the fields. Mr. Martin said the City of Southlake needs to make sure the fields are not played upon too soon and thus destroy the turf. Ms. Lenoir said Colleyville sprigged their • soccer fields and then waited an entire year for play and that is the recommended procedure with that type of method. She said, however, that with sod, the procedure can be sped up. They recommend the fields be sod in May with play beginning in August, thus having the summer to establish the root system. Returning to discussion of Item#6, construction of the parking lot at Bob Jones Park, Mr. Yelton asked Scott Martin to reiterate the alternatives he had mentioned at the last meeting. Mr. Martin said one alternative was using recycled asphalt shingles, which are an all-weather material and does not create mud except from blown-on dust. The other alternative was pierced pavers, which would allow plugging of grass and drainage through it -- it would not be 100% impervious so there would not be the maximum amount of run-off to contend with. Mr. Martin said the pierced pavers are probably not likely due to the expense, but he does favor the shredded, recycled asphalt shingles. There was no further discussion of Item #6. Agenda Item #7. Discussion: Interlocal agreement for the design services contract and the construction of the Cottonbelt multi-use trail between the cities of Colleyville. North Richland Hills and Southlake (Tape section 382) • SPDC Minutes -- Regular Meeting on July 14, 1997 Page 3 g of 6 4 . • Ms. Lenoir reported an agreement is being developed between the three cities, Colleyville, North Richland Hills and Southlake, and the three will have a meeting later this week to determine areas of responsibility for each entity. The amount of trail to be constructed in each of the cities is broken down in percentages of: North Richland Hills - 58%, Colleyville - 41% and Southlake - less than 1%. Mr. Yelton joked that Southlake would furnish the pen that signs the deal! Ms. Lenoir said the City of Grapevine has completed their design phase and has already started construction of their portion. Grapevine builds the trail to Brumlow where the City of Southlake picks it up and carries it over Big Bear Creek to the City of Colleyville's portion. From there it goes down to North Richland Hills. The entire design needs to be done by a single firm and the project bid as one project. Ms. Lenoir said the point of contention is, when it goes under construction, who will inspect what and when. The agreement will be brought back to SPDC at their next meeting once those issues are worked out. There was no further discussion of Item #7. Agenda Item #8, Discussion: SPDC Project Status Report (Tape section 462) • Mr. Yelton referred to the SPDC Capital Projects Status Report dated July 8, 1997(attached to the minutes) report and stated this is the report the committee had requested on a monthly basis. Bob Jones Park - Land Acquisition - $1.200.000 Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager, called attention to the map of the West Beach Addition which was included in the member's packets. A copy is attached to the minutes. Ms. Yelverton explained the update of the lot acquisitions. She reported that the properties shown in white speckles, the private-owned properties, are being worked on by the City at a constant pace. These properties represent about 10.9% of the acquired land based on total acreage of the Addition. Ms. Yelverton said that efforts are concentrated on the lots which will be impacted by Phase I of the development and reported that the Ghostrider's property is at the title company, which was a major accomplishment. Staff is focusing on the Patrick property, which should put the project in very good shape by the time of construction. The committee discussed some of the issues of the properties under condemnation and the status of the streets in the area. Bob Jones Park - Nature Center Planning - $20,000 Scott Martin reported this project had to be put on hold temporarily. Ronnie Kendall asked if the grant request for Phase II construction was a matching grant and if that means they can apply some money that has already been spent, that would be shown on the goals of the application, or do they have to provide additional funds to match it? Ms. Lenoir IIISPDC Minutes -- Regular Meeting on July 14, 1997 Page 4 of 6 • explained that a lot of the planning and design money is matchable, actual construction dollars are matchable, but not any earlier spent dollars. Ms. Lenoir said, "If the grant is approved the first of September, we sign a contract with the next phase of construction -- like the November bid -- that could be matchable." She said with a grant, you spend the money, then are reimbursed 50% of money as it is spent over the three year period. Rick Stacy mentioned the Fechtel house and the fact that the City's Fire Department would like to use the house in a firefighting exercise (which would burn the house down). If the house is to be moved to the Bob Jones Park area, it needs to be worked out pretty soon with the Southlake Historical Commission so it can be moved prior to the Village Center's ground breaking in September. Neighborhood Parks - Master Planning Noble Oaks - $7,000 Fence clearing and tree services are completed. Ms. Lenoir said several trees were pruned and some dead trees, stumps, and underbrush were removed. The fences on Carlisle and Continental were removed. Mr. Martin commented that this location is excellent for a park and is within walking distance to many residents. Scott Martin brought up agenda item #6, and mentioned that since it was under the budgeted amount, perhaps there would be funds available for parking lot islands and landscaping. He asked • if we would comply with the City's ordinances pertaining to parking lots. Rick Stacy explained that it depends on the method of surfacing used on the parking lot as to whether landscaping/islands can be added. The bid proposal will include several options which will give the SPDC a better idea of actual costs for each surfacing method and will be considered again at the next SPDC meeting. The committee may want to consider the option of putting trees along the parking lot perimeter (end island conglomerate) in lieu of islands if gravel is used, which would accommodate the City's ordinance. Matching Funds - Community Groups - Adventure Alley Pavilion Ms. Lenoir said this project has stalled but efforts are being made to raise money. Rick Stacy asked that the Park Board bring any suggestions regarding the matching funds projects to the SPIN Summit to be held in October or November. SPIN is hoping to procure a project at the Summit that they can focus on, such as Adventure Alley. It will be an opportunity to involve more people. Agenda Item #3. Executive Session: Pursuant to Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.072, land acquisition. (Tape section 802) • SPDC Minutes -- Regular Meeting on July 14, 1997 Page 5 of 6 • President Yelton advised that SPDC would be going into executive session pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.072, for the purpose of land acquisition. SPDC adjourned for executive session at 5:58 p.m. SPDC returned to open session at 6:15 p.m. Agenda Item #4, Reconvene: Action Necessary/Executive Session As a result of the executive session, Ronnie Kendall made a motion that "we authorize the City Manager to enter into negotiations with Marilyn Tucker regarding the trade of her property for land owned by the City." Bethann Scratchard seconded the motion. Discussion of the motion continued. Scott Martin asked if the motion should request that the city staff bring the contract for sale rather than negotiations, since the City has already negotiated? Since negotiations have been had with Ms. Tucker, a contract will be entered into. Ms. Kendall amended the motion to change the wording "negotiations" to "a contract." The amended motion was seconded again by Bethann Scratchard. There was no further discussion of the motion. Motion: Kendall Seconded: Scratchard Ayes: Martin, Scratchard, Yelton, Muller, Evans, Kendall and Stacy Nays: None Approved: 7-0 Further business before SPDC Lou Ann Heath handed out the updated current sales tax receipts sheet (attached to minutes) which shows receipts were up 53% over last year's receipts at this time. She pointed out that the next three months will see Home Depot's receipts, and that the report shows that the City is approximately $60,000 ahead of that estimated in the SPDC budget. The next SPDC meeting will be August 18, 1997 at 6:00 p.m. Agenda Item #9. Adjournment A motion was made by Ralph Evans and seconded by Sc n t d'o eeting at 6:30 p.m. Outti►fik,David elto , resident AT .444441. Sandra L. LeGrand _� s _ City Secretary •r 1 D:\WP-FILES\SPDC\MINUTES\97-7-14. • SPDC Minutes -- Regul Mingg``Ouly 14, 1997 Page 6 of 6 uuuu BOB J(.,...5 PARK, PHASE I - EARTHWORK .1013 NO. 001-938 - CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES BID TABULATION SHEET 1 OF 2 OWNER: CITY OF SOII-FI ILAKI: JAMES ARNOLD CONST I.II LACY COMPANY 110 PAVING Mli I ROI'LEX EXCAVATING P 0 BOX 92877 P O BOX 541297 P 0 BOX 59934 I'(1 BOX 129 JOB TITLE: PROPOSED PARK IMPROVEMENTS FOR SOUTIILAKE,TX 76092 DALLAS,TX 75354 DALLAS,TX 75229 LI'WISVILLE,TX 75067 13013 JONES PARK, PI IASE I -EARTHWORK PIIONE 817/872-3822 PI IONE 214/357-0146 PHONE-: 972/869-2971 PIIONE 972/221.4561 JOB NO: 001-938 FAX 817/872-4791 FAX 214/350-0662 FAX 972/869.9757 I AX 972/420-0267 AMT IIID $369.71800 AMT 1311) 3378.18800 AMT 13111 3415.05250 AM1 BID 5438.931 00 1311) DATE:: 111I.Y 9, 1997 ITEM PLAN UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY. PRICE COST PRICE COST PRICE COST PRICE COST 1 Unclassified"on-site"excavation to lines&grades C.Y. 111,750 2.10 $234,675.00 1 44 $160,920 00 1 87 $208,972.50 2 40 $268,200 00 2 F& I comp. "on-site"embankments C.Y. 103,260 0.15 $15,489.00 1 10 $113,586.00 0 75 $77,445.00 0 35 $36,141 00 3 F& I safety barrier around perimeter of 5 01 acre pond L.F. 2,200 9 00 $19,800.00 4.50 $9,900.00 4 00 $8,800 00 4 50 $9,900 00 4 F& 118"Class RCP culvert for crossing of swale"A" L.F. 24 45.00 $1,080.00 47.00 $1,128.00 28 00 $672.00 37 50 $900 00 5 F& 118"Class RCP culvert for crossing of swale"B" L.F. 24 45.00 $1,080.00 47.00 $1,128.00 28.00 $672 00 37.50 $900 00 6 F& 118"Class RCP culvert for crossing of swale"C" L.F. 24 45.00 $1,080.00 47.00 $1,128.00 28.00 $672 00 37 50 $900 00 7 F& 118"Class RCP culvert for crossing of swale"D" L.F. 24 45.00 $1,080.00 47.00 $1,128.00 28.00 $672.00 37 50 $900.00 8A F& 118"Class RCP culvert ot7 south entract to park L.F. 68 45.00 $3,060.00 47.00 $3,196.00 28.00 $1,904 00 37.50 $2,550 00 8B F& I end treatment at end of 18"pipe culvert EA. 2 1100.00 $2,200.00 1100.00 $2,200.00 800.00 $1,600.00 750.00 $1,500.00 9 F& 112"thick"rock rubble"non-cemented rip-rap S.F. 600 7.00 $4,200.00 4.00 $2,400.00 3.30 $1,980.00 7.00 $4,200.00 10 F& I 3"dia. PVC Spec. C900, DR-18 water line L.F. 700 11.00 $7,700.00 11.00 $7,700.00 23.75 $16,625.00 9.00 $6,300.00 11 F& I 3"tapped connection to existing 12"water line L.S. 1 27.00 $2,700.00 2750 00 $2,750.00 4260.00 $4,260.00 2000.00 $2,000 00 12 F& I 2"flush valve assembly EA. 1 600.00 $600.00 550.00 $550.00 1122.00 $1,122.00 400.00 $400.00 13 F& I necessary hydro-mulching on all disturbed areas _ L.S. 1 59200.00 $59,200.00 58652.00 $58,652.00 75000.00 $75,000.00 90000.00 $90,000.00 14 Trench safety L.F. 164 3.50 $574.00 3.00 $492.00 4.00 $656.00 10.00 $1,640.00 15 Erosion control L.S. 1 15200.00 $15,200.00 11330.00 $11,330.00 14000.00 $14,000.00 12500.00 $12,500.00 TOTAL AMT. BID(ITEMS 1-15) $369,718.00 $378,188.00 $415,052.50 $438,931.00 t IrJI'W t%outhiakc\9)Ntitu1:1.i1'.Bol,lours I'.uk MO BOB JONES PARK, PHASE I - EARTHWORK JOB NO. 001-938 r - CHEATHAM & ASSOCIATES BID TABULATION SHEET 2 OF 2 OWNER: CITY OF SOUI'HLAKE BEAVERS CONSTRUCTION EARTH BUILDERS (Bidder Name) (Bidder Name) P O BOX 149 7200 GOLF CLUB DR,N 102 (Street Address) (Street Address) JOB TITLE: PROPOSED PARK IMPROVEMENTS FOR BOWIE,TX 76230 IF WORTH,TX 76179 (City.State,Zipcode) (City,State,Zipcodc) BOB JONES PARK,PI IASE I -L•AR'IIIWORK PHONE 817/872-3822 PHONE 817/236-4135 Phone Phone JOB NO: 001-938 FAX 817/872-4791 FAX 817/236-4135 Fax Tax AMT BID S458.577 80 AMT lilt) $461,680 00 Anti Bid SO 00 Awl Bid SO 00 BID DAIi';: JUI.Y 9, 1997 I I tM W. ` UNI UN!T UNIT UNIT NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY. PRICE COST PRICE COST PRICE COST PRICE COST 1 Unclassified"on-site"excavation to lines&grades C.Y. 111,750 1.36 $151,980.00 1.30 $145,275.00 $0 00 $0 00 2 F& I compacted"on-site"embankments to lines C.Y. 103,260 1.93 $199,291.80 1.85 $191,031.00 $0 00 $0 00 3 F& I safety barrier around perimeter of 5.01 acre pond L.F. 2,200 3.75 $8,250.00 2.90 $6,380.00 $0 00 $0 00 4 F& I 18"Class RCP culvert for crossing of swale"A" L.F. 24- 26.00 $624.00 25.00 $600.00 $0.00 $0 00 5 F& 118"Class RCP culvert for crossing of swale"B" L.F. 24 26.00 $624.00 25.00 $600.00 $0 00 $0 00 6 F& 118"Class RCP culvert for crossing of swale"C" L.F. 24 26.00 $624.00 25.00 $600.00 $0 00 $0.00 7 F& 118"Class RCP culvert for crossing of swale"D" L.F. 24 26.00 $624.00 25.00 $600.00 $0.00 $0.00 8A F & 118"Class RCP culvert @ south entract to park L.F. 68 26.00 $1,768.00 25.00 $1,700.00 $0.00 $0.00 8B F & I end treatment at end of 18"pipe culvert EA. 2 400.00 $800.00 700.00 $1,400.00 $0.00 $0.00 9 F & 112"thick"rock rubble"non-cemented rip-rap S.F. 600 2.22 $1,332.00 8.35 $5,010.00 $0.00 $0.00 10 F& I 3"dia. PVC Spec. C900, DR-18 water line L.F. 700 6.00 $4,200.00 9.00 $6,300.00 $0 00 - $0.00 11 F& I 3"tapped connection to existing 12"water line L.S. 1 1000.00 $1,000.00 700.00 $700.00 - $0.00 ` $0 00 12 F & I 2"flush valve assembly EA. 1 200.00 $200.00 500.00 $500.00 $0 00 $0.00 13 F& I necessary hydro-mulching on all disturbed areas L.S. 1 51400.00 $51,400.00 75000.00 $75,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 14 Trench safety L.F. 164 10.00 $1,640.00 6.00 $984.00 $0.00 $0.00 15 Erosion control L.S._ 1 34220.00 $34,220.00 25000.00 $25,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL AMT. BID(ITEMS 1-15) $458,577.80 S461,680.00 $0.00 ' $0.00 I P‘01.K^Sumhlakr,918'hid I.d01i.h t,,;,I'mk wh1 7-10-1997 2: 12PM FROM SOUTH_AKE PARKS REC 817 421 2175 P. 2 BOB JONES PARR;CONSTRUCTION PHASE I July 10, 1997 ITEM j 11/96 Est. 4/97 Est. Project �6/6/97 Aetnals ** Committee Budget Budget Design Budget comments Fees Grading (soccer) & Lake 239,785 -400,000 454,837 369,718 Lake was not in 1 original est. Utilities - Water 100,000 150,000 13,800 k - sewer 75,000 0 ' Puking 350,000 150,000 443,935 V 526 spaces Street 0 100,000 0 not in org. est. Drainage 0 200,000 0 ' open ditches 1 ENGINEERDiG 689,785 1,075,000 84,900- 912,572 COSTS 9.3% Restroom/Concession -250,000 250,000 0 hold for phase II Pavilion 70,000 70,000 0 ARCHITECTURE 320,000 320,000 0 0 COSTS I andse aping-Berm 135,152 135,152 20,000 landscape& -Park 95,148 95,148 95,148 turf grass Irrigation ' 180,150 180,150 180,150 ' soccer fields Fence 1 80,000 80,000 28,000 pipe rail LA COSTS 490,450 490,450 . 25,850 - 323,298 8% TOTALS 1,500,235 1,885,450 110,750- 1,235,870 Contingency- 10% [ 190,000 124,080 Total of Fees '. 164,475 110,750 Revised Budget Total 1,500,235 2,239,925 1,470,700 Revised budget estimate is S29,535 under budget **The actual and budget projections on the remainer of the project is now $114,654 under budget Agenda Item #6 ........ West Beach Addition Last Revision Date - 7/14/97 4 , \ ix .., ...., ..I2 ."Lill‘ "Vtiiiii Ltlii , f;L ' _ GOOSE CK DR iliii CMS 'Ivr Lail rj EEM EMI.U1111 OM MI 1111 00.M/1:1 1 1: 7."-:*.°.M:""."21 .. . - i, ..... 14 •Al — . .0 . issagnm 57-- ":7J 111 'I" rv! a...1.4....... E `"::::n '2.':1_ - % ., .i.'7.1 '.:" ', -1 ,. s!,` - ' - ...- . n .,.:.-;-L,.........1,:I , . -• -. LT- "' " • G -.4:-. :: . . . , • - 0 - IF.15.=1 sl E: , 1.11 C)rm.s-ir.,m :..... - , , e• >Ert;f:IM ue,_i _,WM ring .. •4/7.- _4+1 ---1 . - 8-2 arsion I-- -,1 m re.. --1 , - 1 Legend w P.7-:= Z. • - '", .:: : -- i-1E-71.7111 i'.. - t t• ,i City Owned Properties 22 lil " §IllitIL . _ ,_L-,!6-11gia-nufg_. II Appraisal in Progress 11111111111a1111111111L zr.-.i Delinquent Taxes - - -, BA It' A --"—- Under Contract iriroisonlil I PiPi:ILI!I!1 IIIIII 7, 11111;MI-2agitgillii;11111111 II Recent Purchases TROUT _-). Under Condemnation ... 111E011107:9111500,FirI I Private Owned Properties ii:mii;.., ,.....,,.. 4,......., i.)1 Percent of Acquired Land DRUM CRCLE II bipp:11 4f.4 Based on Total Acreage 111 nErinEik .4 p 7,% El 1.4% 11111115 rillik 411. = 1-7% MI s% sIL t--4. El 10.9% CRAPPE TRAL 0 2J.E. g .C.*• ill 111111:1111111111111116. Denton County - - gilligalliigiiirP Tarrant County s a- -•_I , a.....13 AtiliFfilipPV on''UM 9 IlEt 9.on= E mi El g ro + s Sca'e = 1":400 City of Southlake Public Works Department SOUTHLAKE PARK DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Capital Projects Status Report July 9, 1997 BICENTENNIAL PARK Land Acquisition - S1,100,000 Status: The Brunson Condemnation Hearing was held April 24. 1997 The commission mt•arded the owner 584-.000. The City deposited a check in this amount with the court and took possession of the property May 1, 1997. On May 13 the Brunson's filed an appeal of the ruling. A countersuit hearing has been scheduled for September 15, 1997. Curtis E. Hawk is working with the landowner behind the bank for a possible trade. Phase II construction - $1,250,000 Design - Phase I Contract Began: June 17, 1997 Estimated Completion of Design September 1997 Consultant: MESA Design Group Status: The field survey has been completed. MESA will submit the first design for the staff park development team review this week The preliminary focus will be to provide effective drainage with minimal impact to the remainder of the site. Once staff comments have been implemented, affected user groups will be notified for their input. BOB JONES PARK Land Acquisition - $1,200,000 Status: Progressing well through the City Manager's Office. Updated map of status will be distributed to SPDC July 14, 1997. The City Manager's Office is estimating the remaining cost expected to complete the land acquisition. Phase I construction - $1,500,235 Design - Phase I Contract Began: March 18, 1997 Estimated Completion of Design June 1997 Consultant: Cheatham and Associates Status: Bid opening was July 9, at 1:00 p.m. Six bids were received. Low bid was submitted by James Arnold Construction. Bid tabulations will be provided for SPDC review and consideration July 1-I. and for City Council consideration July 15, 1997. Upon staff final design review, several Phase 1 elements were selected to be omitted or delayed for Phase II, however these elements did remain in the Phase I bid package as Agenda Item #8 line items to affirm construction cost. The awarding contract may delete these elements and the associated cost from the hid total. Phase II construction grant request - S500,000 Nature Center Planning - S20,000 Status: .-I Texas Parks and Wildlife Grant was resubmitted February 28. 1997. The City will hear in late .-August if the grant funds will he awarded. A committee has formed to define the scope of the nature center for Bob Jones Park. The Nature Center Committee planned to tour the site April 11 but was rained out. The committee will reschedule the tour. .Mrs. Tucker has been asked to join the tour (part of the project may be on land she now owns that she is willing to trade). The Southlake Historical Commission is wanting to move a log cabin and the Fechtel House to this area as part of a historical village. Staff is looking into the cost feasibility and will report to the Park Board for consideration and recommendation to SPDC. ISTEA GRANT - COTTONBELT HIKE AND BIKE Hike and Bike Trail Construction - S48,000 (20% of project costs) Status: Contract is being revised with TXDOT at the request of Southlake, Colleyville and North Richland Hills, so the cities can enter into interlocal agreements with each other to design and construct the trail under one contract with a more cost effective and efficient approach. Staff is working on an interlocal agreement for the three cities to enter for the design and construction of this project. Proposals for design have been received by: Carter & Burgess Dunkin Sims Stoffels, Inc. The Landscape Alliance MESA Design Group Newman, Jackson, Bieberstein, Inc. POE and Associates Interviews will be held in two weeks in North Richland Hills. JOINT-USE PROJECTS CISD Parking Lot at Carroll Middle School Gym - S70,000 Status: CISD has completed the plans through Cheatham and Assoc.for a 50-car parking lot in front of the gym, south side facing Dove Road and east of the circle drive. TPM has agreed to let a contract for the parking lot construction. Estimated completion could be within the next six months. Improvements to the loop and firelane will not be constructed by CISD until the summer of 1998. NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS Master Planning Noble Oaks - $7,000 Status: Design has been held pending adjacent improvements. Fence clearing and tree services are completed. Regular mowing of the site is under contract. Master Planning Koalaty - S9,000 Status: TPM has been contacted as to the availability of survey information on Carroll Elementary. Pending their response, survey information may be requested. Construction to expand the parking lot has begun by CISD. Master Planning Royal and Annie Smith - S9,000 Land Acquisition Budget- $300,000 Actual Cost - $369,120.54 Status: The property was closed on June 30, 1997. A topographic survey has been received by staff. Confirmation to meet with KISD is pending prior to the new school year. Rone Engineers have conducted the soil test within the old septic field on KISD with results due back this week Access to the site is being limited to honor a grazing contract with an adjacent neighbor. The option for contract renewal is month to month. A meeting has been requested by the proposed Harrell Place development to the west of Florence Elementary to discuss drainage impacts. CONTINENTAL TRAIL DEVELOPMENT Planning for Continental Boulevard Trail (White Chapel to Davis) - $9,000 Design - Phase I Contract Began: April 1, 1997 Estimated Completion of Design August 15, 1997 Consultant: Dunaway Associates, Inc. Status: City Council approved on April 1 the hiring of Dunaway Associates, Inc. to plan the section of the off road hike and bike trail from White Chapel to Davis Blvd. This will be the first major trail project for the City since the adoption of the Trail System Master Plan. A schematic alignment has been developed. However, continued designs are pending the production of accurate field surveys. MATCHING FUNDS - COMMUNITY GROUPS Total Budget Allocated - S100,000 Adventure Alley Pavilion by Leadership Southlake - S25,000 Consider Approval by SPDC: September 1997 Approved by Park Board: February 3, 1997 Status: Leadership Southlake is continuing to raise money and evaluate design options. Goal is for volunteers to construct the pavilion during late fall. KSB -Waterscape Project, Bicentennial Park- S5,000 Approval by SPDC: May 19, 1997 Approved by Park Board: May 12, 1997 Status: KSB is working to secure additional funding. The 516,000 project is to be located near the White Chapel entrance of Bicentennial Park. T-ball Field #10 by Southlake Baseball Association - $3,850 Completed 4/5/97 Contractor: American Tennis Court Contractors SPECIAL PROJECTS - RENOVATIONS OF CITY OWNED HOMES Eubank's House - $50,000 Status: The Senior Advisory Commission has requested that the City proceed with renovating the Eubank's House for a Senior Center. The resident has vacated the site. Parks and Recreation is mowing the site. Kevin Hugman, Community Services Division Manager, will be coordinating this project. RESERVE FUNDS Unanticipated Projects - $500,765 Status: Funds remains in reserve. CITYOF SOUTHLAKE SALES TAX REVENUES 1996-97 collected budget balance budget to date balance percent $1.846.000 $1.348.395 P97 605 2 % FISCAL FISCAL FISCAL 1 FISCAL f FISCAL YEAR % Inc YEAR % Inc YEAR % Inc j YEAR % Inc 1 YEAR % Inc L__..TH 92/93 -Dec 93/94 -Dec I 94/95 -Dec 95/96 -Dec t 96-97 -Dec 'October i $50,956 9.0% $99,408 95.1% $89,951 -9.5% $128,689 43.1% I $161,892 25.8% November 42,126 50.8% $50,623 20.2% $52,099 2.9% , $111,917 114.8% $135,367 21.0% December 33,850 1.7% $70,155 107.3%i $67,243 -4.2% $103,975 54.6% i $115,084 10.7% January 67,713 69.2% $106,541 57.3%I i $95,687 -10.2% $140,362 46.7% $198,873 41.7% ;February f 39,351 -1.9% $57,839 47.0% ' $68,015 17.6% 1 $95,269 40.1% $125,671 31.9% I March 44,176 17.8% $59,378 34.4% $56,600 -4.7% $103,163 82.3% $104,733 1.5% April 68,664 19.3% I $87,438 27.3% $88,212 0.9% $137,030 55.3% $182,384 33.1% May 54,623 33.2%i $58,291 6.7% $81,109 39.1% $109,371 34.8% $152,577 39.5% - first month of 17 cent sales tax June 52,027 20.7% ! $59,577 14.5% $83,253 39.7%I $112,317 34.9% $171,813 53.0% July 80,567 56.9% ' $94,157 16.9% $135,187 43.6% 1 $179,803 33.0% $0 'August 48,290 0.9% $58,980 22.1%! S109,584 85.8% I $132,367 20.8% , $0 Septembe I 54.395 27.3% $75.228 38.3% ! 5106.563 41.7% $122.445 14.9% $Q I TOTAL { $636,738 24.8% $877,615 37.8% I $1,033,502 17.8%I$1,476,708 42.9% I$1,348,395 29.4% SOUTHLAKE PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 1996-97 collected budget balance budget to date balance percent $923 000 $674.197 S248.803 26.96% 1 FISCAL FISCAL ' FISCAL i FISCAL FISCAL YEAR % Inc YEAR % Inc YEAR % Inc YEAR % Inc YEAR % Inc MONTH ! 92/93 -Dec 93/94 _ -Dec 94/95 -Dec 95/96 -Dec 96-97 -Dec 'October j $0 0.0% $0 n/a $44,975 n/a $64,344 43.1% $80,946 25.8% November 0 0.0% I 0 n/a I 26,049 n/a 55,958 114.8% 67,684 21.0% December 0 0.0% 1 0 n/a 33,622 n/a 51,987 54.6% 57,542 10.7% 1 January 0 0.0% I 0 n/a 47,843 n/a 70,181 46.7% 99,437 41.7% February 0 0.0% 0 n/a 34,007 n/a 47,635 40.1% 62,836 31.9% 1 I March 0 0.0% 0 n/a 28,300 n/a 51,581 82.3% 52;366 1.5% April 0 0.0% 0 n/a 44,106 n/a 68,515 55.3% 91,192 33.1% May 0 0.0% 29,145 n/a 40,554 39.1% 1 54,686 34.8% 76,289 39.5% June 0 0.0% 29,788 n/a 41,627 39.7% 56,159 34.9% 85,906 53.0% i July 0 0.0% 47,079 n/a 67,593 43.6% 89,901 33.0% jinni let 0 0.0% 29,490 n/a 54,792 85.8% 66,184 j 20.8% I ' ._�._.-nbe Q 0.0% 37.614 n/a 53.282 41.7% ' 61.223 14.9% ! i TOTAL G $0 0.0% $173,116 n/a $516,751 198.5%! $738,354 42.9% $674,197 29.4% 07/14/97 SLTX97-2.WK4